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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by Desiree1970

  1. Desiree1970
    238.9 !!!!
    I'm absolutely loving being out of the two forties!
    Work was such a crappy thing yesterday. It never helps when you work with lazy people and are so expected to do all their work, that you never finish your own work.
    I know I need to pray for these people, but can't they still tick me off LOL
  2. Desiree1970
    :w00t:My favorite Atkins Advantage shake is the Creamy Vanilla Shake.
    That's my lunch today. It's 160 calories 1g sugar and 15 g protein.
    Hope I can get it all in
  3. Desiree1970
    I wowed myself this morning when I got on the scale.
    Part because my cycle started last night so I expected my weight to go up. Boy was I surprised when the scale read 222.4!
    Yesterday was great, I really enjoyed the play and didn't go crazy at the Elephant Bar. In fact I made sure to order the mashed potatoes and ate sllllllooooowwwwlllllyyyyyy LOL
    Of course I got full fast! I ate a few bites for dinner last nite and while my family chowed on chinese I retired to the serenity of my room to watch Cops! I feel wonderful botom line, even with these cramps LOL
  4. Desiree1970
    I'm trying not to be too discouraged. My weight keeps fluctuating... I've been wanting to leave 230's behind me, and actually weighed in at 228 a few days ago, but today I'm back at 230.5 :girl_hug:
    But hey I've come a loooong way for 270's and my lower belly is shrinking
    It use to feel solid and now it's just a soft spongy feel.
    I'm still glad I got the LapBand
    I go for a fill with Dr. Liu in Newport Beach on friday and I'm excited about saying, "smell ya later 230's" for good!

  5. Desiree1970
    The last two days haven't been so bad after all. I wasn't very hungry, of course when my sister talked about getting an IslandBurger, I started to shake a bit LOL, but I came through good and stuck to the plan to the letter.
    Here's the 2 day Clear Diet:
    Breakfast: Water, Broth, Diet Jell-O (I used sugar free- 10 calories)
    Lunch: Water, Broth, Diet Jello-O
    Dinner: Water, Broth, Diet Jello-O
    I stuck to strait water too....
    All though now that I'm looking at this Ahem...:faint:
    I notice at the bottom it says A day before suregery, continue clear liquids: (this inclueds apple juice and diet 7 up); drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water...Eat nothing after midnight...
    YAAAh cos I sure would like some Apple Juice:heh:
    I'll be leaving to my parents house in a bit. They're driving me to the surgery center in the morning.
    Thanks for all your prayers!!!
  6. Desiree1970
    Get a part time job
    Write my letter to insurance
    Schedule consult with Dr. Karyotakis and Dr. Uyeda in Los Angeles (shoot for same day)
    Schedule appointment with Dr. Saab about my rash and back pain... ask him to refer me to chiropractor to see why I'm having balance problems.
    Follow up appointment with Dr. Liu and Dr. Linder
    Get letters from all Dr.'s and get insurance started and appointment set.
  7. Desiree1970
    I'm starting over, or at least trying my hardest to undo the what I've done the past few months.
    What happend with Dave really effected me negatively and I'm not blaming my behavoirs on that, but they did make a difference.
    So I had my last fill of the year yesterday... I'm down a pound and so far today I've had some tomato soup, protein nectar and now I'm eating some refried beans with a bit of cheese... softies for at least two more days.. I'm going home and break out my hip hop abs dvd. Time to get my rear back in gear :eek:
  8. Desiree1970
    Every since I hit 212, it seems as if losing has been such a pain in my tush....
    Still my goal is to hit 199 but WHEN!?
    I am beyond frustrated and a little lost:sad:
    I have a consult with DR. Linder on the 15th to put into works plans for having the loose skin removed and my boobs lifted, but truth be told, if I can't lose the 50 lbs Dr. Linder wanted me to back in OCTOBER:eek:....
    Fat Chance.... yeah I said it FAT:Dancing_unhappy:
  9. Desiree1970
    Frustration multiply by 10….
    So yesterday I was happy, I would meet with my primary doctor and have him to a physical exam and EKG on me….
    Sound simple huh? Should have been….
    After the embarrassment of having my “flab” out and being topless for this EKG…
    I contacted my medical coordinator with Dr. to ask him for a fax number for my primary Dr. so my primary could send him the results of my EKG.
    I may have called him on his cell phone, my bad:decision: …. But after all the hoops I’ve been jumping through I didn’t expect rudeness on his behalf…
    Short of long…I needed to have a treadmill stress test! I wanted to scream!:censored:
    Then I tell the doctor this and she was P’d Off at me:mad: and said if you don’t know what tests you need to have, you need to have your surgeon’s office provide us with a letter saying, “Desiree needs this and this and this…”
    Then of course to add the cherry on the top of my Sundae, my office called in a frantic, “We can’t find this…when will you be back?!”
    I'm so tired:tired and depressed :youcandothis: and want some Pad Thai and sushi:hungry:
    Thus was my wonderful day!
  10. Desiree1970
    In conjunction with several aspects I'm just bumbed this morning.... I reached 201 and was positive my next step would be down and then below 200... so why the crap am I 203?!
    I'm frustrated! I'm waiting for an auction win on ebay to pay and I am FLAT broke! :thumbup: Got bills to pay and my weight is not doin wha I want it to... so here I am today watchin Ultimate Fighter and just chillin out in my apartment... I feel a little retarted, cos here i am lounging on my couch watchin Spike and bloggin when I should be out enjoying life.... did I mention I've got my hoodie on... okay yep I need to let go of this depression!:cursing:
    Now.. I have my consult with Dr. Linder on Monday and I am excited about that! I'm gonna explain to him what I'm looking for and let him know I am experiencing extreme back pain I believe due to the sagginess of not only my belly but my breasts. My lower back is giving me every day pain...(right now I have a heating pad on my lower back) I just wanna be happy and right now I'm not...:cursing:
  11. Desiree1970
    I have a pre-screening appointment on Friday "Thank You Jesus!" I also had a talk with our HR director about my idiot manager who's had problems with me going to the doctor "All the time"...
    I can't wait to have this done
  12. Desiree1970
    Wow 219!!!! A welcoming number, now I'm finally in the two-teens!!!
    Had trouble drinking water again last night and coughed up water while trying to sleep gain.... tight adjustment....
    Will try tonight to not eat or drink three-four hours before sleep.. so most likely I'll probably just drink a protein shake before I leave the office at five... let you know how it goes... need to go to curves so I don't know.....
  13. Desiree1970
    It only took a little heartbreak for me to break my plateau. Let me see... I was scammed on an online date site (NEVER AGAIN!) had my heart and dreams crushed by an imposter... finances out the window and lost over 5 lbs in 4 days! Not something I want to continue to do, but Wow Huh!?
    Today's weight is 224.5
  14. Desiree1970
    It's been about 6 months since my lap band, and I'm still kicking LOL. I'm very happy with my decision as I feel tons better and see some beautiful curves :mad:
    The things I'm noticing that I'm not too happy is my hair is shedding.... :crythat means I'm not getting in as much protein as I need. Bad ME!!:eek:
    So today I'm gonna change my ways... so far today I had 26 g of protein via Protein Nectar's Fuzzy Navel drink. Two more of those today and I've hit my 60 grams per day... I'll be tooo happy!:whoo:
    I also bout liquid multi vitamins, I'm not too happy with the chewable.... I've been taking the Centrium chewables and they are not that tasty after all....:eek:
    I'm still watching a lot of the FOOD network LOL:madgrin:
    Hey I also found out yesterday one of my FAVORITE singers in the WORLD!!! Ann Wilson had the Lap Band! Ann has been such an inspiration in so many other ways as sucha strong independent woman to me. I love Hart and she has such a talent.
    Cheers to you all!:hungry:
  15. Desiree1970
    I can't wait to start Insanity....
    This week is my lst week of Prep with Hip Hop Abs and I so love this DVD! but I'm so about Insanity starting the 15th :tt1:
    I ordered Results and Recovery and hope I have that in time to use with Insanity and Shakeology!
    I'm also very excited about my Taste Party Saturday and I'll try to have one every week. I hope my friends and family show up! They'll be amazed at the benefits of Shakeology....
    okay well I gotta take a nap cos I feel slightyl drained...
  16. Desiree1970
    233.8 lbs today

    What a long month.... I'm just plain tired and want a nap
    I'm still losing and happy at that. Thought I had hit my sweet spot, but a little doubtful LOL... maybe so and I'm just tired :car:
    A few guys asking me out now... that's weird and I'm a little scared....
    Well off to work I go :car:
  17. Desiree1970
    I'm so CLOSE to Onederville I can taste it!!!!!
    I love my scale... I get on and it says 188 then jumps to 201.6~ Don't know exactly what that means, but I'm happy...
    And this is after a totally terrific FIGHT NIGHT *UFC*
    I think as I keep being social my esteem edges me on to keep workin the band and with this I'm losing:redface: I LOVE THIS!
  18. Desiree1970
    I had a difficult night last night....
    I had some milk about an hour before bed and I kept coughing it up.
    I was so afraid of choking on it....
    No more eating or drinking three hours before bed for me
  19. Desiree1970
    Haven't posted in a while... things are kinda bland... I'm a little weezin'
    Not seriously going to Curves wich is NAUGHTY...
    Not getting the protein in... I've been bad...
    But today I'm trying to get back in shape.
    I'm going to the gym after work and trying to log in my protein intake below...
    I'm 214.2 lbs today... fitting in between a 12 and 14 (WTG I was a size 26 at the beginning of my journey)
    I have an adjustment appointment next week.... I'm happy :shades_smile:
    Today's protein intake:
    New-Whey Liquid Protien "Fruit Punch" 42g:tongue_smilie:
    Syntrax Nector Whey Protein Isolate "Lemon Tea" 23g:blink:
  20. Desiree1970
    Yeah I did it...I broke what so falsely has been accused as the stupidest thing you can do when strapped for cash....
    I took out a payday advance.
    No gravy, I asked for $300 ... got it the next day and when payday rolled around was given the opp to pay the $300 back (plus a fee...hey they did loan me cash quick!) or pay the fee and extend my loan another week. I opted to pay the $375.
    The good out of this kids.... I was able to pay the bills I needed to and avoid the late fees...get my hair "did" and put some groceries in the house.....
    Not bad for a cash advance.....:eek:
  21. Desiree1970
    I'm a little on the tired side.... I know this is not very good and I need to seriously take my vitamins... I'm naughty about that.
    If I was to self "doctor" myself, I would say my iron might be low....
    Still I'm down 11 lbs from a week ago, not bad huh?
    I slept a little better last nigh not too many episodes with the coughing up of residual food... I even think I took in more water yesterday. My skin is snapping back, so I'm not dehydrated thank God.
    I have a serious craving for Watermelon, so I think I'll swing by Vons this morning and get some for breakfast yumoh!:w00t:
  22. Desiree1970
    Finally had my third fill at Dr. Liu's office
    Was able to meet some really nice and cool people in the waiting room.
    Dad was so sweet... see this morning I tried to eat a bean and cheese burrito from taco bell, knowing damn well my body doesn't like flour tortillas anymore LOL... well as I'm getting off the car slim everywhere in the driveway... I guess dad was grossed out and worried about his little princess because he insisted on driving with me to Orange. I'm glad he did, it's always nice having his moral support, and Daddy is my favorite man in the world... he was so hungry and we were there for hours! I made it up to him by buying him a nice lunch at Portillos.
    Me? Well I'm on liquids for two days... I want to try for three, but hey no promises here LOL. I did tell Andre that I don't want to go out tonight... I want to see him, but I'm afraid on liquids... I may be a little bitchy LOL... funny thing is we were just talking on the phone and I kept having to beltch LOL all I've had... since the few bites of that burrito... is water, a little grape juice.. a little lemonade... and chicken broth....
    I'm determined.... I'll be cool tonight with just the liquids... then tomorrow I'll up it with some Protein nectar... still liquids.. I so would like to believe that even I can do all liquids on Saturday, but hey I'm going to a theater and dinner event... well I won't be eating much if anything at all. Docs said we're gonna get this next 50 lobs off and gave me an UBER FILL! I'm holding them to it! I'm also holding myself to it and I'm starting from scratch and gonna keep hitting CURVES like a banshee LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
