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Found 1,237 results

  1. We call it the three week stall but it can happen before or after that point. It’s just your body taking a breath & playing catch up. It’s been going through a lot - surgery, change of diet, reduced caloric intake, etc. You’ll likely experience other stalls too as you progress. Stick to your plan & you’ll start to lose again. It may take a week or 2 or 3 or so. But you will happen. I like Dr Weiner’s videos. Hope this one helps you. (The question is a little long but the answer is great.) Good luck.
  2. Heyher


    Search three week stall here. You will see its very common. Also on those posts people have listed what they tried and what worked to break the dreaded three week stall. Congrats on 30 lbs down!! Over a lb a day!!!
  3. Netherfield

    Am I the only one?

    Hi. I'm new to this site, but almost 9 months out from surgery. If I could give any advice, as corny as this sounds, it would be to actually enjoy the journey. I am now 95 lbs down, about 15-18 lbs more to go to goal. I have journaled for years, and as of late it has been all about my weight loss and as I reread my entries, I realized I'd get so frustrated at every slight stall. I freaked out when I hit the three week stall, until my surgeon told me it's so predictable and usual -- that my body was trying to compensate for the all water loss. Of course I got over that stall, just as he said I would and continued to lose weight. Flash forward to when I was at the hump of getting out of the "obesity" category to just the "overweight" category. Of course getting that ONE extra pound off was during a slight stall. There I went journaling again, wondering if I'd ever get to that point, getting so frustrated. Yep, I got out of the obesity category. I met with a friend who had the gastric bypass a few years ago and she said, "I abolutely loved the time when I was losing weight," and I realized I was missing the big picture. I hadn't thought about this being a special time for me. I started to write more about the positives...such as I fit into a 2x now (and then a 1x now, XL now, Large now!)...I now have a lap (I love a lap!)...this is what I've noticed this week. This is what I noticed about how strangers treat me. So this is how it feels to shop for normal clothes! When did I actually starting liking exercise? It's such a remarkable journey that changes our body itself, but also our attitude, our image, how we perceive ourselves, how others perceive us and treat us, etc. etc. The weight loss actually happens quite fast....when else could I lose 95 lbs in 9 months? So, enjoy the journey folks!
  4. most of us have our first major stall sometime during the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's usually during week 3 (but not always), so we call it "the three week stall". Sounds like you're right on schedule! the increase in weight is probably just water weight. It should come off within a couple of days.
  5. Kix03

    3 Weeks Out

    My day consists of One slice of boars head deli chicken with a slice of baby swiss cheese rolled in the middle. I nuke it in the microwave for 20 seconds.. That's Breakfast.. Between Breakfast and lunch I have a Protein powder shake mixed with 1 percent milk. Lunch time I have a small strawberry wild shake with added whey powder from Jamba juice... For dinner I have chicken or beef broth. -------- Today I ventures away from my broth dinner and tried three bites of grilled chicken with goat cheese.. PAINFUL felt like contractions in a snake like moveme. what's everyone else eating? I take a protonix and gummy Vitamins every morning. My Water intake is kinda low. I try and try but It almost hurts.... or maybe it's me self sabatoging. I have always had a low water intake. I think I am a bit twisted and like feeling dehydrated. I have hit the three week stall no weight loss. please let me know what you guys are eating so I can have more ideas
  6. You are experiencing the three week stall. Virtually everyone experiences this, including everyone who got to their goal weight. Don't believe me? Use the forum search function and search for "three week stall." Or just use Google and search for VSG three week stall. You aren't doing anything wrong, your body is not destined to be obese forever. Keep your chin up and keep working your program. I promise you, the weight will start coming off again.
  7. Netherfield

    depressed and can't sleep

    10 month veteran here. I think the three week stall, or in your case the four week stall is typical. I bet you are probably where you need to be in your weight loss. Not that I haven't yelled at my scale myslef. I still do. But don't get stuck on thinking things will not get better. They will. Now when I see people eat so much....as I used to...it amazes me. Recently I was at a buffet (but didn't get the buffet)...and thought how can someone eat two plates of food? Of course I used to go for seconds too....this will change for you too. Only eating a bit will be satisfying. I like that...I like that a lot! It sounds so easy to say give it time, but really you WILL lose weight. I'm down more than 100 lbs. You've done a good thing here, you won't be fat forever, but it will take time. The benefits are so much better than being able to eat all the food we want. I've said this before and will continue to......this journey is a great one, and one to be enjoyed. True, it's still early for you and I do remember it not being so much fun either. But after six or eight weeks it gets sooooooo much better. Believe me!
  8. yep - sounds like the three week stall (which can really happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery). It happens to almost everyone. I wish clinics would warn their patients about this because it's EXTREMELY common, and people freak out about it when it happens if they aren't aware of this phenomenon beforehand. Just stick to your plan, stay off the scale for a few days, and know that it will end and you'll start losing weight again.
  9. Heyher

    So frustrating. Gaining? On week 3

    Search the forum for three week stall. There are half a dozen posts every single day about stalling after three weeks out.
  10. FrankyG

    Stalls immediately after surgery

    Stalls can happen any time. You should count yourself lucky you actually lost any weight instead of gaining the first week after surgery - many folks experience weight gain from the fluids and meds they use during surgery and may not see an actual loss until 2-3 weeks out. And there is the often discussed three week stall - which can happen at week 2 or week 4 or 5... Your body will not work exactly the same as someone else's body. But just know that you will start losing again unless you go nuts and start eating bad for you foods or not following your overall diet/exercise plan. Your job is to keep track of your food/liquid intake and make sure you're getting your Protein, Water and other nutrients and slowly adding in exercise over the next year. You need to throw out your old way of eating and the foods you used to eat and relearn healthy eating habits and foods and what is a good mix of Proteins, fats and carbs. If you do all of this, your body will do what it needs to do to lose that weight. So deep breath, keep doing all the right things, and trust your body to do it's thing.
  11. Introversion

    Struggling to lose

    Look up the "three week stall." It is so common that it has a name. This stall happens to the majority of newly sleeved people sometime between the second and fourth postoperative weeks. It appears your stall came one week early. So did mine. Also...stay off the scale for a few weeks. These frequent weigh-ins will only create more anxiety. You did not become obese overnight and will not lose it overnight, either. Only a small minority of people lose at the rate of 1 pound per day. For the rest, the weight comes off in a nonlinear, unpredictable pattern. For instance, I lost at the rate of about 3 to 6 pounds per month, but still attained my goal. I also agree with previous respondents to lay off the exercise for the next few weeks since you are not consuming enough calories to fuel your activities properly. You'll potentially throw your body into starvation mode.
  12. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss that just about everyone experiences (search this site for “three week stall” and you’ll see thousands of results). This won’t be the last time you stop seeing your scale move for a little while before starting up again. in your case, though, I’m not sure I’d even call it a stall. This soon after WLS, you shouldn’t even be looking at the scale. Your body went through a lot during surgery and it has to adjust to the changes. While you were in the hospital, I’m sure they pumped you full of IV fluids, and that alone can cause weight gain. I actually weighed more at my one-week follow-up than I did right before surgery (my surgeon didn’t care — at that point, he was more interested in how I was healing from the surgery). You should also be aware that since you’re starting at a relatively low BMI, your weight loss is likely to be slower than someone starting out 100 pounds higher than you, so don’t get discouraged by comparing your weight loss with anyone else’s. A lot of people only weigh themselves once a week so they don’t get freaked out by normal fluctuations or stalls, and you might want to consider that.
  13. STOP!!! Now, take a deep breathe........ relax. You really don't have reason to panic a mere month after surgery unless you are experiencing a medical problem. You're body may still be adjusting from surgery, everyone is different, it sounds like you're doing what you're supposed to,just be patient and keep working with your surgical team. You are going through a lot of changes right now and one of them is the dreaded "three week stall" sometimes it's a week late. I think someone on here explained it one time, but it's just another physiological adjustment to your new eating regime and changes to your diet, it will pass. I would suggest taking a three month wait and see approach, if you feel that you're still struggling with old habits and feelings, start taking advantage of group sessions usually at your local bariatric hospital, or a lot more BP postings, everyone wants to help you succeed, so take advantage of the help. In the meantime relax and enjoy the ride. Good Luck! BTW- what did they tell you was the length of the "honeymoon phase"?
  14. gustavo52974

    Stalled? Or Are All Bets Off?

    Thank you for all your replies! I knew there was a three week stall, but I stalled after about one week. I'm only 16 days out and I stalled at day 10. It just seems a little strange.
  15. mmgraham102602

    Losing too fast?

    I was 304 day of surgery, 7/10/13. Today I am 270. I experienced the three week stall too. I hadn't lost any weight for nearly a week. I just started losing again yesterday.
  16. I was sleeved on Sept 18 and have lost 20 lbs since. Two week ago I stopped losing weight. I have read many post saying this is normal. My question is?? How long so they usually last. I'm ready to see that scale move????????
  17. catwoman7

    5 weeks post op

    the two week thing is the infamous "three week stall". Almost everyone experiences it. Here are the 17,501 posts on it on this site (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall weird color poop isn't uncommon the first month or two after surgery. I think paleness usually indicates fat malabsorption, which isn't a huge surprise. I think mine was normal colored after about the first month. as for the pain thing, I'd run that by your clinic. I'm not sure what that is- could be a lot of things, I think. They might want to do a scope or something to see what's going on.
  18. I had 5 cc as well...my first fill they put .2 cc....so now I have 5.2 cc. It helped me not hit the three week stall...thats for sure.
  19. I just had a three week stall and I'm 6 1/2 weeks out from surgery. Since my surgery ( June 25th) I've lost 31 lbs. This past two days I've lost again. I started to walk and drink all my 64 oz of liquids and try and eat a little more. Right now I'm eating about 800 cal a day. This stall sucked, but what ya gonna do. It pretty much happens to everyone I guess. Glad to know I'm not alone. Good luck!
  20. I'm so frustrated.... In the middle of the dreaded three week stall. Cash paying for the sleeve, two bites of an egg and I'm stuffed (which is fine by me) supplementing with my protein drinks. Walking at least a mile a day and I gain four pounds. I feel like I have failed at weight loss surgery and I am destined to be a fat girl
  21. it's the infamous "three week stall". Almost everyone goes through that...if you search it on this site, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it. And no - I am NOT kidding... Just stick to your program and it will break. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks.
  22. Arabesque

    Weight Loss Stall

    Stalls are extremely common & a natural & expected part of the weight loss process. The first usually occurs around the third week (hence the name the three week stall) but it can occur before or after that mark. They can last 1-3 weeks. They have nothing to do with you possibly failing. Think of them as your body trying to play catch up & get used to all the changes. It’s the equivalent of your body closing the front door & pulling the covers over it’s head much like we feel like doing when life gets stressful for us. Oh & yes, I did say first stall. You may experience a couple as you’re losing. Don’t be too perturbed if you’re not meeting all your fluid & protein goals every single day expesically in the beginning. As long as you’re making a concentrated effort & are close you’re okay. It does get easier when you’re eating solid foods & able to eat a little more. If I have a day when I’m lower, I try to be a bit higher than I need the next day & I’m almost three years out. And the constipation may continue until you’re close to or in maintenance & eating a much broader diet & eating more. At the moment your consuming very little food so you don’t have a lot to excrete. Not going every day is to be expected. Add a fibre supplement like Benefibre that doesn’t swell in your tummy. Add some vegetables & whole or multi grains to your diet as soon as you’re able. And keep on top of the constipation to avoid compaction & discomfort (pain) when you finally go. I took a stool softener if I had three days without movement.
  23. Introversion

    I'm stuck 😕

    You are not doing anything wrong. Look up the 'three week stall.' It happens to most sleeved people. You lost 24 pounds in less than three weeks. You lost more in 2.5 weeks than most gastric sleeve patients lose in a month. I would be walking on sunshine if I ever lost 24 pounds that fast. It is seriously time to adjust your expectations. You did not gain the weight overnight and will not lose it overnight. With my sleeve, I lost an average of 5 to 6 pounds per month (yes, very slow loser), yet I made it to my goal weight. It took me 18 months to lose 100 pounds. The rate of weight loss does not matter. What matters in the long run is your ability to keep it off for life. There's no point in being a lightning-fast Speedy Gonzales loser if you end up in the majority of sleevers who regain significant weight. Good luck to you. And stay off that scale for several weeks. Hide it!
  24. Sunshine Princess

    Second Month Stall?

    So this kicks off month two post sleeve surgery and my weight loss has slowed down some. I had the three week stall; had a little movement last week and then nothing again. I havent changed much; the only thing I've added is veggies (zucchini, tomato, and mushrooms have been added back). PRotein is still the same, exercise is still the same or higher since now I can swim. I'm sure hormones are just f'ing with me, but is this common?
  25. I never had the three week stall either. I'm at 3 months now and seem to be hitting my first one. I'm 5'9.5, SW 259, CW 208.3

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