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Found 1,215 results

  1. I use Bioten 10,000 mg a day..the tablets are huge so I bought a pill cutter and cut those suckers up small. So far so good. I was really worried about hair loss especially since my hair is very thin already. I take the Bioten at night. Hope this helps.
  2. Helen the Cat

    Anyone Not Losing Their Hair?

    I am just over 6 months post-op. I started noticing real hair loss at about 3 1/2 to 4 months. It got so bad that I spent hours before I would go to work trying to arrange my remaining hair to cover the really thin spots, where you could see my scalp plain as day! ( I have a LOT more sympathy for those guys who do the comb over thing now!) I finally sucked it up and bought my first wig. I LOVE it! It is SO much easier to get ready for work or to go out! And I think it looks really natural! I now have six wigs, all very similar to what my hair looked like before my surgery, but just a little bit different style from each other, and a little bit different color. A week or so ago, my husband asked if I wanted him to shave my head for me. I kept worrying about strands of my own hair slipping out from under my wig, and was self conscious about it. So he got his clippers out, and the hair is gone! I love my wigs, and think they look very natural (see my profile picture). I have been taking protein supplements since my surgery, getting well over 80 GMs of protein daily. I take two prenatal vitamins twice a day, take Biotin, use Nioxin Shampoo and Minoxidil treatment on my scalp, and still my hair fell out. So I think that some people are going to experience hair loss no matter what!. But I am firmly with Bionicbroad! I would rather be thin and bald than Fat and Hairy!!! I love my new body, and love the looks and compliments I get about how I look! (I had a guy try to pick me up a couple weeks ago when I was Christmas shopping, a First!!!) I will always take Bald and thin over Fat and Hairy!
  3. Christinamo7

    Advice - wish I'd followed

    it could be that there are a lot of different reasons regarding the hair loss. A number of years ago I went through severe emotional trauma, my son was in a mental institution and then into a group home and the state played hard ball with me, and then David and I were separated for about 6-7 months or so. maybe 9. can't really remember anymore.... it was about 18 months of HELL. anyway I lost so much hair I thought I would go bald. who knows if or what I was eating then. I could barely make it through the work day. kinda proud I survived actually. but so far since surgery, no significant hair loss. I am loosing weight at a pretty good pace I think, well over 30% of the excess at 3 months.... but not loosing crazy fast. haven't ever really had any trouble getting in my Protein or Vitamins or fluids most days. (I'm only 3 months out - a lot of people said they started loosing hair after that, so we will see) because there could be so many reasons people loose - or don't - it's not something anyone should beat themselves up over. It's not something I worry about. if it falls out, I'll whack it off and get a wig for a while. it'll grow back.
  4. Leisalips

    Kaiser -Freemont

    Vicki, Hi, and thanks for that long letter. Obviously I can't write short letters either so we are even. I appreciate all the information and absolutely amazed and excited about your success. Like I was telling you that doctor was a bummer. I was originally signed up for Gastro Bypass in 2006, had 30 lbs to lose and was to go home and work on that in order to get a surgery date. We (hubby) and I were just not comfortable with the surgery, I had told him before back when I heard Ann Wilson of Heart got the lap band done like in 2003 or 2004 that is what I wanted but Kaiser didn't offer it nor did they when I signed up this time. I went home and struggled losing (like I always do) then I got pregnant. I was ok for 3 months then had a miscarrage, had a lot of stress in my life at that time. I instantly losed 25 lbs and kept it off, I'm really good at maintaining. They called me asking if I was still interested as 6 months had passed, I said yes but I really wasn't. Then I went to my new personal doctor a few months ago, still trying to get healthy from the miscarrage, caused irregular bleeding, hair loss. She ordered blood work on me and said I need to consider losing weight. I sent her an email when I got home asking if Kaiser does lap bands and she said yes and sent my request back into Fremont. That is where I am now. My thyroid is functioning normal, it has been for 11 years now. The problem is once it needs medication to function, your metabolism just doesn't work like it once did, the doctors say it should but my experience, other people with the same problem and my books say no it does not! So I get tired of the doctors saying there shouldn't be a problem losing, even the nutritionist said she knows its harder to lose after your thyroid. So it is working, I have been stable. Now I know from my best friend having the gastro bypass that she is able to pretty much eat whatever she wants to, my other ex friend doesn't eat enough Protein and has been losing her hair. I am not worried about not having certain things, I know how to portion myself. So that's why I think the band can really work for me. I am going to take your advise with the research, with bringing in my facts, and talking to my doctor about how comfortable. I'm going to see if there is another option there for me if I decide to change doctors. You really made me feel a lot better, I really thought after talking to him that I was just going to be killing myself. Right now I've been following a 1200 calorie diet, not what they gave me, just one from Slim fast using their shakes, I like that one so far. I'm going to continue to ride my exercise bike the 3 miles a day or possibly up it to 5 miles each day 7 days a week. Some weight has to come off!! I am most defintely keeping in contact with you! Thanks for everything, you've helped me a great deal. I will keep in touch! Leisa
  5. whippledaddy

    Where are the happy bandsters?

    I'm not just happy....I'm thankful. What a wonderful tool this is. But, just like any tool it must be USED and it takes CONCENTRATION. Eat too much, too fast, and BAM!. Just like a hammer. Lose your concentration and BAM! a very sore thumb. So should I throw away my hammer? Silly. I'm down more than a hundred pounds. IF it all stopped right now I'd still be happy. It's wonderful. Now, here's something I wrote about a friend of mine. Read it and you'll know the real reason I'm happy about my band, and you'll know how I feel about UNREASONABLE worrying about complications. Look into it, yes, heed warnings, yes. Let hearing about the complications of others make your decision for you? NO. Kent: I saw an old friend today................but he didn't see me. He didn't greet me, or shake my hand, or grace my ears with his booming laugh. He couldn't. He couldn't get out of the casket he lay in. He was a big man, and it was a big casket. You see he loved to hunt, and camp, and fish, and....eat. His wife was out the other day, and when she got home, Kent was no longer in. I had known him for many years. Since Patty and I met some seventeen years ago. He always had a good word, and a smile, and a merry twinkle in his eye. His beard went white while his hair was still dark, and his laugh was so joyful, so infectious that it made Santa seem depressed by comparison. And, oh yes. He had the kindest eyes I've ever seen. When I went to my first meeting for the Lap Band Kent was there. He was just sixty years old and he was being refused the surgery because Dr. Cudjoe doesn't do them on folks over sixty. But Kent was the kind of guy who didn't fit the actuarial charts. After he met with the good Doctor it was settled.....if the insurance would cover it. He was scheduled for the surgery on three occasions, and each time the insurance fell through. He had enough money to cover the $40,000.00 that Cudjoe wanted but Kent's wife wouldn't let him rob their nest egg. So now he resides in an oversize wooden box, festooned with satin, and trimmed in death. To the insurance company, and even his wife it seems, he wasn't worth it. Yet he was shown three nights in a row. And each time it was an hour and a half wait in line to pay respects. Three days of people lined up out the door and down the block. Not worth it? How many lives like mine and Patty's were darkened by his passing? He had children who had just given him grandchildren. He had friends. Yet someone, somewhere, decided what the fat man was worth. And, yes, that angers me. But something angers me even more. Each day I read about fears on other WLS sites. Fear of complication. Sad and fearful laments "What if something goes wrong? What if I erode, what if I reject, what if I get infected?" The complications of Weight Loss Surgery. Ask Kent about the complications of NOT getting weight loss surgery. Risky? Yep, it's risky. So is apnea, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, heart attack. They seem risky too. So, you're thinking about WLS? And you're worried that something bad MIGHT happen? Well it might. BUT.........if you don't do it.......Something bad WILL happen. And I wonder something else. Could all the worry over complications be your addiction trying to survive? Could it be a subconscious stalling tactic? A tricky form of denial? I beg anyone who is wavering to think of Kent. He had no doubts. He was ready to forge ahead. He knew the risks, and he knew that SOME chance is still better than NO chance. If you have this tool at your disposal why continue to plod slowly but surely up Death's walk and to His doorstep? Turn aside, and take a chance to live. To put life in your years. Fear is the enemy. Love, Ryan.
  6. lizzie_07

    Hair loss

    I'm really worried about hair loss myself. My hair has always been my blanket. No matter how fat I was growing up, I was always complimented on my hair lol I wrote down a few suggestions mentioned on another thread. The main one that stood out to me was "biotin" (sp?) which I haven't been able to find yet. I desperately want to prevent hair loss but some say you can't.
  7. gamergirl

    Evening Primrose Oil

    I have an underactive thyroid and after much experimentation, I know that the ONLY thing that keeps me from losing my hair is EPO. It's going to be bad enough with the VSG, I want to at least minimize my thyroid-related hair loss. Only problem? My EPO pills are like horse pills. HHUUUUGGGEE! I used to worry about swallowing them pre-surgery, there's no way they're going down now! Does anyone take these and if so, what brand have you found that makes them small it effective?
  8. blondebomb

    Please Don't Tell me your Horror Story

    No complications here. No nausea, No vomiting ever, hungry sensations never went away still the same , had gerd for many yrs before and had it till about several months ago. I followed my surgeon protocol still do. It took me 4 months to get my strength back. And a good 4 months to get more then 4 bites in . swelling in tummy can take 6 months to go down. My internist said it takes 6 months for tummy to heal properly it's major surgery. No hair loss here. Wasn't problem here. It did take me a good few wks to get all my protein in. I had already made dietary changes for me a few yrs before hand so no problem there. I am 10 months po over 100 pds down. Been in a stall the past month..no worry. I stopped my nexium few months back and doing great. I pop a rolaids a few times other then that I take liquid biotin,b12, folic acid, my armour thyroid, liquid d3 and bw has been great. I see my surgeon the end of this month for chk in. Best thing I ever done! Not going to lie first month is brutal! It was for me. Went thru the normal stage of withdrawals. Crying spells bitchiness..my surgeon warned me but said if I can make it thru first month you have it made. He was right for me. Despite the feelings of what the heck have I done during that month and working thru the emotional part at 4 wks it all disappeared! I'd do it again! Benefits are huge! I'm the best Iv been since my 20s! I'm 52 this yr! ????
  9. Kaylan.brandes

    Hair loss

    I know people loose hair after their surgery but I am 4 months out and the hair loss has gotten excessive. I worry about brushing it to much because it comes out. I used to only have to clean my hair brush every 2-3 weeks. Now I clean it every time I brush it. And it's coming out in gob amounts in the shower as well. I am taking B-12, a multivitamin, calcium citrate and biotin... what else could I be taking?? I called and talked to the lady in my doctors office this morning and she said it is normal and it probably won't stop until 12-18 months out.... if you ask me I don't have that much to loose. My sister is getting married and march this year and I don't want my hair to be this thin it's gotten crazy. I actually put brown eye shadow on the hair line so it doesn't look that bad I need help with this.
  10. Bobby46

    Hair loss

    There are several articles online. Sounds like they really cant explain why some people experience hair loss after surgery like this and some don't. What I have read I doubt you will continue losing tons of hair for months on end.....I think there is a window of time when the hair loss can occur. Most seem to say it starts anywhere from 4 mths to 6mths after surgery and lasts for a few months. I know all advise is different. One thing I was told by my nutritionist is that our bodies store Protein and Vitamins...it builds up in our systems like a reserve.....so when you go without protein and vitamins like B12 and Biotin for a few weeks at surgery it will show as a loss of those essentials several weeks later when the reserves run out. Try not to worry too much....the stress cant help the situation either. I have no doubt you will be fine. I'm sure the hair loss is more noticeable to you than to others. I have thinned out a bit and to me I feel bald....to my hair dresser its hardly noticeable. My thinning only lasted about 5 weeks. Hang in there! It will get better!
  11. Roo101769

    Okay, seriously?! :/

    Ahoy matey....Ok, not funny. I too have PCOS and worry a great deal about the hair loss. ( already have lost a large amount over the years) But I will deal with it. I will also remember this post and make sure to get in at least a little fruit. Crazy how this all works! Good luck and good health!..
  12. Hi Erika, I would be worried if you weren't scared or terrified. You are taking some big steps. But, this is the one thing I know for sure, you are going to LOVE having a sleeve vs the lapband. In a few months your life will become pretty normal and you will find that your new healthy lifestyle will be be great. What you eat is important just like anything else you have done to lose weight. I ca promise you ONE thing. You are going to love the staff and Dr. Aceves. I have never encountered such a wonderful, and honestly caring doctor in my entire life---and I am 65. I only wished he could become my Primary Care Doctor. What a soft spoken, gentle man he is. And on top of that he is highly skills as a surgeon. And you wall ALL of these things when it cones to having any kind of surgery. If you have any questions I am here for you. This might be helpful for knowing what to pack when you go to Mexicali for surgery. If you have everything under control then just delete it. Here is what I took and you might want to have when you pack for the Weight Loss Surgery with Dr. Aceves. 1. Gas-X because you will have gas after the surgery and they don't have Gas-X in Mexico. They (the nurses and doctors) will ask you are you passing gas? It is nice to have this on the plane ride home too after the surgery. I bought a box (of 36 tabs) of Gas-X (thin strips) that you just put the strip in your mouth. It tastes good and it is easy to take--no Water required—nothing difficult to swallow either. 2. A comfortable bra & panties--nothing very tight (cotton is nice—what ever you like to wear) to wear home on the plane or if you want to wear these items in the hospital. Everyone was pretty relaxed with what they slept in or wore around the hospital. I didn't bring a robe at all--Just T-shirts and comfortable pants. Maybe a sweatshirt because the air conditioner makes it cool sometimes and then there are times when the air conditioner isn’t working that well. Bring some extra T-shirts in case you spill on yourself. My IV came out and I got blood on one of my T-shirts. I just washed it out in the sink and hung it up in the shower to dry. 3. Drawstring pants or pants with elastic waist—nothing tight around the middle section. I had some Nike walking pants and they were very comfortable—or short, or pants you would wear to relax in. I also had some that I wore to sleep in, walk around the hospital in and wore them home on the plane too (a pair for each day you are going to be away from home). Sweatpants work great too. I was there in Oct and so the air conditioning was going and sometimes it was cool at night when I was sleeping--so I brought some warm socks along too. But in some rooms the air conditioning wasn't working so well in their rooms and they were warmer than some of us were. If it is too warm or too cold tell one of the nurses they will help you with anything you need. They are excellent when you need something—don’t be afraid to ask. 4. A heating pad--I was so glad I had mine (someone had suggested I bring one) because it felt good on my stomach area. When my feet were cold at night I used my heating pad on my feet. Also when I was there with a friend for her surgery in April 2009 I found out at the nurse’s stations they also had heating pads—so if you don’t want to bring your own use theirs. 5. Some kind of slip on shoe for the plane ride home and something to wear in the hospital (I had some flip flops for the hospital and some clogs for the plane ride home. Flip flops didn't take up a lot of room in your suitcase. I also carried on the plane my tote bag carrying some things like, meds, change of underwear—in case my suitcase got lost, a snack so I could eat something after the tests that first day you arrive—because they will tell you not to eat a few hours before you get to Mexicali because of the tests you are going to be having upon arrival at the hospital in Mexicali. Sometimes you have to wait for everyone to have their test before they take you to the hotel and your are soooooooo hungry because you haven’t eaten anything all day long because most of us are flying into San Diego, so bring a snack that you can eat after your tests while waiting to go to the hotel. I brought along some packages of trail mix—bring what you like. 6. Only one (1) small or medium sized suitcase with wheels is really great because you will have to deal with your own suitcase at the airport (coming and going). I also brought along my laptop computer so I could stay in touch with my friends and family—I carried that on the plane too—don’t put it in a suitcase—too much stuff has been stolen out of suitcases. 7. Please be aware if you use your cell phone in Mexicali they will charge you roaming fees to CALL OUT. For me if people called me from the US to Mexicali and they were calling my Cell Phone there were NO ROAMING charges because they called me from the US. Most all cell phones work in Mexicali; I think they said Cricket was the only Carrier that they had problems with. I didn't have anyone come with me for the surgery, and they were so nice as to call someone (in the US) for me after surgery and let them know that I was doing great. I brought my own favorite small pillow with me (almost sofa size). It was nice to have it while I was in the hospital and on the plane ride home. 9. As far as money someone suggested I bring about $45.00 to $50.00 in one's so that I could have them for tipping—they all accept US money in Mexicali. I tipped Ernesto $25.00 who picks you up and takes you to the hospital, takes you to the hotel, takes you back the hospital for surgery and then back to the San Diego airport. He takes such good care of everyone and I tipped him at the end when he took me back to the airport to go home. I also tipped the hotel guys for taking my bag to my room, and when I had dinner that night at the hotel. I would also bring along a small gift for 4 or 5 nurses or give them a little cash—I understand they really don’t make a lot of money and they might appreciate the cash as a gift. I would suggest that you take enough money or Credit Card or Debit card to purchase the medication that you will need after the surgery. There is a pharmacy about 1/4 block from the hotel--anyone at the hospital will tell you where it is—it is a easy walk. The Nexium that Dr. Aceves suggests you take after surgery for acid reflux for about 3 months cost a lot less —don’t forget they will negotiate over the price of medication in Mexico –even when it is at a pharmacy-they will give a price and then ask them “if I buy 4 boxes will you sell it to me for—ask for a lower price. This medication costs a lot less in Mexicali than in the US—so don’t forget to buy it while you are there. I also bought Prilosec because some people had told me that Nexium did work for them—as it turned out I was one of those people that Nexium didn’t work that well on and so I was glad that I purchased Prilosec. 10. Do not take any jewelry with you or wear any. All I took was my watch. Leave ALL other jewelry at home. 11. Be prepared that Ernesto will be late picking you up--find a place to sit down in the baggage area where they said he would pick you up. Make sure you can see people walking in that area and he will come walking down through there with your name on a sign holding it up. He will have you back at the airport on your return trip home in plenty of time to catch your plane ride home. 12. Bring a camera along to take some pictures of yourself in the “before stage” and maybe a group picture of the other people who are going to have the surgery the same day you do. I have kept in contact with them. You will be so glad you have done this. Take lots of pictures. People really do enjoy seeing the pictures if they are considering doing this surgery. 13. Don’t forget the personal things like toothbrush, shampoo, soap that you may want to use in the shower, a razor, cream rinse for you hair—maybe a hair curler and hair dryer if you want. I don’t know if you want to bring make-up—I did, because I wanted to look ok going home on the plane. Yes, we used their water to take a shower—it is ok for showers… they do give you bottled water to drink. 14. I brought along a book I wanted to read along with my Ipod, so I could listen to my own music. You may or may not get a lot of reading done because you might want to take some nice naps too. Getting up and walking around is good for you and it makes you feel a lot better too. 15. Bring along some chap stick for your lips—they dry out and it is good to have something to put on your lips. If anyone else can add anything please jump in here and help me out! I know you are worried about a few small things and I can tell you not to worry because we all have been where you are. Just keep posting to the web site-- anything you want to say or ask. We all understand and have been where you are right now. I wish you GREAT success and it will be a life changing event and in about 2 months you will be saying the same thing too. Also Linda adds that when they make you drink the vile stuff to make sure your new stomach has no leaks don’t for get to ask for chips of ice. It numbs your taste buds because they are so cold and you can drink their YUCK stuff. She did it and it worked great for her. I didn’t know about it and I wished I would have. I think they do this on the 3 day before you go home. Suzanne This is what someone else added to what I put on my list--you never can have too much help or information I wore and underwire.....so I didn't get that message! I also brought a robe...for sure and maybe flip flops or slippers for doing lots of walking after the surgery. They give you those hospital gowns, but the day after the surgery, I was in my own pjs that were button down the front and elastic band capris...something easy to slip in and out of. Suzanne says-- I put my on PJ’5 on after the surgery when I got up to go to the bathroom. I would definitely take a comfy pillow for on the plane ride too. Just don't over pack! You will need very few things....one outfit for the day you arrive and one for when you leave and just the PJ’s for comfort. You may need to have something on the plane ride....maybe some tea from Starbucks or get some hot water and add some chicken broth to the hot water--(take Chicken broth packets from Top Ramen Noodles works great for the Chicken broth. You most likely won't be hungry at all....but just in case......a clear broth with water works. I realized that most of the stuff that I brought, I didn't even need.....so pack light! You will mostly be walking the halls of the hospital! The best of luck to you! You will do great! Hugs, Suzanne
  13. kittvalley

    Getting Sleeved In Mx!

    Im going to be sleeved in TJ MX in feb/mar, but I has started taking my Vitamins already, Biotin, D3 and 2 multi gummies. I also have started walking a lot, just to get used to the routine. I am excited too, not so much worried about the hair loss, that comes back. More excited to lose the fat that won't.
  14. suzpat

    Newbie to the 60+ group

    Thanks again! I went to a siminar last night and found the truth about the hair loss. Doctor said if you don't eat the protein advised by the doctor then that happens. If you do as told, no problem with that. Does anyone worry about care after age 65 up? From what I understand the doctors don't like to treat or operate on persons over age 65. Anyone have news about this subjuect?
  15. I don’t doubt that - I do t want to be obese anymore. But I’ve known people that have lost weight (sleeve or not) and then obsessed over their new body not being perfect. I know someone who had the skin removed and is still critical of their body but infinitely happier that they aren’t obese anymore. If that makes sense. Perfectionist, I guess. I don’t see that for myself. I am proud of my body that gave me my babies. It worked hard, lol. I’m just trying to get a hold on issues that might pop up. I sew my own clothes - but have stopped so I can save my fabric for when I lose weight - but I wonder sometimes if I wear a dress - will I need spanx? Can you just tuck the extra skin in your drawers? Lol. Is it noticeable to the rest of the world? Things like this. I also worry about hair loss but I know I won’t be able to do much about that should that time come. The other thing I wonder about is what happens after surgery the first few months when your caloric intake is like 500 calories? Do you get that low blood sugar feeling all the time? If go too long without eating I get really shaky and dizzy. Does that happen or does your body somehow adjust? I’m wondering because I will have kids to keep up with after surgery and if I constantly feel shaky that’s not going to work well.
  16. Hi guys, My hair has been falling out and thining so much I am begining to worry about going bald. Everytime I move many strands fall out. So I need suggestions tips and info on how to prevent this. I have read that biotin helps and one article about Omega 3, 6, 8 supplements. I was wondering how much most of you take of each and if there is anything else I can do. I have also increased my protein intake. I wash my hair everyday and wear a ponytail alot. Is this bad for increasing hair loss? Will my hair grow back after I stop loosing weight or is this permant? Any suggestions or tips would be greatly apprcieated. Thank you so much
  17. gottaloseit708

    I'm losing it...

    My best advice would be to get a wig now especially if your hair is prone to thinning or breakage . I have a great wig that I have been wearing for the last two weeks. I was trying to grow out my hair as it's in an awkward in between stage but also I wanted something to hide the hair loss when it does happen after my surgery on the 4th . I can now rest easy knowing that I will not have to worry about when and how bad my hair will thin. I've also been taking biotin religiously for about the last two years and I'm hoping it will help. I lost my hair after childbirth and due to chemical relaxers at least three times in the past so I'm not overly concerned about it but I have been growing my hair out ( African American natural hair) with such care for the last 15 months I really want to keep as much as I can.
  18. Indigo1991

    Bye bye hair....

    Yup, fibers seem to do the job. Google them and there are a number of companies that offer this as a treatment for hair thinning/loss. It's keratin fibers (which is what hair is made of), they are in a powder (like a dry shampoo), puff them on the thinning bits and they stick to individual hair shafts to bulk them up. It creates the impression of more hair and they don't blow away in wind or rain - they need to be shampooed out. From reading others posts, including Mykeld 2 on this thread, a good haircut can also help... fh61, we are in the same boat, my 22 year old had knee cap stabilisation surgery four days ago and I wish it was me not him going through it... He looked after me so well after my surgery, I am doing the same for him now. He was in such pain this morning that when I was showering and watching my hair disappear, it really didn't seem as important... Jen 35, the fact that you are trying not to fret about things you can't change is a great start. When I was young, i worried about everything, as I have got older, I am more selective about what gets my time and energy - and there's not much... lol!!!
  19. prettyCali916

    ...just got real!

    Everything went well. Here's an update: Day 1 - got to hospital at 7:30 and got registered and changed. Was provided a hanging garment bag for my fancy clothes (hoodie and jeans lol). Then was walked over to talk to the anesthesiologist who asked some questions. After about 10 minutes I said goodbye to my husband and I went into surgery. About 5 minutes before it was about to happen I was told I would be intubated. I didn't realize I had to be so yeah... I woke up, went to recovery and was there for a couple of hours. When my room was assigned hubby was there setting up my iPhone and tablet chargers. He was upset with them for not letting me come back from recovery sooner but they didn't have rooms. It was cool to see him standing up for me while I was so out of it. I needed to use the restroom immediately so I did and they had this "hat" thing that is in the toilet to measure your output. I guess it's really important because apparently my neighbor wasn't going at all so they had to insert a catheter in the middle of the night for her. Anyways, I couldn't talk for real because when I was intubated my throat was scraped really bad so I just wanted my meds and wanted to sleep. Hubby left and the nurses took really good care of me. I had pain meds consistently. No tablets - they were all shot through my IV. The one tablet they did give me was Levsin which is for spasms in the abdomen and it dissolves under your tongue. It really helps so ask for it! Day 2 Doc came in early with his assistant Julie and he asked if I wanted to stay a day longer and I said yeah. He said good because his patients who stay two nights at least never wind up in the ER. I was on IV the entire time except for when I wanted to walk; I had them disconnect it. He ordered a throat lozenge for my throat and had them up my pain meds. He also clarified that I was having a little discomfort swallowing because he had to put two stitches in my diaphragm because he had found a hiatal hernia. He said it would be better once it wasn't swollen anymore. He left. The nurses were great. They had ordered my clear bariatric Breakfast tray and gave me shot cups for the Protein shake. The Protein drinks used were by health wise and had 15g of protein in one. They were so fruity and good - not chalky at all so my hubby ordered some for me for home. (Since they're not going to get here till Tuesday he went to a local medical weight loss clinic and got me 8 of them to tide me over). Anyway, I had to sip the protein and Water and that's all I did for the most part. I slept and walked. Hubby came back by and brought my house shoes, my Fitbit and two comfy pillows off my bed. He hung around for a while. I passed out a couple of times. Dr. Jossart came back and gave me the script for my meds (Ativan and Percocet) and told me not to worry if i was 15lbs heavier when I got home because I had been on the IV the whole time and with that I might gain water weight staying another night. He left, after a while hubby left and then it was just me. As soon as I got my second shake down I was ready to go to bed. That's 30g of protein. Maybe 20 ounces of water. Thank God for the IV. Day 3 Woke up. Feeling the best I ever have. Was actually awake when they brought my tray and the broth was still hot so I ate half of that - went down faster than water had been. Also drank half a cup of black orange pekoe tea. That went down well too! So now I know hot things go down well for me! Julie came in and discharged me. Hubby texted he was on his way. I cleaned up, did my hair and packed up all my stuff. I had requested a fan bc my room was a little hot so when I left I had it sent over to my neighbor Mary. She was really happy to get it bc she had been warm too. I sat in the wheelchair and asked for the last pain meds for the road - they shot Toradol, meds to settle my stomach and the last of my Vitamins in my IV. I mixed up an orange pineapple shake for the road and then we left. Made it home. Immediately weighed myself for a baseline. I was 1 lb less than when I left the house. So much for gaining 15 lbs lol! Hubby helped me get in bed, he brought me water and was ready with shakes and Popsicles but I was good. I did drink a 30g protein premier chocolate shake that evening though. So I had a total of 45g and about 35 or so oz of Fluid. Almost at goal. Best I could do. Went to bed and slept like an angel. Day 4 Woke up. Feeling fine. No more bad soreness. Throat is still sore though. Got on the scale. Down another 3.6lbs! I had acquired one of those fruity shakes from the hospital so I immediately had it for breakfast. lunch - 4oz chicken broth and a sf Popsicle. dinner - premier Protein Shake. Water. Right now I'm at 16oz of water for a total of 44oz of fluid. Trying to drink maybe 4 more. Overall, I feel fine. No pain at all in my incisions. Haven't tried lifting anything and won't be trying to until I'm cleared. Hernia repair is there - can feel when I drink like its funneling things through but it lasts for like 2 seconds. The Levsin helps reduce those spasms though. All is well! Tomorrow I will try harder to actually hit my protein and liquid goals.
  20. SexySlim

    Please Help Me With My Hair Lost

    My hair started falling out heavily after about 4 months. I got worried and started taking Biotin. I only took it for a few weeks because I noticed my other hair (underarm, leg, down below) was growing back super fast and I hated it! I stopped taking the Biotin, and am just now starting to notice that my hair loss is not as severe anymore. I'm not sure if I can credit the Biotin or not because 1) I only took it for maybe 2 weeks and 2) I heard after 6 months the hair loss starts to slow down or stop and on the 28th I will be at my 6 months. I also heard that it can't be avoided, so that's another reason why I stopped taking the Biotin.
  21. It might not be an issue, but then again it might be. It really depends on if you're getting enough nutrients and the only way you'll be able to tell is if you bring this up with your Bariatric team. Bariatric surgery makes it very hard for us to get the nutrients we need for our bodies to function, things like serious deficiencies might happen which can lead to a whole bunch of health issues which can be very hard to fix, once they take hold. Getting back on track is A LOT harder than if you hadn't had the surgery, which is why we're given vitamins for the rest of our lives and we have blood tests to keep this all in check, so please chat with your provider ASAP! I have a work friend who is a little over 6 months ahead of me and she wanted to lose weight as fast as possible and she didn't take the proteins goals seriously, cut corners and a lot of her hair has fallen out to the point she's just decided to shave it all off... And that's not the worst thing that can happen from deficiencies. She's really not healthy and she hasn't sped up her loss progress that much, she's just given herself a bunch of medical issues. Being "Skinny" shouldn't really be a concern 3 months in, unless you're finding that your losses are too drastic and you're near goal, in that case, yet again, talk to your provider. Losing weight is one of the goals but you want to really do this correctly, learning why we eat, when we should eat and how much of each thing we need to eat and learning to eat for health. That's the main goal of all of this, so that once we reach 12months, 18months post op, we don't develop unrealistic diets or want to go back to our old ways and gain it all back. We want to maintain our weight losses with the new knowledge we have learnt from doing this with the help of our providers. Chat with your surgeon, chat with a dietician, if you're getting your nutrients, it's probably not going to be an issue, but the only way to really know is by reaching out and chatting to them. Usually they will do blood tests to make sure everything is okay, but if you're worried that you're not eating enough or that you're losing too fast, you really need to chat to them All the best, take each day as it comes, and don't be afraid to talk to your healthcare team, they will be able to help you with any issues you're concerned about. it's what they're there for, to make sure you reach all of your goals, safely and realistically
  22. Oregondaisy

    VGS date August 18

    okay, I will chime in here since I am very worried about my hair as well. I lost half my hair when I had lap band surgery. I can't afford to lose anymore. I have been using all the nioxsin products and it seems like it has slowed down. Plus Dr. Aceves told me to increase my zinc and I am doing that. He said hair loss has to do with low zinc levels. As for recovery from surgery, I have had dental work done that was way more painful than this. I went back to work right away. I was totally bored in the hospital for 3 days. The sleeve surgery itself is the easiest part of all of this. The liquid diet was not fun. It's not that hard, it just gets boring.
  23. feliciadawn

    Throwing Up... What Is Normal?

    Throwing up is NOT normal and you should not be doing it. It could make your band slip and ruin the whole thing. I was banded 3 months ago and haven't thrown up once (maybe i'm just lucky?) had some anti nausea meds from my doc, the kind you just put under your tongue, also I purchased some anti nausea liquid from Wal Mart, it tastes a little like liquid Jello and works great! Definitely call your doctor and have him give you some anti nausea meds though...and I don't know who wrote the post up there about suppositories, but that's just disgusting. Why would you put yourself though more uncomfortable and/or embarassing situations? Just get some anti nausea pills and you will be fine. Also, try warm chicken broth with a little cumin and lime, cumin really helps soothe the tummy. The gas can cause nausea as well, so get yourself some gas meds, Maalox worked best for me, it's great for gas, reflux, and nausea. Keep it in the fridge and it tastes a little less icky. sorry this is such a long post, but this is really important. Make sure you get what you need from your doc. I was on pain meds for about a week, anti nausea for as long as I needed ( I quit at about 2 weeks, I think) and anti reflux for three full weeks. Make sure your doctor is doing his/her job! Also, do not do sugar free anything. It makes nausea worse. I was on clear liquids for one week (no Protein Shakes, just broths and watered down juices) and then creamy liquids for two weeks. No chewing for three full weeks. I made a lot of homemade broth (mostly chicken) with garlic, basil, cumin, ginger, lime, etc, whatever I was in the mood for. Cumin, ginger, and garlic really help with nausea as well. I also ate tons of popsicles, I loved the jolly rancher ones. Some other soups I did, which made me feel like I was getting a little Protein, was bean with bacon (just the broth) and split pea, I watered them down and ate just the broth. Good luck! I hope you feel better! I'm down 45 lbs since surgery 3 months ago, haven't had a fill yet, and have never worried about sugar free anything..the chemicals will just make you sick. Also make sure you are taking a good Vitamin with Biotin in it to prevent hair loss. I take an apple cinnamon flavored one from Vitamin World, it has a ton of veggie and fruit extracts in it, then I also take an extra Vitamin C and Calcium every day. Stay healthy and take care of yourself!
  24. Pam_2-06-2017

    Incorrect Eating

    Ok, here's my opinion on that. The first two weeks are horribly restrictive because you are healing. I'm not lecturing you on this but it is important to follow the plan while your at your restrictive best. I stuck to the script for 3 weeks and rocked the plan. Once I "cheated" the plan with a bit of popcorn I was all worried about what I may have done to myself. Thankfully there were no consequences to my health and safety. But it did do something. It made me realize I could cheat and not die. After that day I had to make a decision with the understanding that I can eat what I want...but should I? Fear kept me on plan but my cheat made me bold. Now that I am 4 months out I can eat whatever I want. Those early weeks of necessary self control helped to condition me to stick with it. Many people use that first slip up as a green light to eating. Don't let that happen. Protein is important to your healing, energy, and weight loss so make it a priority. Also, it helps to keep your hair. Take advantage of this time of your best restriction. Take care.
  25. TexasMommy80

    VSG on 4/16/18: My journey

    So today is August 19th and I am now over 4 months post VSG. I thought I would write an update on a few things that I regularly see asked on this forum. 1. Hair loss- I am definitely shedding more, and it is pretty annoying, but not alarming. I noticed it start at about 3 months out, and decided to add another protein shake to my daily intake. I figure it will last another month or two, based on what I have seen other people post. Honestly, though, it is not something I am worried about. I am not having huge clumps of hair fall out, and thank goodness for that! I have really fine hair already, LoL. 2. Vitamins and water- I take my vitamins and drink at least 64 oz of water daily. Those are two things I don't mess with. The one supplement that is not included in my vitamin is iron though, and it tends to give me stomach issues. I am able to regularly eat 1200 calories per day, and my blood tests have come out normal, so I am on kind of "wait and see" pattern for that one. 3. Caffeine and soda- The food police will not appreciate my moment of honesty here. I do drink caffeine but it doesn't bother me at all. I drink the grape flavor of crystal light, and the small amount of caffeine helps me get going in the morning. Yes yes, I know that not all doctors approve of it, but I need a boost. And for soda, even before surgery, I had a calorie-free soda at night as a "bedtime snack". It was always my reward for drinking at least 100 ounces of water (I miss being able to chug water, lol). Well, I now have a small glass of sprite zero at night, as long as I hit my water goals beforehand. 4. Portion sizes - I feel like I can eat decent size portions, similar to a kid-sized meal. I see people post that they can only eat 2 or 3 bites of food, and that just is not me. For example, we eat breakfast tacos (with low carb tortillas) often. I can eat just over half of a breakfast taco. If we are eating crispy beef (or turkey) tacos, I can eat one whole one. I can also eat a small chicken breast, turkey patty, fish, etc. Honestly, I eat just about everything, although I make it a habit to make healthy choices most of the time (I am totally eating half of a strawberry shortcake cupcake as I write this, but don't tell anyone, lol). I still don't like rice (nothing new), and definitely can't eat fried foods anymore. I had issues with that after I had my gallbladder removed (5 months before surgery), and it is even worse now. 5. Daily caloric intake - I am eating roughly 1200 calories per day and I am losing weight really quickly. I have lost 45 pounds since the day of my surgery, which is a good amount considering I started with a lower BMI (38). Today I weighed in at 184 and my personal goal is 170. My doctors think I will easily surpass that, but I would be content at just hitting that weight. I worry about that though, because my doctors want me to lose more. At a height of 5'6, they prefer that I weigh 140-150. If and when I get to 160, I will increase my calories to maintenance , and hopefully stay between 160-170. 6. Excess skin- I am doing ok with this right now, although my arms look like wings at this point. Saying that, they have looked this way for years from previous weight loss and weight gaining patterns, so I don't contribute it to my VSG. I may consider having surgery in the future, but not until we are done having kids and I build my muscle back up. As for the rest of my body, I am doing well, no issues to report. I hope that it remains that way, but time will tell. I think at this point though, even losing 20 more pounds will not make enough of a difference to justify plastics (outside of my arms).

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