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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi all I am 3.5 years out from a gastric sleeve. I lost 75 pounds and am happy with how things have gone, and am grateful to have my sleeve as a tool for my health. I don’t have any major skin folds or lots of sagging besides what would be expected of a 40 year old mother. I have a boyfriend whom I have been seeing for 2 years now and I have never told him about my WLS. I never really intended to as I feel it is private and not something I really want to share. He loves my body (maybe more than I do), and is a great partner in many ways. He comes from a large family who eats gigantic food portions and he was always taught to clear his plate. He is constantly making comments about my food and how much or how little I may eat, how I don’t drink my water during dinner, or if I don’t finish my food and save it for later. It honestly drives me crazy and I have communicated this to him. Part of me wonders if he would better understand if I share about my WLS, but another part of me things he would be horrified and not understand at all. What do you think? Should I tell him? I don’t understand why other people have to focus so much on my plate. I honestly can eat normal portions of food if it’s the right food (veggies go down very easily, but things like rice or potatoes are quick fillers). Thanks for your advice.
  2. Arabesque

    Hair loss

    The stress of the surgery, the weight loss, hormonal changes, etc. accelerates your natural hair loss cycle. So the hair you are losing would have fallen out at some time it’s just happening faster. As @vsgcriminal said it’s very common, it starts around month 4+/- & lasts 3 or 4 months. It’s common after times of high stress, pregnancy and other major surgeries. It’s also quite common to undergo a period of heavier hair shedding every 7 or so years. (Just had one which lasted four months with a similar loss to my post surgery loss.) Yes, it can be scary at first but it usually isn’t really noticeable except to you & your hairdresser. Many of us cut our hair shorter so it takes less time for your new growth to catch up to the length of your hair. (You’re still growing new hair just at its usual rate.) Plus shorter hair is always bouncier and therefore looks thicker. How much hair you lose is very much an individual thing like most things after. Remember though the hair on your head is already dead and was ‘scheduled’ to fall out. Any additional vitamins or hair growth supplements will only help strengthen new growth. (Fertiliser can’t save a dead plant 😁.) And those who do take supplements find the hair loss still lasts 3-4 months. My hair grew back as thick as it was before surgery.
  3. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I heard the samething about hair loss. I've not experienced any yet. However, it does seem to grow slower.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone else feeling down about 2024???

    I have no idea why I feel this way. I'm finally down to 1 more surgery (my hysterectomy) and then I'm totally done with hospitals. I'm healing well from my hernia surgery (even did a VERY light workout today for the first time in a month since I'm only 3 1/2 weeks out). I love my job, I'm feeling good, our rent is paid and we have plenty of food, car is running well, gas tank is full, finally stable again. Hubby and I get along great, kids and granddaughter are doing well. It's driving me nuts that I can't figure out why I feel down. Normally I'm excited about the new year. I don't get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and I was fine up until about 2 days ago. I don't suffer from depression, so it's just really bugging me. What in the world do I have to be down about???
  5. Hi! I’m kind of new here. Just had my gastric bypass, route n y, surgery on December 19th, 2023. I’m looking for some other stories that started at a weight over 300. I started this journey at 338 and I’m feeling like I’m not seeing a whole lot of people who start at over 300+. Kudos to the people who start earlier, I’m just looking for similar stories to mine I guess. My projected weight loss is about 124 pounds but I’d like to hear some other opinions on how much people have lost at being at a higher weight. What’s a reasonable expected amount to lose? Or what is realistic to expect for weight loss starting at 300+ in terms of everything like excess skin, working out, what life is like now? I know everyone is different. Just Curious. Thank you. 😊
  6. FifiLux


    Yes the surgeon I met pre-op warned me at the time about hair loss but I was a bit dismissive as have (had!) such thick hair that I didn't think I would have as much fall out as I did. I am thankful for the thick hair as I think it is how I coped with it not being noticeable to others. My hair loss stopped after month six and the regrowth is strong and thick again not sure if that is luck or down to the fact that I added in the special bariatric hair vitamin, plus collagen on top of the other bariatric vitamins I take. I just don't know where the curl/kink is coming from now in the regrowth underneath. My hair is now long enough to tie back a bit but I will be getting it cut again next week to try and get closer to it all being one length at the back.
  7. FifiLux


    I don't think you are going bald, just going through what so many of us have had to cope with. I had long thick straight hair pre-op and thought I was doing really well when I got to month four with no hair loss and then it was like a horror movie for two months. Clumps would come out if I washed my hair, I would cry in the shower when I saw what was in the drain and my hand after just a light touch wash. I kept my hair tied back and washed just once a week during the two months but you could tell where I had been by following the trail of fallen hair, I seriously shed more than my cat! I was so self conscious about it as had bald patches but thankfully others couldn't tell it was mostly underneath. I ended up cutting my hair up to chin length so it was not as obvious. After six months the hair loss stopped and now it is about regrowth, it is nearly as annoying though not in anyway upsetting. I have been getting my hair cut every couple of months so that my existing hair is as close in length to the new hair (which is coming in with a curl) and I have to put mascara in my hair if I go out in public as there are baby hairs sticking up all over the place, looks like static hair. I took special bariatric vitamins for hair for three months, no idea if it helped but I was prepared to try anything. I also got a couple of wigs but ended up not needed them. For washing my hair I used a really soft shampoo made from oat milk. Basically I just want to let you know that what you are going through is normal after the surgery, you couldn't have prevented it, it just happens to most patients as the body is coping with the weight loss and it will get better.
  8. Spinoza


    You will get loads of sympathy here OP - for a woman (usually more than a man I think?) our hair is often tied into our identity more generally, for better or worse. Massive weight loss causes our non-essential body functions like hair growth to stall completely. Body thinks - no calories - what can I ditch? I know - hair! Once we get through the biggest rate of loss and our body is regrouping then the stalled follicles get pushed out by new growth. I lost masses of hair in I think 3 distinct phases, about 3 months apart. It's truly properly shocking, that first hair fall. (And for me the second and third - I hope you don't get those too!) Please please be reassured that most of it grows back for most of us. It just takes a while and it's so worth it.
  9. If you had it to do all over again what would you say was missing in your weight loss surgery experience thus far? Length experience doesn’t matter.
  10. catwoman7


    I agree with the other posters. And regarding hair loss, everyone seems to worry incessantly about that - I did, too, but in the grand scheme of things, it's such a small blip on the screen that I shouldn't have bothered wasting one brain cell on it. Some people don't lose any hair at all, and many don't lose enough for others to notice. Some do lose more significant amounts, but the hair loss is like shedding - not big clumps like you see in chemo patients. I wouldn't worry about it. It's a small price to pay for the benefit you get from the surgery, and again, you may only lose a little or none at all.
  11. vsgcriminal

    Hair loss

    Hair loss is a super common concern with being post-op! and I hear you on not wanting to continue to lose hair, because it was quite distressing for me too lol. This type of hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, typically begins around 3-6 months post-op and can last for several months. Make sure you're staying well-hydrated and eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Iron, zinc, and other nutrients play a role in hair health. Hair loss after surgery is usually temporary. It might take a few more months before you see improvement, even after you address nutritional deficiencies. Keep up with your protein and supplement regimen, and be patient with the process. With all of that being said, it is something that you just need to ride out unfortunately. A big part of it is also because of the "delayed response" of not getting enough protein earlier on in your journey, so even though you're hitting your protein/vitamin goals now, it's still going to take a minute to kick in. It typically resolves with time and proper nutrition. Keep focusing on meeting your nutritional needs, and your hair should start to recover. Wishing you all the best on your journey!
  12. Hi everyone I’m new here 🙂 I have decided to go ahead with the esg despite being scared of the procedure I’m desperate to reduce my weight mainly for health. I have such a love hate relationship with food, I like eating healthily and am an reduce my weight but then have periods of time where I just eat everything in sight and these periods last weeks or months and I gain it all again. I've completed hypnotherapy and done so much work on why I do this. I do think if I can reduce my weight and exercise again this will help, my biggest fear is that I spend this money which is such a huge amount for me, then I feel I can eat through the full feeling, is that possible? As long as I feel really full I think I won’t do that. I just really really hope I can do this and feel nervous as everything else has failed eeeeeek i hope this makes sense but it was really a big old waffle of what’s in my head. did anyone else worry that they would mess it up but it was ok?
  13. I had surgery on 11/9. I’ve lost 20lbs since surgery 247 down to 227. I have stalled the last few days with no budge on the scale. Should I be worried? It seems pretty early for a plateau?? I’m tracking and getting between 300 and 500 calories a day. Is my weight loss over? I just can’t believe my weight is stalling already. I guess I just need some encouragement.
  14. Hi there, I’m 3 weeks post op today and 52 years old . I did not do a great LRD and probably didn’t lose anything . The day after surgery I was 14 st 9 and today I am 14 stone 5 lb!!! I have been working hard to get my protein in averaging 80g per day and now I’ve managed to increase calories up to 700-800 per day as my fatigue was so bad. has anyone else had such a poor initial loss? thank you
  15. Surgery date is October 11th! WooHoo! I know about hair loss after surgery. Thoughts and/or experience on coloring your hair after surgery, I've heard some people wait 6 months, some a year, some never stop.
  16. ms.sss


    oh the hair loss blues. if its gonna happen its gonna happen. mine started dropping out at 3 months, i had CARPETS of hair all over the house. bit the bullet and cut it to a pixie cut cuz i got tired of vaccuming and snaking the shower drain of all that effing hair. at around 6-7 months post op i noticed little chicken hairs sticking straight up all over my head. by 2 years, all those little chicken hairs were the same length as the rest of my shoulder length hair. by 4 years, my hair was just as long as it was pre-wls AND it was thicker AND curlier (bonus!). i aslo had regular haircuts throughout all this, so i'm sure it would have been longer if i didn't...but it probably wouldn't have looked as healthy.... i'll be 6 years post op in October and my hair is still long and lovely. here's a collage i made when i was 4 years post op to show the hair state progression. the last pic is of me 2 years ago, i'll see if i can post one of my hair today after i shower, if i don't get to lazy.
  17. Arabesque

    Collagen after surgery

    I agree check with your team regarding if you can count it towards your protein goal. Generally it’s no because it doesn’t contain all the necessary amino acids though I believe there are some brands that add these additional amino acids. If you’re just taking it for general skin & hair health it won’t hurt. It won’t stop any of the hair loss though. That hair was going to fall out anyway as part of your natural hair shedding cycle. It’s just accelerated as a result of the surgery, anaesthesia & weight loss. Some people swear by taking supplements to stop the loss but they usually say it stopped after about 4+/- months exactly the same time frame as those who take nothing so … I took a collagen & silica supplement (powder) for a few months towards the end of my first year. Honestly, I can’t say if it did or didn’t do anything. Don’t know whether the quality of my skin & hair was a result of the collagen or just my weight stabilising & eating nutritious foods.
  18. I am wondering if anyone with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome has had bariatric surgery. I am curious as I am contemplating surgery and if it helped or made symptoms of chronic fatigue worse
  19. I think in general terms shorter cuts hide hair loss better - IF you do experience significant loss. I lost a lot of hair, in three distinct waves. Plus my hair grows (and regrows) abnormally slowly. I'm 28 months post surgery and my last phase of regrowth is just about below my ears now. I've had to cut my hair shorter than I normally would for about 18 months but I think I'll finally be back to my usual below shoulder length soon. Have to say it's been an opportunity to experiment that I would never have had otherwise! Maybe try new stuff if you need to?
  20. SaraSara4

    Weight gain s/p bypass

    I took it prior to surgery while I was still considering options. It did absolutely nothing except made my hair fall out. After about 90days. I didn’t go bald but it was definitely noticeable and I did find out that was a weird side effect. max dose for weight-loss and I lost zero pounds. It gave me headaches the first 2-3 weeks but other than that it was not worth it
  21. AmberFL


    I am thinking I will have to do the same, which I have stopped putting heat to my hair now, Might just do one blow dry after my wash a week. I agree your hair shorter looks healthier and fuller. You have a nice face shape for both so you are rockin the new do! Call me vain but I am devastated about looking at short hair cuts LOL Thankfully my hair grows quickly so I am going to take collagen so my hair growth comes in healthy and strong. You were right nothing I am doing is helping I brush my hair every morning and 15-20 strands of hair just come out *le Sigh*
  22. NickelChip

    Healthy food

    If you are in the neighborhood of 4-6 months out from your surgery, there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid hair loss. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. Hair grows in cycles and it is natural for hair to fall out when they reach the end of their cycle. When you have a disruptive event like surgery, it signals lots of hair follicles to stop growing at the same time instead of just a few on a staggered basis like usual. It takes a few months for the hair to go from stopping growing to falling out. So, it's nothing you are doing now that is causing it. It's the stress of surgery, not just weight loss but any major surgery. The good news is, once the hair falls out, all the healthy food and protein you are eating now is going to make it so the new hair that begins to grow in is healthy and strong.
  23. dinajafer

    Hair loss???

    It's reassuring to hear that you found something that worked for you during your hair loss phase! Exploring different options beyond Biotin can be helpful
  24. Shanna NYC


    Sometimes you have to ring some bells like HELLO, i need some aftercare and followup. Congrats you finally got your appt. and your A1C going down! I'm not sure about B12. Some labs calculate it differently as the high end of the normal range for mine is 1245. I'm sure if it's an issue it will be or should be addressed by your team. The Vitamin D for sure should be. I know for me it was getting to the higher side of normal and my dietician had me drop down from bariatric vitamin to a regular multi and cut back on my calcium chews which also contain lots of Vitamin D. Woohoo on the weightloss. And the hair loss will eventually slow down. Mine lasted from about month 3-6 at it's worst and has slowed considerably and now I'm only just slightly annoyed at all the short hairs from regrowth.
  25. Tomo

    Healthy food

    If you haven't already, can get your Ferritin levels checked. My hair started falling out when my Ferritin got below 20 ng/ml. I read 70 ng/ml is the key figure to stop hair loss from THAT particular reason. But yeah, unfortunately, hair loss can be from several different reasons, for example, just stress from any surgery. For many of us during the WLS process, it is inevitable but luckily, it does grow back.

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