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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ser123

  1. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Audree.... we are 48 hours out!
  2. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey skinnymom, I know I really should be on the low calorie diet to defat my liver. I am going to talk to my doctor tomorrow to see what they say about the fact that I haven't done so great on the diet. I have definitely eaten better but I would NOT say that it is low calorie. I thought I would do better but I just haven't gotten my mind right about it. I hope I am not going to be one of the people this surgery doesn't work for.... Big sigh
  3. ser123


    I am in the same boat as Victoriana on this one. Drugs definitely cause this reaction in me. I have learned the hard way that if I am on painkillers or sedatives or if I am withdrawing... it is NOT the time to call ex-boyfriends, my boss or anyone else to tell them how much they mean to me... or how much of an ass they are! I will be keeping my phone OFF for the week after surgery!
  4. ser123

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I would say that to start running you should slow down. Your walk pace is pretty fast. 5.0 is a 12 minute mile and that is smokin' if you are walking. The trick is to keep your heart rate down while you run, and since running is a lot harder physically than walking then you probably need to slow down to keep yourself from sucking wind. As far as the hips, I don't have any injuries thank goodness. There is a big diff between workout pain and injury pain. If you have injury type pain then I don't really think you can risk it to run without getting your hips realigned. I have been working out a long time and I use an online website that helps me keep track of my workouts and stuff. They have all kinds of different places for people just starting out exercise programs. You can type in "couch to 5k training program" on google and I bet you would get some hits. Good luck!
  5. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey guys, my pre-op diet is a flop so far. I am eating better but I am supposed to be doing liquid diet. Ummm not doing so well with that. I know I won't eat Thursday night or Friday since it is surgery day... but I am feeling crappy about how I have done so far on the diet. Good for me though, went on a not quite 9 mile bike ride today, so that is something.
  6. ser123

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    By all means, DATE! You just said you all aren't committed or exclusive now! There are a million fish in the sea and if he is the right one he will swim your way... good luck!
  7. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    weight watchers makes serving spoons that are 1/2 and 1c. big... FYI
  8. ser123

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Happy New Year everyone! I have still not done the liquid pre-op diet yet, but I did eat eggbeaters instead of eggs and sugar free syrup on my pancakes at IHOP. :party: My dad is gone now so I can't blame him either. The good news is that I did a New Year's Day 5k! Yay me for running the entire 3.1 miles too. Like I said, exercise good, food bad.
  9. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Well I finally found my birth certificate that I have been looking for since the middle of December. I was totally freaking out that I couldn't find it because I am going to Mexico! Ummm pre-op diet is not going that great for me I have to admit. I knew I would have trouble with it but with my dad here also I haven't been trying that hard. He doesn't know I am having the surgery and I am not discussing any type of diet with him. He leaves tomorrow so I am going to really dig in and try tomorrow. Audree you are doing SO great on the diet. I really hope that my willpower kicks in and my liver shrinks in 4 days! Happy New Year everyone!
  10. ser123

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Lets hope so... I will be pumped if that happens!
  11. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Pre band diet today was HARD, which I knew it would be. I tried to get out of it but my surgeon wouldn't give me a pass, LOL. One good thing is I had my dad make me a tray for my treadmill. I am typing on my computer watching tv and walking on my treadmill at the same time. I have to walk fairly slow to be able to type but I have the incline up. I am very excited about my new toy. Mindful, I am a diet and exercise FREAK. Lots of knowledge, excellent at exercise, very poor food willpower! For the rest of the week anyway...
  12. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Audree is on a roll!
  13. ser123

    Good songs to work out to...

    Add I see you baby from Fatboy Slim and Rockafeller Skank (I think that song?) I love to work out to Fatboy Slim
  14. ser123

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    OKay, I am getting banded next Friday, woo hoo! My goal is going to be a pound a week, which is 6 lbs between banding and February 14... That seems doable!
  15. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey Mindful, I know that babygotback is on her preop diet, so she isn't going to be getting enough calories for the next week or so. I wonder how excited Audree is today? You can figure out your resting metabolic rate with a fair amount of accuracy by doing the following equations: Women: 655.0955 + (9.5634*0.4539*Weight in Lbs) + (1.8496*2.54*height in inches) - (4.6756*age in years) Men: 66.4730 + (13.7516*0.4938*weight in Lbs) + (5.0033*2.54*height in inches) - (1.8496*age in years) That # gives you your resting metabolic rate, which is how many calories it would take for you to exist while sitting in a chair and reading a book. To figure out (roughly) how many calories it would take to sustain you doing normal daily activities you would do this: RMR * 1.2 = total calories if you are sedentary - desk job, no exercise RMR * 1.375 = total calories if you have a desk job, but walk 3X a week for 20 minutes, or if you don't exercise but are active with your kids or at work RMR * 1.55 = total calories if you exercise hard, 40-60 minutes 3-5x a week RMR * 1.725 = total calories if you exercise intensely, 40-60 minutes 6-7X a week. Like training for a marathon, for example RMR * 1.9 = total calories if you exercise intensely 40-60minutes 6-7X a week with a physical job/active with kids OR you train 40-60 minutes 6-7x a week 2 times a day
  16. Wow... that is a bit of bad luck. That is good advice and I think it is definitely worth posting.
  17. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey Audree and julestwu, I rode the bike at the gym yesterday and today. Way to go Jules!
  18. ser123

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I have it on my MP3 player...
  19. I guess that is what we all hope for... to eat like a normal person and not be constantly thinking about it. Cool...thanks Lianna.
  20. ser123


    Faybie, I totally agree with you... and I do believe he made a big step by not continuing to make fun of me directly. I can say me smashing a peanut butter sandwich in his face would not be very forgiving, would it? Thanks for the attitude adjustment! :bananapartyhat:
  21. ser123


    TracyinKS... that's how my dad is. He is here for the holidays and as soon as we left my sister's house he was going on and on about how much food she eats. I was instantly irritated. He used to make fun of my mom for being overweight and me as well. He constantly judges people for being fat. It makes me literally want to take a Peanut Butter sandwich and smash it in his face. I get along with him very well in general but this one issue continues to crop up. His mom, my grandmother, was the same way. I am sure that it contributes to my psychological issues with food. Rant over.
  22. Well said drcollier. I haven't been banded yet but it sounds like you have summed it up... the sweet spot with the band and the internal psychological centering takes place over time.
  23. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    LOVED your post Deckedout. I agree with everything you said. And I will make sure to do the protein first so I don't stuff myself with too low of calorie stuff first. I work out a whole lot already and will hopefully need to maximize my calories!
  24. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Susan, I agree WW is a good basic plan to start with... but margarine is GROSS. Also they didn't emphasize exercise enough in my opinion. Are you being banded on the 5th too? I should go back through this post and check but I am lazy...
  25. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I know! We are really coming down to the wire on our surgery! Dr. Joya is in Puerta Villarta. I picked him because I felt the most comfortable with him in terms of his answers to my medical questions and my specific health concerns. I had initially considered Dr. Rumbaut but he never got back to me and I tried to contact him three times. I then considered Dr. Rodriguez but I wanted an Inamed certified physician and Dr. Rodriguez is Swedish band certified. So I went with Dr. Joya... and it is going to be $8k including airfare, which was really nice. I haven't seen too many of Dr. Joya's patients on this forum, which is the forum I like the best, but I have seen other forums where he has had all positive feedback. I have a question... what do we need to present in order to get over the border in terms of identification? We are sneaking in under the wire on the required passport thing, for which I am glad. As for the appetitie suppressant, my thought is that I would rather take that than PB. And I cannot stand being hungry for days on end. I don't mind it for a little while but when I wake up starving then I am GROUCHY. So if I need something before I get a good restriction, I am like you, I will take one. I am kind of adopting a wait and see attitude about it until I actually get there. I am SO excited about the surgery. I really hope I am one of the ones with awesome results! I am also think we have a lot in common and similiar goals so I am glad you are being banded on the same day. What are your plans? I leave here Friday and am coming back Sunday and planning to work on Monday. I think Monday is going to be a very tough day for me but I don't have any time to take off.

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