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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ready4therealme reacted to msoutlaw378 for a blog entry, Celebrate The Small Things   
    Good Morning Band mates,
    I am feeling good this morning. Just completed my workout for the morning and I am ready to tackle today's journey. Something very interesting happened to me this morning. I was coming out the gym and bumped into a lady that I use to work with Nora. Now Nora was the weight watchers queen, she could tell you how many points something was just by looking at it. I am sitting here laughing because as much as she was aware of how many points things were she was big as a house. I couldn't understand why a person with her knowledge was still so big. The first thing she said to me was wow you look good. I said thank you and was open about having had WLS. I wonder why sometimes people feel they need to keep what they have done a secret. I think that if I can help another person just by telling them my story and showing them the results of what I did, then why not.
    I think we make things bigger then they really need to be. I think that we forget the celebrate the small things and allow ourselves to enjoy things for what they are and not what they could have been. I think that we get so caught up with the numbers that we allow the numbers to determine how we are going to feel. I have a week that I didn't lose anything, and yes it can be disappointing and you feel sad but when I look at the scale and I don't see 279 I am still happy. You have to train yourself to celebrate the simple things. Remove anything negative you may have about this journey and replace it with positive thinking. I worked out today, I celebrate that I am able to do 60 minutes on a treadmill. I couldn't have done that before. I celebrate the small thing of putting on a size 16 and not having to wear a size 22. We sometimes forget how far we have come in the journey. You will only be defeated when you allow yourself to be defeated. I challenge anyone on the blogs that get upset when they don't lose to look back on what you did for the week and how did you eat? did you work out? are you drinking enough water? all these things are things you have to look and and think about what you need to do to make things better for yourself. Lap band is a tool, it is not the deciding factor to your life.
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    ready4therealme reacted to mags2u for a blog entry, Yes, My Co-workers Will See Me Naked!   
    Well, it's about 10:16p St. Louis time. After nesting like a pregnant mother getting ready to deliver twins, I have successfully cleaned the kitchen, done ALL the laundry, finished my business tasks I needed to get done, swept, dusted. You name it. Has anyone else experienced that? I'm sure my husband is thinking, "You should get surgery more often and our house would be cleaner!"
    Kids are all tucked in, I'm getting ready to hibacleanse scrub and then I think I'm hitting the sak. I was not required to do a pre-surgery diet at all, but felt it would be best. At first I was going to do all hard core, but I really did protein shakes, and high protein meat. No bread (except at Maggiano's once) and I've quit soda cold turkey. I've lost 9lbs pre-op. Today I did egg whites with spinach, 2 pc turkey bacon. Then an Isopure for lunch, and I've had two protein shakes. Not as hard as I thought leading up to surgery.
    I'm fortunate enough to be a nurse in the surgery center world, so I already know who my CRNA will be. Kind of weird though now everytime I see her I will think, gee she saw my big NAKED fatty-boubaladdy self! Oh well. I guess there could be worse things right.
    Super excited to start feeling better. 0930 can't get here soon enough! I don't even care about skinny clothes or looking, "hot". I want to be able to bend over and tie my shoes without being out of breath. I want to get up in the morning and not have to lug around an extra 200lbs. This fat chic is ready to be healthy!
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    ready4therealme reacted to sexymomma001 for a blog entry, Did This Just Happen To Me?   
    OMG! I put on my drawstring scrubs to go to work this mornin got out of the car and my pants started falling off! For those who dont know, scrubs are what people in the medical field wear to work, and drawstrings fit the waist because you have to pull and then tie them
    current pant size: XL new pant size: Medium........Its been almost 1 month on Jan 1st and people can tell already !!!!!!!!!!!!
    So happy ......Oh and the pictures I took over christmas, look great, I dont look like a "chocolate puffy marshmellow" I look normal!
    Great Day

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