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Found 3,904 results

  1. Fixerupper

    Stall Two Weeks Out

    No! It's totally normal. Almost all of us have been through the first stall at two or three weeks. It WILL break. Just hang on. The body is rebalancing. Depression is common at this stage as well.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    STALL! HELP I need advice

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the weight loss process. If you plan to lose a lot of weight you will stall. No one can avoid stalling. Stalls are important to weight loss. Most of us experience our first stall about three weeks after surgery. That said, you have got to get in all of your Protein and fluids. Not getting enough of either will interfere with both healing and weight loss. You may not resume losing until you get enough protein and Water because you are starving your body of necessary nutrients. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  3. 1Cor2:9

    3 Week Stall

    First I want to say that since my three week stall I have now lost more than ten lbs, so the stall for now is over. I think people should have the right to "freak" out if they want. You may say. that will not solve anything. That is not the point. The point is to acknowledge how you feel. This is important. Also, I do not think the mere mention of being disappointment about a stall is "freaking out". Anytime one strives for a goal and that goal is not achieved there is going to be disappointment. That is normal. To state over wise is false. So if you experience a stall cry about it, shout about it, throw something (preferably something that will not break), and so on. Then once you have had your moment pick yourself up off the floor and plan again. The journey we are on is going to have all kinds of feelings/emotions the best way to deal with it is to acknowledge it.
  4. mjrevel


    My story is similar to yours. I was sleeved on Aug 27 weight that day was 247. Two weeks out I'm at 223. I've been at this weight now for three days. I struggle to get my water in. I'm just moving into the purred stage and doing very well. I haven't been sick at all. Im disappointed that I seem to have stalled already. I meet with my nut tomorrow, looking forward to that. Mostly I'm scared that I want loose as much weight as I need to. I'm not sure where this fear comes from but I think it's from years of dieting and regaining. Good luck to you and me:)
  5. Sunnyway


    I dropped 50+ lbs pre-surgery by cutting out all foods containing sugar, flour, white potatoes, rice, and processed foods. These are my trigger foods. I consider myself to be a sugar/food addict. I can never go back to eating these things with abandon. I started using the Baritastic app. I occasionally used liquid protein shakes during that period. My calorie count dropped to around 1000 per day. I attended water exercise classes three days a week, including swimming 1/4 mile each time. I also increased my mileage on my walking tricycle to at least a mile a day. I've lost another 50+ lbs since my RNY>RNY revision surgery. I still strive to avoid my trigger foods. It's harder to resist now and weight loss is slow going, but I'm still dropping a few pounds a month with lengthy stalls.
  6. I am in the same boat. I'll be three weeks post op tomorrow. I lost 23 lbs week one and not a single pound since then. I would had thought this was way too soon to stall. I do think there's something with the whole protein and water thing though so I started really pushing myself today. I got in my first full protein shake today and have been sipping my water so I hope it all makes a difference. Hang in there ladies...we are going to make this thing work for us!!!
  7. I am four weeks out. I made my husband hide my scale because it didnt move in four days and I freaked out. I googled and it seems lots of people talk about a three week stall. Did any else experience this? I am going to the gym 5 times a week and trying to get all my protien in. I am just not sure what to do?
  8. Foxbins

    Questions For Successful Sleevers

    First of all, as far as I know there is no definition of a "stall." Is it when you don't lose weight for one day, two days, a week, two weeks, a month? That said, there were many, many months, including my first month after surgery, when the scale did not move for 3 days and then there sould be a drop on two or three pounds. Most months I lost 8-9 lbs, which is a little more than a quarter pound a day, As the months went on, I sometimes stayed at the same weight for longer periods. In April 2011, I stayed the same for six days and then lost half a pound, but for the month I was down 8.5 lbs. In May 2011, I stayed the same weight for 11 days, and lost only 4 lbs that month. The following month I lost 11 lbs. What I am trying to illustrate is that if you stick to your plan and just trust that you will lose, it will be a lot easier on you emotionally. When I got on the scale and saw the same number a few days in a row, I just said to myself, "Well, maybe tomorrow." Plateaus (I like that word better than "stall") happen. They start, they end. Take a deep breath and just move on.
  9. I was lucky enough to have two doctor's appointments this week - my three month follow up with my local bariatric doctor and my PCP. I lamented to my bariatric doctor about my stall. How I haven't lost anything in the past 18 days. I was kind of whiney about it. She just looked at me like I grew a 2nd head. She said, "You're going great. You've lost a total of 50 pounds. What was your expectation?" I got to thinking about that - really, what number was going to make me happy? If it was 53 pounds would I automatically to over the happy side? What about 63 pounds, is that the magic number? She pointed out all the good things going on - lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, my ability to walk seemingly forever pain-free, my increased energy level, etc. All good stuff, right? So why am I so hard on myself about the number on the scale. She asked how often I'm weighing - I'm back to weighing every day. She told me to stop that, but I weighed again today. The best thing she said about my weight was this - "If you graph your weight loss, the line won't be linear, it's going to be more of stair step." And you know, she's right. I graphed my weight loss to date and it looks like stair steps. This morning I went to my PCP whom I haven't seen since late-October, about 2 weeks before surgery. Her jaw dropped when she saw me. She cannot believe the difference in my appearance. Then we started going over the labs and she was amazed. She actually said "You are glowing! You look happy. Your eyes are clear and bright. The transformation is amazing." Sometimes we get so hard on ourselves because we're not losing a the rate in which we think we should. "I'm a slow loser!" "So-and-so is losing so much faster than me!" We need to STOP! This is marathon, not a sprint. I didn't get to 256 pounds overnight, I'm certainly not going to lose it overnight. Sometimes it's good to step back and look at things from a different angle.
  10. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. Everyone stalls, and just about everyone stalls about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your protein and at least 64 oz of Fluid. Take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall.
  11. I hit my first stall during weeks 2 and 3 post-op. Then I dropped six pounds during week four. It's not uncommon at all (in fact, do a search for "three-week stall"). your body's going to do what it's going to do. Some people lose weight fast, others lose it slow and steady. So many things can affect it (I'm definitely a slow loser, but I've lost 153 lbs in total). Just stick to the plan and you will definitely lose!!!
  12. catwoman7

    Weight loss Timetable/Stall

    unless you're the size of one of the participants on "My 600 lb Life", your weight loss is normal. I lost 16 lbs the first month. Many of us (probably most) lost somewhere between 15-25 lbs the first month. Stalls along the way are also very normal, the first one usually occurring within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery (often the 3rd week, which is why we call it "the three week stall"). I have mixed feelings about "My 600 lb Life" because I think it gives a lot of WLS patients unrealistic expectations. Starting BMI is one of the factors that influence your rate of weight loss, and the people on that show tend to start out at MUCH higher BMI's than your average WLS patient. As long as your weight is trending down, relax. I was a "slow loser" from the get-go, and I lost all of my excess weight - over 200 lbs.
  13. VDLT

    Stalled since week 2!

    You lost over 30 pounds in two weeks, Celebrate that! It is early on in the game and as long as you are following rules you will be ok. The first month going from clears to full liquids to mushies etc poses a lot of changes to your body so give it time to adjust. I stalled after week two for over a week as well and thought, oh well, getting the three week stall out of the way early. Nope, hit another big stall a few weeks later. But things got moving again. I am now stuck at a previous set point and trying to just wait it out. I am doing what I need to be doing and have to trust that.
  14. I was sleeved two weeks ago today. I had a one week liquid diet prior to that. In those three weeks, I've lost 32 lbs. I'm getting around 700 calories per day right now the day. The protien shakes are a decent chunk of that. I'm a big guy, so I'm sure I burn quite a bit during the day. But for the past 3 days, I've been stuck at the same weight. Everyone says that you stall 3 to 4 weeks out, but I assumed that was after the surgery (not counting the liquid diet). So I'm stalling after 2 weeks. Anybody else stall this early? I'm worried that I'm doing something wrong because I just started to add some really soft foods in, but my calories are always right around 700/day. Thanks
  15. I am wondering and I bet a few others might be too but.... I have seen it common for a rather large group of us to experience the "three week stall" (right after surgery) - but are there any other common stall times that commonly occur during the post sleeve journey?
  16. JudyJudyJudy

    Two-week Stall?

    I was sleeved Dec. 1st. Exactly like you first week I lost 11 lbs. I'm in the first day of my second week, and I seemed to have stalled already. I did so a little cheating, I ate some refried Beans the 4th day, mashed potatoes the 5 day, and a few crackers the 6th day. I haven't been drinking that much water, but I have had some sugar free juices, and lite juices. I'm afraid the lite juices my have too much sugar in them. I've only walked 3 days out of 7 outside, but I did walk over a mile all three times. And rain kept me from walking the other 2 days. I took it easy the first 2 days. Dunno what the deal is..maybe cheating did it for me. But don't sound like you did at all. I wish I knew. Maybe some of our sisters will tell us what we are doing wrong. Judy:001_huh:
  17. I had 2 stalls...One at 3 weeks, and one at 6 weeks. Each time, I slowly increased my calorie count, and the stall broke. I am at 850-1,000 calories now and losing about 2-3 pounds per week on average. Stalls suck, I know. However, this is a chance for your body to catch up with all of the physical and hormonal changes you have gone through. Keep doing what you are doing and the stall will eventually break. In the meantime, you should still be losing inches. Also, stay off of the scale if it helps. That evil thing has caused me to binge on many occasions pre-surgery. Two or three weeks of staying the same weight or gaining weight can reek havoc on your mindset. Stay strong my friends.
  18. KateP

    Need to vent!

    Between a week and six months. In fact, most people say it isn't a stall until three weeks.
  19. Neversaynever

    Am I going to fail?

    I have lost 22lbs since my surgery almost 6 weeks ago but haven't lost anything of significance since week 4. I went away for 12 days to Greece in week 3 and although I ate very little and walked for miles, I only lost 4lbs while we were away and nothing since then. I was quite depressed today about my weight and this operation. I think I am going to fail at it Reason being, I have realised that I can eat whatever I want, it just takes a lot longer to do it, this is shocking and sad to me. For instance, I can make a sandwich, eat a third, wait half an hour or a bit longer, then carry on eating, depressing. This seems to apply to any food except possibly meat. I realised that I could easily eat more than 1200 calories just by eating every hour rather than having a meal then feeling satisfied and not eating again for at least three hours. I am so mixed up and confused about this, and so sad. I am not eating out of hunger as I haven't actually felt the hunger yet, just a vague empty feeling now and again. I haven't lost any weight at all in a week, this is very telling for me. I have realised I no longer have that bad restriction. Its as though my stomach has suddenly got bigger overnight, I tested it with some rice and chilli and was able to eat 5 dessert spoons before I felt ill. I literally couldn't eat another bite at first when the restriction kicked in, now I can and its only slightly uncomfortable, nowhere near the pain threshold I had previously, this is worrying to me. On the one hand its great that I can eat a little more but on the other, its a scary, and very slippy slope. Today we had a bbq and I I was very surprised to find that I could eat 4 beautiful juicy prawns and a full sausage without the full feeling kicking in. When we last had a bbq a couple of weeks ago, I only ate half a sausage and a quarter of a burger. I have definitely healed a bit more in my stomach area which must be why I can eat more. I'm making a conscious effort to drink at least 2 litres/ 8 glasses of liquids a day and I have at least 60 grams of protein every day as well. I am not exercising much at the moment, just taking a daily walk. From reading lots of posts, hundreds of people on the internet have all lost at least 100lbs (7 stone) over a year to 18 months. Maybe I am judging it a bit too quick and my body is still adjusting to the weight loss but it is so depressing to me that I could fail. I do understand that I could be one of the slow losers, I do understand that I could be in a stall. I really need to get my act together, it can't be just me that it doesn't work for! P.s sorry for the pity party
  20. Hello everyone! I just thought I would stop by the forums and post my story since I haven't posted anything in the forums in a while, and since I took new after photos last night, I figured maybe it was time to post my story, in short version of course. If you have any questions feel free to PM me, I might not be able to get to replying on the forum Here we go... Starting weight and BMI: 298lbs/41BMI (5'11''...tall girl) I started looking into weight loss surgery when I was 20 years old, firstly researching it on my own...eventually going to informational meetings and talking to different people who have been through the experience or work in a profession that deal with the different surgeries. At first I was looking into the LapBand surgery, so I started my mandatory steps in order for my insurance to approve of my request. This took me one year to complete, when I sent my request into my insurance I was denied due to where I wanted to get the surgery done not being a "Center of Excellence". So I was forced to travel to a new place about 2 hours from my home where there was a place my insurance would accept. My first seminar at this hospital is when I changed my mind from having the LapBand to the Gastric Sleeve. I chose to change my mind because the information that was given about all three surgeries just showed me that the Gastric Sleeve was the best option for me. After I changed my mind I was forced (by my insurance) to re due all of my mandatory requirements in order to be approved, but they also added on 6 months of supervised weight loss this time. So long story short it took me about another year or so to get all my requirements redone. Finally on November 25 2012 I was at my final meeting with my surgeon and I got my date Dec 4 2012 (3 days after my 23 Birthday)...I finally got the date I was working for, for almost 3 years!! Surgery day came and went, I spent 3 nights in the hospital, they asked if I wanted to stay one more day due to pain I was having, but I decided to go home. The first month was difficult, I have a post op liquid diet of 3 weeks, with mushy food by the 4th week...so on and so forth. During this time I had to deal with a number of Christmas parties and New Years eve parties...it was hard, but I followed my doctors instructions to the word. Over the next few months I was back on my full foods with difficulty with certain foods (I still have this difficulties, but it isn't a big deal. Hard times with pastas and breads). I suffered from a few horrible stalls (4 in total), but I worked through them. My doctor told me that his goal for me was 200lbs. 5.5 months post op I reached my doctors goal, but my personal goal was 180, so I kept working. I joined a gym only 1 month out of surgery and was going 3-4 days a week for 2 hours at a time, until sadly I had to give up my gym membership due to back issues. This just made me work a lot harder on my diet. 7.5 months post op I reached my personal goal of 180lbs!!! Story short details...I went through so much to finally get approved...I felt like quitting so many times, yes I got frustrated, procrastinated a bit due to my spirits being low, but I stuck with it and finished all of my requirements. 2-3 years of hell, frustration and I wont lie...a lot of depression. After surgery I struggled with stalls, and my stomach not taking to solid foods as quickly as others do. It wasn't easy, I won't lie, it was a lot of working sticking with a healthy diet and a regular workout program. In the end (8 months later)..am I happy I did it? YES!!! I am so happy I stuck with the frustration and depression. Do I have any regrets? NONE! I would do this again and again if I have to. It has changed my life so much in the small period I have been on this journey. I use to have high blood pressure, I don't have to deal with that anymore. I have a blood disorder (genetic) and it has helped with that as well which wasn't really expected! Not to mention my confidence and my feeling of self worth has been greatly improved!!I have one more big thing to accomplish...which is go back to the amusement park that I was kicked off of a ride for being to big...and go and ride that ride FIRST then go on everything else this will be completed October 12, I have my tickets, I wont lie, I am a bit nervous (why? I don't know) but I am excited to see my improvement in that sense. To everyone working on getting approved...all I have to say is keep up with it, even if it gets frustrating and you really want to quit...just keep looking towards the finish line, because trust me...it is WORTH that frustration, stress and possible depression. If I had to do it all over, I would do another 3 years of appointments and requirements if I had to. I couldn't be more thankful for the journey I have been through. But it wasn't easy, the surgery didn't do everything for me...it was a lot of work and stress, but still worth it Todays weight and BMI : 179lbs/ 25BMI!!! (5'11'')
  21. Lissa


    Ayay, This is NOT a diet. This is a lifestyle change. I don't know how far post-op you are, but I'm guessing you're in the 3-5 weeks category. If so, search here for the 3 week stall. Almost everyone goes through that stall and finds that the scale is standing still for a bit. Take your measurements now, so you have something to refer to later, pay attention to how your clothes are fitting as well. Are they looser? If you did take pre-op measurements, are you losing inches? I lost my first pants size during my 3 week stall. I put them on, zipped them up, and they fell to the ground! I'm not following any diet except: 70grams of Protein and 64 oz of Water per day. I don't track calories, carbs, or anything else. I have started adding in more "good" carbs because I've upped my exercise routine, but that's about the only time I worry about carbs. Stalls will happen, but they happen because your body needs the time to adjust to the changes. I shape-shifted in the last few months, losing a good bit of mass in my hips and thighs and developing muscle definition in my arms, tummy and thighs. In that same three months, I lost 10 pounds. Now my weight loss has started up again, but I imagine that I'll go through another shift in a month or so. The best advice I can offer you is this: Don't let the scale run your life. Weigh less often and concentrate on your protein and water goals. The weight will take care of itself. Add in some exercise, even if it's 5 minutes on the treadmill or exercise bike. Once it's part of your routine, you'll miss exercise when you don't do it. Good luck!
  22. I have also stalled. I am almost three weeks post op and started introducing foods into my diet so I am at a stand still. I feel your pain. It is very discouraging to see such a dramatic loss and then just stop. But I knew it would not last best thing is for our fills to come along and we get to the point were we can start exercising more.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stalling out already...

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process. Just about everyone stalls at about three weeks after surgery. I agree. If stalls are going to negatively impact your mood, then the best thing to do is stay off the scale. Just focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids, taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed and exercising and you will be fine. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  24. Des0520

    Early Wls Journey Flashback

    So for a quick catch up on things from previous forum entries, I have my first post about me, my return home, the drain removal, and a quick update. This is all the stuff I posted about at the time and didn't remember until I read them again. Comments made on those post from today are in purple. From Sept 16, 2010: Starting to Freak Out My name is Desiree and I set my surgery date for October 4th yesterday. I've been on a journey of working to lose weight for a couple of years now. It all began a few years ago when I destroyed the cartridge in my knee and had to have surgery that put me on crutches for 6 weeks and I couldn't put any kind of weight on my leg. I decided to seriously work to lose weight then and was at my heaviest which was 342. I recovered from surgery and starting working with a personal trainer and following a strict diet. I lost several inches in 3 months, but not enough to count on the scale. While working with my trainer I once again tore up the same knee, only a different injury. This time it the cartilage on my femur and had a hole 1-2 inches in diameter torn into it. This equaled another surgery and this time 8 weeks on crutches with no weight allowed. I had considered the bypass and band off and on for several years but was always uncomfortable with rerouting nature's plumbing and having something plastic that required upkeep in my body. That all changed after learning about my stupid knee injury. While waiting for my 2nd knee surgery I went to a seminar for surgery. I found out all the requirements for my insurance company and started working on them. I found success with a non surgical doctor in the same office and put off the surgery part. Due to recovery time I had a stall in my dr visits and had to start over three months later. I had gained back most of my weight while recovering but over the next several months of starting back up I had dropped 30 lbs. I was happy and all was going well until the pain in my knee came back and I couldn't work out. I was told I have stress fractures in my knee caused by my weight and the thinner cartridge in my knee. The doctor said I need to lose weight more quickly so he recommended surgery. I consulted with my weight loss doctor and next thing I know I'm waiting on insurance approval. It was fairly easy because I'd already had the dietician visits and the psych evaluation. My surgery date is less than three weeks away and on Monday I start a two week diet of no fat, low fat, no meat. I'm starting to freak out and trying to find answers to all of these questions that are suddenly popping in my head and I do not like what I have found online so far. Then I found this site. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with everyone and putting to rest some of my fears. I was scared for nothing! From October 6, 2010: Just Got Home Just got home today from my surgery. I was sleeved on Monday and other than the 4 hour delay it went great. I went in so hungry and still have yet to get hungry. The gas pains have not been bad but the soreness is bad. How long should I expect to be sore? Did anyone else pull their pain ball thing out at home? Did it hurt? And one last question, did anyone else have problems eating cold stuff like the popsicles? FYI Cold stuff doesn't bother me as much now but something warm makes me check to see if I spilled it on myself every single time. My original Drain Removal post was like everyone else's, me asking if it was going to hurt because I was freaked out by it. From October 14, 2010: Reply to my original post after having the drain removed. It didn't hurt at all. It felt like a suction cup being removed by my stomach and a little weird feeling when it made its way out but no pain!! Other than that the visit was fast and easy and he was pleased with how I am doing. Thank you again for all the help From February 22, 2011: Long Overdue Update This is long over due, but I think it's about time. I'm now almost 5 months post op and I've lost 62 lbs. I think I've hit my first plateau but I think that's because of the working out. I've been doing great and still amazing myself with foods I now like. I'm down 5 sizes which is such a great feeling, I can wear my prom dresses from high school again. I am struggling with hair loss, and I always get in my protein and take my vitamins, but I was told it's expected. My husband and I are planning our first vacation ever and after 6 years I think it's time. Little nervous about wearing a swim suit on the beach and flying on a plane, I've avoided that from fear of not fitting in the seat. I'll get some pictures and measurements posted soon. This was my last update and I never posted my measurements lol.
  25. Arabesque

    5weeks post op

    Every one loses at their own rate. There is no right or wrong amount of weight to lose each week. Yes, there may be average amounts of loss people who are similar height, weight, age, gender, etc. may have in common. As long as you see the trend of your weight loss going down you’re succeeding. The amount you lose each week will also slow as you progress. It is possible you are experiencing a stall as has been suggested. These are extremely common. We talk about the three week stall but that first one can happen at week 2, 3, 4, 5 …. It’s just your body taking a breath & trying to catch up with the changes (surgery, weight loss, reduced calories, dietary changes,…). You will likely have other stalls as you’re losing. We’ve all been on that gain, lose, gain roller coaster. Personally I know the reason I always regained after losing was because the diets I was on weren’t sustainable or I just went back to the same old way of eating. I’d start regaining a couple of weeks after the diet ended. The difference this time is that I work at sticking to the changes I made to how I eat, what I eat, why I eat every day. I have many years ahead of me but I’m going to work my butt off to try to stay my course cause that desire to go down my old path is always there. I just understand it & manage it better now. Your success starts & ends in your head. It’s not just what you put in your mouth. You have to do the head work. Many do this with the help of a therapist, others do it themselves. There are lots of people here who are happy to share experiences & offer support. Follow your plan, meet your protein goals, get your fluids in, be more active and your weight loss will continue. You’ll get there.

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