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  1. Ok guys chances are I’m just letting my first stall get the better of me but I’m gonna ask a few questions please feel free to comment on any or all. I was sleeved on 8/20. I lost 24 pounds pre-op. I didn’t gain during two day stay in hospital and immediately lost 10 more the first 5 days after surgery. So that’s 35 total pounds lost. Here’s the problem. I stopped losing weight just 5 days after. For three days now I’ve been at the same weight. I NEVER hear about a first week stall so I’m worried. 1. Is it heard of to stall first week? 2. I’m 7 days post op and can already consume more than 64 ounces (which I was told to work toward) by late afternoon. Is that normal to be able to take in that much so soon. It happened gradually but I’m just scared I’ve already stretched my sleeeve. Which is probably nonsense. 3. Finally, pain. Aside from the nagging faint pain of the big incision I have, is it normal to have rolling pains occasionally from my stomach. Not abs, pretty sure this is stomach. 4. Also, what’s up with all this flatulence. When will I stop farting so much? Thanks.
  2. First let me say I feel fabulous! I've lost over 70 pounds in just over 5 months. I went from a 22 to a very comfy 12. The road has not been easy and for all you newbies...here is my list of amazing highs...and of not so sunshiny lows. Disclaimer: This is my experience...it may not be yours. It will be uncomfortable for a few days post op I was not hungry for weeks after surgery I was scared to eat or drink and I didn’t drink enough...thus constipation and weakness I didn't feel normal for about 6 weeks. I needed naps and I took them The weight literally falls off...seriously I was looking for pools of fat in bed when I woke up in the morning I hit the 4 week stall and it lasted two weeks. Expect it and don't stress On day three, I had a massive freak out…seriously threw a four year old fit…pissed off my stomach was gone. No one noticed for months and that irritated me. EVERYONE notices now and it's all they want to talk about. Don’t tell anyone you are going to Mexico to have your stomach cut off unless you trust them completely. I threw up alot...just slime mostly...while I was learning my new tummy. It will scare you and if you are like me…it will happen a lot when you transition to solid foods. food addiction does not magically go away...if you have a problem before..you will still have it. I think about food all the time, but I finally have a way to resist it. I am a sugar addict. I never crave carbs, but I crave sugar like a mad woman. Going out to dinner is awkward. I hate watching people eat Put the lotion on the skin! My skin got really dry. I’ve lost half my hair at 4.5 months post op. Mine came out in chunks. Freaked me out! Our Golden Retriever and I are in a competition for shedding. It will be ok. Take your Vitamins and buy Nioxin. It doesn’t help my hair loss, but I feel like I am at least doing something about it. Don’t take a powerful laxative when you are constipated…especially before your child’s school performance. It may say “See results in 2-4 hours” but it means 30 mins and then you’re stuck on a mini toilet with both legs numb, crying to everything holy to save you. Shopping is amazing! I still feel like people are looking at me like I don’t belong there…but that’s all in my head. My shoes no longer fit. they are too wide now! Your pre WLS Spanx will look huge in a couple months Trust me…put some Granola bars in your glove box and a few packs of mixed nuts. Sometimes your hungry and there is nothing that you can eat. Handy meals from the market or gas station when you didn’t plan ahead. Single string cheese, an apple, mixed nuts, readymade hard boiled eggs, The inside of California rolls- no rice, campbells Soup at hand or ready made soup in a coffee cup. Handy items at fast food places that sit ok on my tummy include: Taco Bells refried Beans or the inside of a chicken taco. Wendys chili, McDonalds oatmeal, McDonalds yogurt parfait I feel guilty in front of my heavier friends. I always try to wear a sweatshirt so I don’t rub the weight loss in their faces. You get drunk really fast...like a half glass of wine. Be careful...it sneaks up on you...and before you know it, you’re waiting for your hubby to pick you up...from less than a glass. Its crazy. I don't really even try anymore to drink. I crave raw fish, cooked fish, broiled fish, grilled fish...any fish really and it feels amazing on my tummy. I cant eat steak I love that I have collar bones I update my Facebook pictures and secretly love the compliments I own a woman's North Face now I can buy bras at Victoria's secret I pack all my food for work in snack bags and the little tupperware containers for salad dressing. I can still have M&M's...its just like 9...instead of the king size bags Take heartburn medicine everyday...don’t wait until you get heartburn. Buy stock in Maalox You can have a full meal at Costco- Samples + WLS = Cheap Date! Food Portion jokes get really old Fast food burgers makes me want to vomit. At 5 months...salad is wonderful. I can eat about a cup of greens...which takes me a while and I feel a tiny bit normal. Post-op, If you can swing it, buy a Vita-Mix blender and make your own soup. Canned soup was nasty right after surgery. Freeze them in 4oz canning jars. It will be two servings. Quit Smoking before surgery. I waited and it slowed my healing. It also gave me terrible heartburn. I am 5 weeks smoke free You don't have to "confess" you had WLS. It's ok to say thank you for the compliment and not feel guilty. I'm just now starting to accept that I had a little something to do with this insane loss. I tell people when they ask now how I lost the weight, that i exercise and use portion control. People will treat you different. Salesladies ask if I need assistance, men hold open doors and the skinny girls at work talk to me now. It's shallow and pisses me off, but it's nice to not be invisible anymore. WLS is very difficult. For me, it’s not physical, but the mental. Sometimes I just want a cheesecake like before. It goes away very quickly, but it still comes and goes. Sometimes I get angry at my sleeve because I can’t eat something I see others eating. Most of the time I have to hide my expression when I see people shovel food in the way I used to. It’s shocking to see when you’re on the other side of WLS. I used to inhale my food like a tiny food thief was going to come in and take it away from me. You will have to say no to your family when they all want to go to a Chinese buffet. I’m still not ready to walk in and be near a buffet. It feels awesome to give your clothes away, however, do not offer them to your heavier friends. It’s insensitive and they won’t return your calls for a week. Last one...I played laser tag this past weekend with a bunch of 9 year old boys. It was soooo Much fun!!! Please feel free to add any other thoughts or tips...
  3. mistysj

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    Nearly everyone has a stall at the 3-4 week mark. just search this forum for "three week stall" and you will see. It is totally normal. Just keep following your doctor's plan and you will start losing again.
  4. A year ago today around this time I was in the hospital getting prepped for surgery. I was ready for my life to change. The following 9 months were spent meticulously following my plan, learning about my healing body, and being amazed at the progress I was making. Months 10-12 have been different. My hunger is back in full force. I can eat more at a time than I thought, and head hunger has taken control. I'm not losing 1-2 lbs a day, or 1 lb a week, or even 1 lb every two weeks like I had been. My highest weight before surgery was 310, lowest after surgery was 211, and today I weighed in at 214. I am terrified, disappointed, and ready to take control again. I have been active 5 days a week, but I have not counted calories at all. My fear is that if I start to count calories, I will fall into my old patters of guilt, depriving myself, guilt, treating myself, guilt, eating all day, guilt, guilt, guilt. But here I am, three pounds above my lowest post op weight, guilty. Where is the girl in the beginning of the journey who turned down carbs and sweets with absolutely no hesitation? Where is the girl who wanted to do exactly what the doctors suggested for fear of hurting myself, wasting thousands of dollars, and getting unhealthy again? After months of being so regimented I find myself face to face with the girl who got herself into the 310 pound mess she was in to begin with. Not only that, but when I start to get down on myself for losing control, I also get upset that I can't see just how far I've come. My thighs don't hurt when I walk. I don't have asthma attacks. My migraines are non existent. I can sit comfortably in a car and a plane with a regular seat belt. I can walk, run, and exercise for extended periods of time. I feel great, I like the way I look. But...I'm still 40 lbs away from my goal weight and stuck. Have any of you gotten to this point? Has anyone else gained back a few pounds or hit a stall for months and felt useless? What advice could you give me for moving forward and learning to love who I am while still striving to lose weight?
  5. AussieLady

    The great thread killer......

    The three week stall lasts 3 weeks. You haven't lost anything in the last 45 minutes because you haven't had a poop. Vodka and Redbull is fine as long as the bull isn't too big and you'll know if you stretched your sleeve if you can still fit in another KFC Family Feast.
  6. Looking back on this... so much is true. The emotions, the stall at three weeks, Hell week, etc. But you get through it.
  7. prettysleeved1

    5 Weeks Post-Op: The Stall Is Over

    Today I am 5w 1d post-op. I'm feeling great and am back to full activity. There are no more aches and pains and I've finally managed to regularly get in over 90g of protein without reliance on protein shakes. At three weeks, I hit the dreaded stall but continued to lose inches. It was a little disconcerting for me to be in that position. Of course, inches are great but when I go to the doctor, they don't measure my waist, they weigh me to see if I'm on track. Nonetheless, I was prepared for it and had already made up my mind what I would do when it came. The stall broke today so for 15 days, I was at the same weight. In those 15 days: I increased my protein to between 90-115g per day. I increased my water to at least 84oz. per day. I increased the length and intensity of my workouts. My total calories increased to around 850. I increased my intake of carbohydrates. As I said, I'm doing a good job of weaning myself off of protein shakes. Some would say that it's too soon but I'd rather get my protein through food than a shake. I've found myself in a predicament where I have to eat something every three hours anyway so I just get the protein in at each small meal (about 5 per day). My go-to sources are chicken, fish, shrimp, very lean ground beef, ground turkey, and low-fat cheeses. Increasing my water was the hardest part because water temporarily fills me up so it takes longer than I'd like to get all my water in (and I'm past the sipping stage). However, if we jump into the Way Back Machine and go back to high school physiology class, we remember that we need water to metabolize stored fat. On top of my workouts, dehydration wasn't going to do anything for weight loss so I had to get in more. Some surgeons tell their patients that protein shakes count towards their water totals and since water is in the shake, it makes sense but I believe (and have always believed) that regular water is the best to meet water needs. My workouts started off slow because my surgeon has a sort of vesting schedule for workouts. At two weeks, she only allows walking. At three, speed walking, and it progresses from there. At three weeks, I felt fine. I had no more aches and pains so I went ahead full speed. Pre-op, I was a runner and frequently used HIIT training. I transitioned back into those forms of exercise. I gave myself about 4 days to adapt and then increased the running by about 15-20 extra minutes (about another 1.5 miles). I also reintegrated strength training. The increase in my workouts warranted the increase in my total calories. I was never given a calorie level to maintain by the NUT. In fact, she said not to count calories but to just eat according to the sleeve. The 450-500 calories I had been getting just is not conducive to long-term functionality and it was causing me to retain water. Over the course of a week or so, I increased my calories in a number of ways. For example, for breakfast, I would have a serving of turkey sausage crumbles. I started to add one serving of shredded mozzarella to it for an additional 80 calories and 6g of protein. Lastly, I increased carbs. On my plan, I cannot have raw fruit or vegetables until 6 weeks out. I can, have canned veggies and fruit though. I found some "No Sugar Added" canned fruit that has 30 calories and 6 grams of carbs per serving (1/2 can). I started eating a few slices of the fruit (because I can't manage a 1/2 can) with my protein at lunch. I'm not 100% certain about the science behind this but since our bodies need glycogen and the need to glycogen is one reason that stalls happen, I figured introducing some carbohydrates through food would help my body get what it needs without prolonging the stall. I just started doing this over the last week and apparently it worked because I lost 1.2 pounds between yesterday morning and this morning. As a final note, my surgeon's nurse practitioner explained that with the sleeve, they usually see stair step weight loss. She noted that most people will lose a large amount of weight and then level off for a week or two and then lose another lump of weight throughout the process. Although I'd like to see a weekly decrease in weight consistently, I'll take the alternative as long as my total body composition is changing. My NSV (inspite of the stall), is that I'm back at The GAP! Here's to a fashionable fall.
  8. Screwballski

    I guess I’m regretting a little...

    I think most of us have been there. And, when WE were, we were like, “Moan...groan...three week stall...why so slow....blah...blah...blah.” And, no kidding, many of us felt this way whether we were losing a little bit of weight or a metric butt ton. You folks seem to be doing so well! There should be a drop down for all of us about these commonly aired first few week’s issues and feelings. Because the feelings and concerns are valid. You’re going through it and it matters as much as any other issue. Here are a few things i’ve learned along the way: First, If you follow your plan, things work out for almost everyone on their own timeline. Second, The scale will stand still at times even when you are following your plan. That doesn’t mean your body isn’t changing in a positive manner. A scale doesn’t measure inches, only pounds. Third, Nothing...NOTHING good comes from comparing your progress to another’s. Even if you are the exact height and weight. Each body has a different set of variables and the comparison thing is maddening. You’ll go bonkers trying to set your progress using someone else’s gauges. Just go with your rhythm, don’t sweat the pace, and live each day fully. Don’t miss the experience because you’re worrying about whether you’re on track. If you are following your plan, you’re on YOUR track just as you should be...going your speed. (Here’s something else I think we forget sometimes...You are the only person to whom you are accountable, the only person you can let down, the only person who can be “cheated on” in this venture. Make your choices accordingly. Respect yourself, give yourself the best possible chance and you’ll get the best possible results nearly every time.) Peace
  9. I feel like such an idiot, but the allure of hitting the scale proved too much for me this morning...... Down 4 pounds. And that is after pee number one, I don't know about all of you, but I get so much liquid in me that my "floor weight" cannot be determined until after pee number two in the am. At least the scale did not go up! I have two more days this week to lose weight before my official weight in on Friday morning. I'd go for my am walk, but it's 03:15 and fargin cold outside, oh and dark. The park system where I walk is great, however, it's massive and reclusive, and a number of homeless setup tents in the woods and sleep there overnight. Between 0500 and 0600 when the local corner stores open, they start drinking, I've had to put down several, let me restate, I was forced to take aggressive action to subdue drunken idiots on several occasions. No police, I was also kind enough not to break any bones or do any serious damage, just make my point "Don't F with me" and move along. My fear, is the duo, one or two of which is armed, I can drop one quick, but if the second pulls a (insert weapon here) I don't know how casually I would take it. And honestly the last thing I need is to be on the news for killing an armed homeless alcoholic. Thusly the end of an overly long paragraph is I try to avoid the park before the sun comes up, as the homeless take down their tents and move out before the police begin patrols. I guess tomorrow will be the real testing point. If I continue to lose weight, the stall lasted nearly a week, if not it's still going on, and today was just a 'teaser'. BTW my NUT indicated that "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" happens for a reason. She said, "You ever notice how it's always right after a dietary change?" then she went on to describe a variety of different dietary reasons that could cause a stall, but her logic was sound. This did not happen until the day I began eating pureed foods instead of liquids. I am not saying it's not real, obviously it is, nor am I saying that anyone is doing anything wrong, it may just be, the body reacting to a new diet component or something. Anyway, Thanks for those who posted.
  10. MowryRocks

    Recently sleeved

    Search threads about three week stall. Typically happens about 2-3 weeks in. Nothing you can do, but hang in until it breaks. Have patience and follow the plan, its frustrating, but it will break.
  11. megmom757

    North Carolina

    I had my surgery at Chesapeake Regional. They were fantastic. I did well up walking the same day of surgery. I had surgery early on a Wednesday and went home Friday morning. I had gained ten pounds in the hospital from fluids, but they quickly came off. Two weeks out I lost 27 lbs now I'm in the dreaded three week stall. I'm having some issues with drinking water. My pouch feels like it kinda seizes and revolts against water. So I'm using broth to try and reach fluid goals.
  12. catwoman7

    Purée and stall?

    it's the infamous three week stall - right on schedule! Fear not - almost all of us experience that. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. Rest assured your weight loss WILL start up again. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks, and you'll likely encounter a few of them on your journey.
  13. I am with Blackberry juice...we are on track with each other we have around the same weight loss and I think our surgery dates were a week apart and we had similar BMI to start. I also eat around 1000 calories a day. I am exercising and I am toning and slimming at same time. I think you need to feed your body, people who are advised to get between 500-600 calories a day just seem baffling to me as to why they are told to do that. Not that I am the poster child for weight loss by any means lol. I just know mine has been steady and consistent and for someone who didn't start off with a bunch to lose I think I must be doing something correct. I try to limit the simple carbs, keep my Protein way above the amount of carbs I do get and eat lots of different veggies. I can say I don't crave the sweets like I used to. I don't crave Snacks. I just eat three good meals and sometimes a little something after dinner. Everyones weight loss will vary and stalls happen though I am crossing my fingers that I can at least get a pound or two a week until my goal. I just don't see the logic in these really low low cal post op diets. I see more people struggling who are trying to stay really low too. I wonder if docs think that we are going to cheat so they give us the low number and hope that by doing so if we do eat a couple hundred more that it will still be within the correct range? Who knows. Blackberry what is Goal weight: 145 and jacked ? hehe . btw that is my first goal weight also, I dont see myself wanting to go any lower then 135...but i think 145 would be perfect for my body shape.
  14. kutia

    special weekly update

    :happybday2: Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear me, Happy Birthday to me! :happybday: Well, its my birthday again. Just like last year. I am hoping to be at goal by this time next year. You would think I'd be able to accomplish that. I've lost 60 lbs. in the 4 months since my surgery. I've got 80 lbs. left to lose before goal, so it should be possible to lose that over the next 12 months. That is my major long-term goal: to be at goal by my next birthday. Which will be the 1st. anniversary of my 29th. I've had a much better week, gym-wise. I went three times this week. I've been doing each machine and station twice in a row. Somehow this makes me think the workout is shorter. I've got a gullible brain I guess. My ticker remains the same. At least didn't gain during my period of sloth-itude. I'm just stalled. I'm getting another fill next week.
  15. Aw, honey.....you've technically lost 6 pounds in 8 days, right? I think that's fantastic and I bet that's better than any other diet you've been on! Give your body time and patience. It WILL come off. I lost about 12 pounds the first week (surgery 10/20), got to 288, then the last whole week have fluctuated between 288 and 285! Got down to 285 yesterday, then today shot back up to 288???!! What the hell is THAT! How you do gain three pounds in one day only eating about 700 calories! I didn't even do that when I was eating 3000 a day! But I know it's just my body trying to adjust, fluctuating with Water weight, panicking that it will never get a whole meal again, and scared to death that it's starving right now and hanging on to every little fat cell. One thing you can bet on for sure is that you WILL LOSE WEIGHT! I have not seen one person who had the sleeve who did not lose weight. They might stall, they may gain a few pounds here and there, but overall, we always lose! Hang tight, Sunshine...it'll come. I know it's hard since we're suffering a liquid diet, you'd think we'd at least be rewarded with at least a pound lost a day, but our bodies are fickle little creatures with a ton of overriding responses to starvation!
  16. Today at my appointment w/my surgeon --- I asked my surgeon if there was anything I could do to kickstart weight loss again since I am in an almost three week stall... and he said there is nothing to be done during a stall. He said just wait it out and I will start losing again in time. 😩 It is so frustrating! I upped my exercise routine hardcore about a week and a half ago... I was on the stationary bike for 1 hour and 10 minutes... and then I went on the treadmill for 30 minutes tonight... 13 miles altogether.. . I am still pushing myself to try to jump start the weight loss again.. Who knows if it will work? But I have been sleeping better at night and feeling more energetic during the day, so it is still beneficial.. Anyway, I have heard people had success intermittent fasting.
  17. Had a RNY on 20 Dec, and things are going overall pretty well. Loving the soft / smooshy foods... my love affair with protein shakes is sadly o.v.e.r. for now. Hoping to start liking them again some day soon. I'm afraid the three-week weight stall has me in its grasp. I have always told myself that it's natural, to be stoic about it, it will surely pass, stay away from the scale... but golly I'm not feeling nearly as adult about it now that my scale isn't steadily dropping the weight. I've been bouncing around for about five days now on the same pound. It's fine, I know, but I'm just eager for more dropped pounds. 🙂 Starting weight: 228 Surgery weight: 205 Current weight: 187
  18. I only told family and very close friends - so many people have a strong opinion on WLS and want to offer advice. A few people have guessed because I'm losing the weight, but I felt it was for my well being not to have people judge me, etc. I hope you guys have great success - I'm six weeks post-op and have lost about 38 pounds - I hit a stall for three weeks. Had surgery 10/13/11, but since July 2011 I've lost 60 pounds. I was able to eat a little Thanksgiving food yesterday but I preferred the fresh items over anything heavy :-) Good luck!
  19. Hey everyone! I'm eleven weeks out today and have lost 48 pounds. However over the last week nothing is settling. It stops at the end of my esophagus and comes right back up in a ball. Always nauseated before and after I eat. I have to lay down to knock it most times and to top it off I have stalled. I've been the same weight for almost three weeks now very frustrating. Any suggestions? Is this nausea and vomiting normal? I'm miserable. Help!!
  20. Hello, I haven't been on the site for awhile and wanted to post my progress. As my last post said I still had my drain, well it was removed two days after that post. I feel great and I'm down 45 lbs so far. I'm on soft foods and I haven't had any trouble with any food so far. I hear a lot of people talking about the three week stall and I'm happy to say I didn't have one. I'm 5 weeks out and 2 weeks of a liquid diet pre-op and loosing every week. I'm off of 7 meds and no more shots for sugar......... This is the best thing I ever did for me!!!! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  21. feltond

    June sleevers, check-in!

    Surgery date 6/16 S/W 223 C/W 204 I have been in a stall for about a week now. I returned to work on the 30th and it was hard. Still very tired and week, but I think that is from not getting my 60 oz of fluid or all of my protein. Up until a week ago it hurt to drink...much better now. Started on blended foods 3 days ago and I follow this stage for one week before moving to soft foods for one week. My stomach does not seem to like anything I eat except broth but I tolerate it. Most if my pain subsided within 1 1/2 weeks and then the left sided pain returned three days ago. Strange. Overall, I'm glad that I did this but I am definitely ready for my body to feel normal.
  22. hadouni

    A Cup Of Soup? :(

    Yes, a cup of liquid (not necessarily puree or cream soups) anything goes down easily. I remember in the hospital when they brought my first meal: good size bowl of broth, small juice, popsicle, Jello cup and I was thinking what on earth am I supposed to do with all this? All I'd ever heard was sip, sip, sip and don't ever take in more than 1oz at a time. Boy was I in for a surprise when the nurses were really irritated with me for not eating it all and not drinking the huge pitcher of ice Water they kept refilling! At home on Clear Liquids I'd usually fix myself a 16oz bowl of broth and sip it down slowly but I didn't have any trouble taking it in. I had a stall in week three. It was also time for my period and every month, things seem to stop a week and a half before I get my period, then I start and drop 2-4 lbs over night and start inching down again from there.
  23. Start weight: 227 Weight today: 198, at last weigh in. What are you eating and how much: I eat most foods, I do not eat fruits yet. I still eat a lot of soft foods, my sleeve likes them better right now. I eat chicken, cheese, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, a lot of Soups, Beans, and soft cooked veggies. I do not eat meat yet like steak, roast or pork. Daily workout: my husband and I walk in the evening, I get up in the morning and do some light exercise with resistance bands. I have not joined a gym. I prefer to exercise as home. I am going shopping this weekend for a workout DVD. How hungry are you: I would not say that I get truly hungry, I know when I need to eat (I try to focus on eating every 3 hours). I get head hunger when I see commercials but I know that I do not need that type of food now. How do you feel physically: I finally feel like I am back to normal, energy wise. I do not need to nap every day now. I can make it through a full day at work and feel good. I can walk farther than I could even two or three weeks ago. How are you emotionally: I had a sad week a couple of weeks ago but that has passed and most days I feel great. Some days things get on my nerves very quickly, not really sure why. Are you glad you chose the sleeve: YES....there have been tough days but I know that with my sleeve, I will lose weight, get off my medications, be healthier, and I will not be morbidly obese again. I will be able to enjoy life for the rest of my life. This surgery experience has been harder than I imagined. Not the actual surgery, but the days and weeks that followed. I still have hard days, when my sleeve does not like to have real food in it. I have never had nausea or vomiting but I do have issues some days with foods, I still prefer soft foods. The weight has not melted off, as I had hoped it would. It is slow and there are stalls, lots of them. I still struggle to get in all my Protein and Water. I am not sorry though, not at all. I know that my sleeve will eventually get me to my goal weight and I will use it to help me maintain that weight for the rest of my life.
  24. KnowNothing

    January VSG

    Surgery on January 18th 2016. Height: 159cm = 5'3" Weight at time of surgery: 76kg = 167.5lbs = 12 stone BMI at the time of surgery: 30 Current weight 64.1kg = 141.5 lbs = 10 stone Current BMI: 25.4 Goal weight: 55kg = 121 lbs = 8.5 stone Goal BMI: 21.8 No more meds for diabetes, high cholesterol nor blood pressure. Back problems are gone! I haven't lost any weight since three weeks ago nor lost any centimeters/inches from my body. Struggling with stomach acidity, lost muscle because of weight loss which had caused that my right knee is in some pain and therefore little training activity. I also overeat at least once a day because I can't feel full and I have head hunger often, plus my body is looking to cope with the acidity and the only way that my mind translate the word "coping" is with "overeating" Extremely happy with the results! Just I want to move away from this stall! Current foods: I haven't touched carbs. Those are the ones that put me in this place, so no bread, pasta, rice, fruit, soft drinks nor sweets. Basically protein foods, veggies and fats. This week I'm starting to reduce the consumption of nuts because I'm allergic to them and I tend to abuse them. What I want to achieve in the food area: remove dairy products and artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners because they act like sugar in the brain, I feel them and I overeat them while dairy I'm also allergic to them and I also abuse both of them. Water: 1.5L goal achieved pretty much every day!
  25. I'm with you ladies! It's really tough being a "slow" loser after all we've been through. I do agree that I'm still losing more then I ever could before surgery, and I have every intention of keeping the weight off for once and for all! I read so much about stalls before my surgery, that I decided to just hide my scale for a while. I weighed in at my one week and one month follow up visits with my surgeon, and am looking forward to my three month weigh-in shortly. There's so little we can eat right after surgery, I figured I would just remove the "scale stress" from my life and just be pleasantly surprised at each follow-up appointment. I know I'll have to start weighing myself after my three month visit to ensure I'm doing the right things and tweaking things when necessary. Until then, I have enough to deal with without "scale stress!" Good luck to you all!

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