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  1. Yes the three week stall is true for most of us, but you will see during this time that the inches are coming off instead of the pounds. Keep the faith.
  2. 4ALongerLife

    Stall - Day 12

    You are in the most common stall that there is... the "three week stall" that happens to almost all of us. Go up to the top of the vst page, in the search bar and look up three week stall. Also, you will go through a "surge" of hormones. I don't remember when nor how long it lasts, just that omg I am so f'n hormonal, I felt like I was crazy. Just know this - it too shall pass. Change your perspective. Concentrate on your "levels" .. by that I mean protein, how many oz of water you get in, etc. You will have many ups and downs in this journey and through out each trial, you will learn how to best equip yourself for the next hurdle. You CAN do it! And the weight's going to start zooming off... watch. If I could, I'd bet money on that. And I'm not a betting woman... Hang in there sweetie! OH and I (for a while) only allowed myself to weigh every Monday morning. Otherwise, it drove me nuts. Now, I don't care what the scale says as much. It varies (for me) up to 5 lbs a day depending on the time of the day. Limit scale time to once a week if you can!
  3. Introversion

    Weight loss stall... 18 days post op

    Yes, it is as common as a full moon. Look up the "three week stall" or "third week stall." This infamous stall happens to many bariatric surgery patients sometime between the second and fourth postoperative weeks. It usually occurs around week 3; hence, it is called the "three week stall."
  4. I see a lot of post here about being discouraged, the scale wont move, I want to give up. Weight loss with or without surgery is a process. Some will lose fast others will lose slowly. If you have an ugly attitude towards your scale, you are setting yourself up for failure. Lap band patients can expect to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. If you lose more then that is a plus. You did not get to 300lbs over night but over years. It is work. Having a positive attitude in this process is everything. If you are constantly disappointed because the scale goes up or stays the same, then you will be the one who will give up and say to hell with it. Stop weighing yourself every day, get rid of your scale and get weighed on your post op visits. You will be surprised. Some of you that are starting out you will find that after a time your weight will stall. It may stall for a few weeks or a few months and these times you have to keep doing what you are doing. Everyone is not going to lose 100lbs in their first year. Some do but most don't. It took me three years to lose 120lbs. Stop cheating yourself by being upset about the scale. Get rid of it, have your husband hide it but in any case stop weighing yourself constantly. The scale is the root of all evil for us. I can weigh myself twice a day but not get upset about it. I know when I am retaining Water. There are things that keep you from losing weight. Not sleeping, not moving your bowels daily, water retention, stress are just to name a few and if you are stressing over the scale then guess what? You are making your self at risk for slower weight loss. Do the right thing and in time you will get to where you want to be.
  5. TheNewSusie

    Feeling In Denial ?!?!?

    So I went from 218.5 to 217.8 after three weeks, does that mean I broke my stall or am I getting my hopes up? Lol
  6. My name is Desiree and I set my surgery date for October 4th yesterday. I've been on a journey of working to lose weight for a couple of years now. It all began a few years ago when I destroyed the cartridge in my knee and had to have surgery that put me on crutches for 6 weeks and I couldn't put any kind of weight on my leg. I decided to seriously work to lose weight then and was at my heaviest which was 342. I recovered from surgery and starting working with a personal trainer and following a strict diet. I lost several inches in 3 months, but only about 20 lbs. While working with my trainer I once again tore up the same knee, only a different injury. This time it the cartilage on my femur and had a hold 2 inches in diameter torn into it. This equaled another surgery and this time 8 weeks on crutches with no weight allowed. I had considered the bypass and band off and on for several years but was always uncomfortable with rerouting nature's plumbing and having something plastic that required upkeep in my body. That all changed after learning about my stupid knee injury. While waiting for my knee surgery I went to a seminar for surgery. I found out all the requirements for my insurance company and started working on them. I found success with a non surgical doctor in the same office and put off the surgery part. Due to recovery time I had a stall in my dr visits and had to start over three months later. I had gained back most of my weight while recovering but over the next several months of starting back up I had dropped 30 lbs. I was happy and all was going well until the pain in my knee came back and I couldn't work out. I was told I have stress fractures in my knee caused by my weight and the thinner cartridge in my knee. The doctor said I need to lose weight more quickly so he recommended surgery. I consulted with my weight loss doctor and next thing I know I'm waiting on insurance approval. It was fairly easy because I'd already had the dietician visits and the psych evaluation. My surgery date is less than three weeks away and on Monday I start a two week diet of no fat, low fat, no meat. I'm starting to freak out and trying to find answers to all of these questions that are suddenly popping in my head and I do not like what I have found online so far. Then I found this site. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with everyone and putting to rest some of my fears. :svengo:
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    What have I done to myself?

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. Almost everyone stalls for the first time at about three weeks post-op. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  8. Google three week stall. This happens to everyone. Focus on following your plan and continuing to change your relationship with food. The weight will come off in its own time. Remember this journey is a marathon -- not a sprint.
  9. I once was told that when you are trying to adopt a new habit (or break an old one!) to be aware of the dreaded 3's. That is, you will have self doubt and discouragement at day 3, week 3, month 3, and then year 3. I have found that this is so true. Unfortunately for you, the DWTS (dreaded week three stall) exactly coincides with the Dreaded 3's-wait it out...week 4 is coming!
  10. Hello everyone! I just thought I would stop by the forums and post my story since I haven't posted anything in the forums in a while, and since I took new after photos last night, I figured maybe it was time to post my story, in short version of course. If you have any questions feel free to PM me, I might not be able to get to replying on the forum Here we go... Starting weight and BMI: 298lbs/41BMI (5'11''...tall girl) I started looking into weight loss surgery when I was 20 years old, firstly researching it on my own...eventually going to informational meetings and talking to different people who have been through the experience or work in a profession that deal with the different surgeries. At first I was looking into the LapBand surgery, so I started my mandatory steps in order for my insurance to approve of my request. This took me one year to complete, when I sent my request into my insurance I was denied due to where I wanted to get the surgery done not being a "Center of Excellence". So I was forced to travel to a new place about 2 hours from my home where there was a place my insurance would accept. My first seminar at this hospital is when I changed my mind from having the LapBand to the Gastric Sleeve. I chose to change my mind because the information that was given about all three surgeries just showed me that the Gastric Sleeve was the best option for me. After I changed my mind I was forced (by my insurance) to re due all of my mandatory requirements in order to be approved, but they also added on 6 months of supervised weight loss this time. So long story short it took me about another year or so to get all my requirements redone. Finally on November 25 2012 I was at my final meeting with my surgeon and I got my date Dec 4 2012 (3 days after my 23 Birthday)...I finally got the date I was working for, for almost 3 years!! Surgery day came and went, I spent 3 nights in the hospital, they asked if I wanted to stay one more day due to pain I was having, but I decided to go home. The first month was difficult, I have a post op liquid diet of 3 weeks, with mushy food by the 4th week...so on and so forth. During this time I had to deal with a number of Christmas parties and New Years eve parties...it was hard, but I followed my doctors instructions to the word. Over the next few months I was back on my full foods with difficulty with certain foods (I still have this difficulties, but it isn't a big deal. Hard times with pastas and breads). I suffered from a few horrible stalls (4 in total), but I worked through them. My doctor told me that his goal for me was 200lbs. 5.5 months post op I reached my doctors goal, but my personal goal was 180, so I kept working. I joined a gym only 1 month out of surgery and was going 3-4 days a week for 2 hours at a time, until sadly I had to give up my gym membership due to back issues. This just made me work a lot harder on my diet. 7.5 months post op I reached my personal goal of 180lbs!!! Story short details...I went through so much to finally get approved...I felt like quitting so many times, yes I got frustrated, procrastinated a bit due to my spirits being low, but I stuck with it and finished all of my requirements. 2-3 years of hell, frustration and I wont lie...a lot of depression. After surgery I struggled with stalls, and my stomach not taking to solid foods as quickly as others do. It wasn't easy, I won't lie, it was a lot of working sticking with a healthy diet and a regular workout program. In the end (8 months later)..am I happy I did it? YES!!! I am so happy I stuck with the frustration and depression. Do I have any regrets? NONE! I would do this again and again if I have to. It has changed my life so much in the small period I have been on this journey. I use to have high blood pressure, I don't have to deal with that anymore. I have a blood disorder (genetic) and it has helped with that as well which wasn't really expected! Not to mention my confidence and my feeling of self worth has been greatly improved!!I have one more big thing to accomplish...which is go back to the amusement park that I was kicked off of a ride for being to big...and go and ride that ride FIRST then go on everything else this will be completed October 12, I have my tickets, I wont lie, I am a bit nervous (why? I don't know) but I am excited to see my improvement in that sense. To everyone working on getting approved...all I have to say is keep up with it, even if it gets frustrating and you really want to quit...just keep looking towards the finish line, because trust me...it is WORTH that frustration, stress and possible depression. If I had to do it all over, I would do another 3 years of appointments and requirements if I had to. I couldn't be more thankful for the journey I have been through. But it wasn't easy, the surgery didn't do everything for me...it was a lot of work and stress, but still worth it Todays weight and BMI : 179lbs/ 25BMI!!! (5'11'')
  11. Search three week stall. Tons of people have gone through the same thing. Also losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time kind of shocks the body. It does need time to adjust. Are you measuring? While weight might slow or stall from time to time, you could be losing inches.
  12. Hi I live in Maple Valley Wa. I was sleeved on 9/17. I started dropping weight really fast then during week three I had a set back I stalled on my weight for 2 days and gained one pound. However, I think it might be the blended foods I was eating. I am going back to what I was eating in week 2. I just don't want to screw up and gain any weight.
  13. I was in a stall or so I thought that was what it was. Went almost two weeks without losing anything. I was getting really disappointed. Then, I weighed and had lost another six pounds. I was happy again. I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong. Sometimes, I get constipated and think maybe that is what's wrong. I use to eat lots of veggies, but not, it is mostly Protein. Then again, sometimes I thiink I am not going to make it to the restroom quick enough. It's a little strange but I guess it just takes getting use to. I have lost 63 pounds total since liquid diet before surgery. It will be two months on the 25th..I'm not too disappointed. I know I didn't put all the weight on over night and it will take time. Just get impatient sometimes thats all. I see how much everyone around me eats and I eat like three or four bites and thats it..just feels it should be a greater loss. I sometimes get this weird feeling, its not that I'm hungry, or indigestion, its just a weird like feeling. I can't really explain it, so I have gotten in the habit of carrying sunflower seeds around with me. I just suck on those. They have the flavored ones. It seems to help with the wanting food when I see others around me eating. That isn't all the time though, just some time. I know, I'm weird..right? lol ldpbell
  14. I had my surgery on august 26th. Pre op I was 386 and down to 354 day of surgery and then down to 329 last week. I weighed yesterday and had gained four pounds. Sounds like everyone has a stall aound three weeks! I plan on starting the gym today!!
  15. Ok guys....... will be three weeks post-op on Monday and while I have lost 22.5 lbs the last couple of days have been horrible. My family went out to eat for the first time since surgery and I must say I do well with "real food" because I just cannot eat as much, however, I ate something high in sugar although fat free and I was able to tolerate it a little too well for my liking. Due to my recent testing of different foods, all next week I will be placing myself back on full liquids starting tonight. I am not getting enough protein so I will do a shake for breakfast and that one shake will be half of my protein for the day....idk I guess no I know I am still getting used to being sleeved and I am by no means addicted to food where I am in danger of sabotaging or allowing my surgery to be in vain, I just feel as though food was ruling my life before surgery and it still is just in a different way! I tried the breakfast shakes from Carnation and the milk is tearing me up, so will try Soy and I am just kinda bored with food right now! If I don't eat I am weak, irritable, moody and if I do eat I am uncomfortable, feel defeated after four bites and bored.......this is really just a vent but I have stalled due to my poor eating habits.....Please tell me what you guys did at this stage to get out of this funk! I really don't want to see another sugar free popsicle! I am going to try my hand at making my own smoothies next week so we will see how that goes! ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH I do not regret the surgery I just didn't prepare for the emotional rollercoaster that was to come. I find myself even frustrated that I have no clothes that fit, everything is baggy 3 month post op where are you. I feel I will never make it, maybe going back to work is a good thing..lol Going to try gym this week too so I am excited. Ok done with vent! Thanks for listening you guys are the best!
  16. How is everyone doing? I'm assuming most the people out there loving their sleeve has moved on from the forum, so I thought I would purposefully come back and post an update. Pain - Non existent.. Excercise - Just got cleared to excercise. Started with a couch 2 5k program yesturday. I loved running before the sleeve. It was hard to hold myself back to running only 60 seconds at a time. Food - I can pretty much eat anything.. But some things just aren't worth it.. Red Meat sits hard and heavy in the stomach.. So I try to limit that. I've only had three throwing up experiences since I got sleeved. And none of them were from food. I switched from Prilosec to Pepcid.. And that was a mistake.. Three times though is all it took for me to figure it out. It also allowed me to get off all antacids.. Vitamins and pills - Still take double chewable multi and double calcium caltrate. B12, BComlex are once a day. Hypertension medicine still once a day, but off the metformin for good now. As for how much I'm eatting... I usually stick with 4 - 5 ounces of protein.. And then will throw about 4 ounces of what else is there (Potatoes, Veggies, Pasta).. Finish all the protein then try to make it thru half of the other stuff until I'm full, but not uncomfortable. Weight loss has been extraordinary.. Had a couple of stalls, but usually the weeks after the stalls the weight just falls off.. I've also noticed the stalls relate more to my sodium and water intake than anything else.. So if I keep drinking my water(Crystal Light Lemonade) and reduce the amount of pasta/potatoes/etc.. It falls right back off fast..
  17. clk

    1 Month Out

    I lost 17 pounds my first month. I stalled at week three and didn't lose again until my second month started. I lost 11 pounds my second month, and I lost 10 pounds my third month. I now know that I stall for a total of about ten days per month, thanks to my cycle. I'm a slower loser, but that still averages out to more than three pounds a week. I've never lost 3 pounds a week before. Yes, it's frustrating. Yep, we want to compare ourselves to everyone else. Women that were sleeved the same month as me, with similar stats, are already more than halfway to goal. But you know what? I am losing. I'm losing faster than I've ever lost weight before. And even though I feel like the slowest loser in the world I can reach my goal in less than nine months from my surgery date. That's just four to five more months. Once I put it in perspective, there's nothing to be upset about. It used to take me four months of near starving misery to drop 30 pounds before. In comparison, this is almost effortless. Keep up the good work, you're doing just fine. ~Cheri
  18. I'm three months out and have found when I advance my diet I stall for a week or two as my body adjusts to incorporating new food (liquid to soft foods, soft foods to adding veggies, etc.). I've stayed the course and made sure to follow my plan, but I also have a pair of jeans that are my next size down that are waiting in my closet-when I'm going through a stall I'll try them on every few days, and they always fit a little better. That helps me know everything is still moving in the right direction even though the scale might be stuck (which it is now and has been for the past two weeks ps) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I'm so proud of you. This will be a great "before" to your amazing "after." After your surgery when you are having trouble getting down all your fluids and you're having buyer's remorse, or when you hit the three-week stall, you can look back and draw motivation from this. You are a very strong woman and YOU GOT THIS.
  20. I hit the three weeks stall...and had been stuck for almost two weeks. Was making me crazy. Totally empathize with those hitting one. Man, it's frustrating! Got my period yesterday and lost two pounds...and woke up this morning another two and a half pounds down! Not an ounce for two weeks....then, BOOM!...four and a half pounds. The legends are true! Be consistent, be patient. Your hard work IS counting...I promise. scale just needs a minute to catch up:)
  21. I'm 5'3" and started at 263.8, so I wasn't far off from you. I was a snug size 20 pants and a 2x top with 44DDD boobs. I am still 5'3" and down to 184.2 as of this morming. I am now a tight 12 or a loose 14 with a loose L top and 38DD boobs (the reason why I can't wear M tops). I am almost 5 months out and only 24 pounds away from my original goal before I decided to push myself to 150. That makes me 34 pounds away which feels oh so obtainable. I went through the three week "stall" which lasted almost two weeks and then the three month stall that lasted a month and I am now losing again. When I get to 150, I will see what I look like and reevaluate. I am an hourglass shape and I've not been that small since my sophomore year in college so who knows, twenty two years and two kids later. I teach kickboxing now, I can log in 20 miles over a weekend and feel great on Monday, I WANT to exercise every day and get frustrated when I can't. I never forget my pedometer when I used to on "accident". I do martial arts and when I do a jumping kick, I can actually get off the ground and my balance is so much better. Best of all? I FEEL GREAT ABOUT ME!! I've always had a healthy sense of self and I've always been very confident (in my opinion), but I am just now realizing how much of myself I actually lost now that I am getting ME back. If I didn't lose another pound, I'd be OK. I've gained so much more already. Best journey of my life so far and it's only going to get better.
  22. catwoman7

    Weight loss Timetable/Stall

    unless you're the size of one of the participants on "My 600 lb Life", your weight loss is normal. I lost 16 lbs the first month. Many of us (probably most) lost somewhere between 15-25 lbs the first month. Stalls along the way are also very normal, the first one usually occurring within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery (often the 3rd week, which is why we call it "the three week stall"). I have mixed feelings about "My 600 lb Life" because I think it gives a lot of WLS patients unrealistic expectations. Starting BMI is one of the factors that influence your rate of weight loss, and the people on that show tend to start out at MUCH higher BMI's than your average WLS patient. As long as your weight is trending down, relax. I was a "slow loser" from the get-go, and I lost all of my excess weight - over 200 lbs.
  23. catwoman7

    Gain 3 weeks out

    yes. Do a search on this site for the three week stall. There are over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...). Happens to almost all of us... Just stick to your program, stay off the scale if you have to, and trust the process. Your weight loss WILL start up again...
  24. you're in a stall. Almost everyone has their first stall during the first month or so after surgery. I had mine during weeks 2 and 3. It finally broke during week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight. Do a search on "three week stall" - it happens to almost everyone! You are fine - stop worrying! I started out where you are weight-wise, and I lost 16 lbs the first month. I thought I was never going to lose weight, but I lost over 200 lbs! Stick to your program and the weight WILL come off! Your surgeon is going to be delighted with your loss so far!
  25. Madam Reverie

    Scared of the gastric sleeve

    Don't be frightened, Lala. We all get the jitters as the date approaches. I had a lot going on in my life approaching my surgery date - so I pushed it back by three weeks and went on holiday to get some sunshine and reflect. The time gave me the space I needed to weigh up all the pros and cons. On reflection, the pros dwarfed any cons I could identify. Nearly 6 months out and apart from the stall frustration - I am a very happy camper. I suggest you write yourself your own list of pros and cons and see where that takes you. You might be in for a surprise. The best of luck with whatever you decide

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