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Found 738 results

  1. Im in the process of getting medically cleared for the lap-band. I was just curious because i am still young and enjoy going out for drinks with friends, can i still drink alcohol without feeling too full? i know we are not supposed to drink it because of it being empty calories but is it possible to do once in a while?
  2. deedeemuffin


    I am 6 weeks post-op and friends of mine are getting married on the 18th of this month. After the ceremony they're just having an informal get together at a sports bar in Manhattan. I think people are just mostly going to have drinks. Cocktails are like $12. I am just wondering what peoples experiences with alcohol have been post-op? I haven't had any problems with any food that I've tried. I don't really drink. So, even before surgery I would just nurse 1 drink all night. So, pros? cons? Worth the $12 drink?
  3. shadowstacey

    Alcohol Issues

    Hi everyone! Im 23 years old and ive been banded since november.... I hadnt really drank since then but as I am in college I had a few nights over the last few weeks out... I notice myself not been able to handle to much alcohol anymore and had a weird experience the last nite... I had barely drank and then had a black spell where my friends said it was like I was out of it on drugs... I dont take drugs and I was in a friends house so wasnt spiked... I find this stressing as I used to be able to drink all night and never ever have a black spell that I couldnt remember. Has anyone elde had bad experiences with drink after been banded? Thanks Stacey
  4. melissa130


    I am now 5 weeks post-op. I follow the guidelines strictly and have lost a total of 38 pounds. I am looking so forward to this summer and all the traveling and camping. Being obese always hampered my excitement for these trips. I want to know from all the post-op folks who drink alcohol---- how long after operation did you drink - what did you drink--and how much??? Did you have any trouble with side-effects? I am hoping for many responses. Thank you.
  5. Mamafam


    I had gastric bypass in December, I’m in Vegas this weekend and really want to have a cocktail...Has anyone had a drink 4 months out and if so what kind of drink?? Thank you
  6. A friend of mine just got fired for drinking on the job. He had the sleeve done last winter. I think what has happened he was a drinker but once he got the sleeve, the alcohol was no longer absorbed in the stomach. It passed through to the intestines & had a faster & stronger affect. It became a problem before he knew it. Does any one know about this? This should be a warning for the drinkers out there.
  7. Hi all! I do get constipated every now and then. So on the weekends I take one laxative which helps. What I have noticed that on the days I have a couple of drinks, I have a very good BM, to the point I do not need a laxative. Anyone else noticed the same?
  8. I'm a social drinker and I just wanted to know if you can still drink alcohol after having the surgery ......how do you have to wait .I hope I can still enjoy a couple of Apple martini from time to time .......
  9. kate85


    Just wondering I am off to the races and I am wondering what is the lowest calorie and best alcohol beverage to drink
  10. When i met with my pcp and told he about getting banded, she told me, the only thing i need to know is, i can never drink alcohol again...it will ruin my liver...but my nutritionist, who is affiliated with my surgeon, has told me no alcohol for 6 months, then after thati just have to take it easy because it affects you differently. And obv its a good idea to stay away from high cal drinks. Who is right?
  11. My doc said to wait til little over a month after surgery to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. And I'm getting the sleeve done. Now, I'm not a big drinker but do enjoy the occasional beverage. But any recommendations on non carbonated/low sugar cocktails? Besides an alcohol and water! Lol
  12. jillndrummer


    I have been told that you can not drink alcohol after the surgery ?? I have gone on a cruise about every 6 months for the past 3 years. and it is the highlight of my year, we go with three other couples and we eat and drink a lot. I am concerned that I will not be able to join in on the fun, but I will be thin and look good.
  13. Hi all:) When is it ok to have a drink? I'm 3 weeks post op and just wondering.....when can I have my very missed little glass of wine?? Lol
  14. I drank a small shot last night and it burned and ached inside of my stomach for at least 5 minutes. The pain was excruciating! Needless to say that will be the last time I do that! Has anyone had a similar experience? Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
  15. Yes of course I know there won't be binge drinking, but what about social drinking? Thus may sound silly but my husband and I are on a bowling league and a softball team and in both cases we usually hang out and have a beer or 2....will I be able to do that? I mean if my stomach can only hold 4-6 oz I'm thinking I won't be able to? Just trying to get mentally ready!!
  16. Hey everyone, I'm 2 1/2 months out from bypass surgery, and I'm really curious to know a couple things about drinking after surgery... Also, I should mention I'm only asking because I got an OK from my doctor to be able to drink on a special occasion: my birthday, just would like some ideas, thank you in advance ! -How fast does alcohol hit you, and how much does it take before you feel it? -How long do you feel the effects for ? -Is it over fast, if so, do you drink more ? -What kind of drinks do you have ? -Any cocktail suggestions that don't make you dump ?
  17. My question is why exactly we aren't supposed to have alcohol, or when I can drink again. I really enjoy a drink when I go out and I just want to know when is it ok? 6 months? a year? what did you surgeon say? Any bad experiences?
  18. Had my first drink last night. Ordered a mojito. WAY to sugary. Any ideas on something else?
  19. Flutterfly19


    How long did you have to wait to drink alcohol post op? I'm not a big drinker at all, but am curious as to how long it will be before I can have a drink or two with the girls at happy hour. Thanks!
  20. Skyjack1


    I Understand you shouldn't drink it but what if youre out with the girls and you want a drink? I understand that there is extra calories involved that you shouldnt have with your diet. PS I hate wine! I am a former beer drinker
  21. Hi! I was wondering if anyone knew when it was ok to start drinking alcohol again after surgery? It seems like everyone's saying different things regarding drinking post surgery. I'm 2 weeks postop right now but was wondering if I could drink by the end of July? I want to be able to celebrate graduations and birthdays with my friends again ):
  22. I am 2 weeks postop gastRic sleeve.. I'm currently on a soft diet.. my post op md said to hold off on drinking until my goal weight.. which is probably gonna be about 6 months or more. So realistically when did anyone have a glass of wine or alcohol one drink after their sleeve. I know not have any mixed drinks or sugar loaded margaritas
  23. I am curious to know whats the time frame after surgery that I can have a glass or 4 of wine. My surgery is wednesday and as it is giving up diet coke has been a dificult task, I suffer from headaches daily.
  24. So I guess it is true that post-op surgery drinking is some what of a hazard... I always heard it was a major difference! I went out to drink for basically the first time and tried to drink like I used to... Well this was the result!!! Starting Weight = 344 (July 27th) Current Weight = 257
  25. How soon did any of you bandsters start drinking alcoholic beverages after your lapband? And what would you all drink? Your comments are greatly appreciated.!

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