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  1. I’m so sorry to hear this. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but honestly, I don’t. During these days of the stall, are you still noticing that your clothes are fitting looser? I was told not to be so dependent on the scale but more on noticing the weight coming off as far as how I feel in clothes. I don’t recall if you have a dietitian or someone that you check in with? If you do, you may wanna contact them or contact your doctor and talk this over with them. I don’t doubt that more weight is going to come off, I’m more concerned about your mental state. No giving up, OK??
  2. Stalls are perfectly normal & are an important part of your weight loss as the others have said. The first one usually begins around week 3but can be before or after this time like yours. They generally last 1-3 weeks & again they can last longer or even only for fewer days. The numbers are based on averages & so just give you an idea what might happen when. Yes they are frustrating but it’s best to let them ride out. The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. Don’t stress it out by making more changes other than those required by your plan so stick to it. Reduce how often you’re on the scales & try taking body measurements. Many notice that while the scale doesn’t move, their clothing fits differently. Also, if you would like more precise information about portion sizes, macros, etc, ask for them from your dietician. It’s about feeling comfortable & confident about what you’re doing, For example did they say when you should be up to a cup of food? I was told 6 months for a cup but that was what I was told for me.
  3. NovelTee

    Is there a standard guideline?

    Thanks for this! I fully intend to follow the guidance, it was just a curiosity as to how they determine their guidance. I just think it's really interesting to basically still be on full liquid to week three post-surgery. Maybe yours is tailored and mine is just sort of a set rubric? The food guidance I have isn't tailored to me––it's a PDF that's given to every bariatric patient in our medical group. My assigned nutritionist shared with me that her department always receives random updates to the diet directly from the bariatric department when the issue the new PDFs (we went through two updates while I was waiting for my surgery to be scheduled. When I have update calls with my nutritionist, she just asks me if I'm getting in my fluids and proteins and following the PDF for guidance on what I'm allowed to have. Either way, really interesting! Hope your surgery goes smoothly!!
  4. kendajones

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I haven't seen any posts in a while -- how is everyone doing? I had a sleeve on 10/9, lost 19 pounds really fast, then at 2 weeks, hit a stall that lasted about 3-1/2 weeks. It was very frustrating and I felt like I had messed something up or done something wrong. I wondered if this was not going to work for me and yet I was permanently stuck with a tiny stomach. I hated seeing all the social media posts of all the people who seemed to be continuously losing weight every week while I stalled -- even though I knew not to compare my journey to other people. But even during that long stall, I had to stop wearing a bunch of clothes that were too big, I moved my Apple watch to a tighter setting on my wrist, I was able to stop taking all blood pressure and diabetes meds because my levels were all normal or low, and I even completed a 5K (walking it mostly but still!!)!!! My doctor told me not to worry about the scale -- that "it would catch up." So I just didn't weigh for a while, though I stayed the path on eating, water, protein, and movement. Well, today I got on the scale and have now lost 31 pounds since my surgery. The scale is catching up. What a relief! I'm sure that I'll stall again at some point, and I'll be in a better mindset to just stay consistent and keep with the program and have faith.
  5. BabySpoons

    Weight loss stall

    To be honest, early on I had lots of problems with nausea and vomiting eating normal solid foods when it was allowed for me. I stayed on liquids and soft foods maybe longer than most. But it was easier for me. I figured my tummy just needed more time to heal and really had no reason to force it just because I could have it. So, I prioritized getting my protein and liquids in first in the form of shakes, milk, yogurt, soups etc. I've said it here before, that you are better off staying hydrated if eating solid foods is keeping you from that, timewise. (30-minute rule) I simply preferred that to feeling nauseous and figured I had the rest of my life to eat solid foods. Becoming dehydrated can cause stalls and constipation. I also have trouble drinking plain water but found if I add Crystal Light I tend to drink more in a day., I also take a stool softener twice a day since WLS, recommended by my surgeon. Of course, like everyone else here said, periodic stalls are normal. Long term you have to question what you are doing. Now at almost a year post op, I can pretty much eat and drink as needed. I just came off a stall and since I'm nearing goal weight, those last few pounds are coming off slower. I don't weigh myself as often so as not to get discouraged. But I'm pretty damn happy with where I am. Try to get those liquids in... it's important. GL
  6. Wildflower Bohême

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Great job on everything so far!! I applaud you on your dedication to moving your body!! I also take my measurements once a month, on the 1st. I totally relate to everything you said, including the early stall! I had a stall at 2 weeks and it lasted a month. I cried at my 3 week appointment, as I had gained 6 pounds. I thought my surgeon would think I was non-compliant, even though I was only getting 3-400 calories a day. She hugged me and told me that it was literally impossible for me to be non-compliant at this stage! It was just my body freaking out at itself, and the goal over time was to add a lot more calories. I haven't been able to do much more than a little slow walking, even at nearly 4 months out and just short of 40lbs down from surgery weight. I think it has to do with sleep, about which I have huge issues. I feel like once I get better with that, I'll be able to add a lot more movement. I'm hoping that will help get me through future stalls, which I know are very likely to come and are super normal. Still doesn't make it easy! Also having trouble getting my 64+ of liquids. It's a daily struggle that I don't always meet. My surgeon chose to leave the hospital and physician's group 3 months after my surgery, because the powers that be were making decisions about the program that she felt compromised the program's (and her) integrity. She's moved to a more holistic private practice now, and even though they don't take my insurance, she offers a special rate for follow-ups to her former surgery patients. I'm totally going to go see her for my 6 month f/u and beyond, because the hospital has now ended their bariatric program, and I adore my surgeon and her holistic attitude. I feel really lucky.
  7. I was so disappointed that my stall lasted so long, I took out the tape measure one day and decided to measure myself. In all I lost 15 inches !!!! That made me happy again PS.... I'm still KathyLev ...I got a new computer,but I couldn't sign in ...so I had to start over with a new acct. *sigh*
  8. Congratulations. You’re doing so well. Your weight loss is certainly noticeable. Sometimes the scales don’t move but the numbers on the tape measure gets smaller or our clothes get bigger. I think our body makes small adjustments to the location of our fat as we lose. It certainly goes through a noticeable resettling after maintenance begins & our weight loss stops - we look less gaunt, our body shape changes, etc. It’s why those of us who’ve been here a little while often suggest taking body measurements instead of weighing yourself during a stall. Looking forward to seeing what their next months bring you.
  9. MNewell

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi! I had bypass surgery on 5/1. So almost two weeks out. 1. I was nervous about the recovery after. I have three big dogs that love to be all up in my business. A pillow to block my abdomen was my best friend. 2. I overpacked for the hospital. My surgeon only required an overnight stay. But I brought some skincare and a book and a game to play with my husband. Didn’t use any of it lol. Except some lip balm. My lips were crazy dry after the surgery. I brought a heating pad with me. I used it for the gas pain because that stuff travels! It migrated to my shoulders at one point. So painful. Getting up and walking around helped so much. You’re going to be so exhausted after surgery, you’re not going to want to do much but sleep. 3. I’m excited about actually being healthy for the first time in my life. Looking forward to doing things with my family and friends that I previously would have said no to.
  10. for most people, yes, gastric bypass greatly improves if not outright cures heartburn. Mine completely went away for the first three years. I have it occasionally now (I'm nine years out), but it's pretty mild and a couple of Tums (or something similar) will usually knock it out.
  11. invisiblyhappy

    Are these okay?

    Thank you all! I've been doing one for breakfast typically as I was under in calorie goal and it had been stalling me. I've actually finally started dropping weight again. I'm typically hitting 1100-1300 now and am doing one protein shake and one to two meals consisting of a protein (steak, chicken, or eggs) and vegetables and sometimes more carbs (1/2 bagel).
  12. Arabesque

    Weight loss stall

    Yep, stalls are a very normal & common part of weight loss. In fact they’re important. Your body shuts down to reassess your needs based on your changing weight & alters digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. It will take the time it needs. Don’t stress it more by making more changes to your diet or activity above your plan. They can be frustrating but you really just have to ride it out. Yes, to only waiting 30 minutes before & after eating to drink too. Check with your team about collagen. While it does contain protein it is not a complete protein as it doesn’t include all the necessary amino acids so usually can’t be counted towards your goal. I believe there is a collagen powder which has added the missing amino acids but I can’t recall the brand. Use unflavoured protein powder instead to add to soups, shakes, porridge, etc. All the best.
  13. GreenTealael

    Will I plateau right after surgery?

    I think everyone gets anxious near their surgery date so you’re in good company. WLS was the only think I could think about for a few weeks leading up to it. I was so nervous the night before, I stayed up the entire night cleaning, listening to music and watch movies. I went straight into surgery in the next morning. You will continue to lose and quite possibly stall a few times too. You may also come out of surgery initially up a little in weight and that is because of the surgery itself. But you will continue to lose weight in the months to come. If you ever find yourself in a stall, wait it out and don’t change anything. You’ll want the proof that it wasn’t your fault for having one or jumpstarting the loss again. If you can get a tailor’s tape measure, take your measurements along the way. You can see huge changes in body re composition even if the weight on the scale doesn’t reflect your efforts. Good and Congratulations in advance ❤️
  14. brandycsiz

    November 2023 buddies

    My sugery was 11/29.. as of this morning I am 32lbs down.. I started back into the gym on Monday, 8 weeks post op. I have not really had a weight stall yet, I am noticing that my hair loss has picked up so I am getting it cut on Tuesday. I am off all my food restrictions so I am excited about trying out all kinds of food. Going clothes shopping this weekend to pick up a few things as my clothes are falling off me.. This has been a fun, stressful and frustrating journey but I am here for it...
  15. RonHall908

    Struggling to stop losing

    I lost 70+ lbs. before I had my surgery. I've been eating healthy for a while now. But, it starting going into overdrive back in October. As of my weight today I've lost 25 pounds since my surgery. I had a 10 day stall and started to worry a bit because it was the time between my surgery and when I started soft foods. My surgeon and Dietician told me that would happen. I expected it, but it still had me second guessing at the time. One thing I've taken from all of the stories everyone has, nobody loses the same. I keep that in mind and then realize I'm only 7 weeks post op. I try to walk a 1-2 miles at least two days a week or more. I would like to walk more, but I have a torn meniscus that's going to require a full knee replacement (bone on bone). So, I'm limited without being in a lot of pain. On the days I don't walk, I use my rowing machine or I do some resistance training with a band or light weights. Thanks for your advice and story of what you've been through. I hope you're able to get where you want to be and I wish you the best!
  16. ShooterInTheSix

    Did anyone NOT have a 3 week stall?

    I had my surgery on Sept 14. I'd lost 20lbs during my two week pre-op liquid diet, and another 22lbs up to Oct 19 (5 weeks post-op) and had no change the next week and this week actually gained three pounds. Not impressed!
  17. Love, love, love this advice!! I can personally tell you that you are 100% correct. I was not drinking enough water (i was relying on Coke Zero) which i know actually dehydrates you. I also got into the bad habit of staying up way too late on my phone while watching Netflix so I was not getting enough sleep. My weigh loss stalled. I have now been drinking a lot more water and making sure i get between 7.5- 8 hours of sleep a night. By doing this i have broken the very long stall/very slow weight loss!! I know this is common knowledge about getting enough water/sleep, I just got into very bad habits for a while. I had my surgery 4/12/23 and have lost 82 lbs so i am doing good, but i knew i could do better!
  18. Arabesque


    I was never given calories either. Just the 60g protein & that I should be eating about a cup of food by 6 months. I due random checks of calories for my own interest & I was barely eating 900 calories but as @ShoppGirl said there are many factors that influence how many calories you need. Factors like age, gender, height, activity levels, etc. I too suggest getting in contact with your team. They know you best & can advise you better for your needs, Stalls happen & can happen several times. Though we usually say they last 1-3 weeks, it’s not unusual for them to last longer. Out of curiosity do you track your food & know your calorie & macro intake? What are your portion sizes like? Remember too, your portions sizes & number of calories you need do increase as you progress. For example at 18 months I was eating about 1300 to maintain & now at almost 5 years I eat about 1600 to maintain the same weight. And my portions are around 3-4ozs protein & a good cup or more of steamed vegetables.
  19. I was cleared for any and all exercise at 4 weeks post-op, and I haven't stopped. I am currently 5 months out from surgery, and I've definitely had a couple of stalls. But all of my fitness levels are rising and I feel great pushing myself to do more and more. At this point, I've noticed that my body composition is changing a lot more than the scale, and that is fine with me. I don't think I would be in the place where I'm at right now if I had to wait until February to begin exercising.
  20. I am so glad that there is a community to help with this. I'm slated for VSG surgery on Monday. Not necessarily nervous about the surgery itself, but what could happen after. And while I sit here in this pretty anxious state, I have a question: I've lost 21 pounds on my pre-op diet. Will I lose more after surgery or will I stall? I just feel like I'm going to stall after the surgery, and maybe this isn't a lot to lose pre-op. I'm just worried that I'll be one of the people that won't lose anymore after surgery.
  21. .......... I "think" I broke the stall ! * knock on wood* 😁 Yes! I've been at 192 for months and nothing I did would break it. Finally ....I am gradually going down and as of today I am 185 ! It's the weirdest thing - all summer I was exercising and walking and the scale wouldn't move. Now that it's winter in Wisconsin , I haven't been walking at all except for grocery shopping and the weight loss started again. The only reason I can think of why I was stalled is,I must have been gaining muscle . Well - I'm not going to question it .... I'm just going to enjoy it I'm so happy to be a "loser" again..... LOL
  22. Hi from UK, Ive been booked in for surgery in July and was told to go on 12 week diet. I thought that's excessive as I've seen heavier people only do 2-3 weeks max. I have to do 9 weeks on milk and jelly, then 3 weeks on weight watchers soup and Muller. For example I've started today and I'm at weight I should be on 20th if I have like healthy protein based meal once a day in the 9 weeks that should be fine isn't it? I had boneless chicken today and weight didn't fluctuate thankfully so one meal a week for 9 weeks should be fine? Sorry if I'm rambling
  23. You are right! I shouldn’t stop this negativity I’m giving myself. I’ve been trying so hard to eat what’s my nutrition handbook for the past 5 months. I guess that’s why I’m craving so much other food. I also suspect because I’m in a stall, my body is sending out signal to creat my head hunger. This is my 2nd stall post op and it’s getting harder to break. Changing habit is not easy and my previous life style is not healthy. I loooove food and I believe I am a good cook… I was scared that I will go back to how I eat previously. The root problem is that I need to change my habit and my food choice, and it’s hard. I failed at my first sleeve surgery, and got the bypass now, which it still make me feel horrible. The thoughts of failing again got the best of me. I should be happy I loss 43lbs, and 2 size down on my dress size!
  24. Arabesque

    3 week stall - Just a rant from a newbie

    Puree can be tough. For some it’s a textural issue for others like me it’s a taste thing (everything tastes disgusting). You can puree a lot of things just add enough stock, milk, water, mayo, gravy, etc. to keep it the right dollopy texture/consistency. A friend told me she survived on pureed chicken with gravy. I mashed eggs with Mayo, was allowed thin instant oats, thin scrambled eggs, yoghurt, soups, etc. I tried pureeing tinned fish but blah! During soft foods I ate a lot of minced meat based dishes. Just made sure there was enough sauce/gravy to keep the meal wet. Also soft white fish, omelettes & made a couple of casseroles/stews & meat & vegetable soups. Yep, stalls can be frustrating & demoralising but remember an important step in your weight loss (when your body takes stock of your new needs & adjusts digestive hormones, metabolic rate, etc.). 17.5lbs in about 4 weeks is still pretty darn great. Even with the stall that’s an average of more than 4lbs a week. Can’t be upset with that.
  25. Arabesque

    Taking Tablets?

    I was able to easily swallow tables about 4 or so days after surgery. The initial post surgery swelling made it painful the first three days but once the swelling went down it was okay. Spread taking them out. Like I had two multi to take so took one in the morning & one at night. Make sure you eat first before taking your vitamins because they a make you nauseous As you’re still on fluids, take your tablets (singularly) with the last sips of your shake. Remember too not to take your calcium, iron or PPI tablets together (wait an hour or so) between.

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