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Found 1,869 results

  1. Hello everyone. I am in the pre-op stage and am already experiencing hair loss. I'm 46, without a thyroid, but all thyroid hormones are within range. My question is, what kind of hair restoration services are out there??? Can anyone speak from experience? I know that I am going to lose more hair post-surgery and I am terrified. Thank you.
  2. Hi everyone! I'm 4 months post VSG and wanting to get my hair highlighted but am currently in the dreaded hair loss phase. Does anyone know/ have experience getting their hair highlighted while in this phase? Will it make my hair fall out faster or do more damage than usual? I know everyone is different but I wanted to see if anyone had experience with this!! Thank you!
  3. Hi. I guess I should've posted this question in the Revision Forum instead of the Gastric Bypass. So here it is again lol. I had a lap band and then revised to sleeve. Lost over 100 lbs with band and then 40 something more with sleeve. I have to have a revision due to gerd and other complications from my sleeve. Luckily, I did not lose any of my hair on either procedures listed above... And I know losing weight is much slower after each revision so maybe I'll be lucky again this time around. I was wondering if any of you lost your hair after revising from sleeve to bypass. Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi. I had a lap band and then revised to sleeve. Lost over 100 lbs with band and then 40 something more with sleeve. I have to have a revision due to gerd and other complications from my sleeve. Luckily, I did not lose any of my hair on either procedures listed above... And I know losing weight is much slower after each revision so maybe I'll be lucky again this time around. I was wondering if any of you lost your hair after revising from sleeve to bypass. Thank you in advance.
  5. I’m just about 2 years post op VSG. I lost a fair amount of hair and definitely had to cover my head on sunny days the last couple years to avoid sun burning my scalp. I was just vacationing on Nantucket last week and had wonderful sunny weather. I forgot a hat! I got a little pink on my cheeks, arms and shoulders (despite using sunscreen) but had no burn on my scalp! My hair has finally filled back in :)
  6. Something weird is happening. Before surgery I was very hairy. I had to shave my legs and armpits a few times a week. I also had laser hair removal on my face. Now after surgery....my leg and armpit hair has literally stopped growing. I haven't shaved in months. I no longer have to get laser hair removal on my face. But the weirdest thing so far is that I am losing my pubic hair? At first I thought I was crazy, but then my hubby noticed it too. Is this happening to anyone else after surgery? Why is this happening? Does having WLS change your hormones?
  7. LonglivetheGranny

    I'm losing my hair!!

    My surgery was on March 3rd. I am down 67 pounds, and feel great. However, I am losing my hair, and am devastated!! I read that it is not permanent. Any input???
  8. I had my surgery back in August of last year. While it’s been a challenge, I’ve seen great results. However over the past few months I have seen some significant hair loss. I don’t have any bald spots, but there is a noticeable thinning out. I’m taking my daily vitamins I am not sure what to do, if anything. Any advice?
  9. Hi all, i’m nearly 4 month out from RNY bypass i’m taking my vitamins and extra hair, skin and nails supplements, i’m also reaching my protein goal each day but my hair has been falling out really badly. Does anybody have any advice ? treatments to use ? thanks xx
  10. Losing my hair like crazy. Getting all my nutrients and protein in great. Dietician said it’s just due to weight loss and it will come back once I’m steady not losing anymore. I’m 6 months out. Anyone lose a lot and then it come back later?
  11. Hello, My hair is like cotton candy 7 months post -op. I had to get it buzz cut to try and get some nutrition to it. I take all my vitamin's and actually feel great. Any suggestions would be appreciated, please. Kindest Regards, Lola
  12. Hi, I am female but I wear my hair cut very short, above the ears and buzzed down to a 2/3 on the sides and in the back, longer on top. I'm wondering how noticeable hair loss usually is for hair that is very short to begin with. I did a quick search on the men's forum to see talk about hair loss in general and there wasn't a ton there, leading me to believe it's really just people with long hair who have noticeable issues. Can anyone with very short hair speak from experience? I'm just wondering, like, will I have bald patches or anything? Thank you. ❤️
  13. Hi everyone, this is my first post! So I had my gastric sleeve on March 19th, and starting earlier this week my hair has been coming out in clumps! Everything I've read says the hair shedding happens usually after 3 months? Any ideas why mine has started so soon? I try to get at least 40-60 grams of protein a day and am taking vitamins. Not looking forward to being bald, by the end of 6 months!
  14. I'm 4 months post op Gastric Sleeve. I'v been taking my vitamins & protein supplements religiously but still experiencing hair loss. Any suggestions on how to stop the shedding?
  15. Hop_Scotch

    Hair loss finally reducing...yay

    A little over year since my VSG, hair loss started about three months later. I have noticed in the past week, that hair loss has substanitally reduced when showering/washing hair, woohoo! I have fine curly hair and while showering hair loss was about three to four times my usual, I don't think anyone noticed but my hairdresser and me, if anyone did notice they certainly didn't didn't mention it to me. Coming into Autumn soon, hair growth is likely to slow down again due to seaonal changes, but I don't expect that the loss rate will pick up again;
  16. Kimpossable

    Hair loss

    Hi I'm currently going through the process of getting my surgery date and I am so worried about hair loss. My mom and grandma has had the bypass over 10 years ago and everyone says there hair grows back but my mom's only grew back a little and my grandmas never really grew back. I also know someone who has had it over 10 years ago and she says her hair is still thin. I have long hair and lost some hair on a extreme diet i did once before so I'm worried I don't have much to lose this time. My hair only stopped falling out when I ate a lot of calories and was gaining weight:( I'm just really confused [emoji53] Sent from my SM-N986U using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Any recommendations for stop losing hair? Sent from my Pixel 4a using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Hello everyone! Mostly a question directed toward the ladies of the group. My hair has been falling out at a steady rate for the past six weeks. my baby hairs are growing in at the same rate. I am 5 months post op. Have any of you gotten your hair done during this time? I have tried to avoid it but at 33 yo my hair is growing back wicked grey. Curious if anyone had an appointment then regretted it after. I expect additional hair loss but definitely don’t want to speed up the process lol. Thinking a cut may help too. What have your experiences been? Thanks so much.
  19. Hi, I'm starting to extremely worry about my hair. I've read a few posts regarding thin hair/hair loss post operation and most of them have said they have gotten their hair back to normal 6-10 months post operation. It's been almost 2 years since my operation and past month or two my hair has been shredding quite heavily, just by sweeping my hands through my hair, I would get around 10-20 pieces of hair on my palm. Unfortunately, I've been stupid and neglected my required vitamins in the early stages after my operation until recent, where I've been required to take; B12 injection every 3 months, Fultium-D3 20000U capsules once a week and Calcichew-D3 500 MG chewable tablets twice a day. I'm currently also not meeting my required daily protein intake, will using protein shakes/bars on top of food that contains protein help with my hair loss? My worry is, am I losing hair or is my hair just thinning? Is it too late to save it now? Will it ever go back to how it used to be? I'm only 23 years of age and it just looks horrendous when my hair is in that state... Please see attached images of my hair.
  20. HealthyLifeStyle

    Facial Hair

    So this is weird.....the hair on my head is thinning, and getting shorter every time I wash it. However, I am starting to grow facial hair, on my chin, and cheeks, and dark shadowing on my mustache area. WTH is going on? Does this have anything to do with WLS? It is freaking me out.
  21. Has anyone heard of flaxseed for hair loss/growth? My nutritionist recommend it for me. I have been on it now for over a month but not seeing any changes.
  22. I had this scheduled intiatially at Natural Hair Transplants in Ft Lauderdale 2 months after sleeve surgery. I only need in my front area as I have good full hair on 80% of my head. The transplnted follicles fall out after a few weeks but start growing in at 3-4 months. The results are amazing at 9-12 months. I want to wait long enough that the hair surgery was is is not an issue due to dificiencies.My original date got postponed because of rise in Covid on 12/16 and hair surgery wa s scheduled for 2/16/21. I believe I will schedule 3-4 months out. How long did you guys have problems with your hair after surgery?
  23. HealthyLifeStyle

    Major Hair Loss

    I am very close to my 6 month post op, and am losing so much hair. I actually measure it each time I wash it, which is every 4 days. I get anxiety on hair wash day, because I am so afraid of losing more. It currently measures out to be 4-5 grams of hair loss each time. I used to have beautiful long, thick, curly hair. Now it is short, thin, and not so curly anymore. It has broken off so much of the length, as well as getting thinner. I know I was told that some hair loss was normal, but this is actually scary. Is there anyone else out there who this has happened to, but can tell me that theirs grew back? If so, how long did it take?
  24. I’m almost 3 years out, and recently noticed hair loss at my hairline. I suspect I haven’t been getting enough protein. Anyone have experience with hair loss this far out? Do you know what caused it?
  25. skinnyfeelsgood

    Hair loss???

    I'm 3 months post op and I'm losing my hair, like A LOT! Prior to surgery the dr. had told me it was going to happen, I just didn't realize it was going to be this bad... Does you hair grow back to like it was pre op? How long does this hair loss phase last? Anything other than Biotin that could help me? Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
