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Found 1,238 results

  1. MichiganChic

    Slowing down

    Search the three week stall, and you will see that this is normal. When you see 20 pounds drop off in a matter of a couple of weeks, we quickly come to expect it will continue, but most likely it won't. Our bodies will only lost so fast. It took me a bit to adjust to this, and I've gone as long as 18 days and not lost a pound, and there are people here who have gone longer. However, we are all successful because we just keep doing what we need to do - follow the rules of your program. If you do that, it eventually comes off. As soon as I came to grips with the realization that the laws of weight loss have not changed with the surgery, I spend a lot less time stressing about something I can't change. I figure if I'm doing what I am supposed to be doing, there is nothing else I can do to impact the rate of weight loss. Good luck and hang in there, just focus on eating right and getting in some exercise.
  2. catwoman7

    Feeling frustrated at week 3

    it's the three week stall. Almost all of us have our first major stall sometime during the first 3-6 weeks after surgery, and it's usually the third week (hence, the name). If you do a search for three week stall on this site, you'll find over 15,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your plan and the weight loss will start up again. Stalls usually last 1-2 weeks, but occasionally longer. Stay off your scale if you need to and know that it'll eventually break.
  3. jane13

    No weight loss

    @@Mbain - embrace the stall - search thru BP for stall especially the infamous three week stall. YOU WILL STALL, it happens, breathe....
  4. cutensingle

    Not Losing 3 weeks Post-op

    I hate the three week stall I think I'm in it. It should go week 1,2,4,5,6. Haha
  5. GreenEyedFireCracker

    Please Help! :(

    Hello! My advice! Stop worrying. I had a post very similar to this a few weeks ago. I lost 17 lbs in the 1st week. Gained 9 in the second week (I think it was water loss, and then water retention because I got real poofy). Then didn't loose again until almost the end of week 4. I had fear, thinking I was the only one who this surgery wasn't going to work for. EVERYONE looses differently. If you stick to your plan, the weight will come off. Try not to focus on the number. As we get more and more protein, we are re-building that initial muscle loss we lost. I am on week 5 now and at 30 lbs. Stalls are normal. The "three week stall" is very common and also stalls around your period and ovulation as well. But I am not worried or anxious anymore, as I know the scale will move again...how can it not...I still struggle to get near my 900 calories a day. Hope this helps!
  6. Look up the Three Week Stall. Mine lated for almost 4 weeks starting at 2 1/2 weeks. Its a frustrating Bit@h! But it is common. I am in a two week stall right now, but know I will come through the other end sooner or later. This is a long race, not a short one. I started measuring during my three week stall, and enjoyed those numbers getting smaller when the scale did its little up and down dance.
  7. Okiebon


    Do a search on here for Three Week Stall. It's very common and has been posted about countless times. Some of those threads have excellent explanations of why it happens to us. Congratulations on your progress, that's wonderful!!
  8. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss that just about everyone experiences (search this site for “three week stall” and you’ll see thousands of results). This won’t be the last time you stop seeing your scale move for a little while before starting up again. in your case, though, I’m not sure I’d even call it a stall. This soon after WLS, you shouldn’t even be looking at the scale. Your body went through a lot during surgery and it has to adjust to the changes. While you were in the hospital, I’m sure they pumped you full of IV fluids, and that alone can cause weight gain. I actually weighed more at my one-week follow-up than I did right before surgery (my surgeon didn’t care — at that point, he was more interested in how I was healing from the surgery). You should also be aware that since you’re starting at a relatively low BMI, your weight loss is likely to be slower than someone starting out 100 pounds higher than you, so don’t get discouraged by comparing your weight loss with anyone else’s. A lot of people only weigh themselves once a week so they don’t get freaked out by normal fluctuations or stalls, and you might want to consider that.
  9. Jen_B

    Regretting Surgery!

    Please don't be discouraged. Easier said than done. I had a three week stall week 3,4&5. I was disgusted upon my visit to nutrionist until she used her contraption that measurse BI. I lost 9 lbs of fat. Its equivalent is spprox 3lbs a wk. If your are not seeing a nutionist you can pick up a scale that measures body fat as well. Keep on keepin on! Its gonna come off. Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App
  10. Introversion

    I'm stuck 😕

    You are not doing anything wrong. Look up the 'three week stall.' It happens to most sleeved people. You lost 24 pounds in less than three weeks. You lost more in 2.5 weeks than most gastric sleeve patients lose in a month. I would be walking on sunshine if I ever lost 24 pounds that fast. It is seriously time to adjust your expectations. You did not gain the weight overnight and will not lose it overnight. With my sleeve, I lost an average of 5 to 6 pounds per month (yes, very slow loser), yet I made it to my goal weight. It took me 18 months to lose 100 pounds. The rate of weight loss does not matter. What matters in the long run is your ability to keep it off for life. There's no point in being a lightning-fast Speedy Gonzales loser if you end up in the majority of sleevers who regain significant weight. Good luck to you. And stay off that scale for several weeks. Hide it!
  11. Renee, How close are you to TOM? Lots of ladies notice a couple of pound increase just before because we are retaining Water, then most see a loss immediately afterwards. That three week stall is a booger, isn't it!? I was so worried about mine, but just kept doing the water, doing the Protein, and then I had a big drop, 4 or 5 pounds, IIRC. I hit another one at the end of my 2nd month/beginning of the 3rd month, so I upped my walking and gained a pound. My regular doc told me that I wouldn't lose until I backed off the walking for a few days. I rolled my eyes when he told me that muscle weighs more than fat, but he's right. And, during that second stall, I lost inches in a hurry! That's when I dropped the second pants size, so always check your measurements when you stall on the scale. Also, always look for those NSV's (non scale victories). I've had tons of them lately and I make sure to keep my eyes open for them. Something as simple as being able to slide into a booth in a restaurant will thrill me, although I might not say anything to my dining companions. I was thrilled to be able to buy a belt...and then it was too big the first time I wore it! I had to adjust my car seat because I not longer need to sit way to one side so that the seat belt latch doesn't dig into my tush. Those are all somewhat silly, but they are the things that make me go YEAH! Good luck to you all!
  12. My HW before pre-op diet was 282. I'm now down to 199 in eight months. I'm pear-shape and carry my weight in my legs (I have a circulatory condition) and my butt, which I think is harder to lose than apple-shaped, stomach/bust weight, but even though I'm slower than some on this list, the losses have been steady and my eating is at a very sustainable pace. I don't feel that I'm dieting or that I'm deprived. With the help of Mr. Sleeve, I perceive myself as eating like a "normal" person - I eat, get full, and stop eating. Before surgery, I never got full unless it was Thanksgiving dinner! Unlike some others on this list, I don't have any forbidden foods. I eat out at restaurants often due to the nature of my work but choose lean Proteins and only eat half portions. I even eat dessert sometimes - eating one cookie can satisfy me now rather than 6 (or 12?) Cookies. The first two weeks are by far the hardest. The three week stall is hard too. But after that, I hope it is as smooth for you as it's been for me.
  13. Bufflehead

    First stall 3 weeks out [emoji853]

    Google "three week stall gastric sleeve" or "three week stall vsg" or "three week stall weight loss surgery" and you will see you are not alone. Keep following your program, stay off the scale for a while, and don't give in to stress about it. The scale will start moving again eventually. And yes, constipation can contribute to "stalls" and even "gain" -- poop weighs a lot more than people think and it will show up on the scale!
  14. yep - it's the infamous three-week stall that you've probably read a lot about on here. It happens to almost everybody (it's not always the third week - although that's the most common time - but some people have it the second week and some the fifth week - it varies). Just stick to your plan and it'll eventually break. Mine lasted two weeks (stalls are usually 1-3 weeks long). Stay off the scale for a few days if you have to
  15. I have two questions that are admittedly silly. Background: Had a RNY on 12/20/19. SW was 205, CW is 185, stalled for 2 weeks at 185. (I'm female, 46 yo). 1. How much protein should I be eating daily? I've asked my NUT this question, and she says I should be "doing my best" to get in protein, but that they don't give out goal numbers. How am I supposed to know what the number I should be reaching, if they won't tell me? I then asked my surgeon, and he advised me to speak with my NUT. This seems ridiculously silly, so I'll ask you all: How much protein should I be eating daily? I exercise moderately 3x/week and have a sedentary job, if that helps at all. 2. When I visited with my surgeon for my four-week checkup, he said, "You've lost pretty much all the weight you're going to lose due to the RNY. Everything you lose from this point on will have to be through exercise." OK, that sounded really strange to me. I was four weeks out at the time. RNY is a tool, which I'm working, but just because I started with a relatively low weight, it doesn't mean that there's no weight loss, right? Because that's just crazy. I track calories religiously, and I'm averaging 500 cals per day, about 50 grams of protein. I'll lose some weight just because the calorie deficit, I would think. I'll be honest, I wouldn't even be checking with everyone, but I've been in the three-week stall for two solid weeks now, it is making me a bit crazy. I'm ok with a stall, I'm not ok with this being the end of weight loss. In writing this out, I think I feel better about getting medical advice from random people on the Interwebs, instead of my surgeon's office. Sigh.
  16. chitowngirl

    3 Week Stall ( Frustrated)

    I'm also at my three week stall for the last week and a half. It's annoying, however it does come with the territory. I am just trying to be patient and learn how to snap out of these stalls. Best of luck. Have faith that we will make it passed these stupid stalls.
  17. InfiniteButterfly

    4 weeks post op & scale isn't decreasing

    I've lost 24 lbs since surgery. The scales haven't budged since Monday. I think I hit my three-week stall a little early But I know I haven't stepped off the doctor's plan, and I've been getting my exercise, so I know it will pick up again. I am immensely grateful for reading about everyone's stalls on here so I knew to expect it and didn't panic as much as I may have otherwise.
  18. I had 5 cc as well...my first fill they put .2 cc....so now I have 5.2 cc. It helped me not hit the three week stall...thats for sure.
  19. No game


    I like what Karen had to say.. I know it can be frustrating I am a "slow loser" but you have to trust the process. And don't starve yourself. In no way does that help. I find the when I drink more than 64 oz of Water a day it really helps the weight loss. Just don't give up you are so early out and the three week stall can last 3 weeks also! So you are right on track with that one
  20. catwoman7

    WHAT am I doing wrong ?

    do a search on the three-week stall on this site. Someone did one the other day and posted the results - there were like 17,000 posts on it. Happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your plan and it will break. Could take up to two or three weeks, but it WILL break as long as you stick to your plan.
  21. Bufflehead

    5wk post-op no loss for 3wks

    It's perfectly normal. Do a search on the forums for "three week stall." You are right on track. If you are following your program and not making your protein shakes with peanut butter and ice cream or doing other crazy things with your diet, the weight loss will start again, Just keep doing what you should and maybe stay off the scale for a couple of weeks. Checking in your dietician to make sure you understand the basics and aren't unintentionally veering wildly off course is fine and should help you feel better about what you are doing, but don't be depressed. What you are going through is normal and I promise it will not last forever. Truly, if the scale is stressing you out and making you sad, put it away! The only thing you can control is how well you are following your program. Focus on that and not on stalls or your rate of weight loss. Unfortunately our bodies are in control of that and there isn't much we can do about it, as long as we are following our programs strictly and mindfully. Good luck!
  22. I'm. Three weeks out today...scale isn't moving. Is it the dreaded three week stall? I'm struggling getting in the protein and water requirements. I'm walking thru the ligament pain...I am 1 pound away from losing that horrible 3 in my weight....it just....won't .....move!!! Any advice welcome!
  23. Me! The "three week stall". My scale didn't move for 7 days! Extremely frustrating. My doctor said its normal! He every cleared me to go to the gym at my 1 month appointment. Follow my journey at jenvsg.blogspot.com Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Bufflehead

    Someone please answer!

    --there is no average, there's only what's right for you. As long as you are following your plan faithfully, don't worry about how fast you are losing or how fast other people are losing. I think you are doing great. --you have hit the "three week stall." Not everyone hits it, but close. Yes, your weight loss will pick up again as long as you are following a good program and not doing something like making your protein shakes with peanut butter and ice cream. --what are you eating? How much you can eat will vary depending on what you are eating. I am concerned that you are eating "way more" than four ounces of anything, though. Are you supposed to be eating that much? That's a bit different from most typical post-op plans that I have seen. Drinking more than four ounces, yes, eating more, that seems weird, unless you are eating high-carb slider foods like oatmeal or mashed potatoes.
  25. fruitandveggies

    2 weeks no weight loss

    I had a three week stall right at four weeks out, like you. I even gained five pounds! I honestly started losing once I started eating a little bit more. I'm about 4 months out and I'm having a stall too. Really is interesting how we can have such a large caloric deficit but not lose weight every week. This will pass! We just need to keep on doing the right things.

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