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Found 3,903 results

  1. catwoman7

    5 weeks post op

    the two week thing is the infamous "three week stall". Almost everyone experiences it. Here are the 17,501 posts on it on this site (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall weird color poop isn't uncommon the first month or two after surgery. I think paleness usually indicates fat malabsorption, which isn't a huge surprise. I think mine was normal colored after about the first month. as for the pain thing, I'd run that by your clinic. I'm not sure what that is- could be a lot of things, I think. They might want to do a scope or something to see what's going on.
  2. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    it's the infamous three-week stall. It happens to almost everyone. It's not always the third week - it's sometimes the second or fourth - but it's most often the third (hence, the name). It'll last 1-3 weeks (sometimes longer - although that's unusual - 1-3 weeks is pretty standard). Just follow your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll break and you'll be on your way again. here are past posts on this site about the three week stall. All 17,501 of them (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  3. catwoman7

    23 Days After Sleeve

    I was going to say the same thing - it sounds like the infamous "three week stall" (most of us have our first major stall within the first month or so after surgery - it's usually the third week (hence the name), but not always. Sometimes it's the second or fourth week (and occasionally even a little later). The best thing to do is make sure you're following your plan to a "T", and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks, although occasionally they'll last a little longer. But it WILL break as long as you stick to your plan. as far as exercising, you might want to check with your clinic for their recommendations. I was allowed to walk (and ENCOURAGED to walk) right away. I was cleared to do most other exercise ( other than weights) at about a month out. I was able to do weights at eight weeks out, I think.
  4. catwoman7

    7 weeks post op stall

    your stall is actually late - most people have their first major stall around the three week mark (in fact, if you search this site for info on the "three week stall", you will find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding...) actually, I just decided to do the search for you. Here you go - 17,501 posts now! https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  5. Arabesque

    weightloss expectation

    There are a few things you can rely on during this process. And all of them are okay. None are wrong or right. Everyone loses at their own rate. Some lose more quickly. Others lose more slowly. Many factors influence this including, age, gender, pre existing health conditions, medications, etc. Hence the range of possible loss your surgeon suggested in your first month. The more you have to lose, the faster you’ll lose at first. Everyone’s rate of loss slows as they get closer to their final weight. Stalls happen. You will have times the scales won’t move. The first often occurs around week 3+/- & they often last 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan & your weight loss will start again. Not every one reaches their goal & some exceed their goal. The average loss at the three year mark is about 65% of the weight you were to lose to put you in a healthy range. I’d expect that is where the 55lb weight loss your surgeon has suggested comes from. Like you, my BMI was 35. I’d lost all my weight by 6 months but continued to lose for another 11 months while sitting out my maintenance, albeit very slowly, to about where I am now. But that was my journey. Yours could be similar or different & that’s okay. All the best with your surgery & journey.
  6. it's probably the infamous "three week stall"; you're just getting it a little early. Most of us experience our first stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery - it's usually the third week, hence the name. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. It broke during week 4 and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just stick to your program and it'll break - they can last 1-3 weeks, but they WILL break as long as you stick to your plan. And as others have said, this will likely be the first among several - occasional stalls are very normal during weight loss. Stay off the scale for a few days if it's playing with your head too much - and keep in mind that it WILL break, and you'll be on your way again.
  7. Almost every one stalls, some stall early on some a little later. There are thousands of posts on here regarding stalls and it looks like you are a little early to the infamous three week stall...for some reason a lot of people stall at three weeks post op. It's hard not to be disappointed when the scales do not reflect the effort put in but noww is the time to make sure you have some non scale goals. Take some of the focus away from scales. Keep to your post op plan and weight loss will catch up. Edited to add, your body is still very much in the healing stage and there is still likely a lot of inflammation which can cause fluid retention. Some surgeons suggest not weighing for at least a month, there is good reason for that and now you are all too aware of it.
  8. I have been crazy busy, but I love it here and wanted to update you guys on what's new with me. And hopefully some of you will give updates on yourselves here, too So I am getting used to the work outs I've been doing (and by that I mean I don't need 2-3 days between working out now. I can do 6 days and take 1 rest day). I do cardio twice per week for an hour and a half each time, I do strength and core training twice per week for an hour and 15 minutes each time, and I do weight training twice per week for an hour each time (that's my least favorite lol) On my rest day, I literally do nothing. I work and do college from home, so I either lay in bed or on my love seat and get stuff done. I'm a complete veg head lol I made my rest day on Mondays because...well...Monday lol I drink three 16oz bottles of propel electrolyte water everyday (my favorite) and one 20oz bottle of gatorade zero each day. I also drink 2-4 cups of tea (sweetened with monkfruit sweetener, or not sweetened at all, depending on the tea). Specifically, I drink green tea in the morning, black tea in the afternoon, white tea in the evening, and if I'm in the mood, I drink either oolong tea or yerba mate tea at night. Helps suppress appetite, burn fat, and the green and black teas give a little caffeine boost (not a lot, but juuuuust enough). I usually make a protein shake in the morning for breakfast (never been a big breakfast eater). I have several different protein powders to choose from, and I typically add my greens powder to it, turmeric powder, moringa powder, matcha powder, mct oil, black seed oil, collagen powder, soluble fiber, avocado, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, gut health powder (digestive enzymes with pre and probiotics), and vitamin c powder. If needed, I add some monk fruit sweetener for a little extra sweetness, and it's really yummy and filling. For lunch I typically have some kind of salad (I have a few different ones that I like) and I add a protein to it, and then dinner is always some kind of protein and veggie. On weight training days, I have a P3 protein pack for a snack, but I don't usually have a snack on other days. On cardio and strengthening days I tend to have about 1200 calories and 20 carbs. On weight training days I have around 1300 calories and 25ish carbs. On my rest day I have between 900 - 1000 calories and 15 or so carbs. I also found a new salt to use (I rarely use salt, but this is much healthier for when I do) called Kala Namak Himalayan salt (it's black). Black salt has antioxidant properties and has surprisingly low sodium levels. It also contains important minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential to healthy bodies. Black salt stimulates bile production in the liver, and helps control heartburn and bloating. Its sulfurous, salty, mineral taste works great in cooking or as a finishing salt. I'm firmly in a size 20 clothing now, and my ring size is an 8 (but it's starting to get loose, so I'm looking at 7 1/2 now). I'm also in a stall again, but I honestly don't even care. I'm getting so healthy and strong and I can see a difference, so the scale will move when it moves, and until then, I'm just gonna focus on what I'm doing. I'm working full time and I'm in college full time (I'm finishing up my bachelor's degree - I have 8 more classes now) so between that and my more fit lifestyle, I'm always busy with something lol I really love it, though. I finished my Associate's degree in October and decided that I was going to finish the rest of my dream and get the bachelor's degree. I already have my dream job, but it's for ME, you know? I'll be the first one in my family to have a degree, and I want that. It means a lot to me to have it, and I graduated with a 4.0 with my associate's degree, and I still have a 4.0 so far now. I'm going to do my best to keep it, too. I'm noticing I have zero boobs to speak of now LOL I wasn't really expecting that at all, but it's fine. That's what padded bras are for until I get em done later on lol I'm more than ready for my hair to stop falling out and to start growing back. I'll be 8 months post op on the 3rd. How much longer will this go on before it finally calms down? That's really my biggest gripe right now. I'm just ready to not lose so much hair. I knew it was coming, so I never freaked out, but it's getting on my nerves now lol That's really it. All in all, things are going pretty well. How is everyone else doing?
  9. Sunnyer

    August surgery buddies!

    I can see how frustrating that is, but then again you've already lost almost 80 pounds which is a LOT. So, your body is probably adjusting to that massive weight loss before you can start losing again. I spent the last week of October, all of November and the first week of December in a stall, pretty much. I only lost 6 kilos (13 pounds) in those three months, most of it in December. I'm thinking January is going to be your month. It will be great starting the new year with renewed weight loss!
  10. Three weeks post surgery on my revision to a distal gastric bypass and my urine output keeps dropping. I drink 80-100oz of water a day, but am barely peeing like I did before. Scale hasn’t moved since the first week of surgery either. I’ve called the doc and they said since I’m not having problems breathing or swelling in my extremities, it’s just a stall. My pee is getting darker and it’s starting to get me worried.
  11. Okay so I have been following but not posting much for a little while. I have been frustrated, feeling like I don’t have much advice to offer others because I have been searching for my own answers and very embarrassed about my weigh gain. Anyways, for those of you who don’t know me, I had my surgery March 9, 2021 at 235 (5’8”). I lost pretty steadily down to 169 but then stalled for months on end until my appetite came back and I started gaining and continue to gain. I have been struggling uphill while searching for answers ever since. The bariatric team blames my psyc meds but the prescribing dr claims they are weight neutral meds. My family dr agrees and showed me an article about the cravings they cause but he ordered thyroid and diabetes tests too which came back fine but I continue to gain so I made an appointment with an endocrine doctor thanks to a few people on here who suggested it. I finally just seen the endo doc and My cortisol was elevated on the suppression test so I just completed the two day saliva test which hopefully will bring some more answers but what they have said so far is that it’s probably sub clinical cushings which takes a while to confirm. I thought about waiting until I had more info but they said it will be another two or three weeks for these results and I may need more tests after that. I guess MY diagnosis is not really the point anyways. My point is I have recently learned of three things that could be the culprit of my weight that were never tested before surgery and I wonder why they don’t mention these tests pre surgery. I mean They are simple blood tests. I even googled to see why the cushings thing isn’t investigated since it doesn’t resolve with bariatric surgery and all I could find was one article that said it is of course suggested if you present with any of the classic symptoms but in terms of a blanket requirement for people considering bariatric surgery this person felt it unnecessary because it’s not extremely common. I guess maybe that’s the view of my doctor too but I sure wish I was presented with the option at least. I am just curious whether these are things that are tested or even brought up by other people doctors prior to surgery or what others think about whether they should be. And perhaps to give some people things they can investigate first if they are on the fence about surgery. I just feel like the surgery was never going to work for me because it seems likely that the root of my issue is still there. I am maintaining SOME of the loss but according to what I understand about what I have read so far, left untreated I will steadily continue to gain. I know this is still up in the air and not a super common thing regardless but I can’t be the only one struggling with this pre or post surgery and I hope my experience can help someone else struggle just a little less cause watching everyone around me try to be polite as I slowly put the weight back on has felt even worse than being obese was to begin with. I am trying to hang In there for answers and give myself grace but it’s hard to not feel like a failure as I continue to gain and everyone now knows I had surgery and of course I have to wonder if I blew my one shot at surgery because I am doing these tests after instead of before surgery. Regardless, if you are someone who doesn’t really make a ton of poor food choices but just eats more than “normal” because you always feel hungry, consider a cortisol test before surgery. I wish I had.
  12. Stalls are extremely common @rparker3313. Everyone experiences at least one with the first usually occurring at about week 3 & they usually last 1-3 weeks. Some start earlier or later or last longer. But your snacking won’t be helping and, like with @RDC2019, therapy will likely be of help to you to so you can discover why you’re snacking when you’re not hungry. It’s sabotaging your weight loss. Snacks tend to be high calorie foods with poor nutrition & especially when you’re still so early out the nutritional value of what you’re eating is essential for your health & for your body to function effectively. Protein, protein, protein. Eat it first & then when your plan allows eat some vegetables & lastly, if you’re able a little fruit or low processed multi/whole grains in a meal. I remember being able to eat my protein & maybe a green bean or two or a cauliflower floret & that was all for a meal for about three months.
  13. Let me start by saying I know stalls are normal. I know it won't drop off over night. I know this is a process, and I must trust it. But I can't help thinking that I might be doing something wrong here?? I am 7-8 weeks post op, and since my three week stall 😞 I will lose half a pound, then stay that weight for a week or longer, then loose half a pound, then stay that weight. This has been happening for over a month, and it is so frustrating! I haven't seen anyone else have something similar to this happen. The only thing on my plan that I haven't completely 100% followed is working out consistently. I walk as much as I can, daily, but haven't gotten to really do weights or anything because I have no idea what I am doing in the gym (meeting with a free consultation to get a better grip on what they have and what is what at the gym tonight) Could not weight lifting really cause this though?
  14. KimA-GA

    Weight loss

    the stall won’t last .. it’s natural especially at the three week mark.. your body is adjusting and needs some time for the scale to reflect.. eat healthy, check your macronutrient count and the scale will move again … if in doubt you can also add different exercise to get things going
  15. catwoman7

    I have hit a Plateau...

    that's actually really late for your first plateau - most people have their first one about three weeks after surgery! But like the others said, do nothing. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks. If you stick to your plan, it'll break and you'll be on your way again. And like sillykitty said, this won't be your last one.
  16. Heaviest weight 356. Weight before surgery 313... Weight since getting surgery October 6th...drumroll please........279! Woot woot! 23 lbs toil I hit 100 lost! About 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. I didn't lose weight for about 3 to 4 weeks... I was freaking out. I felt defeated like I was doing something wrong but then I looked back and realized I was doing every single thing exactly how it was told to be done... I know we're not supposed to doctor Google but I looked it up and The three week post-operative stall is actually a thing! It happens to most people that get bariatric surgery and it can last anywhere from two weeks to 5 weeks roughly. It is simply your body and metabolism getting used to your new stomach... But I'm back on track and happier than ever with the decision that I've made. Just thought you guys deserved an update for the ones that are rooting for me! The ones that think this was the easy way out. It's okay. You're entitled to your opinion, but you're definitely wrong... It's been a lot of work and dedication. It's been pain and hunger at times, but for the most part it's been the best experience I've ever put myself through for my own self-love and care. I started routine to take care of myself such as putting makeup on every day for work and doing my hair for work. These things sound small to some people, but for somebody like me that suffers with depression that's huge. So if you're not proud of me, I sure am! To the left is April at my largest weight. I have no full body pictures because I was so ashamed of myself... To the right is me last week... Progress not perfection.. how is everybody else doing for my October? Sent from my Pixel 6 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. I had my "three-week stall" during weeks 2 and 3 - so yes, it could be it. If it goes on for more than two or three days, then yea - that's likely it. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if it starts messing with your mind too much. It'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again...
  18. Sunnyway


    I dropped 50+ lbs pre-surgery by cutting out all foods containing sugar, flour, white potatoes, rice, and processed foods. These are my trigger foods. I consider myself to be a sugar/food addict. I can never go back to eating these things with abandon. I started using the Baritastic app. I occasionally used liquid protein shakes during that period. My calorie count dropped to around 1000 per day. I attended water exercise classes three days a week, including swimming 1/4 mile each time. I also increased my mileage on my walking tricycle to at least a mile a day. I've lost another 50+ lbs since my RNY>RNY revision surgery. I still strive to avoid my trigger foods. It's harder to resist now and weight loss is slow going, but I'm still dropping a few pounds a month with lengthy stalls.
  19. I Am Enough!

    August surgery buddies!

    Hey August Buddies! I finally broke through my last stall - I hovered at 203 forever... but it finally broke through with more exercise. I have been doing a regular regimen for my hair and **knock-on-wood** it's working. So I wanted to share with you what I'm doing. 1. Daily take high-quality grass-fed collagen in my water. This is what I currently use: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074T8HKGF It has no flavor and dissolves great! 2. Collagen works best with a REAL FOOD vitamin C. It helps the body absorb and utilize collagen better. Not just a regular Vitamin C Ascorbic acid. Here is the link to what I use, and I swear by it. Here is the link: https://shop.drberg.com/vitamin-c-complex 3. I take 2 supplements a day of Dr. Bergs hair supplements. Here is the link: https://shop.drberg.com/hair-formula-capsules 4. Three times a week I massage my head to bring blood flow to the roots of my hair. Even pull and tug on my hair to give it circulation. 5. I use Morrocan oil on my hair after a shower. I try to only wash my hair twice a week to help keep its moisture. So overall, I am trying to hydrate from the inside and from the outside, and so far it's working!! I've seen a little increase in hair loss, but nothing compared to when I was on Keto full-time. I'm also doing intermittent fasting for 16:8. I eat for 8 hours a day and then I'm done for 16. It really helped me get over my stall too. Hope this helps!
  20. catwoman7

    Weight loss stalls

    yep - you're in the infamous three-week stall. Happens to the vast majority of us. If you do a search of this site on the "three week stall", you will find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding! just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a week or two. It'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again..
  21. Leo segovia


    I am 7 week post op. And consume 900-1000 cal. But my nutritionist said I was ok to go up to 1200 because I was feeling woozy or tired. I have not had any complications and am down 17 BLS. Did stall for three weeks but started to drop weight again this past few days again. Remember the calories you consume today compared to what you consumed in the past. For me it is about a third . So it is good. It is a marathon not a sprint. Wishing you good health on your weight loss journey.
  22. Leo segovia

    Feeling Defeated

    I got gastric bypass on September 19 2022. So it is fresh in my head. I call it my fat brain. My worst of my bad eating habits is eating late at night and lots of it. For me the second week was when I started to really look at other people and how and what they are. I kept thinking about not how I miss the food and snacks but more on the line of the poison people are stuffing into themselves. I started to really hate all the garbage food i see everywhere. Tv ads , social media, the supermarket and shopping of garbage food people buy. I kept seeing overweight and more and more people struggling. There are so many that are in worse shape than myself and most do not see or have given up. I am proud and happy you are making a change for yourself and family. It isn't going to be an easy road and it will be a long journey. I have been fat for 30 years and my health issues started 15 years ago. But I ignored them and kept trying to find an easy fix. Diet this and diet that. These magic pills or drink this magic shake. As I start seeing the real progress I'm making I find it easier to continue. I have to . Not continuing will only lead me to being in pain, being diabetic, struggling to get up out of bed with out feeling like a truck ran me over, sleep apnea, the list never seems to end. This group of people here are real and also struggle with you. But we are here for eachother. Don't give up. You are stronger than you give yourself credit. If you fall off the wagon. Get you fat ass back on! I'm like most on here struggle yet must keep going on. I send you love and positive vibes for you. You will be and see results in time. I started at 265.5 per surgery. Was 250 at surgery. Dropped to 243 and stalled for almost three weeks and today I'm at 236 five week after surgery. Still feel week and get tired quickly but gaining energy and strength a bit more every day. Keep your nutrition up and your proteins up, take Colligen and biotin, and walk as much as you can. It makes a big difference. . Best wishes and good health!!
  23. I Am Enough!

    August surgery buddies!

    Howdy! I've been so busy enjoying this new freedom called get up and MOVE! I have joined a fun dance group called Body Groove and it is a fantastic way of getting up and get moving with low impact. It's an app you can download on your TV and dance along. Overall I have been able to resume normal eating, but the raw food are still kinda iffy. I think I'll wait awhile before introducing salads. I need to stay focused on protein and hydration. With my morning protein drink (coffee replacement) and adding liquid protein to my water, I haven't had any issues with meeting my protein requirements. I find more than anything is that I'm tired. I was successfully able to give blood and my iron count was 13.5 so I know my nutrients and supplements are absorbing. I go for my 3 month checkup soon and they'll be analyzing my blood labs a bit closer. Constipation is a real issue. even though I take a Dulcolax chew about once a week, I think I'm gonna have to up it to every other day. Suppositories work real well, but I hate when it has had to get that far. I also started drinking a green smoothie most days to get in my trace minerals in wheat grass powder, veggies, and adaptogens from mushrooms. Anyone else try Ka'Chava? I really like it My weight stalled around 207/208 for about three weeks but I dropped a considerable amount of inches. So far I am staying within the healthy weight loss bracket. I'm anxious to post my Onederland scale picture soon!!
  24. catwoman7

    Stall on loss

    nope - "normal" WLS patients do not lose that much that quickly. Maybe if they started off at 600 lbs, but otherwise, no. You might find some "normal" WLS patients ("normal" as in starting off in the 200s or 300s - and maybe low 400s) who lose 30+ lbs the first month, but even that's not common - and they certainly wouldn't keep up that pace after the first month. I've been hanging out on bariatric forums for the eight or so years, and just based on posts I've read (which have been thousands), I'd say most of us lose around 15-25 lbs the first month, then about 10 lbs (give or take) a month for a few months - then it drops to around 5 lbs - then 2 lbs......then eventually stops. as far as not losing any weight the last 1.5 weeks, you're in the infamous three-week stall that most of us experience. I just did a search on it here on bariatricpal for you just a second ago. Here are the 17,501 (and no, I am NOT kidding) posts on the three week stall for your reading pleasure: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  25. crazycatladycanada


    I have lost nothing.m since week one. That’s seven weeks of no loss. Or I should say one pound. my surgeon and dietician in Mexico literally gave me no information so I had to get a dietician here and see my doctors here in canada. So I’m following what my dietician in canada says. And she was the one that said the 1200 cals a day. I also have to be mindful on the amount of protein because it does affect my kidneys I’ve already been into the hospital for a week two as mentioned above and at this point it’s NOT normal according to my doctor and my dietician….which is what I expected them to say considering three other siblings had it and have a completely different experience than mine. I went for a CT scan last night so now we wait for results sometime this week. absolutely stalls are normal but not from the beginning and not seven weeks at the very beginning of no loss. As mentioned in this post thread my initial weight loss was most likely all water. I do hope everything start sorting itself out soon because I’m kind of thinking if I’m not getting any results after all of this hard work I might as well just eat what I want since I’m not loosing anyways.

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