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Found 738 results

  1. Blondie638


    Just enjoyed a glass of wine (not yet banded) and thought... Can u still do that after the band? Also I have occasionally gone out with my friends to the bars and probably drank more then I should... Can I do that after the band?
  2. We've been talking a lot about beer and beer making lately and it's all been in good fun. I'm not banded yet, but will be soon and In reading, I've found some information we all should be aware of. I'm no crusader and like a beer as well as the next guy (or girl), but i feel this is serious. I hope I don't get in trouble with the Admins., but here is the Link:http://www.thinnertimesforum.com/topic/26136-alcohol/ If you think you might like a drink after surgery, Please read this. (Cut and paste from http to alcohol/) it's the fourth article down.
  3. BecomingaAfter


    How soon after "your" (anyone) surgery did you drink alcohol.... My good friend is leaving this weekend and is having a going away party at a bar. I really want to drink :confused1:, but I'm worried I might get sick while I'm out :sick: and then ruin my evening..... My surgery date was 7/8/09.... Any advice?:drool5:
  4. pdphillips

    Sugar Alcohol In Items

    I had lapband with plication in May 2012. I am having STRONG cravings esp certain times of the month for sweets. How does the sugar alcohol affect the carb count???
  5. Is it ok if I have a drink or 2? How many have drank after getting banded. Please help!!!
  6. Hi! I was wondering if anyone knew when it was ok to start drinking alcohol again after surgery? It seems like everyone's saying different things regarding drinking post surgery. I'm 2 weeks postop right now but was wondering if I could drink by the end of July? I want to be able to celebrate graduations and birthdays with my friends again ):
  7. I am curious to know whats the time frame after surgery that I can have a glass or 4 of wine. My surgery is wednesday and as it is giving up diet coke has been a dificult task, I suffer from headaches daily.
  8. How long did you wait before you had any alcohol? Did the effects set in quicker? I am only two months out and I know I won't try any time soon. I'm just hoping I don't have to wait a year. Thanks!
  9. My doc said to wait til little over a month after surgery to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. And I'm getting the sleeve done. Now, I'm not a big drinker but do enjoy the occasional beverage. But any recommendations on non carbonated/low sugar cocktails? Besides an alcohol and water! Lol
  10. Had my first drink last night. Ordered a mojito. WAY to sugary. Any ideas on something else?
  11. Im writing on behalf of my husband as we were both recently sleeved..... He knows beer could be a bad idea bc of carbination, but wonders about alcohol. he understands that alcohol could slow weight loss, but is only concerned with it being detrimental to his healing. He does not drink daily but likes to drink to excess at special events ie. weddings, BIG sporting events... and if you do/ did drink- how soon after surgery?
  12. Please don't judge me but I enjoy my beer and marijuana and occasionally cocaine in very small doses. I'm a very social person and I have a lot of friends and we like to have a good time. I know that my alcohol intake will change dramatically but if I do a little Coke or smoke some weed, how will this effect my new stomach and my tolerance. This is a very serious question so please be understanding. Thank you everyone Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. BABEwiththePOWER

    Alcohol? Carbonated bevs?

    I'm still in the beginning stages of this journey, but I've met with my surgeon at a round table info meeting, and I've been reading through these forums when i can...and I've decided it's definitely what i want to do. I just have a few specific questions re: food post op- 1. What (if any) alcohol consumption is allowed? Will i ever be able to go wine tasting again? Or have a martini on a night out? 2. Are carbonated bevs allowed? I'm a fan of diet soda, but i coukd live without it if need be...just curious. 3. Are there any other "never again" foods/drinks post op? Thanks for your help
  14. My pre-op instructions said no alcohol for 2 weeks prior to surgery. I forgot and had two drinks last night. Big problem?
  15. dfdscott


    I know it's taboo but is it true that you get very sensitive with regards to alcohol? I'm not a huge drinker but every once in a great while I like a glass or three of some nice Tullamore Dew. Someone told me that now a shot would do me in. Any truths to this?
  16. Ok so my sister is having a few of us over for a Halloween party since she’s not taking the kids out trick or treating. She’s making the usual sugar filled party punch. naturally this isn’t something us bariatric patients can have, so I want to make a bariatric friendly punch to take. Any ideas?
  17. Have had great success with my weight loss and hit my 6mo mark at 112lbs lost.. Then I decided I would try drinking alcohol again. I tried to make "good" choices on Labor Day weekend and got drinks without a lot of sugar and so called skinny drinks.. I was able to drink more then I thought I would.. Had a great time, only to see a 5lb gain in the scale today. I wanted to cry. That fun weekend was not worth it!!!! I barely ate all week trying to make up for drinking and that clearly don't work . I still feel bloated and am really disappointed in my actions. I really wish I hadn't done it and I need to learn from this and stop acting like I'm 21 !!!
  18. How soon did any of you bandsters start drinking alcoholic beverages after your lapband? And what would you all drink? Your comments are greatly appreciated.!
  19. I've seen people post about having wine a few months out but I don't drink wine. I use to have 1 Long Island and be really buzzed so I won't drink that but when can I have a mixed drink? I'm 2 1/2 months out. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  20. Please don't judge, but I am looking for help. I drank a lot of alcohol before surgery and unfortunately have been drinking alcohol since about a month out and now I am almost a year out and at a stahl. I understand why and I would like to quit completely!!! It's very hard and want to know if anyone else is having this problem? What did you do to quit ? Thank you for not judging.
  21. Just curious how many people have tried alcohol soon after their surgery? I am nearly 4 weeks post op and just curious if anyone has tried alcohol this soon out? I haven't and my surgeon didn't really say much about it they just said that only drink occasionally (socially) and don't let it become a habit? Would it be bad to try a drink so soon after surgery? (Like tequila on the rocks? Or whiskey on the rocks?) if I took it slow and only had one? I'm going to a bday party tonite and just want to have a drink?... Plz no judgments just curious if it's a bad idea or not? Thanks
  22. Are we supposed to watch this as well as sugar?
  23. So I’ll be 6 weeks post op next week. I’m going to New Orleans and I know I’ll want to have at least one drink. I feel like I have and Angel on my left side saying don’t do it and the Devil on the right saying one would be ok. So now long did you guys wait?
  24. kate85


    Just wondering I am off to the races and I am wondering what is the lowest calorie and best alcohol beverage to drink
  25. What is sugar alcohol? Can we have it or not? I am reading conflicting information. Thanks!

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