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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ser123

  1. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Kathyinca, HAHAHA.... You made me laugh about confusing people! That is part of the reason I don't want to say anything right now, because I am certainly not stable with what I am eating and not eating. I know if I say I had WLS and then go eat a huge meal people are going to start judging and naysaying. I like you idea of avoiding them until I have no restriction! HA. You made me feel a lot better. Thanks
  2. ser123

    Secret? Yes or No.

    I only told two friends. No family members. I was banded a week ago and ran into big problems this weekend with my family. I am in the liquid phase and couldn't eat. Needless to say me not eating definitely gets noticed. I am still glad I didn't tell my family. I love my family but there are some things about my life that they aren't ready to hear. Maybe later.
  3. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Audree, Did you find a protein shake that you liked? I used a Myoplex because I have about 1000 of them. I used a Myoplex Light chocolate cream, added soy milk and a Tblspoon of peanut butter. I can tell you I have never added Peanut butter to a shake before because of calories. I did this time because I figured it was going to take me 4 hours to drink it and that it would last me half the day. The shake with vanilla soy milk and peanut butter was absolutely great. I loved it. And I have gotten to a point where I have drank so many protein shakes with water only to minimize the calories that sometimes the thought of a protein shake can make me YAK.
  4. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Denise882, I for some reason am all of a sudden really dreading when people start really noticing that I am losing weight. I have a friend who had RNY and when we used to go to dinner after the surgery I was truly in shock at how little she ate. It was not just "diet portions." I think WLS portions are just so much smaller that they invite attention. If I hadn't known I feel certain I would have commented on it because it was such a small amount that she ate. I may have commented on it even knowing. For some reason this whole idea of people watching what I am eating or commenting about what I am eating is stressful to me tonight. There must be some psychological nerve that is hitting me that I haven't figured out yet.
  5. I don't know why the comments that people feel entitled to say are just so amazing to me. Family, lovers, friends and outright strangers. Continually amazing to me.
  6. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Okay guys, I need some help. I had a really tough weekend. I was out socializing with my family and friends who don't know about my procedure. Most of my friends and family social culture revolves to some degree around food. My sister feeds me to show me love, as she is a most excellent cook. I have friends who are also excellent cooks, and also often feeding the pathetic microwaving single girl. What are some excuses I can give about food for now? For my friends, I am going to say that I am watching my money and I want to eat at home instead of eating out. I have also made a big stink about starting a new diet, but that won't really be until I actually start eating food. What do I tell people who want to cook for me? I am a person who NEVER turns down food from people who cook for me. I also always am very appreciative of it and make a big deal when they do cook. Both Saturday and Sunday I was with people who had prepared food specifically for me, before I got there, because they knew I was coming over. It was actually very stressful for me. I am not ready to tell anyone new that I have had the surgery at this time. Any thoughts?
  7. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Madden, I am going to be thinking about you a lot during the next few days. Sending you good vibes from Virginia Beach!
  8. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey guys, you all had a busy day today!! Lots of posts to catch up on! I feel like I am so far behind.... whew.
  9. ser123

    new and seeking advice re removal

    I think that is why Sharon Osbourne is having her band removed. She wants to be able to eat again. So I would say you aren't the only one. One of the advantages of the band is that you can change your mind. It is a pro-con situation. Do you remember how you felt when you were 50-70 lbs heavier? Are you willing to go down that road again? And to me, saying I had a nervous breakdown because I haven't been able to turn to food is almost like an alcoholic saying they had a nervous breakdown because they couldn't turn to alcohol. You are in a tough spot. Good luck.
  10. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Tough day for me today. Started out GREAT because I could finally eat something other than clear broth. I had a Protein shake and I never had one that tasted so good, LOL. I also went on a 9 mile bike ride, just tooling around. I am still trying to really take it easy with the working out. Then I had to go to my sister's, the one who doesn't know I was banded. I did her and her husband a favor and she made a steak dinner for me. I was like, OH HELL, how am I going to get out of this? I pretended to get sick and it was pretty lame acting I have to say. I am sure I will tell her at some point but I am not ready to right now. By the way, the Protein Shake filled me up the majority of the day. Amazing.
  11. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    kathyinca, That is so awesome that you are kickstarted! I saw all the freezing in California... and was shocked. I am sure you are too, LOL. I am like you, I read this thread every day. Audree, As usual, you have a lot of good useful info. Especially explaining how they do the stitches over the lapband. What I didn't like was the fact that you weren't thrilled with the nutritionist and the psychologist missed a scheduled appt. WTF? Not sure if what I would think about only 60 procedures. I would say go with your gut instinct on that one. I think we are all neurotic to some degree. I told myself that I could get up and walk out right up until the time they put me under. I was saying that to myself as they rolled me into the OR. Someone else on here said, you know if it doesn't work, I have tried everything else. It is something to try. I guess that made me realize that on this site, we all REALLY care about our own health. We may not be the perfect specimens, but we never quit trying. We are all a bunch of fighters here. You can't just quit and give up, right? This is another opportunity, another chance, to try to change things in your life. That's how I look at it anyway.
  12. ser123

    Whats "in style"?

    My thought is ANY underwear on ANY body is really not something I care to see from any angle and in any incarnation. Keep it in your pants people!
  13. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I am still getting used to the whole not eating thing. My mind is still very focused on food. Hungry or not I am thinking about it. But what is nice is that I feel like I can now recognize the difference. It may be only a week out and too early to tell how I am 'really' going to do, but I am definitely learning that there is a voice in my head that talks about food all day long. The voice has no power right now, which is great. It is just a voice. I believe in time that the voice will fade into the background. I can't believe you haven't weighed yourself yet! I want to just weigh myself on Fridays, since that is when I got the surgery, but right now I can't control myself. I am sure that once the scale settles down it will be easier for me to stay off of it.
  14. ser123

    Whats "in style"?

    I HATE looking at muffin tops! All I can say is that fat teenage girls have a lot more confidence than any fat teenage girls that were around when I was a teen. When I was a teen, any fatness was draped with fabric. Twice. I am sure every generation says this about the following generation: Thank goodness that wasn't in style when I was a teenager!
  15. ser123

    Whats "in style"?

    They don't look nearly as funny as I thought they would. That looks like something I might wear now. So I guess that I am still not a style maven. LOL Thanks Carlene.
  16. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey Audree, How are you doing this morning? Feeling any better? I have been able to stay around 800-1000 calories every day since about Tuesday and I feel really good. Some days I am hungry and some days I am not hungry. But I am not starving, thank God. I got on the scale today... because I just can't help myself. I am down 8.5lbs since the surgery. I will definitely take that number even if it is only because I am on a liquid diet right now! I have been on the treadmill the last 3 days and feel really good. I am going cycling with a friend on Sunday (really short ride). I had gallbladder surgery in August 2005 and I felt horrible for weeks. I think it was the narcotics, looking back. I am so glad the painkillers (which I haven't taken for 3 days) didn't zone me out. Have a great day everyone! Obviously I am happy today!
  17. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    That is GREAT news! Seeing the scale go down is SUCH a good feeling.
  18. I find it really interesting how a lot of our parents both contributed to and riducled our weight problems. My sister was heavy as a kid. One time my grandmother told my sister she had the fattest hands that she had ever seen. My dad (her son) constantly made fun of my mom for being fat and then later on, us. My sister was teased mercilessly about being fat by other kids and it really traumatized her. My sister has a 1.5 year old son now. She has told my dad that if he ever says one word to her son about his weight that she will not allow him to see her son again. And I completely believe she means it.
  19. ser123

    Whats "in style"?

    I just had to find out what these Unit things were. I googled them and found a lot of information about them but I didn't see any pictures. I can visualize them but I do wish I could find a picture.
  20. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hi bikergirl, I think my BMI was either 33 or 34. Nowhere in the US was I going to get a band, which is why I went to Mexico. I love food. Food is my reward and I really enjoy eating. I thought I was hungry all the time until this past week (I was banded a week ago). In the last week I have been totally full, not even really physically able to eat, fantasizing about pizza. Among other things. I have felt guilty for being fat forever. I am single, I am in charge of my own schedule and I have no kids. I work out all the time. I have absolutely no "reason" for being fat. I "should" be able to lose weight. Well this year I decided it was time to quit shoulding on myself. But I totally relate to how you feel. I think everyone on this forum is extremely committed to losing weight and being healthier. I think everyone here is willing to do what it takes to lose weight. But it is really hard to lose weight if you are miserable every single minute of every day. Which is how I feel on a diet. Good luck with your decisions bikergirl. I love this site because I feel like I can talk about how I really feel and what I really think about food and myself and fat.
  21. ser123

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Maybe the reason I have trouble in a relationship is because I find sleeping all snuggled up with my dogs so MUCH better than sleeping next to a guy. I have been single a littttttttttttle too long. Perhaps it is time to put the Match.com ad out again.
  22. I was with my dad and sister and we were about to go out. I asked my sister if I could borrow her belt. My dad asked me if I was sure it would fit. That comment was the last straw for me and I put the smackdown on him big time. The very short version of the story: My fiance was struggling with cancer for a year and a half. I gained a lot of weight - 50 lbs during his illness. He was free and clear of cancer and when we broke up he told me I was too fat for him to marry anyway. Ohhhhhhhh was I pissed for about 2 years after that. He did a lot of other crap that was worse but that probably made me the maddest! In hindsight I am SO glad we didn't get married. I know my reaction when someone says something that really hits home with me is to become extremely angry and to retaliate. I have had a lot of comments from people who I don't know but it seems that the people I am closest to definitely have the most power to hurt.
  23. ser123

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    My thought is that whenever anyone is on a very low calorie diet, the body's metabolism begins to slow down in order to conserve as much as possible. I think that is one reason why it takes a little bit for the scales to start moving again when you get a fill. Because your body is hoping it isn't real. Also it is a well-known fact that once you are overweight your metabolism is totally screwed up, which is why they are now diagnosing people with Metabolic Syndrome. My opinion is that this surgery helps people's metabolisms normalize and the body fights that as well.... but that is really just my opinion. Either way I hope the weight loss starts soon for you Kathyinca...
  24. okay good to know...thanks.
  25. Why would you need a flouroscopy done the day after surgery? Are they going to give you a fill that soon? I went to Dr. Joya and he was $8k including surgery, hotel, transportation and airfare... But I wouldn't make price the final determinant really. I would go with who you feel most comfortable with.

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