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About pkfred

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/02/1959
  1. Happy 54th Birthday pkfred!

  2. Happy 53rd Birthday pkfred!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary pkfred!

  4. pkfred


    Hello Rita, and congrats on the first fill. I was banded on June 21st. I went for my 2 week check up with my dr yesterday. I have lost 21 pounds since day of Surgery. I have been walking 2 mile a day and feeling really good. I am on my soft foods and I have no hunger at all. I am consuming 2 to 3 protien shakes a day and eating Oatmeal for breakfast and trying different foods each day. I know what you mean when you say you feel alone in the world. Sad to say that many in the world are focused on food. I guess it is the only satisfaction people get. This is a good place to vent. Try to not isolate yourself. Endorphines are produced by several ways. So get out get moving and try to stay positive. The secret to really living is to encourage yourself. Good luck and hang in there.
  5. I'm getting stronger every day!
  6. Hey Astromom you hit the nail on the head. I had to return to the Dr.last Friday for them to withdraw the primer fluid from the band. Total relief automacticlly. I was checked to see if I needed to be admitted again for iv fluids but was able to come home. Bummer, I live 3 hours from the Hospital and Dr. in Louisville. They took 3cc's of fluid out and the injection into the port and it not healed hurt but was a welcome pain so I could get something down with out pain. I am now getting a regular liquid diet. Thank God for Unjury. It is so good. Take care and thanks for the reply.
  7. pkfred

    Just banded June 21, 2010.......WOW!

    I waS also banned on the 21st and I have had some problems but got it corrected. They left the primer fluid in the band. Had to go back to Dr. office and get the fluid removed. Got a reality check on what the fill process would feel like. I am sure it won't hurt as bad after you get healed up. They withdrew 3cc of fluid and I was set free. I went 4 days post op before I got relief. Now I am getting fluids and getting stronger every day. Good Luck and be patient.
  8. I am in now day 6 of my post op but let me update where I came from since Monday.

    When they did my Barium swallow just a drop or 2 of contrast went thru. They assumed the Dr. would pull the primer fluid from the band before I left the hospital. did not happen. He assumed that the swelling would go down and I would be fine. Didn't happen couldn't get hardly a thing in my body. Called the Dr. and they said to come back to the office the next morning and they would draw out any fluid in the band. Easy for them to say, I lived 3 hours from the hospital. Got there at 10:30 on Friday morning. They took the fill syringe and went in thru the cut where the port was placed. Hurt like heck. Pulled 3cc of fluid and it was like the dam broke and I open up and felt it immediatly. They gave me a cup of water and it went down and oh what a relief it was. I am now consuming about 500 calories a day. No nausea or reflux and getting about 48 ounce of water and my strength is coming back.

  9. pkfred

    Day 3 Post op

    I am into day 3 of the post op time and sounds like you and I are right on par. I too am having some problems with gas or air or whatever you call it. Every sip I take its like it hits the spot and then the pains flare out like fireworks Doesn;t last long but it sure is annoying. I feel a little hungry but I have sugar free popcicles that I try to take it slow and easy and it has been ok. Each day I get a little stronger. Post op pain is nothing compared to the gas pain. Hope you find some satisfaction in some broth. Take care and good luck.
  10. I remember an old saying . Be careful what you wish for because you might just get. I have been trying for 2 years to have the banding done. Now I am on the road to recovery and a whole new life. I have been keeping up with different threads on this site to get a review of how many respond to the post op trials. I am having some gas pains and feel like my band isn't letting the fluids go thru very easy. I can tolerate only small sips and when it goes down it feels like I have swollowed air. You know like when you have taken a big drink of water and it is caught with air and the pain you feel. When I had a Barium swollow done 20 hours post op it revealed that a small and very small amount of contrast was able to seep thru. They said due to the stomach swelling it would constrict the opening more. I am wondering how long this last. I really worry about dehydration. Remember I am new to this and anxious as well. I am glad I have went this route. If you have some encouragement please pass it along. Thanks and good luck to all the new banders on site.:thumbup:

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