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Found 3,900 results

  1. Kathy812

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    @@slareau I wanna say I'm Ina stall but truthfully, my weight lost hasn't been fast at all (other than my first week) First week I lost over 8lbs week two- 4 week three -2 I am three days into my fourth week, lost1 lb today,so we'll see if I lose anymore by Friday( my weigh in date). I'm clearly showing a trend of slowing down. I'm really not worried about it to be honest. I read so much about the stalls prior to the surgery that I am mentally prepared. Now if it last longer than three weeks, I might be singing a different tune.
  2. Weight loss mode. Just recovered from the three week stall, the scales finally moved down one today. Currently 255 Hope to be 242 by 9/19 Sent from my KFTT using the BariatricPal App
  3. Hi! I'm sorry for your frustration. I had just a few days without a loss recently, and I was bummed. I have to admit that I think Tiffykins is dead on with regard to the carb count. I am between three and four weeks out, and I track everything I put in my mouth. I average around 700-800 calories daily, 25-38 carbs, and 65-85 Protein. I feel like I eat all day, but I have not had any true carbs, like crackers, bread, etc (other than grits one morning). I'm getting all my protein from food now (greek yogurt, string cheese, deli meat, lean chili, refried Beans, ricotta, chicken salad, etc). That said, if I have a Protein Drink it's generally a very high protein content. I use the Premier Protein drinks from costco, and one drink is 11 ounces, 3 carbs, and 30 grams of protein! Another one that is high in protein is GNC's Amplify--20 grams per 4 ounces of liquid, 4 carbs. I think if you find a more balanced protein drink and keep your carbs a little lower you will break that dreaded stall! Some of us are just more carb-sensitive than others. Good luck!
  4. AussieLady

    The great thread killer......

    The three week stall lasts 3 weeks. You haven't lost anything in the last 45 minutes because you haven't had a poop. Vodka and Redbull is fine as long as the bull isn't too big and you'll know if you stretched your sleeve if you can still fit in another KFC Family Feast.
  5. Since surgery Dec. 27, it seems like my face has been broken out and no matter what I do, it just keeps getting worse. I turn 59 in a couple of weeks and it's worse than it was when I was 16 -- mostly in my chin and lower cheek area, even on my nose. About a dozen zits at a time. I'm been washing my face more, trying different products but don't want to use anything that will dry my already mostly dry complexion out. I'm figuring that either my hormones have changed since surgery or I'm allergic to something or my body is reacting differently to something. I've also been in a terrible stall for about a month and a half -- going back and forth with about two or three pounds -- but I figure that will get better soon. My hair loss that started at about four months out is finally getting better at five-and-a-half months or so and I'm hoping that my body has adjusted to its weight loss and it will start back up again. Anybody else having this problem with breakouts and how have you dealt with it? Does this get better? All suggestions welcome!! Thanks, Carol
  6. Cheryl_S

    OMG October 2013 Post-ops

    I am officially part of the slow losers! I'm also in the three week stall. Seriously don't know how stalls are possible on 600 cal/day! The good thing is that I can't throw my diet to the wind like I would before on a stall. Glad to finally have a BM. How stupid is that? LOL! It seems like I go from one issue to another. Now I'm having a lot of pain in my lower left side, especially when bending over and getting up and down. I guess I might have over done it. Emailed the doctor's office and they told me to come in if it gets worse. Ready to feel better!!
  7. Okay guys...I've been lurking the last few days. Can I just start off by saying that counting calories SUX! There...now that I've said that, I feel better. I started with my "recommitt" last Monday, did pretty good for three days, then relaxed because I just can't find the time to write everything down or log on to fitday. So...to make a really long story short...my weight has stalled this week and I didn't commit to ANY of my weekly goals like I intended to. I did walk one day, but have found excuses for all the other days. So...how do I stop this vicious cycle? I'm going to pick myself up and start over today. I'm not sure that I can actually commit to logging my foods and then really carry through with it all week, but I'm going to commit to making slow and clear decisions before I eat this week. Don't eat unless I'm truely hungry (which I seem to do all the time), and don't drink anything with calories, other than Protein shakes, and don't drink with my meals!!!! I go in today for my first fill since my port revision surgery, so I'm praying for restriction! I hope everyone is off to a good start this week! We can do this...I know we can!
  8. I was sleeved July 1 and doing well. I lost 10 lbs pre-op and 15 more in the first two weeks. I have been stalled for almost three weeks. I lost 2.5 in the last few days but it is frustrating. I see my Nut and Dr next week and am hoping my stall will be over soon. I think what is frustrating is that I believe I am doing everything right. I haven't even eaten out once. I cook all my food. I must say I was a nervous wreck prior to surgery and feel great this last week and a half just tired due to working long days. I am excited for everyone on their journey! Best of luck.
  9. I Am Enough!

    August surgery buddies!

    Howdy! I've been so busy enjoying this new freedom called get up and MOVE! I have joined a fun dance group called Body Groove and it is a fantastic way of getting up and get moving with low impact. It's an app you can download on your TV and dance along. Overall I have been able to resume normal eating, but the raw food are still kinda iffy. I think I'll wait awhile before introducing salads. I need to stay focused on protein and hydration. With my morning protein drink (coffee replacement) and adding liquid protein to my water, I haven't had any issues with meeting my protein requirements. I find more than anything is that I'm tired. I was successfully able to give blood and my iron count was 13.5 so I know my nutrients and supplements are absorbing. I go for my 3 month checkup soon and they'll be analyzing my blood labs a bit closer. Constipation is a real issue. even though I take a Dulcolax chew about once a week, I think I'm gonna have to up it to every other day. Suppositories work real well, but I hate when it has had to get that far. I also started drinking a green smoothie most days to get in my trace minerals in wheat grass powder, veggies, and adaptogens from mushrooms. Anyone else try Ka'Chava? I really like it My weight stalled around 207/208 for about three weeks but I dropped a considerable amount of inches. So far I am staying within the healthy weight loss bracket. I'm anxious to post my Onederland scale picture soon!!
  10. XYZXYZXYZ1955

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    I had some issues with the medications making my stomach hurt when I took them without food, so now I take just about everything after breakfast (except the calcium and D3, which I take later in the day). As far as etc.etc.etc.'s post, oh, boy, yeah. He exactly describes the new posts, with so many people asking the same questions over and over. I know it's a crazy thought, but maybe people should read around the forums a bit before the obligatory "I'm scared" or "I can't drink as much water as I should" or "which protein shake" or "I've stalled at three weeks, has this all been a waste of time" posts. Just saying'.
  11. teekay8887

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    My stall was about three weeks out and lasted for about a week. I was sleeved on 12/18. My weight lose is now steady and I really try only to weight myself a couple of time a week but that's not working to well. I'm still on phase two of my physician's diet. Don't move to fruits and veggies for another two weeks. :-(. Missing my veggies. My physician is conservative on diets. Hope that's a good thing. I go back to work on the 29th and I'm looking forward to getting back in a routine. I'm trying to get my daily meals on my work schedule to make it easier. I work some crazy hours and take call at least three days a week. My days can last from 10 to 16 hours especially this time of year when so many dialysis patients are hospitalize due to illness. Taking a big tub of my favorite protein powder to leave in my locker for those O My Goodness moments need some energy. Need some ideas on easy meals for breakfast and lunch.
  12. Lucile

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    I am the day after you, 1/10/18. I lost 23 pounds so far, but this week barely anything. We are at the "three week stall" I looked this up and it happens to a lot of people, but we will get over it like everyone else did. I read somewhere to only weigh once a week now so we don't get discouraged, because the first two weeks we were losing a pound or two a day and now it will be less. I am having trouble getting in everything, the nutritionist said I should do the 3 protein shakes for the first two months and to think of it like medicine, that the food is less important at this point, that we are eating just to really get used to it again. I am still having trouble doing the three shakes and three "meals" so I am usually short one shake and one meal a day. I think I need to make sure I get that third shake in because our bodies need the 60 g of protein to keep losing I heard.
  13. My stall is also officially broken. I've lost four pounds in the last week, which does wonders for my moods! I'm still not weighing every day, and it really helps me not focus so much on weight. So far I'm down 30 pounds and I'll be eight weeks out tomorrow. That's not as much as I wanted to be down by now, but 30 pounds is the most I ever lost on any "diet" in the past. I did Nutrisystem in 2006 and lost 30 pounds in almost four months. So, to drop that amount in half the time is a definite success, and I can't be too displeased. I hope to lose another 13 pounds over the next month - that will bring me to 199 pounds. We'll see if it's possible. La: I am SO happy to read your stall is broken. I know how relieved I was when the scale moved again! I hope you're doing well. WildIris: It sounds like you're doing awesome! And you seem very happy with your success so far. I'm sure you'll be hitting that goal in no time. Coops: I've only had one cycle but I expect one in the next week. I can tell you that it DID affect my weight. I gained three pounds! It didn't drop off again until a few days after the cycle ended. I also experienced the first (and only) food cravings and "hunger" I've felt since surgery. I wanted to eat everything in sight, especially bread, chips, candy, etc. It was awful. Now that I'm due in a few days, I have the same huge desire to eat, eat, eat. It's GOT to be hormone related. I'm munching on cheese sticks and very ripe fresh fruit when the urge to much hits me. It's not great, but it's not a Snickers, either! Dickson and Kathy: You guys are doing awesome. Why is it the men lose so much more quickly? Unfair! Ellisa: I just did the same thing with my clothes! I have two huge totes of clothing to send to my mom and sister because they're winter clothes and they will never fit me again. Isn't it wonderful? I have a GoWear Fit (like a Body Bugg) and it does the same thing for me as your new shoes - it makes me want to move around and get active. Whatever it takes, right? Lou: You are kickin' butt, buddy! I still get envious when I see how quickly the men lose, though. I'd be happy to have a way to fit a bit more food in - sometimes I still can't meet my calorie goals for the day, so being able to make some extra room with a good belch would help me finish those eggs or fit in a few extra bites of chicken. Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job! Possumtrot: Great job! Huge, HUGE congrats for making it halfway to goal (and in such a short time!) and for losing 50 pounds. Before you know it you won't be shopping in the plus section any longer. That's got to be a great feeling. I bet everyone is noticing, huh? I can't wait until I hit that point. Well, everyone, I'm off. I don't have a tremendous amount of time to post since we're gearing up for a month of visitors and then we're moving in November. I'm busy, busy, busy! ~Cheri
  14. Amazeyem

    September Members

    I'm going on to a three week stall. This is no fun. I realized that as soon as I got my period is when I stopped going down. I've been walking for 30-45 mins a day. Getting in for the past three days over 60 grams of protein and about 64 oz of water. I only eat chicken beef or egg. I follow everything my Dr said. Do you think the scale will start moving soon?
  15. tonicim

    Post op march sleevers

    Stalls are very normal. I stopped losing weight after my one week post op check... I was stalled for 2 weeks. Then It started moving again. I am 4 weeks out today. At one wee was down 14... nothing at two or three then from three to 4 I lost 6 so I am now at 20 down. It will come. Tour body is just adjusting and going into starvation mode. It will come around. Just stay on track
  16. Sunnyer

    August surgery buddies!

    Thanks for sharing! I recently had my six week evaluation and so far I’ve lost 12 kilos or 26 pounds after surgery, so I’m pretty much on track for my starting weight. Yes, the stalls can be very frustrating and I had one for almost three weeks in the beginning of this month. But then the number on the scale started moving again. I still vomit sometimes, especially after dinner, no matter how careful I try to be. Happened tonight. So that’s my biggest problem, still.
  17. Chrysalis77

    365 days to a new me

    DAY 49 29 days post op I survived the dreaded three week stall without stalling... But I certainly have slowed down. Went from losing a pound a day to about a little less than half a pound a day. Less than I was losing. More than I would be losing before surgery. What I am curious to know is if this is the new normal or if it will pick up again.... Or slow down more. UGH! My control freakishness needs to know! Looking forward to my one month appt tomorrow and hopefully clearance to eat fresh fruit, nuts, seeds etc. oh and salad! I'd love a salad. I am certainly not able to eat enough to get all my Protein and non protein foods in yet, but I'd love to have an option. A troubling item on the horizon- a few days ago I started feeling a twinge on my right side under my rib cage. At first I thought I pulled something, but now I am wondering if it might be my gall bladder. I am taking medication to prevent stones but I wonder if there is some inflammation or something. I will mention it at tomorrow's appt. if it I my gall bladder and they have to take it, then I want them to take it this year since I already met all my insurance maximums. Stay tuned for an update post appt. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. KimmerAnn

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Wow Jeaniered - good job! Mom on my fourth week and feel much better. I didn't walk the first week. I was so tired and weak. I walked to the bathroom. Second week I waked more. Outside a bit but only about five minutes a few times a day. I had terrible shoulder pain from gas. It was awful!!! That was the worst part but itwent away end of second week- so hang in there I'm hungry often! I eat a bit about every three hours. Dr said that's ok so that made me feel better. I've only lost 18 pounds since surgery, the first two weeks. And nothing since - in fact I've gained two. Buttttt trying to believe it's the third week stall and will kick in again soon good luck everyone!!
  19. KnowNothing

    January VSG

    Surgery on January 18th 2016. Height: 159cm = 5'3" Weight at time of surgery: 76kg = 167.5lbs = 12 stone BMI at the time of surgery: 30 Current weight 64.1kg = 141.5 lbs = 10 stone Current BMI: 25.4 Goal weight: 55kg = 121 lbs = 8.5 stone Goal BMI: 21.8 No more meds for diabetes, high cholesterol nor blood pressure. Back problems are gone! I haven't lost any weight since three weeks ago nor lost any centimeters/inches from my body. Struggling with stomach acidity, lost muscle because of weight loss which had caused that my right knee is in some pain and therefore little training activity. I also overeat at least once a day because I can't feel full and I have head hunger often, plus my body is looking to cope with the acidity and the only way that my mind translate the word "coping" is with "overeating" Extremely happy with the results! Just I want to move away from this stall! Current foods: I haven't touched carbs. Those are the ones that put me in this place, so no bread, pasta, rice, fruit, soft drinks nor sweets. Basically protein foods, veggies and fats. This week I'm starting to reduce the consumption of nuts because I'm allergic to them and I tend to abuse them. What I want to achieve in the food area: remove dairy products and artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners because they act like sugar in the brain, I feel them and I overeat them while dairy I'm also allergic to them and I also abuse both of them. Water: 1.5L goal achieved pretty much every day!
  20. Jenyp8409

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    I think I've a stall... I've been the same weight for three weeks 238.0 I'm not prepared for the holidays smh????
  21. Hop_Scotch

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Many have eperienced this. Its a stall, they can initially appear anywhere from week one up to who knows. Most of the initial stalls are experienced between week two up to about week six and can last anyway up to a week to three weeks or so. Keep following your post op plan, and the scales will reflect your efforts again soon. By the way it would be helpful if you filled in our profile...Surgery type, surgery date weight, current weight, height etc - it provide context to questions etc.
  22. Sunnyer

    August surgery buddies!

    I can see how frustrating that is, but then again you've already lost almost 80 pounds which is a LOT. So, your body is probably adjusting to that massive weight loss before you can start losing again. I spent the last week of October, all of November and the first week of December in a stall, pretty much. I only lost 6 kilos (13 pounds) in those three months, most of it in December. I'm thinking January is going to be your month. It will be great starting the new year with renewed weight loss!
  23. teacupnosaucer


    I was frustrated at the time with all the work I had to do and waiting I had to do and hoops I had to jump through pre-op, but I feel very thankful for them now. Not saying I'm never ever gonna be frustrated by my perceived (lack of) progress but being mentally prepared for the journey has helped a lot so far. I didn't sweat my three week stall at all. I bet it helps for me to have had a five year journey of trying desperately to lose weight and working REALLY hard and only losing minimal amounts of weight even with a lot of concerted effort. Two pounds a week to me feels like a miracle!
  24. Kasparkles

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Hi. Sleeved on 8/3. Down 23 lbs since surgery. Have definitely hit the three week stall! I'm getting better everyday with getting in enough water, but struggling a bit with liquid protein--just kind of over it, but trying to work on it because I have struggled with feeling weak and tired. It's not been easy for me to take it slow, so I have to remind myself I just had surgery three weeks ago, and need to take better care of myself. I am also battling constipation, even taking benefited everyday and hitting 60oz fluids. Good luck to you!
  25. Good on you for managing expectations. We littlies tend not to lose 6-10lbs a week like some of our fellow travellers. I was “low bmi” but a bit higher than you - 5 foot 7, 230lbs. I had open (not laparoscopic) bypass surgery, and had to have a messy gastric band removal. Off work for 4 weeks (over Christmas - New Zealand summer holidays) and was a size down in trousers and 20lbs lighter when I went back. Averaged 4 lbs a week for the first 8 weeks, 3lbs a week for the next 10, 1.5lbs a week for the next 10. Odd three-week stalls here and there (when I tended to drop a trouser or bra size, so I don’t mind stalls). It felt like it was slow at the time, especially early on - no-one other than my partner really noticed for 4-5 months, but actually people’s reactions now show how fast this 7 months/80lb loss, has been...

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