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Found 2,156 results

  1. Hello I just want to see if anyone have went from the Lap band to the bypass . I was banded in 2008 weighed 340 had my son in 2010 and my band silped . I'm having my bypass on sep 11 . I was wondering how it went and what was the weight loss .
  2. Has anyone had a VBG revision? Sent from my SM-G900P using the BariatricPal App
  3. I had band to sleeve surgery July 11th. I know I'm only 6 days out but I still have to have help getting up and down due to great pain on my left side. Anyone else experience this?
  4. I had my band surgery in 2007 and now after a long history of problems, lack of weighloss and not being able to be filled without problems. I am heading for the revision part. I am Ok with the procedure but I was told to study both the Gastric Sleeve and the RYGBP options and I have. I have read many different articles on both procedures and all the complications what the long range goals are everything from soup to nuts as it goes. I don't know ehich road I want to take. Both procedures are execellent choices. But the sleeve might not be what i need after all and then it would be followed up with the RYGBP. The sleeve is reccommended for lap band patients and well so is the RY. If someone was in my shoes which would you chose. I have made up my mind but I was just hoping from a response to this topic.
  5. Hi! I'm new, this is my first post. I had gastric bypass surgery in 2005. I lost about 100 lbs and have since gained it back plus a couple extra. Last year I made the decision to have a revision surgery. I have been having the hardest time finding people who have had revision to their gastric bypass surgery. I have questions and can't find answers. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?
  6. So I have a bit of a complex issue. I had the Lapband put in 2009 and had great success. In 2015 I developed an antibiotic resistant port infection and had to have my band removed. I’m trying to get approved for the gastric sleeve but my insurance has denied saying I’m only allowed one surgery per lifetime. Has anyone ever successfully got them to approve it with peer to peer review. Trying to arm myself with as much info as possible.
  7. I'm still suffering so bad with GERD and my diabetes is way out of CONTROL. Is there anyone that could give me any advice as to how get start the process of getting a revision surgery I can't take this anymore.
  8. I was so excited to go under the knife 2 weeks ago for my band to sleeve revision. My surgeon told me there would be a 15% chance that he would only take out the band, if there was too much scar tissue he wouldn't be able to do the sleeve in the same surgery. Unfortunately, I was in the 15%. I woke up and was utterly disappointed. Now I have to wait 3 months to let my stomach heal from all the inflammation that was where my band was. The surgeon said he "feels pretty confident" he can still do the sleeve. Has anyone gone through this? I'm just so down about all of this, and of course all I want to do is overeat. :-(
  9. Hi Eveyone - I am writing on this forum to share my own story, not to disparage the Lap Band because I know many people are successful supporters. At the weight of 263 I had a Lapband placed in 2008, paying out of pocket. At that time GERD was my bigggest CM but I have a sister who was approaching 400 pounds so I was worried. At that time my weight was such that Bypass wasn't really considered and the band was new enough that there weren't too many horror stories and I had high hopes that it would be my answer. Since that time my lowest weight was 150 (as a result of a huge bleeding fybroid) but has hovered at about 200 pounds - not great, but not terrilbe. I have had spells of success with the band but most of my experience has been unplesant. Pain around the port and on the side of the port (I've been checked for Gallstones multiple times), unable to lose weight then unable to swallow meat, back pain, etc. The port is placed in an area that I can ALWAYS feel when I bend or wear any type of waistband - it's BAD. Recently I have had consistant chest pain which has been ruled out as being cardiac and is likley more GERD. So, after much thought and discussion with my surgeon I am having it removed and a RNY revision done (one surgery, again self pay, ugh). If I had it to do over again I WOULD NOT have a band placed and I would've had RNY in the first place. There is something about the foreign object nature of the band and port that never felt quite right to me, even when it was working. If you're considering a band and have doubt please ask folks questions before you do so, make sure you've thought about everything, I wish I had. Best of luck to everyone in their journeys!
  10. I have the band and I'm getting ready to have a revision to the sleeve due to issues with the band. My insurance won't cover anything bariatric related so I'm looking at going to Mexico. Anyone recommend a good surgeon or have good advice for me? Thanks.
  11. Hi all, I had my sleeve revised to bypass on Monday, 8/31. I am 4 days in and weigh more than I did on surgery day. Is this still surgical fluids? I’m following my Stage 1 plan to the letter and frustrated.
  12. I had lap band surgery in May 2017. I have a full band, no restriction, and have lost no weight since the procedure. I switched to a new doctor who seems to think the band has slipped and we have discussed revision to the bypass or sleeve. I am just wondering if I will have to go through the 6 months of nutritional visits, psych exam, etc...again since I just completed all of those requirements about a year ago. I just hate the idea of starting over with all of that. I have Molina Medicaid in Ohio. Any input would be appreciated!. Thanks! Sent from my Pixel XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Hi, I've had my Lap-Band for about 3 years and have done very well. The last few months I started having problems eating anything solid, with lots of pain and vomiting. Unfortunately I am one of the 5% that have suffered a slip. Anyone else out there dealing with the same? I had to have surgery to reposition the band, but am soooo afraid that it could happen again. I asked the doctor what I could do to prevent it from happening again. He said they are not sure why it happens, could be from excessive vomiting.........Just hoping someone else out there has been through the same!
  14. Hey all, I've had my band now for 3 1/2 yrs and have been very successful. Lost 104 lbs in 2 yrs and was 9 lbs from my goal of 135 last year. Then 10 mths ago, I had a minor slip. One that an unfill relieved my severe reflux, but also leaving me with less (much less) restriction. I still have 6cc in my 14 cc band. 1 more cc and it causes reflux. So my drs leaving me alone since I no longer have reflux. I've been going back and forth with: 1. I live with the less-than-optimal restriction, watch calories, diet (which I swore I'd never do after getting the lapband) and do it the old fashioned way. Leaving it alone. Living with a contraption inside of me that works about 75%. 2. Demand my dr fix it. I can either have it replaced, replaced with plication, or convert to a sleeve My ?: Medicare paid for my surgery, as my BMI was 42 and I had hypertension. Do they cover a 2nd surgery because of a complication even tho my BMI is now 27.5. Do they go by what my original BMI was or current? Will they cover adding the plication or just go for what it originally was? Not sure that I want to start fresh again, with surgery, 4 weeks of liquids, and many trips (6 hr roundtrip) to get my adjustments until they are good. So, does Medicare cover revision of my band only or can I add plication too? Thanks! Marci
  15. Hello, Has anyone had success with United Health Care getting approved for a revision ? I am in the early stages of the process. Any stories you share with me ?
  16. Hi there! I've been reading quite a bit here and other places about revising from band to sleeve. Here's my backstory: I got the realize band in 2009 - self pay unfortunately, due to a stupid anti obesity clause with my insurance policy at the time. I was relatively successful - my starting weight was 335 and I got down exactly 100 pounds over the next 2 years. I experienced regain of 45 pounds after a car accident in late 2013 and another injury a few months later. I've worked hard since then and am about 5 pounds away from my original low weight (and plan on surpassing that). The thing is, the whole time I've had the band, I've been a chronic vomiter, I get stuck ALL THE TIME (especially when I eat things I'm SUPPOSED to eat) no matter what and I never really feel full or satisfied, just uncomfortable and stuck. I always blamed myself and thought it just must be normal. But the more I read now, the more I realize that life doesn't have to be like this! I've been asked if I'd ever consider getting it removed and even the thought starts to hurl me into a panic. "I could NEVER get it removed!! I'll gain all the weight back and more and get diabetes again and a fatty liver and increase my depression and anxiety... NEVER!!" Plus I spent $25,000 on this dang thing!! But I hadn't thought much about a revision until the past couple months. The insurance I have now covers WLS. One question I have though is do you think they'd cover a revision? Especially if the band was self pay? Also, my BMI is now under 40 (as of today it's 37.6)... my comorbidities have pretty much gone away, aside from slightly high cholesterol and I just found out I have 2 herniated discs (definitely related to obesity. I'm only 35, for crying out loud!) would they even ok it based on that stuff. I know no one here can say for sure. Just looking to see if any of you have had any experience with a similar situation. Thanks in advance! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I had my gastric bypass in 2000, I was one of the first to do it in the UK. 21 years later and some non weight related illness I have regained half of the weight I lost. I was 300lbs and went to 140lbs. It's only in the past 5 years the regain has really started. I am looking at having a minimizer ring fitted. Has anyone here done this? What was the outcome. Is it like day one after your original surgery? Any information would be greatfully received. Thanks x
  18. I had the lap band to sleeve revision surgery. Ever since I had the first surgery I've been experiencing a compression and cramping pain in the middle of my abdominal. If I sit on a chair it will get worse within the hour. The thing is I contacted my lap band doctor and he told me that there was nothing wrong. They did an upper GI and apparently there was nothing wrong with it. I have a feeling it has something to do with my abdominal muscle because I can feel it in my back sometimes also. I dunno what to do now because he didn't find anything and I may go get this checked out. I really don't think it is just my imagination because this doesn't feel normal.
  19. I had the total band revision done on Tuesday! I had to stay over night and have been home since Wednesday late morning. This surgery has not been so bad! I have already started my mushies! It is good to eat a little. My Realize band was totally defected and by that I mean that it had again detached itself from the tubing. I am going to have a fill on Wednesday already, trying to get me back on track with the weight loss. I am a bit nervous with the bad experience I have had in the past with the fills not working, but I am hopeful. I had gained 7 pounds from the IV fluids and I have also now lost the same 7 pounds. So if you get on the scale after surgery please do not be surprised by the gain it will just come off fast. Having now been through this surgery two full times and one port revision, I have to say this third time was very easy. Maybe because I knew what was coming next! I also just heard from another LB friend that she also just had her entire band replaced this last week due to leakage. I am not sure what brand of band she has! This is very interesting. I have been told by a lawyer that we have no recourse as long as we are healthy and it has not changed any of our normal life. This was all due to some court case that happened in 1974. It is the chance that we are taking by having a device implanted in our tummy's I guess. oh well, I am thankful to be alive and healthy! Three Cheers to Our LAP BANDS!!!! They do work well with loosing weight even though we may have to go through little glitches! :thumbup:
  20. How is everyone doing? How much weight have you lost? What has been the most exciting change? What has been frustrating? I am down 53 lbs since surgery. To me, I would like more. I have accepted that I am a slow loser. Currently I am in a two month stall. I track my food and exercise. I am doing everything that my doctor has told me to do. So, I am a little frustrated. I also have PCOS so that may be factoring in. On the plus side, I am only 5 lbs away from my lowest band weight! So my sleeve and I have accomplished in 7 months what it took me three years to do with the band. Plus, I love that I do NOT have that stuck feeling anymore!!! Overall it has been a wonderful experience. I am happy with my revision choice. I just wish I had done it sooner!!!
  21. Hi all.. my name is Wendy. I had the lapband surgery on 05/31/11 and had done really well until about a month ago. My highest weight was 286 and my weight as of Saturday was 141. I started throwing up blood about a month ago. My stoma was becoming eroded from acid reflux. Long story short, I ended not being able to hold anything down and got really dehydrated. I ended up having an emergency revision this past Monday. I am unfamiliar with the sleeve. Can you tell me some of your experience with it?
  22. I finally have a date...jumped through all the hoops...pulmonary doctor is holding me up because I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and he wants me to have a cpap machine.In the meantime my port just flipped surgeon has scheduled me for December 28.2 week fast required pre op...anybody out there like me?
  23. 45 years old and doing this again. My 1st surgery had developed a fistula "whole" they need to repair/redo surgery . Anyone having problems with drain tube? It has been a week and I am still draing 3oz a day.
  24. Hey everyone! I know there are a lot of posts on here but I'm new to this site and I'm still a little lost! I currently have a band, have for approx 3 years, the first year I lost 60 pounds, I've gained all but about 15-20 back. I have had no success for approx 2 years now and it sucks! I'm miserable. I recently got new insurance and it covers wls! I have an appointment on Thursday to talk to my doctor who did my original wls to see what options I have. I've done a lot of research and I'm thinking sleeve would be good as I'm sick of failing with this band! Can anyone who has had both please give some feedback/suggestions!? Did you fail with the band and succeed with sleeve? How much have you lost and in how long? How long were you in the hospital? Recovery? Etc!.... Thanks for everyone's time, I look forward to hearing from you!!

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