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Found 1,237 results

  1. I've lost a total of 45 lbs since starting the program. HW - 324 SW - 297 CW - 279 I think that pic was taken at 284, ~40lbs down. I'm three weeks out from my bypass surgery (12/27) and I think I'm in the middle of my three week stall. I've been stuck at 279 since 1/9. I've heard the three week stall is pretty common so I'm not concerned..... yet I really need to hide my scale though. The inches are definitely noticeable. I went from a 53" waist to 45". I'm staying 100% compliant with the nutrition and exercise guidelines. It's actually going quite smoothly. I just can't wait to start doing real exercises. I'm only walking right now. I'm averaging about 5 miles a day. February 7th is six weeks out and I can start weight and cardio training. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Renea77

    Where Are My 5 Weekers?

    I will be 5 weeks tomorrow. I read these threads all the time and I have seen many comments about three week stalls, it seems common so when I stalled at three weeks I didn't stress over it. I am losing slowly as well, but I am kinda happy about it because its given me the chance to exercise more and tighten up so I avoid having lots of loose skin. I am taking this one day at a time, we have made a huge choice to become sleeved and we are sooo worth it. Stay positive and remember we are losing the weight and eating less, there will be some hills and valleys but we will succeed! Patience, perseverance, persistence....that's the motto! Have a great night
  3. Clementine Sky

    Stopped losing weight at 2 weeks

    Many people, if not the majority of us, who've had WLS experience a stall around the two to three week mark post-op. You can find dozens of threads on here discussing this if you do a keyword search of "three week stall". I was actually advised to not weigh myself at all the first month to avoid being discouraged or alarmed, but of course popped on there anyway because my curiosity was too strong. Your body is needing a bit of time to adapt. It's gone through an intense surgery, during which time you probably gained a few pounds from all that was pumped into you, and then rapidly lost a lot of weight. It's kind of like your body needs to catch its breath. There's a blogger called The World According to Eggface who has a lot of recipes for smoothies you can make during the first month out. I never would have imagined it to be possible, but I ended up having fun during that first month out trying out her ideas and others I found on Pinterest and from posters on here. I'd suggest trying out different types of protein powders so that you have some variation. I really liked the protein powders by Unjury and Syntrax Nectar. At the time I had the surgery in 2015 you could buy sample sizes of Syntrax at The Vitamin Shoppe, but in recent visits to the stores near me I found out they only have them in the large tubs now. You can still get the smaller sizes on Amazon, I believe. I'd add in nut butters (I liked making them fresh at Whole Foods), low carb fruit, Torani sugar free syrups, and even frozen sweet potato cubes from Trader Joe's (blending them with vanilla protein powder tastes like sweet potato pie to me). If you look on Amazon you'll find a lot of protein powder options, and can read through reviews. Some plain Greek yogurt brands, like Fage, have a lot of protein and are low in carbs. It's important to check the label before buying, and to avoid the flavored ones that are almost always higher in carbs. I think Fage has around 22 grams of protein, and under 10 grams of carbs. You can use it as a base to make all sorts of smoothies.
  4. catwoman7

    Revision surgery done 5/28/20

    yep - it's the infamous three-week stall. Yours just came a little late.
  5. Hi all! So, I'm curious. Is the three week stall a real thing, or am I just doing something wrong? I just hit week four today, and the scale hasn't moved more than a pound (up and down) since last Tuesday. I'm kind of concerned, and wondering if other people have experienced this too.
  6. catwoman7

    Stalled stalled stalled

    pretty much everybody has that. It happens within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. We call it the "three week stall" because it usually happens the third week, but not always. Mine was week 2 and 3. My weight loss started up again during week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Do a search on this site for the three week stall - you'll find literally hundreds of posts on it.
  7. teacupnosaucer


    I was frustrated at the time with all the work I had to do and waiting I had to do and hoops I had to jump through pre-op, but I feel very thankful for them now. Not saying I'm never ever gonna be frustrated by my perceived (lack of) progress but being mentally prepared for the journey has helped a lot so far. I didn't sweat my three week stall at all. I bet it helps for me to have had a five year journey of trying desperately to lose weight and working REALLY hard and only losing minimal amounts of weight even with a lot of concerted effort. Two pounds a week to me feels like a miracle!
  8. That would be great...then I could just stay out of that sub forum and never have to read another post about a three week stall ever again!
  9. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Patterns?

    where did you hear that the average is 5-15 lbs a week? NO ONE loses that fast. Maybe 5 lbs a week the first MONTH (and it wouldn't be five lbs each and every week - most of us experience the dreaded "three week stall" - but a 15-25 lb loss the first month seems to be pretty average, unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life". After that drop the first month, you'll settle to into a slower rate for a few months, maybe 10 lbs a month, give or take, for the next few months - and then it'll slow even further. so I don't know where you heard that figure, but it's not accurate. You need to adjust your expectations or you're going to be frustrated and disappointed. As long as you comply with your clinic's plan, the weight will come off. Don't stress over this and more importantly, don't burn yourself out - you don't want to crash and burn. Just follow the plan. Depending on your starting point, it can take a year or more to get to goal - it took me 20 months. You want to jeopardize your health.
  10. I’m in the dreaded three-week stall and it sucks. I knew this was coming. I knew it was going to happen. I thought I even prepared myself for it. I have preached to others that it’s not big deal. That it’s your body saying, “Whoa, what the hell did you do to me?” and, “Your body needs to figure it out before it loses more weight.” I know all that, but it doesn’t make it suck any less and it doesn’t make me any less pissed off. There, I said it. I’m pissed off. I said it again. Rationally, it makes sense. My body is wondering if it’s a time of famine, so it’s not going to allow it’s self to lose any more weight until figures out that this is the new normal. This may take some time – I’m in a Facebook group where some people who had their sleeve operation in November stalled for three weeks. That’s a major blow to my already fragile psyche! After years of yo-yo dieting, when you don’t see the scale move, that when you find the donuts, or bread, or Cookies or (insert vise here). That is not an option. Eating a donut or other off-plan food will not only make me sick, even worse, it could damage my sleeve. It’s also not an option because I must be accountable for my actions. I need to be an adult. I will add that accountability and being an adult sucks, too! :-) So, I am writing this post as much for me as for anyone that reads it. The three-week stall will most likely happen. Try to prepare yourself for it, but know that no matter how much you prepare for it, it’s still going to be difficult when you go through it. What am I going to do about it? I’m going to keep on keepin’ on. That’s all I can do. I am going to stick to my plan – 3 meals and 3 shakes per day with 80-90 grams of protein; just as the doctor ordered. I’m going to continue going to the gym and walking on the treadmill. These are the two things that are going to help me achieve my goals. I cannot lose sight of that. I also know that this is temporary. My rational mind knows the arithmetic behind calories in vs. calories out. I’m consuming 600-800 calories a day right now and I’m burning about 250 on the treadmill daily. That formula will equal weight loss as soon as my body realizes we’re going to be OK. I just wish my body knows what my brain does!
  11. I wasn't told about the weight gain from the IV, my NUT didn't tell me about the three week stall, but I'm pretty sure I remember being told that stalls were normal.
  12. Three weeks is a milestone where almost every single WLS candidate goes through a stall. I think other ones occur, but not sure that they are as predictable as the three week stall is. Sweetie, you have lost 18 lbs. in nineteen days. Please tell me, how much should you have lost? What is an amount in those nineteen days since your surgery that you would be "happy" with? More food for thought: You can't rush perfection. If you do, you'll have severe skin left over anyways from it, so avoid that if you can! Anyways, it took you years to put it on, how long do you think it's gonna take to get it off? Slap me if you must, but... think about what I said pls. Oh and btw, you will have an influx of emotions in this journey whenever you lose quickly. Your body is making hormones for you at your largest and doesn't quite 'catch up' with the amount you lose so quickly. It takes time to recalculate. So best thing I can tell you is this ... be patient as you can... work the program (i.e. dr's orders - Protein, Water, exercise, regular BM schedule, sleep as well as logging your food) .... and best of luck to you, always. xx
  13. catwoman7


    My "three-week stall" lasted two weeks. There's a woman on another forum I'm on who had one last 3.5 weeks - so yes, it can happen. As long as you're following your program, the stall will break soon...
  14. RickM

    Should I Lose Before Surgery Or Not?

    Whenever you start any kind of a weight loss program, not just surgery, you tend to lose very quickly the first couple of weeks or so because initially you are burning mostly glycogen - your quick reserves of primarily carbs which burn at a rate of around 2000 calories per pound; after those reserves are exhausted, then you start burning primarily fat which burns at a slower rate of about 3500 calories per pound. People often stall during this transition period, which is what is usually referred to as the dreaded three week stall. So, if you are already in that longer term fat burning mode when you go into surgery, then you won't see as big of an initial drop immediately post-op that those who didn't lose anything pre-op did (though you may see an initial gain and quick loss from the fluids they pump into you during your hospital stay.) Either way - pre-op or post-op, weight loss is a good thing and what we are here for! Good luck.
  15. grandmaofone

    Stinkin stall is pissing me off!

    Maybe mix up your exercise routine, I stalled and changed around everything and then lost 5 pounds after a three week stall. Sometimes no matter what you do it will just take sometime for your mind and body to register all the changes.
  16. MowryRocks

    Recently sleeved

    Search threads about three week stall. Typically happens about 2-3 weeks in. Nothing you can do, but hang in until it breaks. Have patience and follow the plan, its frustrating, but it will break.
  17. The scale hasn't moved since last week. That's an initial eighteen pounds at the end of maybe the first week, and nothing thereafter. I think my three week stall came early and I am making myself not think that this might mean I am going to turn out to be a slowpoke loser. I can't start soft food for another seven days. I have to wait eight days til I can swim. I am still changing my drain gauze. Two days till I can stop fussing with paper tape every day after my shower. I miss my moisturixing body wash and my bufpuf I went shopping yesterday and tried to get excited over cream Soups. Brought them home and attempted to add unjury Protein to these things and three attempts at this ended up in the sink before I gave up and had a Yoplait LIght and Fit Red Velvet Cake. It's clear to me that I am in the valley of the worst part of the recovery period for a VSG. Nothing is happening, eat your Jello. Just eat your Jello and watch Midred Piece on TV and go to bed at a decent hour. Your metabolic chemistry has undergone something like a nuclear detonation so just shut up and whatever you do, do not go on a rampage and get a bottle of wine and a philly cheese steak at Culvers. I am on Day 13 since my surgery but I think I'm on Day 2 of gutting it out.
  18. jess9395

    1st week weight loss

    Everyone is different! Lots of things in play. Did you do a pre op diet? If you lost weight pre op your first week post op won't be a high because you already lost the big Water weight drop people often lose the first week of any diet. I lost an amazing amount my first week (17lbs) but I didn't have a pre op diet, even so my doc said at my one week follow up not to trust that loss and not to stress if it went up. It didn't, but I hit the "three week stall" right after at two weeks while my body caught up. It's a marathon, not a sprint!
  19. Bypassjourney

    Week 7! Very Slow Loser

    I think us slow losers are actually the norm rather than the exception. I was getting very discouraged at first also and especially during that three week stall. But what I have started realizing is the .2's have added up over these past several weeks and all of a sudden I am down 40.5 lbs. How funny that yall say people notice it in your face more so than saying they see it in other places because I have had the same thing. But considering I can't hide my chins with turtlenecks year round in Texas, I have decided I am very happy with that compliment. What I am amazed at is the amount of inches I have lost and fitting into clothes I hadn't fit into in years!
  20. Bndtoslv

    Roll call all who had surgery JUNE 2015

    You have the same stats as me except I had surgery 6/30. I am in a stall and was losing hope that I would make my goal of 229 by labor day but you have given me hope! I am slightly shorter than you though 5' 6''. Can I ask how long your three week stall lasted if you have one?
  21. I went for my two week post op appointment today with my doctor and I am down 25lbs, 10 pre op and 15 since surgery two weeks ago. Before surgery I feared that I would be the one person that would get this surgery and nothing would happen but so far so good and I'm going to mention it anymore to avoid the three week stall, lol. Thanks again everyone for your continued support and words of encouragement.
  22. TexasMommy80

    April 16th sleeve

    I had VSG on the 16th too! I am down 16 pounds since surgery day, 28 total from the start of the process. I hit the “three week stall” this week, but that is ok. I am supposed to start puréed on Monday but I am traveling for work. I will be living out of a hotel Monday through Thursday for the next two weeks, so I am going to experiment with tiny amounts of puréed foods this weekend. I am so excited to be off of full liquids. I don’t think I will be able to have soup again for months, lol. 🤮🤮🤮 Age: 37 Height: 5’6 Starting BMI: 37 VSG: 4/16/18 Starting Weight: 231 Surgery Weight: 229 Current Weight: 213 (17 days post op) GW: 160 MFP: Fit4LifeAR
  23. Babbs

    Frustrated and Discouraged

    The good news is you've done absolutely nothing wrong. It's very normal to stall at around 3 weeks out from surgery. 99% of us did it, and if you search "Three week stall" on this forum or even Google, you'll get a thousand results. Stay the course, keep getting in your liquids and Protein and it will pass. Promise.
  24. catwoman7


    almost everyone, sleeve or bypass, has their first stall within the first month after surgery. We call it "the three week stall" because it usually happens during week 3, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. Lost nothing. Then during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight. Do a search on the three week stall and you'll find HUNDREDS of posts on it. Just stick to your program and the stall will break. I promise.
  25. I've been really lucky and only had a really hard emotional time for about two days about a week and a half post op. I believe I'm smack in the middle of the dreaded 3week stall. I'm so grateful that, although everyone gets sick of hearing about it, everyone still posts about it. I feel like it's just par for the course thanks to this app. I'm sure this has been posted before but can some of you share some stats? What I'd like to see is; how many calories consumed daily at about 3, 4, 6.. etc. weeks out... how many lbs lost per week at same intervals... how long did your three week stall last? ** also wondering ig October sleevers want to share MFP user names? Mine is Seela13. Thanks!

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