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Status Updates posted by ellenmarie

  1. stupid lupus and stupid pain that comes with it... excited for my doctors appointment on the 10th... hope i am close to my goal of losing 75 pounds (9 more to go) by my highschool reunion at the end of the month...

  2. why does stress just make me want to eat? really need to get back on track...

  3. sooo tired... have a fill in 2 weeks and I can't wait... i am almost to the "green zone"... hope this next one does the trick...

  4. Yay NSV!... I found a pair of Wrangler jeans I have not fit in since high school... Tried them on and they are TOO BIG :)

  5. having a really bad flare today... wish that i had more energy... i hate not being able to do anything becasue it wears me out... oh well tomorrow is another day...

  6. Month and a half till my 10 year highschool reunion... Want to lose 15 more pounds before it gets here... If I do that I will be smaller than I was in high school... Mini goal!!!!

  7. at work... boo... can't wait for my weekend... gonna start my new work out plan... wish me luck... hope to start toning up and lose some more inches...

  8. my bestie is getting married!!! gotta start working on my arms more for my maid of honor dress... can't have bat wings lol...

  9. went for a run today :)... yay excersise!... too bad it made me have a lupus flare... stupid lupus...

  10. Got called into work... people need to stay home when the weather gets bad... dealing with a 30 mile brush fire and lots of accidents... gonna be a long night... have to be here till 7am

  11. Yay another 16 lbs down... that brings my total to.... wait for it... 64 LBS in 5 months!.. So excited... If I keep this up I will be at goal by my one year... Now that is some major motivation...

  12. At work... didn't sleep a wink today... stupid lupus... wondering if I am ever gonna start having good days again... Fill on Tuesday so excited...

  13. Working dayshift today... Boo... Saw my boyfriend for the first time in 3 weeks last night and he said it looks like I have lost more weight :)... Guess I didn't mess up too bad while at the academy...

  14. went to the dispatcher academy... glad he seems to be doing ok... how is work?... did you reschedule ur appointment?

  15. So glad to be home... here at work... gonna try and get my fill a week early... see if they have any appointments... been almost 2 months since my last fill thanks to the academy...

  16. doing ok. just got back from being in santa fe for 3 weeks. nervous about my appointment. sorry to hear about ur brother. is he ok?

  17. Hey! How are you doing? When is your next appointment? I go on the 29th...

  18. Have one last test and a 911 Simulation I have to do and then I am done with the Academy... Graduation tomorrow... Trying to get my appointment bumped up a week but doesn't look like it will happen... Hope I have lost since the food is so good and they feed us like we are starving... been trying to be good... didn't think it would be this hard...

  19. Finally got the stupid wireless to work at the Academy... 3 more days till graduation... can't wait to be back home and at work again...

  20. One day off and now back to the academy tonight... Really trying to stay on track but they serve us these huge portions... have my next fill on the 29th...

  21. Last night of work before the academy and it is almost over. Not sure when I will be able to be back on. Gonna be on major lockdown while at the academy. Had to get a doctor's note to take my protein supplements. How stupid but oh well. Gonna be a long 3 weeks. 4th fill when I get back :)

  22. oh yeah i forgot they built the new building... i have not been out there in like 3 years... i hated the old building especially in the winter

  23. I officially hate being sick... Can't keep anything but Powerade and water down... 3 days to get better or else I don't go to the academy... Hmmmm maybe I should just stop trying to get better lol...

  24. Thank God it's my Friday... Gonna spend the day in bed... Half an hour to go... Short week this week and then off to the academy...

  25. Took a day off from work last night and am feeling worse than I was... Hope I can make it through shift tonight... Having a hard time staying on track since I've been sick... Need to stay clear of comfort foods...

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