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Found 3,903 results

  1. Ruthie1974

    So far, not loving my sleeve

    Okay, take a breath. The weight will come off, but not in a couple of weeks time. You are just post op and your body is swollen and trying to adjust to the trauma of surgery. During the surgical case they give you IV fluid and you are going to get rid of that soon as well. Please be patient. I went through the same thoughts/feelings and it is much better now. You will go through plateaus and stalls when your body is trying to keep up with the loss. The three week stall is infamous, but it does get better. I'm 5 weeks out next Monday and still learning. I remember how I felt when I was where you are and I thought if I had to drink one more protein anything I would choke someone. . Take one day at a time. It gets better and there are a ton of ppl on here who have been there and will listen/encourage you. I'm keeping you in my prayers that this will turn around soon for ya.
  2. Crystal Ann Keister

    Stuck at the same weight

    I was told by my NUT. that at week three you introduce sodium back in your diet again. So you look like you hit a stall when in fact you retain Water. She said between weeks 3 to 6 weeks look at inches lost not just weight. Sent from my XT1080 using the BariatricPal App
  3. Rogofulm


    Glad to hear it! Ironically, I'm in a four-week-long stall myself. After losing 70 pounds in the first three months, I've lost 5 in the past month. Intellectually, I know what's going on; but emotionally, that scale is a real bastard!
  4. catwoman7

    VSG Stall 1 week post-op

    both. Yes - people who lose a lot of weight pre-op don't usually see those huge drops the first month that others do, because most of those "big drops" is due to water weight. If you lost a lot before surgery, that water weight is long gone. secondly, almost everyone has their first stall during the first month or so after surgery. It's usually the third week (thus it's called "the three week stall", and there are hundreds of posts here on it), but it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Once my stall broke during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. So anyway, you may just be having your "three week stall" early. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I started out at over 300 lbs. Figured I'd drop like crazy, too - but no, I did not. But like you, I lost a ton of weight (57 lbs) prior to surgery, and then I had that two-week-long stall....
  5. CDP1965

    Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

    I am almost 4 weeks post opp now. I dropped 28 lbs in a month before surgery. Then I lost another 28 lbs in three weeks after. So a total of 56 lbs in 7 weeks. Now I am at a stall and I feel it is to early for a stall but maybe I am wrong ? I was weiging my self every day and I was losing 2 lbs a day and now the last three days or so I have not lost any thing. I have ranged from 300 calories to 1000 ( The 1000 was just one day and that was yesterday) Most days I am between 600 and 700. I also have developed a staph infection mostly in my leg ( I get these some times) So I am on antibiotics and not sure if maybe the infection could have somthing to do with my stall ? I know it has caused my BS and BP to come up. Any way I am not to worried about it but I did figure that I would lose between 60 and 100 lbs my first two months out and then maybe slow to 20 lbs a month for awhile. My BMI is at 50.19 now so not sure why I would stall so early.
  6. Miss Mac

    Low carb diet compliance

    That just goes to show you how individual we all are, and how important it is to stay close with the plan given to us. I get my best results when I sacrifice the carbs down to less than 20g. That's not much, but it is how I just kicked a plateau for 7 weeks, and lost four pounds this past week. I need to change my body from a sugar burner to a fat burner. Just frankly speaking, I get much better results with very low carb. Breakfast this morning was one scrambled egg with 1/2 ounce of shredded cheddar, and one slice of bacon. Pre-op, that would have been two eggs, an ounce of cheese, three pieces of bacon and four pieces of toast with a cup of tes & sugar and a small glass of orange juice...... and I was hungry before lunch. Carbs make you hungry for more carbs, plain and simple. Chocolate, oh man I love chocolate, but I did not give it up. I gave up the sugary sweet milk chocolate candy bars for 85% dark chocolate. Usually I will eat it for a snack with a few nuts to break up the strong flavor. Soda pop was a big contributer to my bloated 53 inch belly. On a 5'4" woman, that means I was almost as big around as I was tall. I have lost over 10" of belly at this point. Pre-op I was really concerned about up giving up so much, but you know what? I am almost six months out, and my body thanks me for putting my brain in its place! Miss Tummy is in charge of this joint now, and I lose every argument. What I miss is the flavor of those foods. The smell of bread makes me ill - it smells like a brewery. I never met a potato I didn't like, but now a potato or noodles or rice have unpleasant consequences like gas and bloating and weight stalls. So, for lunch I will be having a tomato stuffed with tuna salad.....no bread. Dinner will be 1/2 a burger (no bread) with 1/2 slice of cheese and some green beans. If I get hungry before bedtime, I will have some sugar free hot chocolate. So, ketosis looks good on me, but causes a lot of grief for others. I just have to face the fact that I am extremely insulin resistant. Before surgery, I could not even lose weight on a 1,000 calorie of the American Food Pyramid. Low carb is my future....Miss Tummy insists.
  7. catwoman7


    yea - some people do experience "stair step" weight loss (which sounds like you're experiencing). Luckily I only had stalls every two or three months, because I know they're aggravating. At 1000 calories/day, I wouldn't worry about it. You'll start losing again. Maybe just try weighing yourself once or twice a week? (I know that's hard for a lot of people, though...)
  8. merry1126

    June 2015 sleevers

    I was sleeved on 6/17/15. I was 294lbs on the day of surgery and have lost 16lbs. I gained 10 lbs after surgery but lost that in a few days. Currently I'm at the dreaded week three stall. I started the puree/soft stage on Monday after being on a all liquid diet for two weeks. I stay on this stage for three weeks. I've been meeting my 60g Protein goal and drinking least 60 oz of Water. I started walking on a treadmill for thirty minutes to help me get out of this stall. I'm going to continue with my surgeon/NUT plan and try not to get to anxious but I'm a worrywart by nature so its hard.
  9. catwoman7

    Where’s the weight loss??

    I agree with everything liveaboard15 said. Plus you may have started your three-week stall a little early. I did as well - mine was weeks 2 & 3 (most of us have our first major stall sometime during the first month of surgery. We call it the "three-week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always). Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days....
  10. I was sleeved on the. 10th and down 14 pounds. I am approaching the three week stall :/
  11. FutureSkyDiver

    Weight loss

    I’m only two weeks out, but from reading these forums, it seems that nearly everyone experiences a stall at about the three week mark.
  12. Increase your calories. I was at a stall for over three weeks. I am 6 weeks out now. Increased calories and am losing now ... You are in starvation mode.
  13. TheOldMeAgain

    Dreaded 3-week stall?

    Everyone talking about the dreaded three wk stall so I got curious. I broke my only one week rule and weighted myself. I've lost two pounds since my third week weight in. Maybe the stall doesn't show itself until the fourth wk. Time will tell.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl


    Follow your NUTs instructions. The primary focus post-op is getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Calories are a secondary consideration. Getting in enough protein and fluids (and vitamins) are critical for both healing and weight loss. Since you are at three weeks post-op, you are probably about to or already experiencing your first stall. Since none of us lose at a constant rate, stalls are a normal part of the process. I recommend you read this post I wrote a while back which may help you. Best of luck with your journey. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  15. newbie_2025


    I am just curious.... Is there anyone in this forum in which the RNY surgery didn't work for them. Meaning not much weight or any weight was lost. I am entering my third on Tuesday and I hit a stall on week two. I haven't lost any weight for a week now even though I have amped my activity levels. Walking more and being more active . Met with nutritionist this past week over concerns of not losing and she told me it was normal. However I am still worried that this might not work because I have been keeping up with protein and water intake as instructed and have been doing moderate exercise and not one pound has been lost. So far I have only lost 17 pounds in three weeks.
  16. catwoman7

    1 Month Post Op Weight Loss

    almost everyone experiences the infamous "three week stall" (the first major stall you hit, was is usually sometime during the first month or so after surgery. It's USUALLY the third week, hence the name). If you do a search of this site of the "three week stall", you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding)). You will likely hit several of these stalls along your journey. When you hit one, just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that the stall WILL break, and you'll be on your way again. and yes - weight loss rate falls off a lot after the first few weeks because most of that initial drop is water. So much depends on things like your starting BMI, gender, age, metabolic rate, etc - but most people seem to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month, and then about 10 lbs month after that. As you get closer to goal, the rate of weight loss decreases even more. I think a lot of people's expectations are shaped by shows like "My 600 lb Life" and are therefore very disappointed when they lose 15 or 20 lbs the first month - and then 10 lbs a month after that - but you have to keep in mind that the people on those shows start at MUCH higher BMI's than the average WLS patient. You are doing absolutely fine - so stop worrying about it and just enjoy the ride! I lost 16 lbs the first month, and about 10 lbs a month after that (again, dropping off a few months later), and I lost 100% of my excess weight. And I started off at over 300 lbs.
  17. Bndtoslv

    Roll call all who had surgery JUNE 2015

    You have the same stats as me except I had surgery 6/30. I am in a stall and was losing hope that I would make my goal of 229 by labor day but you have given me hope! I am slightly shorter than you though 5' 6''. Can I ask how long your three week stall lasted if you have one?
  18. I am sad to say that I am three weeks out and already at a stall. I cant believe this! Is it normal to be at a stall so early in the game?! I have lost 15 lbs so far but was hoping to hit the 20 mark before the end of my first month. Help! What do I do?!
  19. ProudGrammy

    Weight loss kind of slow

    @@wyndy1 listen to wise words of @@erp i taught her everything she knows No weight loss in three (3) weeks THAT is the beginning of an official stall like gas, this too shall pass!! LOL "God Grant Me Patience, Just Hurry Up About It!!" good luck kathy
  20. Thank you! So far, I don't really have any non scale wins. My clothes are as tight as they were three weeks ago. Did any of your stalls last several weeks?

    I Have No Motivation That Pushes Me

    I know exactly where you are coming from. What kept me going, even at my highest weight... I held down a job. I had to get up and go to work. It was a daily struggle, my feet hurt, my knees hurt, tired and did not feel good. There were a lot of days that I called into work because I just could not push myself any further. Right after the surgery I did not want to leave the house and did not want to move. I set infront of the TV for the month that I was off work. Of course I was loosing weight slowly and stalling because I was doing absolutely no exercises and had every excuse in the world still. As the months have passed....I have started feeling better. I have started parking further from my building and forcing myself to walk four times a day to my car and back. It has been five months now and I'm starting to feel decent again. Everyone at work has made comments about me getting around a lot better (I would sit at my desk all day and wouldn't even get up and go to the bathroom because the bathroom was too far away). I bought an ellipitical peddler for under my desk and I use it several times a day. I have some weights that I lift when I sit infront of the TV. I have more energy now and each day is better. I am getting a shot the next three weeks in both of my knees and then hopefully I will be more mobile. You have just got to make up your mind just the same as you did when you decide to get the surgery. Go back to what motivated you to do the surgery.....was it to live? be healthy? for your children? sick and tired of being sick and tired? and use these motivations to get you up and moving. Get into a local WLS support group. This will really help you when you see and hear other people going through the same thing. You can do this and we got your back!!!
  22. I need some help...I had my surgery 11/30/2012 and so far I've lost 50 pounds. a steady 50 pounds, at first fast, but now about 2 pounds per week now. I am on a low carb diet as I cannot handle any amount of carbs so I try to only have 10 - 15 carbs per day or none at all. I eat very well though. I drink (on most days) 1 liter of water. I often don't have time for a workout but I'm active through out the day with kids and working outside in flower beds digging, hauling heavy things, etc . I work hard. This last week I decided to step things up to speed things up. So I've been extra strict. But instead of my body reacting by dropping weight I've accomplished a stall. a stubborn, stuck, relentless stall. I'm scared to try other diets as I gain weight very easily and it seems hard to loose it. so I'm not sure what to do. I even only ate baked chicken and eggs for three days lol (I don't recommend that) to try to shock my body. but nope. it wouldn't budge. HELP ME!!! I need to loose this last 25 pound, I have weddings coming up in June and July I need to go to and I really want to look good.
  23. That would be great...then I could just stay out of that sub forum and never have to read another post about a three week stall ever again!
  24. I think I need to revise my goal due to the longest stall in history (ok in my history LOL). Let's say I don't gain anything before thanksgiving! Original Weight 188 Current Weight 155.1 and holding Goal Weight.....ok 154.1 would be nice!!!! (That takes me out of the obese category and makes me just "fat") LOL I used to teach a class to bankers on setting goals. I would have never taught them to make such an easy (ya right) goal LMAO! And let's add a two mile walk three times a week! That I can actually control! Oh...except DS woke up sick so today will be a challenge....grrrrr
  25. Proud2BMe

    Weight loss Pause

    Every stall is different. Some just last days. Others weeks. However, you need to realize there may be times you go a month or longer before you start losing again. I've known a couple of sleevers who went three months on a stall before. There's a few tricks you can try to see if you can break the stall but you really need to increase your calories, Protein and Water intake.

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