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Found 17,501 results

  1. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    there are 17,501 posts here on Bariatric Pal about the infamous "three-week stall" (it often strikes the third week after surgery, but not always - it can be the second week - or fourth - or fifth - but in any event, it hits most of us very soon after surgery. And no, I am NOT kidding about there being 17,501 posts on it. Here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall best thing to do is just make sure you're following your program - and then stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you're following your program, the stall WILL break. It usually takes 1-3 weeks. And just so you know, this is likely the first of many stalls..
  2. catwoman7

    Time off work?

    I took three weeks off (desk job) but could have gone back after two. I was pretty tired the first few weeks after surgery, though...
  3. El Oso Perezoso


    I'm now on day three after the surgery. Not any hunger pangs. Mostly just some craving when my roomies cook something that smells absolutely awesome! But no actual hunger pangs yet. Thank you everyone for your support and comments. It definitely helps.
  4. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  5. summerseeker

    Low calorie diet vs VSG

    I had a really physical job and could do really restricted diets without a problem. Three times I lost 70 pounds and three times I regained and added 30 pounds more. Then I retired, got old, covid happened, stopped smoking, got ailments etc. At around 350 pounds I was classed as disabled I could not diet and exercise anymore, I couldn't stick to a restricted diet. I stopped enjoying life and hid at home. I wanted to end the cycle of diet and regain +. I clutched at a chance of stability and am really working to keep my weight off. So far its easier than before.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Hello everyone. I think I finally found the forum I am looking for. Is the SADI S fhe same thing as the SADI?? I had gastric sleeve three years ago and was looking to convert to bypass but My dr told me today to start researching the SADI procedure.
  7. ShoppGirl

    Collagen after surgery

    I was taking the collagen peptides after surgery. When I showed the NP she said that there wasn’t a whole lot of research on these post WLS but they wouldn’t hurt. She just asked that I didn’t count the protein towards my goal. That was three years ago, though, I would ask your team what they suggest about the protein.
  8. ShoppGirl

    So...it's happening!

    In my opinion this is the exact time to ask alot of questions. I was sleeved three years ago and I don’t think I asked enough questions beforehand or I may have made a differnt choice for myself in terms of which surgery. I am so excited for you and your surgery date. Congratulations.
  9. You’re doing awesome!! I wouldn’t worry about 2 lbs. That can fluctuate from one day to the next or even throughout the day. I can not wait to be where you’re at!! I’m watching that line to get into the 29th percentile and sooooo close!! I’m at 186lbs today three weeks post op.
  10. for most people, yes, gastric bypass greatly improves if not outright cures heartburn. Mine completely went away for the first three years. I have it occasionally now (I'm nine years out), but it's pretty mild and a couple of Tums (or something similar) will usually knock it out.
  11. catwoman7

    On TPN to gain weight

    it's really, really rare to have a stricture that late - they almost always appear - if they're going to appear - within the first three months after surgery. I had two - at four weeks out and again at eight weeks out. The first time I knew something was wrong and I called my clinic. They suspected it was a stricture and sent me over to the hospital for an upper endoscopy to confirm (and "fix") it. The second time I knew exactly what it was since I'd seen this movie before and I went right in to have it stretched. So no, I never got to the point you were at. For those newbies who are reading this, strictures only happen to about 5% of bypass patients (they can happen to sleeve patients as well, but they're very rare with sleeve), and they almost always happen within the first three months after surgery. Just be aware of the symptoms she listed and contact your clinic if you first start noticing stuff like this. They're not going to heal on their own, and they're an easy fix. Just make sure to let your clinic know if you start having these kinds of symptoms (can't keep anything down, nausea all the time) since these are not normal and are usually indicative of a stricture.
  12. catwoman7


    1) you're experiencing the extremely common "three-week stall". Happens to most of us within the first month or so of surgery, usually (but not always) the 3rd week, hence, the name. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks before breaking 2) the gain is almost certainly water or very full intestines. Give it a couple of days and it should be gone.
  13. TransformingTana

    I want solid foooooooood!!!!

    I'm with you there! I'm currently day 8 post-op, and was also on an all liquid diet two weeks before surgery too. Been three weeks since I've had solid food of any kind and I want real food so badly. Thankfully I meet with my surgeon soon, hopefully he approves me to transition to soft foods.
  14. catwoman7

    Coffee on pre-op diet?

    we weren't allowed coffee on the pre-op diet, or for the first three or four weeks after surgery. After that, we could drink decaf. We weren't allowed "real" coffee until about six months out. But as others have said, programs are all different.
  15. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Three days into a two week liquid diet before surgery on Feb. 7th. So far it hasn't been as tough as I thought it would be. Trying to stay busy to pass time faster.
  16. catwoman7

    Reactive Hypoglcemia

    it's not uncommon. Once I was over a year out I'd sometimes get dizzy. Had a complete workup and they found nothing. Next time it happened, it was about an hour after I ate a piece of cake at a retirement party at work. Told my doctor - she said it might be RH, and that my blood sugar might have been fine on the day I went for the workup, so it wasn't detected. She told me to eat something about every three fours, protein preferable, and if I ate a carb, to be sure to pair it with a protein. It seems to have solved the problem for me.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Question about fats.

    Would it make more sense if the fat was supposed to be 15g per meal? It seemed like she was calculating it from three meals when she was talking to me because she was adding the carbs out loud. That seems like a mistake that could be easily made and that would be closer to what the DS vets have said. Still not quite as high but it is a little different surgery than DS. Plus adding 30 more grams of fat brings the calories to 1,125 if I’m understanding and calculating that correctly which falls within that range that she gave me.
  18. Joe Brown

    Cold feet b4 Surgery time sensitive.

    An the other hand i want to be 200 pounds and ive had a hard time maintaining that I snore heavily and buy a lot of food out and on general want to stop being crazy about running after food im seriously confused surgery in three days feel like cancelling
  19. I agree with the others who said it's most likely because you just had major surgery. Your body needs time to rest and heal. It'll get better and better. I was probably close to two months out before I felt like my old self, but it does get better every day. After the first three weeks or so, I wasn't exhausted all the time.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Chewing Gum

    I am three years out and I chewed gum and i forgot and swallowed it. I called the surgeons office and they were like did you swallow it on purpose. I said of course not. She just told me what to watch for and when to go to er. It passed thank god bit I’ve never been so scared in my life. It’s not worth it to me. I haven’t swallowed gum since I was a kid but sure enough I did??
  21. Jalapeño

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    When I went to the hospital, I wore my pyjamas, comfy crocs and a fleece. I packed another pair of pyjamas, underwear and phone charger. Nothing else. In the UK, hospitals provide you with toothbrush/toothpaste and toiletries for showering etc. Besides, when you get admitted, you have to change into a hospital gown. I kept my boxer shorts on, and discarded them in the hospital bathroom bin when I showered three days later. You want to keep packing light, make it easier on yourself. Most of your time will be spent in bed recovering, not surfing the net.
  22. Hi Team! I realize that stalls are inevitable, but I am having some trouble determining if I am in a stall that I need to just wait out, or if I need to change something up. Background: I just hit 8 months post-op. Stats are in my info box. I have been sitting at 174 pounds for three weeks. I had been losing a pound or more per week at around 900 calories per day, Protein at 100G and carbs under 100 g. That is around the time I hired a personal trainer, upped my weight training (free weights now and four days a week), my steps, and my calories (1200 or so per day). The increase in calories was at the recommendation of the trainer, who also recommended increasing carbs to 138 (most days I don't get above 110). I know the level weight is not due to increase in muscle mass---too soon. So....what are your thoughts? Stick with calories or go back down to 900-1000? Thank you in advance for any reassurance or guidance. (And I emailed my surgery team three days ago...waiting to hear back).
  23. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm on a three week stall in weight. I'll weigh twice a week. I'll be down a pound or two. The next time I weigh. I'll be up a pound or two. Just hovers. I think im stalling because of my daily workout, the victory on the scale isn't happening to my liking. But overall I do feel better. Next week is my 3 month post-op appointment. Hopefully the blood tests reveal why I've been so exhausted. Just keep plugging away, it's a marathon. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
  24. Arabesque

    Raw vegetables?

    I think it was a while too. Was eating cooked vegetables from soft but my tummy was a bit fussy about some & others just tasted bad. I love vegetables so that was hard to accept until everything settled. I did eat cucumber at about two months. I’d put a little cream cheese on strips of smoked salmon & wrap it around small salted wedges of peeled seedless cucumber. I’d eat two or three as one of my lunch options. But that was the only raw vegetable for a while.
  25. catwoman7

    Down Time

    I took three weeks off but could have gone back after two. I know a few people who were back at work after a week, though. If you have a desk job, unless you're having a hard time recovering, you'll probably be able to go back earlier than someone who has a really active job, so yes, the type of job is a factor..

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