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Found 1,237 results

  1. Three week stall is the norm. Search three week stall on here. There are tons of threads. A lot of them have tips on what people did to try and break their stalls. Also what worked and what didn't.
  2. I agree must be three week stall as I'm on week four have not lost in weight since week three. I think it is our bodies adjusting to changes from surgery. I sure hope that is all it is little bummed out since my daughter had surgery one week after me and is still loosing weight daily. Doctor visit tomorrow will see what I need to change or stick with current plan. good luck everyone.
  3. MichiganChic

    Slowing down

    Search the three week stall, and you will see that this is normal. When you see 20 pounds drop off in a matter of a couple of weeks, we quickly come to expect it will continue, but most likely it won't. Our bodies will only lost so fast. It took me a bit to adjust to this, and I've gone as long as 18 days and not lost a pound, and there are people here who have gone longer. However, we are all successful because we just keep doing what we need to do - follow the rules of your program. If you do that, it eventually comes off. As soon as I came to grips with the realization that the laws of weight loss have not changed with the surgery, I spend a lot less time stressing about something I can't change. I figure if I'm doing what I am supposed to be doing, there is nothing else I can do to impact the rate of weight loss. Good luck and hang in there, just focus on eating right and getting in some exercise.
  4. FrankyG

    Is this supposed to be normal? ?

    Yes it is completely normal. Search for three week stall and you'll get lots of hits.
  5. Gundy

    Weight loss after surgery

    The three week stall is very common. Hang in there! HW: 225 SW: 214 (5/2/2018) CW: 207 GW: 145
  6. JoannLz

    May 7th

    I had minr may 7 th as well. I to had the 3 week stall even gained. But I'm two months out and judt got out of a three week stall. I've done pretty good though. 49 lbs down. Only 8 to onderland. I was dehidrated maybe that's why I stalled.
  7. Thinkingthinner1109

    Stalled Blues

    I got the three week stall and 1 week also. It kinda ticks me off. I know everyone says be patient, but I walk 4 miles a day. Get all my protein and fluids in. I am eating correctly. Eggs, fish, chicken sugar free jello. And I stalled at week 2. I was honesty doing better before surgery I drank two protein shakes a day, no snacks and a sensible dinner. I was able to walk up to 10. Miles a day. Now I am so whipped from the surgery I can only walk 4 miles. I cannot do strength training yet, and I was able to do that before surgery. It brings you down. I have put the scale away, right after I kicked it. I am not sure how weight cannot be falling off. So I understand where you are coming from. And yeah I know it didn't all get out on in three weeks, but something should be coming off nonetheless.
  8. latido

    Week 3 plateau?

    In my three week stall, I went from a 2x to a 16.
  9. I am five weeks post op. When I first had the surgery, I was somewhat worried about not feeling full, because I could drink liquids like it was nothing. Even on pureed foods I was able to eat a decent amount. Now that I am five weeks out, and on solids I can honestly say, I AM FEELING IT. My nerve endings must have finally healed because I can definitely tell a huge difference in three weeks post op, and now and how much I can consume. I tried to eat a meatball yesterday for dinner and I got halfway through when the fullness started. Today at lunch I didn't even make 2 ounces of tuna before I could feel it. This is wonderful! I also broke my three week stall :D
  10. Bufflehead

    First stall 3 weeks out [emoji853]

    Google "three week stall gastric sleeve" or "three week stall vsg" or "three week stall weight loss surgery" and you will see you are not alone. Keep following your program, stay off the scale for a while, and don't give in to stress about it. The scale will start moving again eventually. And yes, constipation can contribute to "stalls" and even "gain" -- poop weighs a lot more than people think and it will show up on the scale!
  11. DangerMouse007

    How long does 3 so stall last?

    Well, my three week stall has now hit four weeks so I'm still waiting. I've been familiar with stalls when I lost weight in the past pre-op. Some have lasted 3 months. I'm not sure that this one will last that long, but I'm a patient man.
  12. MetroDetroitChic

    Hello everyone

    Yep, I did. 22lbs lost in 6 days, then a three week stall where I lost inches but no pounds. (Which at 650 calories a day is absolutely amazing to me.) the doc said booth the rapid weight loss and stall are common. Hope that helps.
  13. gemigirl


    The three week stall is infamous! It sucks but you'll get through it. There are lots of good reasons why it's happening and none of them have to do with anything you're doing, so keep following your program, trust the process, etc. This article was immensely helpful to me.
  14. bfriedman

    Frustrated by progress

    Thank you so much! I had no idea there was a such thing as a three week stall!
  15. 4ALongerLife

    Stopped Lossing Lbs

    Do what your dr. says and it WILL come off. There is a common "three week" stall that is so true. You will have many more stalls. Do not live by the scale. Weigh once a week, two times if you are ocd about it. Try to limit that (I'm preaching to myself ok?). But do what you are told - watch protein, get your water in, exercise whenever you dr. gives you the green light (I think not yet for you, but IDK 100% to be honest). It'll happen. Watch!
  16. Hop_Scotch

    So little weight loss

    I looked back at some of your posts, I see your weight was 238lb, not sure if pre op diet or surgery day weight, but either way it is a fairly lowish weight (like mine was) and to expect you to lose 20lb in the first two weeks is very unreasonable znc moreso if you did a two week pre op diet where you would have already lost a lot of bloat and water weight. 16lb in the first two weeks was excellent, well done. There will be stalls along the way, and at four weeks post op you may well be experiencing the infamous three week stall. Not everyone experiences it but it can occur anywhere from two to six weeks post op, and can last a few weeks for some people, for others its may be a week or so.
  17. Try searching three week stall in the forums... There is lots on information about it there. Don't worry.. Most of us have been through this and congratulations on the surgery ☺
  18. catwoman7

    I need a little advice

    I swear surgeons need to tell their patients about "the three week stall". Probably 99% of us experience this. It's not always the third week, sometimes it's the second - or fourth - or fifth - but suffice it to say, pretty much EVERYBODY has their first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. Just follow your surgeon's food plan and your weight loss WILL start up again. This stall usually lasts 1-2 weeks - although I've heard of it lasting 3.5 weeks in a few people. Just so you can see how ridiculously common this is, I did a search on this site for you. 17,500+ posts on the three week stall: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  19. Surgery was 3/24. I weighed 230 before pre-op liquid diet (only 2 days). Currently weigh 211 but I haven't lost in over a week due to the three week stall;)
  20. You guys! Im on a three week stall with the scale jumping up and down! IDK what to do! Please help. I havent lost any weight for almost three weeks. I hardly eat and I drink a ton of water. When I do eat its usually a spoon full of food; and its usually rice and a meat with veggies. Im much more active then I was before but not as active as id like to be. Any advice will be helpful! Thanks! Frankie M.
  21. lessofmeismore

    hi im megan and im a skow loser...

    Hi Sharon! Not to worry, you're having the three week stall... Almost everyone goes thru it. You can search *three week stall* and finds loads of people worried just like you. I stalled for weeks but I measured myself and I still lost inches just not weight. Don't worry, your doing fine. Just keep doing the correct things and you will get smaller
  22. I hit the three weeks stall...and had been stuck for almost two weeks. Was making me crazy. Totally empathize with those hitting one. Man, it's frustrating! Got my period yesterday and lost two pounds...and woke up this morning another two and a half pounds down! Not an ounce for two weeks....then, BOOM!...four and a half pounds. The legends are true! Be consistent, be patient. Your hard work IS counting...I promise. Scale just needs a minute to catch up:)
  23. Joann454


    I'm sorry you're discouraged. It's SO COMMON tho. Honestly. I had the famous three week stall. Make sure you're drinking all your water and let your body heal. This first month is about healing. It WILL come off. Are you tracking your protein and water ?
  24. I was on a three week stall and finally lost three pounds, not much but I'll take it. And I hit my first goal. Now onto the next short goal.
  25. catwoman7

    weight loss stall

    almost everyone has their first major stall sometime during the first month after surgery. It's most common during week 3, so we call it "the three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for the three week stall, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). just stick to your program, stay off the scale for a few days, and know that the stall will eventually break and you'll be on your way again. and I echo all of what Arabesque said above.

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