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Found 1,869 results

  1. I was wondering if anyone after bariatric surgery had problems with the hair loss I am 9 months old and I'm still losing hair and I don't know if there's anything I can do for it Sent from my moto g pure using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Hi all! I‘m hoping to get some help/advice around if anybody has found anything helpful for hair loss after surgery? I’m 10 months post op gastric bypass surgery, and 142lbs down (still crazy to say). I feel amazing, so happy with these results, but the one thing that’s getting me down is the hair loss. From what I’d read, a lot of people find this stops/slows down after 6 months, but I’m 10 months in and seeing no sign of improvement. My post op blood tests are normal, so there’s nothing wrong in that regard. I currently take high strength biotin, zinc and selenium. I’ve been on these for a few months but again, no improvement. I know it may seem a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but I’d just love my hair to be long and healthy, so I’m willing to try anything. If anybody has any experience in this area, or found anything that helped, please let me know I’d really appreciate it!!
  3. Hello! I’m just 5 months post-op and doing fantastic. Everything’s gone so well thus far except for the crazy amounts of hair I’m losing. It started a few weeks ago and hasn’t let up. I knew this would happen and it’s an easy price to pay for how healthy and happy WLS has made me. I’m wondering if anyone knows of a way to combat or at least mitigate the loss? My hairstylist suggested a supplement called Viviscal, and castor oil for my scalp, and shampoo and conditioner that regrow and thicken hair. Has anything worked for you? Thanks in advance!
  4. I read about it before, everyone said it would happen... I didn't think it would be such a big deal, but OMG, hello???? Fistfuls of hair in the shower drain?! Like, what EVEN?????? So any solutions? What did you do about it???? (And don't tell me to buy a better shower drain...😵) HHHHEEEEEELLLPPPP!!!!!!
  5. So I am doing a sleeve to bypass on 5/6/22. I remember when I had my sleeve I did have some hair loss. I can’t remember how bad it was though. Wondering if anyone with short hair post op had issues with hair loss? Wished you had more hair to avoid signs of hair loss? My hair is down to my mid back and it’s truly time for a hair cut in general, but I’m wondering if I shouldn’t just because hair loss is probably coming 🤣
  6. To those of you who have had your sleeve for a while, how much hair have you lost? Is it sudden or gradual? Is it in clumps or shedding? Did you find biotin helped? Do you have any special shampoos or hair masks or supplements you use to help slow down the hair loss and/or speed up regrowth? I have PCOS, so I'm used to hair shedding (many women end up with very thin-to-balding hair with it. I have had moderate shedding but my hair is thick enough that you can't really tell). My surgery day is May 3rd and I'm just trying to prepare myself. ALSO, did anyone notice any drying of their skin? If so, what do/did you use to help with that? How long did it last? Is it really bad, or just mild? Thanks in advance!!!
  7. Ok, I fully admit, I've become an addict of sorts to "appearance-enhancing" procedures since my first foray into plastics 2+ years ago (i got a tummy tuck, arm lift and breast lift back in Dec 2019) I am pretty confident i'm done with plastics (though ask me again in 10 years, as i may be of a different opinion, lol), but have had a whole bunch of non-surgery stuff done in the last little while: lash extensions, micro-needling, teeth whitening, botox (forhead and jaw), fillers (cheeks and laugh lines), and lib blushing (a natural looking-lip colour tattoo basically). Anyhoo...I digress...I actually wanted to share the latest thing I succumbed to: Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP). For those that are not familiar, its basically a process whereby a technician tattoos hundreds (thousands?) of tiny little dots all over your scalp to look like hair follicles, and give the appearance of hair density. The majority of SMP clients are men with already bald heads, as the results can be quite dramatic. But more and more women are getting it now, including me! HOWEVER. It EFFING hurts. I have tattoos on my butt and my forearm, and SMP hurts waaaaaaay more than those did. And, the sessions are LONG. 5-6 hours each (though I was told sessions are shorter for bald heads...when you have hair on your head already, esp long hair, it takes more time to manoeuvre around it). I cried for about 4 hours the first time, 12 minutes the second time, and no crying at all the last time. I guess I got used to it. So check out the before after video below. The vid on the left is me in all my scalp-showing glory. The vid on the right is me immediately after my second session (note that there are still large pigment dots and a few scab formations here). I had my third and final one last week and should be fully healed/final results in about a month. I am very pleased. Especially now that its all over! P.S. I also wanted to mention that my thinning hair was already an issue before WLS. Any hair that I lost after WLS came back eventually, and I reverted to my regular state of thin hair from pregnancy/childbirth. It's was all the Kid's fault. P.P.S. Btw, I tried to imbed this video smaller but couldn't figure it out! Sorry! basmp.mp4
  8. sugarbee24

    Hair dye

    Hi all, I am scheduled for surgery on April 12th. I want to know what the consensus is on dying hair before surgery. I'm trying to keep it as healthy as possible. Thanks [emoji4]
  9. Shey Ronix

    Hair questions

    Hey everyone I had my surgury in Jan of this year my hair is falling out in shedding alot I can tell the difference beacuse my pony tail is so much littler and thinner it's disappointing beacuse I had a hot mess while back from extensions that took out alot of my hair it was just coming back until it's falling out any of u experience this? If so how long did it return to normal I'm taking liquid vitamins omegas b complex and these hair vitamins and using Nioxen shampoo any advice? Sent from my BE2025 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Hi all, I am still pre op - my date is April 2nd... I have accepted that a period of hair loss is heading my way and that's part of the parcel that comes with the sleeve. That said... is it just hair thinning or do some people have bald patches? Thank you Shelley
  11. pcoswarrior1994


    Hello again, I just wanted to know if anyone with pcos and has have/had hirsutism how did/does it look did you have less hair on you body by a lot or just a little or what was your result of your hirsutism after gastric bypass?
  12. Has anyone experienced a second round of hair loss? I’m not 100% sure it is a massive amount like last time, but I suddenly noticed balding spots when I put my hair up, my drain was clogged, and when I dried my hair it felt thinner. Am I imagining things? It is about one year since the last round, in which I lost at least 50% of my hair, and about 14 months since my gastric bypass. Didn’t have any issues with vitamins/minerals at 1 year. Any ideas?
  13. I am a little over 3 months out from Bypass surgery and I am losing my hair by the handful!! I have very tho hair so at first I expected to lose some hair but DAMN!!! Before anyone says more protein I get at least 84 a day and I drink 80 to 100 ounces of water along with everything else. Does anyone have a suggestion??
  14. Due to Covid delays I am about 8 months out from gastric sleeve. What can I do, take, ingest, rub on, tie up (lol) to prep my skin and hair prior to surgery to prevent as much damage control as possible. I am 5’6 225 body type is apple shape (or frog shape as I call it.) and I’m 45
  15. I had my RYN on Nov 1st, recovered well, and just washed my hair and noticed bunch of hair came out, and i was in disbelief, brushed my hair and a string of hair came out! I cannot believe that i am in hair loss? At 18 days? I am supposed to be on the puree stage, but i like only light and fit greek yogurts by Dannon and chicken broth with carrots. But i do struggle to get in the 80g of protein and water because of the chest pain when drinking/eating as jt passes down. I have to go very slow. Is this "normal" to have hair loss before 3 weeks? Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. I already had very thin hair before surgery. I always perm my hair to add volume. I am 5 months out and have been losing hair for the last month. Has anybody permed their hair during this phase?
  17. I had vsg surgery last November. I had the typical shedding of hair that happens with weight loss. I thought I was over the hump. But my hair feels even thinner now. I just bought bariatric fusion hair nails and skin vitamins as well as Olaplex. I haven’t been great with my vitamins, so I’m completely taking the blame. But I’m freaking out! Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
  18. ashirkey81

    Nails and hair

    Has anyone noticed that since they take vitamins on a daily basis, their nails and hair on legs, arms, etc grow faster? My nails have even been harder and don't break so easily. I would like the leg hair to please fall out. I have to shave every day. I used to go a couple days in between. Sent from my SM-G991U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Just read this informative article. Sharing for those interested. https://www.eatthis.com/news-major-effect-vitamin-d-hair-loss-study/?utm_source=nsltr&utm_medium=email&utm_content=news-major-effect-vitamin-d-hair-loss-study&utm_campaign=etntNewsletter
  20. Has anyone experienced hair loss? I’m 4 months out from ESG down 50 pounds and my hair started falling out in the last 2 weeks and it’s so depressing. I luckily have thick hair already but I can’t even run my hand through my hair without ending up with a handful of hair. I got some zinc I read that was good for hair loss and I take a hair nails and skin supplement. I’m just so sad losing this much hair is concerning. Thoughts? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Hello, I am 4.5 months after Sleeve surgery. I am very happy with the weight loss. I know hair thinning is common. I am seeing (for about 4 wks now), a substantial increase in my thinning. I am doing all I think I can. Noixin hair products, Rogaine, Biotin. My team says it is normal and will regrow. My question is....anyone experience this and did it regrow??
  22. I had my VSG the last week of June so I’m almost 10 weeks post op. I normally have really thick, long hair but the last few weeks I’ve lost so much hair that it’s about 50% gone. Most people I’ve read on here didn’t experience hair loss until later so I’m scared I might lose even more. How long until it stops and should I be worried about bald spots?
  23. Hi there! I’m almost about 8 weeks out post gastric sleeve and I am definitely noticing the hair loss! lol I know this is just temporary & it grows back but I would love to get something that could help me in the meantime. Does anyone have any recommendations of anything that worked for them? Thanks so much in advance! :) Also feel free to comment things that DIDN’T work either so I know not to consider them as an option.
  24. It's been almost 4 months since my surgery and I am down 35 pounds. I am trying not to get too discouraged with the loss of weight at this point and continue to be patient as I know it will come off, eventually. However, I'm feeling some type of way about my hair starting to fall out. I take all my vitamins every day and I eat enough protein on most days. How long will this phase last? Can anyone offer insight?
  25. Morales

    Hair loss

    For some reason im starting to lose my hair i eat my vitamins everyday [emoji30]. Has any one been through this and how did you fix it. Sent from my SM-G988U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
