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Found 17,501 results

  1. I am 3 weeks Po and I initially lost 20 pounds but I haven’t loss a single pound in a week! I am following the diet, exercising everyday. I’m getting discouraged
  2. ccast49

    weight stall

    I am 2.4 months post op and have lost only 39 lbs. I was wondering if this was normal amount of weight to lose at this point or if it should be more. I have been stuck between 198 and 200 for over 3 weeks now. I would like to know others experience on this topic.
  3. Currently 10 weeks post op Vsg . Haven’t been able to reach my protein goals (can’t tolerate many foods) & just started reaching my water goals. Not sure if this has contributed to my stall but any advice or recommendations on how to break a stall ?
  4. Livgreen___

    VSG stall

    Is anyone out there like me? I had VSG surgery feb 2022. Started at 21.9 stone pre LRD diet. 20.9 stone after LRD , lowest after surgery 17 stone.  I lost weight the first year and then gained 2 stone currently sitting at 19 stone. Since jan 2023 the scale has not moved once , up and down by maybe 1 or 2 pounds but the scale is not moving. At all. I can count calories for a whole month and nothing. I can eat **** for a whole month .. and nothing. nothing makes my scales move and hasn’t for over a year. You can only imagine my frustration. is anyone else having this issue and if so PLEASE tell me how I can start losing weight and making the scales move again.
  5. I’m 21 days post op and have lost 16-18 lbs (depends on the day) but I’ve been kinda hanging at that weight for about 5 days. My doc said they was normal but I’m wondering as this is a revision if I’ll keep losing or is that it? I’m down 36-38 lbs from before I started the 2 week pre-op Optifast diet. Never intended this for more weight loss just to stop the GERD but now that I’ve had some I want more. I’m at about 750 calories a day now on the purée phase. Just short walks around the neighborhood. I get pretty tired during the day and nap at least once a day. Water and protein are on target. Thanks for any insight?
  6. Hi I’m 8 months nearly 9 month post gastric sleeve . I’ve posted my weight below . Am I in a stall ? My goal is 9.6 stones 15th Jan -11.1st 22 th Jan -10.13st 29th Jan -10.12st 5th Feb -11.0 st 12th Feb -11.1 st I’m so worried 😭
  7. Hello, I, 9 month post with VGS,, I am on a super strict calorie diet. 400 or less a day. ( Doc is ok with that) i do moderate exercise 3 days a weeks, and walking everyday. i have only lost 3# in 2 months. Doc said sometimes it happens, it not typical but can still happen, then he said one month i could loss 10# after my body catches up and get out of starvation mode or something along that line.. I just need to talk to someone who has experienced something similar. I had a rough start to this journey and I am just hoping that it starts going better,
  8. I'm going on 12 weeks post-op and for the past 2 weeks, I have been stalled. I know this is common, if frustrating. But what interests me is where I stalled. About 7 years ago, I had my most successful attempt at weight loss through nutrition counseling. I started at 251 lbs and I lost fairly rapidly and steadily for 6 months through calorie restriction and daily walking, reaching a low-point of 203.8 lbs. And then I stalled. I never got below 203.8. In fact, I steadily gained about 10 lbs over the next several months and then maintained that higher weight for maybe a year, and then gained more. When I started the surgical program last summer, I was right back at 251 lbs. Perhaps coincidentally, 203 lbs is a number I remember being fairly consistent for me in my mid to late 20s. When I weighed myself, not having dieted at all and just living my life, I was usually between 202 and 205 for several years. My question is, did anyone else stall when you reached a certain weight where you had either struggled to get lower in the past or where your body had been very comfortable for a long time at one point? I'm curious if this could be some sort of built-in set-point where my body is trying to settle itself just because it remembers being comfortable here for some reason. Like after the shock of the last several weeks it's saying "Oh, thank God, I recognize this street. I think I'll live here." I know the surgery is still doing its job and I will hopefully see this stall break soon. It's early days. But I'm just fascinated by how this particular number seems important to my body in some way. Did anyone else have a similar experience?
  9. Hi there! Newbie here. Been reading a lot of the threads and already feel like a lot of you are my friends when I haven't actually spoken to any of you 🤣 I had my surgery on the 17th of December 2023 and my stats were: Height: 166 Cm (around 5'5/5'6?) Weight: 90 KG (198 lbs) I didn't do the liquid diet because my surgeon doesn't believe in it. Also, my surgeon specifically said "I will be very happy if you lose 20 KG (44 lb) but it's quite unlikely".I wan't heavily overweight and I was very athletic with a lot of muscle mass. Fast forward 18 weeks post surgery I have lost around 28.4 kgs (62.48 lbs) and my surgeon's mind is kind of blown lol, he wants me to stop losing but I do not think I am done yet. I get these comments that I look "stick thin" but mostly get many compliments as there is no sagging or loose skin (due to muscle mass pre-surgery). My problem is that I have hit my first stall ever this past week where I didn't lose anything (I was losing quite rapidly) and I am low-key freaking out. I still want to lose another 7 Kgs (15.5 lbs) just to have a wriggle room if my body decides to gain a little rebound weight later. I have started some heavy lifting the past week and man I am SO SORE so I think it's due to the inflammation? I am quite sad and disappointed to have not lost any weight the past week and I need some emotional support. I eat around 800 kcals a day with 65 grams of protein - give or take- (starting the past 2 weeks as I was still on a 300/400 kcal a day prior to that). Could that be another reason? Was anyone done losing at 4 months post op? While I know my weight is currently good/slightly under what is good for my height, I really want that wriggle room and I really don't want to be done so soon. Any advise?
  10. I am a month out now and I am happy I dropped 18 pounds but now it seems I am on a stall already. I am still not making protein or fluid requirements. I never drank 100 oz. A day of water in my life. I am so full I can’t seem to reach this 70 - 80 of protein. I am on foods well chewed now. I feel like every 21/2 hours drink then wait eat then wit drink shake. Nothing to drink a hour after you eat. There are not enough hours in the day! Ia week after my surgery I got Covid and my age it wasn’t easy. I am still out of sorts. Doc checked me and I’m ok. I need to do better. I just started walks and some bicycle. I am hoping my stamina gets better. If anyone has any tricks they do about how to manage better with foods, I would appreciate if you can share! Thanks so much!
  11. Please please tell me this is normal. I've also only lost 12lbs in the first 2 weeks and now in a 3 week stall. I'm glad I've not gained anything cause i think i would be even more disheartened. I'm taking in around 700cals a day, getting my protein in and fluids. I have been doing light exercise on cross trainer but too scared to push it. should i be doing anything different or do i just wait it out? I knew it was coming, but mannnnnn... 3 weeks :(
  12. I am 9 months out from my surgery and about 10 pounds from my surgeon's goal (15 from my goal). I have been strength training four days a week for the past two months and was told to up my calories to around 1300 at that time. And...I have been stalled for about a month at the same weight. My resting metabolic rate is over 1500 calories (because I am burning calories on top of that), so I know I am in a calorie deficit. I know I should "stay the course" but I am doubting myself now...wondering if I should go down in calories. I am getting around 100 g of protein a day. Drinking 70 oz water or so. Very little cardio, though. Thoughts? What was your journey like once you got close to your goal? Thank you in advance!!!!
  13. Newbie here, first post! That said I have done my fair share of reading and creeping and have come to understand the 3 week stall is pretty common. That said... Tomorrow marks the 4th week post op and this entire week has had 0 loss. I have now lost 13 pounds post op bringing me to 17.4 in the last 30 days, and I feel like the surgery and the recovery was it worth 13 pounds? I feel stuck, I feel discouraged living like this during the holidays and not able to eat all the treats and food around. Now with the rant done, I am looking for a good puree to soft solids daily menu with food ratios that anyone can point me too? I am good at following a plan but suck at just making something up in a pinch, I have been planning but you know how it goes, sometimes you just don't feel like the things you made previously. I guess I just needed to vent, and in a space where others maybe have dealt with this themselves..
  14. Hi there folks. I was sleeved back in September of 2023, so it's been 8 months. In 3 months, I have lost 3 pounds. This has had me in tears. I haven't been absolutely perfect, but I'm exercising 5 times a week and maintaining a significant calorie deficit (average 1400 cal at 330 pounds). For the last 6 weeks, my hands and feet have started getting cold, and I have been sweating excessively. I went to see my GP and we considered thyroid, which was a relief as it might explain the stalls AND the circulation. BUT the TSH test just came back within normal range. She's stressing that extreme weight loss can cause you to feel cold more often due to the loss of insulation, but my hands and feet are objectively cold (other people can feel it) so it doesn't seem this simple. Any ideas? If I'm back to steering my own healthcare on this, it is not a new thing for me, I'm just not sure where to start.
  15. Hi- just wondering if you didn’t experience the infamous 3 week stall, when did it show up? And I’ve read it can last 1-3 weeks. Any variations on that out there?
  16. Ms.LaTasha82

    Stalls and plateaus

    What’s the longest stall you’ve had? I’ve been between 224-228 for the last month…..I would really like to see 200…..so somebody please help me knock this last 24-28lbs. what do you do to break your stall? please and thank you!
  17. Hi! New here! I had VSG previously and I'm going to have the Overstitch procedure this week. If you've had this done or are thinking about it, I'd love to hear from you! I have not met my surgeon in person (phone consult) and there is a long list of medications. I'm pretty nervous about this non-invasive procedure in a way that I never was about the VSG! It could be the extensive medication list- I didn't need any prescriptions after VSG. Prilosec and Miralax daily 7 days before surgery, Zofran, Emend, and Betyl for nausea and cramping, starting the morning of surgery, and ibuprofen rx for pain. I had VSG in 2017 with no complications. I lost 115 lbs. Fast forward to 2023, 1 years after hysterectomy, I experienced about 30 lbs regain. I was having trouble losing with increased workouts and diet modifications, so I tried Mounjaro. I lost 30 pounds. I felt nauseous and fatigued the entire time I was on that, I subsisted on gingerale (I did not drink any carbonated or sugary drink before this) and cereal or saltines. I went off because I wanted a break from the side effects. I rapidly regained all that I lost and 10 more. After attempts to moderate diet again failed, I went back to my doctor. I'd read about Overstitch, but the information out there is pretty vague. Basically, I know what it is and that it's available. I can't find any decent experience reviews. My doctor expects that I can easily lose between 20 and 40 lbs. Not the significant loss of VSG, but on my small frame, that's a large amount and it would bring me to a much healthier place.
  18. Hi everyone! I finally did it, after chasing this surgery and fighting with insuracne I had t 3/19/24. I"m on day three, and I'm so tired Im' napping more than I"m awake sipping. Did anyone else experience this? Hot long will it take to east up and I'll feel awake agaIn? I assume it has to do with the liquid diet and very little calories and the array of pills they have me on.
  19. The 3 week stall has finally lifted and I am so thankful lol

  20. Hi Team! I realize that stalls are inevitable, but I am having some trouble determining if I am in a stall that I need to just wait out, or if I need to change something up. Background: I just hit 8 months post-op. Stats are in my info box. I have been sitting at 174 pounds for three weeks. I had been losing a pound or more per week at around 900 calories per day, Protein at 100G and carbs under 100 g. That is around the time I hired a personal trainer, upped my weight training (free weights now and four days a week), my steps, and my calories (1200 or so per day). The increase in calories was at the recommendation of the trainer, who also recommended increasing carbs to 138 (most days I don't get above 110). I know the level weight is not due to increase in muscle mass---too soon. So....what are your thoughts? Stick with calories or go back down to 900-1000? Thank you in advance for any reassurance or guidance. (And I emailed my surgery team three days ago...waiting to hear back).
  21. I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠

    I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.

  22. Hi guyssss i have a concern with weight stalling. i had my surgery on September 23, 2023, and after the surgery by a month i had a weight stall that lasted 3 weeks and after those 3 weeks but weight kept going down as normal. Recently (for a week now) i've noticed my weight is stuck on 75 KG so im guessing thats another weight stall almost 4.5 months in after surgery. Is it normal to have multiple weight stalls? or should i be worried?
  23. What did everyone eat in the liquid week and the pureed food week. I'm allergic to eggs and whey so I'm trying to make my lists now on what I need to stock up on.
  24. South Coast Deli brings a superhero flair to fast, casual dining with three locations across Santa Barbara. Dive into a diverse menu featuring breakfast sandwiches, bagels, hearty salads, and a variety of sandwiches, including vegan and vegetarian options. Whether you're craving a classic deli experience or a warm panini, this deli satisfies with quick service and a playful atmosphere. Perfect for on-the-go meals or a leisurely bite, South Coast Deli is your go-to for fresh, delicious fare with a comic book twist.


  25. I had my surgery (sleeve) 7 days ago. I am moving to California Oct 29th. (Military) We will be traveling for 4-9 days (depending on kids) from South Georgia. I was supposed to have surgery this past summer. Then they made it for august and then covid got worse. So finally last week got it done. But now so many worries. Has anyone travelled Long distance after sleeve surgery? Anyone who has any tips or tricks they learned or have any good ideas. I have no idea how I’m gonna do this when I’m limited on what I can eat and we will be on the road for a while. Just getting nervous.

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