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Found 17,501 results

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    weight stall

    How are you doing now? Also, remember that the average weight loss is 2 pounds per week. So at 2 1/2 months (10 weeks) that would be 20 pounds. You were at 39 pounds. So definitely doing well. I hope you're feeling better now.
  2. Hello everyone its been a while since ive been on here. If you want to check out my previous posts you will see i had quite a few struggles and bouts of depression because of those struggles. But since then things have gotten a lot better. I started the program itself at a weight of 395. I had my sleeve done on 01/18/2024 (i was 367 on that day) and my current weight as of today is 294. Im just wondering if i am losing the way i should be at this point. Ive tried a few online calculators but they just confused me lol. I know for a fact im not getting all of my protein like i should be or water intake because i just get full so fast! (not that im complaining TOO much but it is annoying when something is good lol). I always take my vitamins and such thankfully ive never missed a beat on that. I have my gym membership but i havent been going as much as i should be i get in maybe 2 times a month but i will pick back up on that. Im not just sitting around the house though i have 3 kids and a spouse so relaxing isnt possible until bedtime LOL. Anyway i just wanted to know what you all think of my weight loss so far, and if you think the loss ive gotten at this point is on track. I meet with my 6 month check in next month of course but just wondering until then.
  3. Hello! I am posting to see if anyone got their surgery in their 20s and what their experience was like? I am 19 years old (turning 20 in July), and getting my gastric sleeve on June 21st. I was wondering if anyone my age who has had the gastric sleeve would be open to sharing their story with me, since I know each age group experiences different side affects and symptoms:) Thanks in advance!
  4. I had gastric bypass surgery in 1997. In 2019 I started having esophageal spasms. Since that diagnosis, 2 spasms have sent me to the ER. The first trip to the ER was via ambulance. Anyone else experiencing this and can share some wisdom?
  5. Oh no. Sorry it happened to you too. It's rough isn't it? I fly home tomorrow at last - but I have another conf coming up so will be home for all of 10 days before heading off again!
  6. Thank you so much! I have 4 kids. My oldest son is 30 and my youngest daughter is 10. Then 4 grandbabies. As much as I hated pictures I had to allow some in case something happened to me. Wish they would start them away in a vault somewhere though.
  7. ms.sss

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    holy crap. i am giving you a standing ovation for sticking to that schedule for 14 days! drinking EVERY 5 minutes AND walking around EVERY 10 minutes for 12 HOURS every day???? AND still doing regular daily living stuff??? that is amazing. i can tell you are going to do very well p.s. love your spreadsheet!
  8. Good Morning Everyone! So I have to tell my Father that I'm having the surgery on November 10th and I'm telling him tonight. I'm really nervous about it. He is the sweetest thing on Earth so I'm probably causing my own anxiety. The thing is my Aunt Susie (whom I'm named after) had a gastric bypass 46 years ago<<<yes you heard that right 46 years ago! In those days they reversed the operation after the patient lost their weight. My Aunt had the first operation with flying colours. The reversal was another story. After surgery while still in the hospital she got sepsis and eventually went into a coma and passed away. She was only 31 years old with two young children. It is a tragic, tragic story and I'm sorry for telling it however I don't want my Dad to be completely freaked out. I'm not at all freaked out. I have been on this journey since August 2019 and I have gone through all the medical and psychological testing required. I've done my research and the team that is taking care of me is from a "Bariatric Centre of Excellence". I'm not afraid. I'm excited. Besides that I'm pretty healthy. So any advice? What would you say? Would you even tell him? Suzanne
  9. Got my surgery date for August 15th! 10 day all liquid diet starts on the 5th and I am nervous about it, but mostly excited because it means surgery is right around the corner. Any other August people in here? How are you? What are you doing to prepare for the big day? Look forward to hearing everyone's story
  10. Oh, and this was me yesterday after I got the incision restitched. No more preggo looking tummy!!! I still have a little swelling, but even that's gonna get better. And then the other pic is me about 10 minutes ago. I got my hair cut this morning because it's friggin too hot for long hair lol
  11. learn2cook

    How many 2 oz. purees per day?

    Like others above, check with your team. I was to aim for 20 macros of protein for each of three meals. I couldn’t do it but that was the goal. I ended up 20 for breakfast, 10 lunch, 10 around 3pm, 10 around 5ish, and 10 in the evening one hour before bed. In my efforts to curb nighttime snacking habits, I started then (and still maintain now) 50% or more of my daily food should be consumed by lunchtime. It makes me go to sleep earlier and wake up refreshed, and mostly banished the nighttime munchies. Obviously this won’t work for everyone. I was never a morning person, nor a breakfast eater before surgery. You’re doing great, keep up the good work!
  12. Spinoza

    Five years 🎉

    You're the absolute poster girl (WOMAN actually!) for gastric sleeve surgery. So many of us here have benefited from your wisdom and willingness to share your experience. Thank you for that, huge kudos to you for getting where you are, and I hope the next 5, 10 and 20 years are just as successful and fulfilling for you.
  13. My surgery went well. I also had hiatal hernia repair. I was an outpatient and had little pain after coming out of anesthesia, was able to keep water down and walked....gas pains were mostly non existent. Currently having mild pain, due to soreness from hernia repair. Liquids going down well, ready for pureed foods. I have my two week post op on Wednesday 3/20. I lost 19 lbs in my two week full liquid pre op diet and 6lbs down from surgery, so a total of 25 lbs.
  14. Tomo

    Quantity of food

    As others noted, liquids typically pass through the stomach within 10 to 20 minutes and don’t risk stretching it. The stomach is designed to stretch temporarily to accommodate food without permanent change. However, consistently overeating after surgery can lead to permanent stretching. Repeatedly pushing the stomach’s limits with large meals may increase its capacity over time.
  15. PandaMom1977

    Can’t eat poultry 8 months in

    I am 10 weeks out and I can eat eggs and chicken thighs but not chicken breast. I can't stomach the white meat. Wondering if it will be like that for awhile. We will see. se
  16. yep, i had a tummy tuck, arm lift and breast lift back in 2019. since i didn't get implants (just a lift) i didn't really go up a bra size, i pretty much stayed the same, so clothing wise, no change....BUT i did buy new bras anyway because my boobs fit bra's differently...for instance, i used to spill out of demi-cup bras pre-surgery cuz of all the loose skin, but afterwards i looked much better in them, an no longer needed "full coverage" bras to hold all my boob material in, haha. Further, since after the breast lift, i go commando more often than not because the boobs stay up on their own now lol (which btw, is a total bonus for wearing those triangle bikini tops )
  17. NancyNewYork

    24 years post-op DS with questions and issues

    Hi and thanks. My ALT value is 53. 10 months ago it was 48. It's been up and down for many many years.
  18. One more thing to note is that I was never a breakfast eater prior to WLS, but after WLS I wake up and I'm hungry within 30 minutes which has never been the case. Most night I eat a tiny dinner (thanks restriction) at 6 PM and that will be it until the next day. So due to the tiny portions I have to eat earlier (at 10 AM) otherwise I am famished. So I have a coffee at 8:30 and then a small breakfast at 10 and then eat every 2-3 hours otherwise I don't get in enough calories. You could say I am grazer after WLS? I never was a snacker nor a grazer, but hey the pounds are melting off? I think what matters the most isn't how often you eat but what your total caloric intake is at the end of the day. If you eat a 1000 calories in the form of 3 big meals or tiny snacks every 2 hours doesn't matter.
  19. Livgreen___

    VSG stall

    Is anyone out there like me? I had VSG surgery feb 2022. Started at 21.9 stone pre LRD diet. 20.9 stone after LRD , lowest after surgery 17 stone.  I lost weight the first year and then gained 2 stone currently sitting at 19 stone. Since jan 2023 the scale has not moved once , up and down by maybe 1 or 2 pounds but the scale is not moving. At all. I can count calories for a whole month and nothing. I can eat **** for a whole month .. and nothing. nothing makes my scales move and hasn’t for over a year. You can only imagine my frustration. is anyone else having this issue and if so PLEASE tell me how I can start losing weight and making the scales move again.
  20. Hi @Beljer72 How are you getting along? I had mine 10 days before you. I'm generally fine but have very dry skin, am still quite tired and have had horrible cystitis for the past few days ...
  21. Healthyforyear30

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hi all, I had my surgery 12/19. So two days post op. Something that really hit me like a frieght train was the nausea I knew about gas pains and such but the nausea has been crippling when getting any liquids in. Any tips?
  22. 60lbs down since the start and 52 since the day of my surgery. 13 inches off my waist and 10 off my apron belly. Feeling more confident. Still a way to go
  23. Juree9281

    January Surgery Buddies

    @Bluebell_1980 I have been on a liver-shrinking diet since December 19—no sugar or starchy foods, no carbs—fat-free. I'll start a clear liquid diet on January 3 and 4, then have surgery on January 5. I already did my pre-op labs, and the labs look really good—no more fatty liver.
  24. Bypass2Freedom

    Where to start (in the UK)?

    That is completely fine! So my bypass was around £12,100 and I pay it in monthly instalments for the next 60 months. So I paid a 5k deposit (you only need 10% minimum I believe for their finance), and my monthly payments are £150. I thought I couldn't afford it privately in the UK until I realised finance was an option, and it was affordable for me so I just went for it. I spent a while on the NHS waiting list and it was awful!
  25. Calli

    May 2023 surgeries

    I start my pre op diet this week. I have everything. This is my second time with the diet. Last month surgery was cancelled the day prior due to lab work. So im back on track and scheduled 5/10. Nice to read all of your posts. I watched a couple of surgery videos today too.

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