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Found 17,501 results

  1. NickelChip

    Caloric Intake

    Yeah, I would just keep an eye on portion size to avoid overdoing it early on. I have a couple of favorite cookbooks out of all of the ones that I've bought (because I always overdo everything). They are: The Bariatric Diet Guide and Cookbook by Dr. Matthew Weiner (a bariatric surgeon), and Bariatric Meal Prep Made Easy by Kristin Willard (a registered dietician who specializes in bariatric nutrition). I would 100% recommend both of them and you can get them on Amazon. I like Dr. Weiner's book because he gives you what serving size to expect at different stages post-op. For instance, there's a chickpea curry with riced cauliflower. If you're at 1-3 months post op, your suggested serving is 2 tbsp curry and 2 tbsp cauli (which is 1/4 cup total). If you are 3 months to 2 years, it's 1/4 cup of each. If you are 2 years or more, it's 1 cup curry and 1/2 cup cauli. What I like is that it normalizes the reality that you start with really small portions and naturally eat more over time. I see so many people getting so nervous because they are hungrier at 1 year than they were at 1 month, and it's like yes, that's what is supposed to happen! I wish this book had the nutrition facts spelled out for all three portion sizes, not just the largest, because my math sucks with fraction. And I wish it had more photos, although the ones it does have are very nice and the overall quality of the book is high. What I like about Kristin Willard's book is it gives you 6 full-week meal plans and is meant for doing prep ahead, grab-and- go types of meals that you portion out in advance. Also, it is gorgeously illustrated with full-color photos for every single recipe. There is one weekly menu for purees, one for soft foods, and 4 for normal diet. They even include a shopping list for each weekly plan. In my opinion, (comparing to my surgeon's plan and what I see in Dr. Weiner's book) the suggested portion sizes are geared toward a patient who is 1-2 years post-op, so bear that in mind. You would probably get twice as many servings out of each recipe in the first year, and up to 4x the servings in the first few months. And of course both books are likely to have specific foods at a stage that your own program disagrees with, so you have to adjust accordingly. I'm also going to give an honorable mention to The Easy 5-ingredient Bariatric Cookbook by Megan Wolf, a registered dietician and bariatric specialist. The book loses marks for the lack of photos but gains marks for its stage specific portion size suggestions and for all the recipes being really easy to pull-off without buying out your entire supermarket for ingredients. The author is based in Manhattan, and these are definitely recipes you could accomplish with a tiny NYC kitchen and limited cooking skills. Honestly, if I had a friend going through WLS, I would probably give all three of these as a gift, along with a set of small (4 oz and 8-12oz) freezer safe food storage containers. Hope that helps!
  2. Good afternoon all! I just was thinking of all the surprises I've experienced since WLS...and I wanted to ask others what's surprised them about their weight loss/surgery journey that they weren't told by their bariatric team?! I'll go first: 1. All the aches and pains in my hips and butt. My butt hurts now when I sit since I'm missing my butt padding! Also, since losing weight my posture and gait have changed so now I'm in PT for hip abductor pain. 2. The ever increasing and changing locations of skin irritation. The skin now droops in places I wasn't told to expect and I get red irritation under my butt creases from over lap - sorry for the unpleasant visual! 3. I've shrunk..so driving I now need extra padding to be at my former "sitting height" I feel like a kid driving my parents car now. 4. I've had to buy new glasses, mine were stretched out from digging into my fat head 😋 and now they keep falling off when I look down. 5. I've had to buy new shoes, all my old shoes no longer fit. They just flop around. I was expecting new clothing..not shoes. 6. I feel more clumsy and weak despite working out. My manual dexterity is horrible now. 7. I still feel hunger 😔 These are just a few of the changes I've experienced that my bariatric team never mentioned. Do you have any to add that can take the surprise out of it for people just starting their WLS journey?! I eagerly await your responses!
  3. Agreed catwoman7 - that was my BIGGEST concern. I was trying to remember how high into the 180's I hit and I found my paperwork. I had gone up to 187 (17 lbs over my weight I had been holding stable on and mentally remembering the 'brief period' at 167, I felt I had gained 20 lbs but it was really more like 17 from my 'stable weight). Prior gains I had ALWAYS kept within a manageable 5 to 10 lb window. We have an adult daughter with multiple mental health issues that moved back in with us over a year ago and the combined stress between her needs and my job was seriously impacting every aspect of my life. I'm also seeking a new therapist that also specializes in clients who are considering or have had bariatric surgery who can help me with multiple issues as I never want to return to food again as a 'medication' for stress and heartache.
  4. NickelChip

    What do you eat 2 months post op

    Programs are so different, but you should definitely be eating, or at least attempting, more solid foods by 8 weeks. In case this helps, I've just found this YouTube channel where a bariatric dietician is working through the food stages in the post op diet. I don't think she'll get to where you are until next week, but you might want to check her out: https://www.youtube.com/@BariatricFoodCoach Also, I found this video really helpful in explaining how to approach eating right after surgery:
  5. ChunkCat

    When the honeymoon is over

    You are not a failure. The fact that you posted here looking for help means you are open to reaching out for help and that will lead to success!! Many people are too scared to even put the words out there. I urge you strongly to reach out to your bariatric team and get their recommendations for a few therapists that specialize in eating disorders. Try a session with a few of them to find one you like. They will help you navigate the emotional components and anxiety and depression. The surgeon operated on your stomach and intestines, not your brain. Surgery can't fix the inner narratives we have that keep us in cycles we don't want to be in. And Catwoman7 is right, some bariatric patients do end up using appetite suppressing medications to help with those voices, often in conjunction with therapy. There is no escaping the head work, it HAS to be done or it will undermine you at every turn. In time you'll learn how to companion with it and live along side it. It may always be there in some form, but that doesn't mean it gets to be in the driver's seat 24/7.
  6. FifiLux


    Thanks all. I am still losing weight each week so it wouldn't be for any time soon, I was just wondering about it for an extra energy boost at a later date when I am sure I might reach a plateau. I had seen it really heavily plugged on a bariatric blog so was wondering about it.
  7. stacierbatson

    Newbie! Help

    I had my surgery December 6 and really need to be mindful because my body can tolerate almost anything. I have had sweets and am already disappointed in myself . I wish I followed the Bariatric book and stages better.
  8. batofVenus

    Hunger and Cravings

    Hi other newbie here! Pre op was difficult during those periods for me too. As I'm sure nuts/surgeons and everyone here repeats a billion times (lol) protein helps you stay fuller longer, so up your protein even pre op to help keep sated and if you haven't already- avoid caffeine and sugar *now*, they can worsen hunger cravings. I cut both cold turkey and would reach for a protein bar if I had a snack attack. But I think the most helpful was people distracting me from hunger. Get out more, get busy with a task that requires your focus, socialize more, do anything to keep your mind off it. If you're stationary and doing something like playing video games or reading, that hunger sneaks up on you real quick! I also recommend this post surgery (but don't do anything your bariatric team says not to!), as being active and busy distracted me during the healing process and some phase struggles. Hope this helps!
  9. Bariatric surgery of any type is a DQ for military service in the US. However I've heard around that there may be waivers for VSG in particular. Has anyone (or does anyone know of anybody) been able to successfully enlist in any of the branches?
  10. auntie4life

    Hernia and exercise? Help!!

    Thank you for the response @learn2cook it’s a little scary even though it seems to be really common. I don’t want a revision and hoping I can just get a hernia repair. But such is life. The doctor said I also had some curves to my sleeve so a revision maybe in my future. But he wasn’t a Bariatric doctor but a gastro. Thank you
  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The Bariatric Hospital I went to has a very good post op program. They have in person monthly and weekly online support meetings. The Doctor that started the program many years ago is the moderator. He said they started out the pre liquid diet at 2 days. But they ran into issues with the liver being too big. In one instance he said he went to move the liver and it split because it was so big. So, that's why they will not work on anyone that has less than a 2 week pre op liquid diet to shrink the liver. If they go in to do the surgery and someone didn't follow the 2 week diet, they wouldn't do the procedure. They are very safety conscience and take it seriously along with their follow up program. I would go into what all is done but it's fairly lengthy. I'm just a few days from being a month out. I started the Puree'/soft food phase about a week early. Because I was having issues with constipation and needed to get in some fiber. MiraLAX alone wasn't doing the job. Ever since, I've not had an issue. I've even cooked up some ground chicken. But you will fill up fast. Half a cup and I'm full. One scrambled egg with a 1 tsp of salsa & 1 Tsp Mashed Avacado and I can just get it down then I'm done. I've been trying to eat to meet my protein goals, but that is just impossible. I have one shake (premier protein) and I'll mix 60 Grams of Chobani greek non fat yogurt, with one scoop of powdered Premier protein and 1 tsp of PBfit2 to get a chocolate peanut butter yogurt. Don't forget the Sugar free popsicles, it really helped my stomach. Hot food or broth seemed to hurt my stomach a little. But the cold didn't. My Insurance doesn't pay for a Dietician either, however with the Bariatric program it only costs $25 per visit. Between the Surgeon and Bariatric hospital they charged my Insurance $75K so I'm sure they use part of that to cover some of the cost. Do you use the Baritastic app?
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Success with Berberine?

    I did. I noticed no difference in my blood sugars, blood pressure, nor my weight. I took it for 6+ months. Of course this was all before WLS. My bariatric team took me off all my supplements other than my multi and calcium post op.
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Leg Compression device

    I only wore the Pneumatic compression leg device the first day in the hospital until I left. Do you have a known circulation issue the doctors are/were trying to circumvent with having you wear it so long? Unless your bariatric team or GP specifically tells you you need to utilize the device I don't feel you need too wear them again.
  14. Clueless_girl

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    I don't think I'm a common case but malabsorption of vitamins is expected of all bariatric patients. I've been dealing with random abdominal pain for years, alongside the gluten sensitivity so now my surgeon is looking at removing my gall bladder. But I know a few patients will have a rough recovery like mine and IV nutrition will help them tremendously. I am able to eat and the bruising I have from every lab/blood draw is taking longer and longer to disappear (making me look like I'm a drug addict 🤣), so I don't want to go that route. Oh but feel free to talk about the recipes/issues you're having with low carb food, it's not a trigger for me and I could always use ideas to adapt!
  15. janet dekker

    Need help for my mom!

    Hi I don't know of many people with the protein problem but my daughter is in the same position as your mother her blood level for protein is almost non exciting her bariatric surgeon has told it is because she hS malabsorption but at the same time she is allergic to protein where as I hD the bypass and have fat malabsorption I am also 69yrs lost 70kg my daughter had the sleeve In Australia we have a group on Facebook for the over 50 people maybe she should look at and even join it hope this helps abit
  16. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Fun fact: the Bariatric Fusion chicken soup protein mix I thought was so disgusting I almost threw it out when I first tried it tastes surprisingly okay on the third day of a liquid diet. I'm glad I turned out to be too cheap to toss a $45 container of protein into the garbage without giving it another try. Pro tip: I used one of those plug-in coffee mug warmers with a small lidded travel mug to keep it just the right temperature for slow sips.
  17. WarrenInEC, I saw the bariatric revision surgeon. He doesn't think it is dumping and said that the upper and lower GI done would not have taken an image of the inside of my pouch so there could potentially be an internal hernia. He suggested possible laparoscopic investigatory surgery in a couple of weeks. He said a revision to tighten the opening wouldn't necessarily force me to lose more weight, which is perplexing to me but I'm not looking at it as a solution to lose weight, I just thought that would come with the "package". I'm assuming the reason I still feel restriction when I eat is simply because of the 'pouch' then. I thought I understood all of this 5 years ago when I had the surgery, but I obviously did not comprehend everything. Well, we'll see what the next few weeks brings... I assume you had a revision then as that is a big difference in the opening size..lol. If so, what was it like?
  18. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    there are 17,501 posts here on Bariatric Pal about the infamous "three-week stall" (it often strikes the third week after surgery, but not always - it can be the second week - or fourth - or fifth - but in any event, it hits most of us very soon after surgery. And no, I am NOT kidding about there being 17,501 posts on it. Here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall best thing to do is just make sure you're following your program - and then stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you're following your program, the stall WILL break. It usually takes 1-3 weeks. And just so you know, this is likely the first of many stalls..
  19. Hop_Scotch

    Please don’t hate.

    Have you seen a bariatric dietician? If not, perhaps it may be timely to do so. If I have understood correctly, you are eating 1/2cup of food at a time, many times a day??? You don't say what you are actually consuming...are you eating calorie dense foods? Nuts/seeds, cheese, full fat yoghurts/milk, avocado, salmon and other oily fish, eggs? Have you actually calorie counted your daily intake over a week or so? What exercise are you doing on a daily basis?
  20. I’m replying to myself so others who are interested in the same topic can learn what I have found. Crustless Quiche low carb and it is EASY to make without a crust. It’s just scrambled eggs in a pan. I just popped some in the oven from a low carb cookbook with broccoli and cheddar. I am not certain whether the one cup of cheese is too much for 8 servings but that can be adjusted I think. The servings are bariatric size. It uses a muffin tin. Anyways, I have been buying quiche for years and now that I know it’s so easy I can control what I put in it. If I’m the only one who didn’t realize this just ignore me. But I’m excited. 😂
  21. I'm prescribed MM for diabetic neuropathy pain, and got both tinctures and edibles and they do quell the pain and burning enough to allow me to have a restful sleep. Taking the same amount with both, the edibles are way less effective, so...I'm thinking I can no longer process them correctly due to my bariatric surgery? Does anyone have any experience with this or know that this is a fact? Thanks.
  22. So excited to be a part of Bariatric Pal. If you want to chat, drop me a line. I'd love to get the conversations started.


  23. I wanted the best surgeon I could find that wasn't too far from where I live (within two or three hours). Although I would have been open to traveling if I couldn't find anyone in the region. I don't think he had the best bedside manner of those I did my consults with, but he specialized in plastic surgery for massive weight loss patients and had been doing this particular type of surgery for years...and years. He had excellent reviews. Of course, it's great if you really connect with the person, too - but you'll only be seeing this person a handful of times - if that - but you'll be living with the results of your surgery for the rest of your life. You might want to schedule a couple more consults before deciding. I found realself.com to be somewhat helpful when I was coming up with my list of potential surgeons. you're in California - Dr. Katzen is nationally known and specializes in massive weight loss patients, I believe. EDITED to add - looks like he does all kinds of plastic surgery, he doesn't specialize in massive weight loss patients. However, he's very well known in the bariatric community.
  24. Neostarwcc

    Is this true?

    Ok so I saw my GP on Friday and mentioned to him that I'm getting weight loss surgery and he is ecstatic. He mentioned that the sleeve would be the best operation for me and I said that was the one my bariatric team was considering for me. After a while I started voicing my concerns about how the sleeve can't be reversed and he said that that was ok that I wouldn't want it reversed. He said at first I have so much fat that I actually don't need to eat very much (I weigh 425 pounds) and that over the years my stomach will get bigger and will be able to eventually hold a normal amount of food. Is this true? Maybe somebody who has has a gastric sleeve before can tell me if their stomach grew over thr course of time? I'm wondering if my doctor is full of it and is only telling me the things I want to hear or if he is correct. I'd like to know before I make the decision to permanently alter my body.
  25. Amerime

    IT'S MY TURN !

    Here's to a smooth surgery and recovery!! There are some soft food recipes on the Baritastic app (if you use it). Check with your nutritionist as well. My nutritionist gave me some recipes compiled by my bariatric program- I didn't use any. I must admit that I was not adventurous with food in the first few phases. I stuck to the basics - shakes, yogurt, soup, etc. During the pureed stages, I added tuna and other soft fish.

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