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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo_68

  1. I sit here struggling with the notion to write this or not...but something someone said to me yesterday is very disturbing. I think her words were "A Slipped Band is not a BIG Deal, quit your whining it can be fixed." I followed all the rules the Doctor gave me and for 18 months have had phenominal success with my band. I eat right and I excercise and within this time have lost 129 lbs...putting me 5 lbs under my original goal. Two weeks ago I came down extremely ill with the FLU and my world changed. I've never been so sick in all my life and the vomitting was non-stop. It landed me in the ER for two days, my LAP-BAND® slipped, they unfilled it...hoping it would fall back into place. Unfortunately it didn't and surgery was scheduled. My Doctor was not sure what they would find. Could I have been so sick that it could of caused a possible errosion. I was lucky...but it is a VERY BIG DEAL! I was in surgery for 4 hours to fix my Slipped LAP-BAND®...and a 3 day hospital stay. It just really angered me yesterday when someone told me to quit whining about surgery. Surgery is risky no matter who you are or how healthy you are. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my LAP-BAND® and I love the success I've had with it...but surgery of any kind is scary. Things like "throwing up" shouldn't be taken so lightly or carelessly. A slipped band can and will happen if you don't take care of yourself properly. I thought this forum was for sharing your stories and helping and supporting one another. If I can help one person not go through what I did, then its a success. Obviously I couldn't stop the Flu from happening, but I wish I would of gone to the Doctor at the first sign of being sick and had my LAP-BAND® unfilled. Maybe then I'd be out running today instead of being on day 7 of recovery. I will however not let this stop me or drag me down. I'm loving life and love the "new me". Everyone has a story and deserves to be heard!
  2. Boo_68

    Me and my daughter Samantha...Age 21

    Thank you Bud
  3. Boo_68


    From the album: My Family

  4. Boo_68

    Pinup Style

    From the album: My Family

  5. Boo_68

    Me and the love of my life Troy

    From the album: My Family

  6. Boo_68

    Expecting First Grandbaby

    I love you already "Lil Bean" and cannot wait to meet you!
  7. Boo_68

    Band Slippage...It is a BIG deal!

    I sit here struggling with the notion to write this or not...but something someone said to me yesterday is very disturbing. I think her words were "A Slipped Band is not a BIG Deal, quit your whining it can be fixed." :smile: I followed all the rules the Doctor gave me and for 18 months have had phenominal success with my band. I eat right and I excercise and within this time have lost 129 lbs...putting me 5 lbs under my original goal. Two weeks ago I came down extremely ill with the FLU and my world changed. I've never been so sick in all my life and the vomitting was non-stop. It landed me in the ER for two days, my Lapband slipped, they unfilled it...hoping it would fall back into place. Unfortunately it didn't and surgery was scheduled. My Doctor was not sure what they would find. Could I have been so sick that it could of caused a possible errosion. I was lucky...but it is a VERY BIG DEAL! I was in surgery for 4 hours to fix my Slipped Lapband...and a 3 day hospital stay. It just really angered me yesterday when someone told me to quit whining about surgery. Surgery is risky no matter who you are or how healthy you are. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my Lapband and I love the success I've had with it...but surgery of any kind is scary. Things like "throwing up" shouldn't be taken so lightly or carelessly. A slipped band can and will happen if you don't take care of yourself properly. I thought this forum was for sharing your stories and helping and supporting one another. If I can help one person not go through what I did, then its a success. Obviously I couldn't stop the Flu from happening, but I wish I would of gone to the Doctor at the first sign of being sick and had my Lapband unfilled. Maybe then I'd be out running today instead of being on day 7 of recovery. I will however not let this stop me or drag me down. I'm loving life and love the "new me". Everyone has a story and deserves to be heard!
  8. From the album: Homemade Cards

    12 Pages 4x4 Inch Box....add pictures of personal pics to each page. I chose to use this one as a Memory Box...add childhood memories to each page.
  9. Boo_68

    Homemade Cards

    A little view of some of my work...scrapbooking is a passion of mine.
  10. Boo_68

    Explotion Box Card...

    From the album: Homemade Cards

    Open the lid...and open up to a beautiful 3D Memory Card....see second picture.
  11. ...waiting impatiently for the arrival of our first grandaughter Keira Ann. Little one you are so loved already...July please get here fast :o)

  12. ...waiting impatiently for the arrival of our first grandaughter Keira Ann. Little one you are so loved already...July please get here fast :o)

  13. Boo_68

    Life Changes

    Just a quick note to let everyone know I'm doing OK. My Mother passed away suddenly on Jan. 6, 2011 from Pneumonia (She didn't realize how sick she was) She was in Carson City on vacation. Our family is still dealing with the shock, but trying to moved forward...trying to deal with her Estate has proven to be very difficult. My advice, if you have a Will in place...switch everything over to a Living Trust. It was the first thing I did after arriving home. During our grieving we got some great news that just proves to me that LIFE goes forward. Our grandbaby is a GIRL...and her name will be Keira Ann (Ann is after my Mom). Count your blessing and hug your loved ones, always let your family know how much you love them...because God has his agenda and you never know how much time you have.
  14. Boo_68

    Granny Boo

    Its a GIRL....Keira Ann (Middle name is after my Mom who passed away on Jan. 6, 2011) due on July 28th
  15. Boo_68

    Granny Boo

    Just wanted to share our news ) We are going to be GRANDPARENTS!! Our oldest son Michael and Lora, Congrats kids...your going to be amazing parents. We don't have a due date yet, I will let everyone know when we find out! Yay...he he he I'm going to be a Granny )
  16. Time for an update, been gone for awhile...my mother passed away...I miss her dearly and trying to pull my life back together!

  17. Boo_68

    Christmas / New Years

    New Years Goal....stay motivated and maintain...and cross the finish line of my first 1/2 Marathon. I have to do this for "ME" ) Love your enthusiasm as well )
  18. Sorry its taken me so long to respond, didn't realize anyone posted on my blog...all the site changes confused me. Here is the link where I got my ticker :o)


  19. Boo_68

    Beginner questions

    Every Surgeons office is a bit different...as well as Insurance Companies (some require a percentage of weight loss to show your commitment to the process) Once I went to the seminar and scheduled my first appointment I had my Psych Eval, Nutrionist Consult, Official Weigh In and Pictures along with my first visit with the Surgeon...all in the same day. I had a 3 month wait in between the Seminar and Appt...but was scheduled for my surgery within one month afterwards. I had all my blood work about a week prior to surgery date. It might be a little different, I didn't have any co-morbids...but started with a BMI of 44.5. Good luck with your journey! Also...My surgeon was telling me at my last appt, they changed the BMI requirements. 30 BMI with Co-Morbids and 35 BMI without.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
