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Found 738 results

  1. AirKuhl


    I'm about 2 weeks banded now and had a drink for the first time the other night. A beer was a bit too filling so a friend made me a fruity drink with tequila and the low sugar V8 tropical fruit juice and some triple sec. Let me tell you after 2 drinks I was FLYING! I'm talking a 12 beer buzz flying. I was never a big drinker to begin with, but I'm going to save a lot of money on booze. :cry_smile: Any ideas why a band makes you so much more susceptible to alcohol?
  2. hayleylamas


    I need all your knowledge yet again. I'm still new to looking at all the surgeries and the subject if alcohol came to mind. I know I'll learn all the rules for post op for all surgeries in my program, but was just curious to know if alcohol is something you can't ever have again? I know that's prob not the case but I am a social drinker and I am curious as to if this will be a no no for a good amount of time. By no means do I have to drink just wondering g the rules surrounding consuming any.
  3. I don't think I'm going to drink ever again or at all but if I was to even think about a sip I'm just curious. When did you start drinking again?
  4. famouslastwords


    I have not been banded yet, but I was wondering can you still drink alcohol occasionally? Or is that not really allowed, I'm not saying like all the time, but at a party is it ok to have one drink?
  5. I am having lap band surgery on Feb. 11, 2010. I have a get together this weekend, it is around three weeks from surgery, would it be okay, if I had some beers and or wine. I wanted to know how long does the doctor usually say you must stop alcohol before surgery.
  6. msdollaz


    What is the deal with alcohol? I know no beer probably..but was about liquor and wine?
  7. I am scheduled to get my band on December 18th. I start my liquid diet on December 11th. Every year, I host an Ugly Ornament Party for some long time friends and usually most people imbibe many spirits for the party. I will be on my third day of the liquid diet. I know I probably should not have a lot of alcoholic drinks, as they tend to be high in sugar and calories, but I would really like to have at least a couple of drinks. Does anyone have any good suggestions for a low calorie alcoholic drink that would be possibly "acceptable" on a liquid diet? Also, do you think the alcohol would affect me differently while on a liquid diet? For anyone with a band, what alcoholic drinks have you drank with the band?
  8. My surgical team recommends no alcohol for 3 months after surgery and it hasn't been three months for me yet, but I haven't had ANY pain or nausea since surgery. I'm attending an event tomorrow night and would like to enjoy a glass of wine but I don't want to get sick or jeopardize my new pouch in any way.
  9. So I'm 22 years old and had VSG surgery 2 weeks ago. I am very happy with my weightloss and honestly not being about to eat isn't bothered me in the way that I expected. I don't miss food that much but I miss the social aspect of it. I am a person that enjoyed very much cooking large meals and having dinners with my friends and family to show them that I care. Baking cakes for my friends birthday and just going out to eat in general. I honestly didn't realize how much of my social life had food and alcohol in it until I had this surgery. Now all my friends are having dinners and parties to celebrate new jobs and back to school, my best friend is a pilot and she just got her instrument rating and a big dinner to celebrate. I'm like torn should I not go and spare myself the agony of watching everyone eat and drink or do I just stay home and be a sour puss. Any suggestions and tips on how to be social without making everyone feel awkward will definitely help !!! Please I need it. And plus I'm moving to another country in a few weeks so I really want to be able to spend time with my friends now.
  10. corieanne


    When can I have alcohol? I’m 5 weeks out and scared to ask my dr. I’m by no means an alcoholic just wondering when I could have a small drink?
  11. bcl1628


    I'm young(ish) and my wife and I like to drink. We'll have several glasses of wine or cocktails at dinner (esp. at a restaurant or with friends). We go to SEC football games a good bit and drink beer or whiskey there with friends. We have bloody marys and mimosas on mother's day and Easter, etc. We go to music festivals (Jazz Fest, Memphis in May, etc.) and drink there while enjoying the music. It suffices to say that our lifestyle has involved alcohol since we were college kids, albeit much less (and more responsibly) now that we're 30. Do any similar social drinkers have advice about how to juggle VSG with light cocktails/wine/beer? Will my VSG prevent me from drinking at all?
  12. harlito


    I've found myself drinking more and more in the last year or so, sabotaging my weight loss. It has always been nice to have a beer now and again. The carbonation has never been a problem for me. But I have found that alcohol might be taking the place of food in my life. Has anyone else found this to be the case? One bad habit takes the place of another? How do you give up something that never seemed a problem before? I know this is the reason I am not losing weight. There's about 4000 calories a week (at least) in beer! Anyone else out there looking to get out of this trap? :shades_smile:
  13. brittnee


    So since today is New Year's Eve I was thinking about having a glass of wine or two. I am about 5 weeks post op from my sleeve surgery, do you think this would be ok?
  14. Hi, I am just wondering what I will be able to drink and looking for suggestions once I am back to drinking! Thanks for any replies :-)
  15. I can't imagine not enjoying the local wineries and breweries here with my friends!
  16. I'm 19 weeks post op. Some people in my monthly support group meetings have said they've started to drink alcohol about 6-10 months post op. I have absolutely no intensions of doing so but I don't have the guts to ask those people how they feel after drinking. Anyone here started drinking alcohol? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. smryan

    Alcohol be damned!

    I did something I didn't think I'd EVER be able to do Saturday night: I attended a bachelorette party for a good friend, jumped on a party bus with 11 other ladies and didn't touch a DROP of alcohol the entire night. Well, ok, there was ONE sip at a comedy club after my friend sent her margarita back twice claiming it had soda in it so I just had to see for myself how truly hideous it was. And it WAS. But that was it! We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. My FAV food in the world. Not a chip passed my lips. No beans. No rice. Just some grilled chicken with a bit of salsa on it and a few black beans. The moral? If I can spend 7 hours on a bus full of crazy drunk people, pass on Mexican, (oh and did I mention there was cake?), pass on cake (I shall leave the "shape" of cake to your imagination) - I CAN DO THIS. Just how tough was this? Oh so hard. Normally I'm the life of the party, and at my current height/weight I can put it away. Bottom line - WILL POWER. One week until surgery. I've turned down fruit, beer (gulp), chips, etc. My size 0, 19 year old daughter left a 1/3 eaten Snickers bar on the counter the other day (who DOES that?!) and I wrapped it up and stuck it away for her later. I wasn't even tempted to finish it as I would have been a month ago. I want to be healthy more than I want the 2 second gratification of tasting chocolate. The other thing I'm learning is that food is for FUEL, not for emotions. Old me: "Hey! It's sunny! I need a bowl of cereal! Oh crap, it's raining, I should probably make a pot of pasta and have 3 huge bowls. Look at that, I'm sad - better grab some chips and dip" (you get the idea). Now I'm listening to my tummy for cues that it needs fuel. Let me close this post by saying - to know me is to know how hard this has been and will be for me. BUT I'm doing it and so can you. Stay positive - eye on the prize.
  18. Friends, I am a little over two months post-op. Overall, I have done extremely well, down 60lbs, feeling great and looking forward to achieving my goals. Unfortunately, I have been occasionally having a cocktail while watching football which disinhibits my appetite control and I wind up eating more than I should or can. Anyone have any suggestions to address this problem? Thanks very much.
  19. musicalwonder


    Now i know drinking isn't allowed for a while but I'm curious on the experiences of those that drank after surgery, whether a week, months etc. How far out were u, how much/what did u drink and how it affected u. Thanks!
  20. Hi there. I am a few months out before having surgery scheduled. In my WLS program, I am required to lose 12 lbs to "prove" to them I can lose weight. I don't know why, but this enraged me. I felt humiliated and degraded. Please note that i am not referencing the pre-op liquid diet--that is for safety issues. I do understand that post-op I will be adjusting to a whole new way of life, but come on, I need my tool! I have gained and lost the same amount of weight so many times in my life. I'm a pro. I've never gotten to "goal" but I can lose weight. I am less angry now and have been successful in losing that small amount of weight, but don't treat me like a moron, Mr. Surgeon! Thanks for letting me vent (obviously still a little anger lingering...) LOL. Shan
  21. How long were you advised to wait until you consumed alcohol? What happened when you drank for the first time?
  22. edwin159

    Vacation and alcohol

    Hello everyone i am 6 weeks post op gastric bypass and my girl surprised me for a vacation to the caribbean this saturday, any ideas on drinking n eating out this early thanx
  23. How long did you wait until you drank alcohol?
  24. Posted this in the general forum, but, was mainly getting responses from women. Wondered what your guys' take was? Thanks: I am 31 years old and have basically done whatever I wanted (within reason) whenever I wanted since mid-college. I'm self-employed in the financial industry so I have been able to take off on a vacation, golf, or whatever reasonably easy (since I didn't have to ask my employer first.) This do whatever, whenever mentality is partly why I'm in the shape I'm in, I love to eat... and eat good. One of the things that I'm most worried about is the possibility that I won't be able to drink carbonated beverages such as beer or alcohol in general after surgery. I'm not an alcoholic by any means, but, I have a lot of fun. And drinking on the golf course or during a cocktail hour in business settings has been a big part of my life over the past 10 years. Not to mention, most of my friends like to kick back and drink on the weekends. I'm confused because I have read many things that a lot of folks aren't able to handle alcohol or drink carbonated beverages at all... Yet, I have a good friend who had the surgery and in some ways, I wouldn't hardly notice a difference in his eating/drinking unless he had told me. He still drinks a few beers, drinks a ton of wine, and some mixes and seems to be fine. The main area I can see a difference is that he seems to get drunker quicker. What are your experiences? What is the norm? Is it just that this surgery affects everyone differently? I mean, I am obviously willing to give up some of this for my health for my family... But, I'm just trying to figure out what to expect. Any input is appreciated. Oh, and my surgery is scheduled for this coming Monday. Thanks.

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