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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by blossoming

  1. blossoming
    Good morning how lovely it is..I am in such a good mood.. I went out yesterday and bought me a size 18 jeans thinking I was holding them for Sept..Tried them on last night, OMG, Let me count the waves....Not only do they fit, I have some room..I guess I am under-estimating the lap band progress...Can I say I went from a size 24 to a size 18 in 4 months.....I'm trying to keep my composure (of course I cried last night)....It's a good feeling....Even though every now and then I may stray, Like get a slice of pizza but I make sure I work it out the same day.....GOOD LUCK EVERYONE, AS I ALWAYS SAY IT'S NOT EASY BUT IT CAN GET DONE IF YOU REALLY WANT IT AND BELIVE IN IT..LIKE NOTHNG ELSE IN YOUR LIFE.
  2. blossoming
    Watched the Jillian Michaels show last nigt. I took some workout pointers and done them this morning.....Some days it's easier then the next....When you have a husband or boyfriend in your life doing things that distracts your positive energy...I'm still going strong....I want this to bad to give up....Down 35 lbs.:frown:
  3. blossoming
    I would never thought of complaining about clothes I can't fit because they are to loose..Ha!Ha!...Sometimes I just wanna cry because now with the lap band done, it's so much easier for me to loose the weight.....Sometimes if I don't workout (aerobics), then I'll speed walk wherever I go for that day and still loose weight.....Lost so far 34 pounds and I'm loving it....Happy Holidays everyone....Do what's best for you during the holidays.....
  4. blossoming
    :eek::smile:Feeling Good, Feeling Good, I lost 30lbs. I have 20 more to go for one of my first shopping sprees..Which will give me a total weight loss of 50lbs. I finally got it...Lay off on the carbs...I eat carbs maybe twice a week...I eat more protein and also drink it, vitiamin D and fruits and vegetables... Every now and than I'll also eat no sugar ice-cream, or fiber one muffins...(which you make from the box...)....Well they say it's never to late to learn..I even start jumping rope with my daughters.....I am now at 215. I give myself realist goals..Such as by August or maybe sooner you never know...I shuld have lost the 20lbs... Good luck everyone...I hope you find what foods work for you and what excercise program works for you...Because I sure found it.....:thumbup:...I still have 75 more pounds to go...But I am enjyong the ride.
  5. blossoming
    Feels so good to be me today. I get more compliments and meet more men than ever. Cant image how it's going to be when I loose my last 30 pounds.
  6. blossoming
    You know it is terrible when the person your with HATES on you and I mean HATES on you. They know how hard you worked to loose the weght but in-directly try to do things to discourage you. I SAY THIS TO THE LAPBAND COMMUNITY: DON'T LET NOTHING OR NO-ONE HOLD YOU BACK FROM YOUR OWN PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS. We know how we felt before we got the surgery. I am down from 250 to 175 and still going strong. MY GREATEST ADVICE IS LOVE YOU, EVERYDAY TRY TO DO KNEW THINGS, LEARN ABOUT YOUSELF.
    I also start watching the cooking channels. My favorite is "NOT MY MOMMA COOKING" Bobby is so fine!
    Somestimes we can be so TESTED. As I always say "I DIDN;T GET CUT FOR NOTHING".
    Love yourself please because no one will treat you and love you as good as you treat youself.
  7. blossoming
    Thank goodness most of that weight was water weight. Back down to 182. Slowly getting there. Even though I had cake and icre-cream and whaterever else on my b-day, what I fogot to say I had it in moderation. For example I had a thick slice of strawberry short-cake but my kids ate half of it. I also had icre-cream, low sugar ice cream (5 gram of sugar, 90 cal per 1/2 cup). So in other words, I didn't splurges lke I used to do. Also if you are maintaining water, you want to ask your primary doc for a water prescript or riteaid sells them over the counter. I find that I can drink 32 ozs of fluids (the band doesn't allow me to drink the full gal along with eating) and at the end of the day may 1/2 cup comes out. My weight loss surgeon said sometimes women maintain a whole lot more fluid.
  8. blossoming
    For all my challengers that is going to meet our goal weight next year. Here is what I've started with: 1000 to 1200 calories per day..( I try to stay as close to the 1000 calorie mark). Drink 8 ozs of fluid every other hour, because sometimes you can still be full from your health meal and cannot eat the next hour....Special note: (if you have to drink more than suggested....try eating crush ice....so you won't be drinking to much fluid. Because again to much fluid builds weight gain....(These are some tips I do for myself).
    Protein (any healthy protein that is low in fat and high in protein) I bought 30 cans of tuna in water. (I do love tuna). I east 1 can per day. Vegetables...Try to stay focus on green vegetables for many reason.....If your going to eat starches or carboyhdrates....East as much whole wheat....Such as rice, noodles.. crackers...(I find that whole wheat crackers have to much salt. So I eat the no salt regular. Not to much bread...Even though you can find whole wheat bread...But it is still dough which makes you blow-up in weight....I eat maybe and I mean maybe 3 slices of bread a month.....Snacks... sugar free's as much as possible. To much sugar and to much fluids can have you gaining also..... Keep a workout regiment. Upgrade whatever you were working out with. Do a little more advance. Target exactly on what body part you are trying to cut down and build muscle. Remember this slogan every time you eat something and workout (PROTEIN BUILDS MUSCLE AND MUSCLE BURNS FAT) Now let's do it.. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. I'M GONNA NEED IT....:scared2::thumbup:
  9. blossoming
    Well I have set another short term goal....To get confortably in my size 16 jeans at then end of this month (September)..I can pull them up but I can't close them....Bally Fitness sent me a 7 day free pass to workout..(Of course they want me to join...) But if there's one thing I've learned is that most of the poplular fitness centers are offering free pass.. Curves also sent me one...If your in the Philadelphia, PA area look into it...AS WE SAY, "GET IN WERE YOU FIT IN"! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.....
  10. blossoming
    Good morning all....Was a bad girl yesterday...Ate some french fries and now I'm paying for it...I saw the scale go up a 1/2 pound after I ate... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Way..Today my daughters and I are going to the track....THIS IS DEFINATELY A LESSON FOR ME.....STAY WITHN THE GUIDELINES...So I'm going to take my french frie tired eating self to this track....To do walk 3 laps and then strech...Will be joining the gym next week.....:smile:
  11. blossoming
    I am so happy I got the LAP-BAND® done on 3/28/10..So far I lost 31 pounds as of today.....I'm not gonna say it is easy but I will say It's not hard.......Keep up the good work everyone......:thumbup:
  12. blossoming
    Did my 30 minutes of aerobics and floor excercise...My knees was screaming "GET OFF OF Me" but as Denis Austin says " You Got To Burn Butter". That is what kept me motivated.... Hoping to loose 10 lbs at the end of the month.....I'll tell you how I did....:eek:
  13. blossoming
    got my first fill on friday 6/21....Had to go on a 2 day full liquid diet was hard but on the third day had puree foods and work out pretty good......Looking forward to getting on the scale this week....

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