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Found 17,501 results

  1. NSV - I found out today that I can wear my size 16 jeans (with a slight muffin top) zipped and buttoned. I haven't worn this sizze since I was 16 (almost 12/13 years ago)

    1. BladeFox


      Whoa Baby! Congrats!

    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Happy Dance!

    3. Pelicanlady
  2. NSV! Finally, finally, broke the 300 barrier!! It is a good feeling, but boy, there is a lot more to go...Whoooo hoo!

    1. betty_s


      yayyy! congrats!

    2. ssrowe



    3. dlamp112


      Its the greatest accomplishment by far right? I felt the same way. Congratulations!

  3. NSV: Capri pants in a size 24, down from a 26 or 28, top in a 2x, down from a 3x.

  4. NSV!!!! Jogged for the 1st time in 17 years!! :-)

    1. Brooklyn girl

      Brooklyn girl

      So happy for you, all that hard work has paid off!!!!

    2. Texasmeg
    3. BellaHugz


      Wonderful, go buddy go!!


    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. Huge NSV today - Ran my first 5K on the treadmill! Yay!

    1. 1Day1Life4Now


      awesome. we are all proud of you.

    2. Teachamy


      That's awesome!

    3. McButterpants


      Awesomeness! Congrats!

  6. Have to share my NSV today. I got into my old size 12 gap jeans today. I wore these before all the prednisone and kept them just in case someday may come. Well it's here and I'm so excited. I have to say thanks to Carolina girl for something she had said in a post about not getting discouraged when the scale isn't moving because we are still losing inches. This could not be more true!!! I haven't lost anymore but thought I would give it a try and I'm so glad...

    1. Jeanne14


      Congratulations! Great job! Size 12 is such a milestone because it means you don't have to shop in plus size stores, you can go just about anywhere. That's one of the milestones I'm looking most forward to myself.

    2. ☠carolinagirl☠
    3. Leepers
  7. Went into beauty shop Friday with my daughter , new haircut, had my eyebrows done.. and other things. NSV!

    1. Carlotta1


      Have a new haircut also for my smaller face. Isn't it great we want to take care of ourselves better.

    2. #MagicWithinme
  8. NSV- hiked longer and further than I have in 15 years. Hello muscles.

    1. Smye


      Congrats and keep up the good work!

    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Fantastic! Keep up the great work!

    3. Djmohr


      Way to go! Time for me to go for a walk.

  9. 1ST real cold since lapband and it sucks, (even dr says boy you haven't been around for awhile have you> I can consider that a NSV right?

    1. ProudGrammy


      sorry you have been sick sob sob!!! it is a "left" handed NSV per your doc - NSV) - feel better soon, back to your "normal" self LOL

      good luck -

    2. #MagicWithinme


      I guess it is, I'm not the only one after that storm we had everyone is sick! not fun, but thank you for well wishes.

  10. NSV! Just got my Youtube 100 subs award! Thanks for watching my vids. :-)

    1. Stevehud


      congrats! I was surprised when I hit 100 blog reads for an entry for the fist time, its very...exhilarating and validating.


  11. NSV: finally able to see my nuckles!!!! I have never EVER been able to see them!! My wedding rings are so lose now I will have to get them resized DOWN!!!! and ONE pound shy of 60 loss!! oh HAPPY DAY!! :)

  12. A NSV today! I I can wear some 12's but there is one pair of 12's that I have tried on every few weeks for awhile now and they have always been about 2 inches from buttoning Today they buttoned, yay!

    1. Tracyringo


      Congrats to you !!

    2. mary77450


      Wow that is awesome! I'd love to see some 12's that fit me!

  13. I have been cleaning out my sewing area............ it'a huge NSV to have this kind of energy after working out and then working all day. I've already found several lost treasures!

  14. Back from Dallas and Coldplay concert experience. Sat in the middle of my row, didn't worry about the seat breaking....bounced up and down for two hours...nice new NSV

    1. LipstickLady


      That's the story here. I'll hear the REAL bouncing story later. ;)

    2. OKCPirate


      Well in this case, this is what I meant by bouncing...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGp0qc5eex0

    3. defibvt


      Isn't it liberating to be able to act like a 'normal' person, without ridicule??? Glad to hear your having fun and enjoying your new life OKCPirate

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Today's NSV - work up this morning and just wanted to stay in the bed. It's damp and rainy, I wanted to snuggle under the covers. However this is a big gym day. 9 am aquafit, then 11 am silver sneakers. So I got up & made both classes. By 1 pm as I was running errands I realized how good I felt and I was really happy I got my self up and went. Some days you just have to push through your natural inclination. Otherwise you never change old habits.

    1. BLERDgirl


      Thxs guys. BTW I'm 52.

    2. dhrguru


      I'm going to need this motivation tomorrow morning when I debate getting out of my nice warm bed to run in the cold cold air!

    3. BLERDgirl


      You can do it!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. Stopped at the outlet mall this evening, and I parked on the side by the Loft store instead of the side by the Lane Bryant--NSV!

    1. Mini_me007


      Yay!!! That's awesome!!

  17. NSV - made out with girlfriend in back of car, and I fit!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OKCPirate


      What a romantic idea Elode. It will be just like high school all over again.

    3. Elode


      Umm no! I have a small Volvo and he has a big Dodge Ram truck with huge Windows. That's the equivalent of being in the open. Old Mr Myers next door would have a heart attack and he's barely hanging on as it is! I'm too much of a chicken sh*t to drive off somewhere because as soon as I do you will see me on the 9 o'clock news either A) murdered by Jason or B) arrested for indecent exposure! I barely leave the house...I'm too kidnappable these days!!

    4. defibvt


      Keep it up... this is a very interesting read!!! Nearly made my day!!!

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  18. Had an NSV yesterday. I ran the best mile of my life. I was always very slow, still am, but much faster than I once was. I'm pretty proud of my 17 minute mile. Now to push to get down to 10 minutes. 

    1. Apple1


      You are faster than the person still sitting on the couch :)

      Be proud!!! Keep on doing it and over time it will be a 15 minute mile and then 13. I started running back in June. I have improved a lot. I can do an 11 minute mile if I push myself.

      The key is to run slow often like 3-5 days a week. By running slow you will gradually increase your endurance and speed.

    2. MowryRocks


      Be proud. My first mile time was 22 minutes...lol. After months of really trying I can do a 15 minute mile now and that will probably be as fast as I ever get because I have little legs...lol. Great JOB!

  19. NSV!!! my fitbit charging so I put on older watch I got, OMG It's hanging off my wrist like a bracelet. I showed hubby. He says everyone is always telling you , you lost weight and you keep saying no. Now you got prove !!!:591_watch:

  20. Boy has it been a long time since I visited this site!  A lot has happened since my surgery date.  My frequency of use prior to surgery was all thanks to a pretty meaningless desk job that I was laid off of as of December 1.  In the meantime, I have dealt with the triumphs and struggles of recovering from surgery, learning my new stomach and body, and trying to find another full time job.  

    Just in case anyone is actually interested in my progress, here it is!  This week is my seventh week since surgery.  HW:  310, SW: 280.1, CW: 254.9  NSVs:  My back fat doesn't rub together while I walk.  I can no longer fit my size 24 skinny jeans, as they have turned out to be more like size 24 baggy jeans.  I have never been more hydrated in my life. I am able to walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing.  I can workout for longer without needing an inhaler.  I have lost countless inches all over my body.  I fit into clothes from my honeymoon in July of 2015 better now than I did then.  

    Getting exercise is, and always will be, a work in progress.  Taking my medicines religiously leaves a bit to be desired.  

    If anyone is interested in a more in depth description of my recovery, please let me know!  Hope everyone is well!

    1. Alex Brecher

      Alex Brecher

      Thanks for the update!

    2. MowryRocks


      Congrats on the progress! Good Luck in the job search!

  21. Hello! I hope everyone is doing well today! I had a nice little NSV. My jeans went from a size 48 relaxed fit to a size 44. Just remember that inches matter as much as the scale, if not more. :-)

    1. Orchids&Dragons
    2. BostonWLKC


      way to go Matty! Nice job!

  22. NSV: Trying on underwear you used to wear before surgery now fit's over your tummy instead of under. HA

  23. I am down from a size 28 to a solid 20. I can even fit into some 18/20s. The motivation I feel when I see myself in these smaller clothes is incredible. I almost don't recognize myself because the transformation is pretty drastic. I met with a personal trainer yesterday that they offer at my office's fitness center and got some basic info. He is going to give me 2 free "trial" sessions if I sign up for at least 2 additional sessions. I am pretty sure I am going to sign up. I am making this the summer of SleeveinIL! I can't be the mother, wife, caregiver and anything else I want/need to be unless I am healthy. Food is fuel! I see the scale moving again and that is also very motivating for me as well. NSV this week...taking a bath (first since before surgery) and my behind and thighs weren't mashed up against the sides of the tub not allowing the water to flow between the front and the back of the tub. The water was able to move around and nothing of me touched the sides of the tub unless I physically moved my legs there. This surgery is giving me some confidence back for sure. I even updated my photo at work because I don't look like that anymore!   

    1. TakingABreak


      It's funny you mention the photo at work! I got questioned a bar this past weekend because my picture didn't look like me anymore. Congrats! You may have inspired me to take a bath :)

  24. Unexpected NSV a few moments ago...I was trying to text a friend a funny picture by putting my double chin on display. For the life of me couldn't get the double chin to show! 5 short months ago I could easily show off a triple chin. Hell yes, I am proud!

    1. Daisee68


      LOL! That's a great NSV!

    2. Noname22


      Thanks y'all!


      @TheOdysseyOfAStoutMan hopefully you will get the CPAP soon. You're right waiting does suck, but it's worth the wait. I know it's easier said than done though.

    3. SalOdyssey


      Thanks KMA! I'm frustrated but patient. :)

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  25. I find that I am tucking in my shirts more often, just to help hold up my pants. :-) that counts as an NSV, right?

    1. Valentina


      --and of course you are going to post a photo, right? You got it rock'n, my friend. :)

    2. Christinamo7


      well. I'll see what I can do!

    3. Valentina
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