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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by marjon9

  1. Hi folks, I'd appreciate some feedback.

    I'm about two weeks post op. I have started trying to eat some mushies like soft fish, cottage cheese. Things went well for a day but then the band just sort of closed up. I couldn't even drink a sip of Water. I tried to eat a little and I PB'd a couple times. It wasn't violent like actual vomiting. The slime and food just came up and I spit it out.

    Today I am better and I am able to drink Water and other liquids. I need to sip, but it is going down and I feel OK. I'm not planning on trying mushies again for a few days.

    My doctor said that it is really important that I avoid vomiting for the first 30 days after surgery. I'm sure many of us have had the same advice. So my question is, when the doctor says "vomiting," do you think the doctor includes "PBing"? Should I be worried that the PB experience I had is potentially serious since it is just two weeks post-surgery?

    I know I should call the doctor, and I will, but my doctor is not local so I can't really go in for a check up. I suppose I could try to find a local doctor, but do you think this is necessary based on what I described? I am feeling better today, and able to drink again.

    Thanks for any information.

  2. All I can say is I would rather have people say nothing than say

    " Wow, you've lost a TON of weight, you used to be huge":omg:

    That's why I think people often don't say something at first even if they notice. I almost never comment when I see that someone has lost weight because it is like an acknowledgement that they needed to lose weight. I know that we would like to have people notice, but I can understand why people don't say a lot, especially at first.

  3. So where is everyone gone !!! :faint:

    We leave for Mex. in the morning, and today we'll do some shopping for my post-op food :hungry: oh ya , I mean drinks :tired Later Ted...

    Good luck on your journey. I'm sure it will all go smoothly. In a couple days you'll have this behind you and begin your life on the Light Side. Let us know how it goes.

  4. Thanks, Audree, that is really helpful. I guess it is pretty hard to say soy is bad when you look at how much they use it in Japan and the overall good cardio health and lack of obesity of most of the Japanese.

    It's still confusing to see the other posts that quote from other nutrition sources that say soy is bad. I guess that's just the way it is in health matters. Different experts have different opinions.

    I think what I will do is use both soy and whey. I like the taste of soy a little better but I can live with both. Then I'll see how I feel when I eat them and go with that.

    Thanks again Audree. I really appreciate your assistance.

  5. No one else had diarrhea?! I'm dying here! I am trying to add in some apple juice today (watered down), and I quit taking Maalox because of the magnesium. I actually had to use the bathroom at Meijer today because I knew I wouldn't make it home. Gross! At least it was clean. Seriously, what did you guys do to relieve this? I'm supposed to be on liquids for another week!


    I had it for a few days, but I took a couple heavy shots of Pepto Bismol and it went away. I'm still on liquids and purees and I no longer have diarrhea, so, whatever causes it, it seems to me it may not be directly related to eating a liquid diet.

    Also, since we are undertaking a careful review of diarrhea, I want to mention one other issue related to this captivating topic.

    After taking Pepto Bismol and recovering from diarrhea, my stool at first was tarry and black. This was quite a concern to me because on WebMD and other medical web sites it says that this is an indication of internal bleeding that can be quite serious should probably trigger a visit to the emergency room. Reading a bit more, however, I discovered that Pepto Bismol and and Bismuth products in general can also make stool tarry and black. So, I waited a couple days and things returned to normal. I just thought I'd mention this because, apparently, tarry and black stool in general can be an indication of quite a serious condition, especially after surgery.

    I'd also like to announce that I have now fully exhausted the extent of my knowledge about diarrhea, and I further announce that I will very likely limit my future contributions on the topic until such time as I have gained addition insight that I feel compelled to share. :straight

  6. Below is a quote from a thread from March 2006. It seems to make sense. Yet many bandsters discuss soy Protein preferences and use soy Protein supplements and drinks all the time. So, I'm "corn"-fused.

    Is soy protein good for you? If anyone has any information or opinions on this topic I would appreciate hearing about it.



    Soy Proteins are vegetable Proteins. The body only absorbs about 30% of the ingested amount. whey proteins are animal proteins and the body absorbs about 80-90% of them.

    Quoting the following article on isolates: http://www.bodybuildingforyou.com/he...n-powder-1.htm

    "Due to the nature of the ion exchange process, the most valuable and health-promoting components are selectively depeleted. Though the protein content is increased, many of the most important subractions are lost or greatly reduced."

    So, you can see why soy isolates would have even fewer benefits. You are basically paying a lot for a whole lot of nothing.. except gas pains.

    This is an excerpt from a NESTA certified training manual for personal trainer certification:

    "Although considered complete proteins, the human body does not possess the necessary enzymes to break down vegetable proteins and most of it ends up in the colon where bacteria gain access to it. Research has shown that most of the gas once thought to come from the Fiber found in vegetarian sources of protein such as Beans, is now known to be caused by the undigested vegetable protein instead."

    If you are interested in reading more on this subject, check out my post on this thread:





    Banded 1/17/07

    Dr. Kirshenbaum http://www.lapbandrockies.com/


  7. So now comes the doubts again. More so, am I prepared at home? I have enough canned Soups to provide for a small country in Africa! Heating pad, Gas X, etc. I actually took the list from here, and checked everything off. The one thing I'll pick up today is the New whey Liquid Protein, and Benefiber. I have always been one with loose bowels, can't imagine constipation!!! I'll be up on that!

    The other doubts; about my surgical team. Can they be sure to keep me asleep (not waking up during surgery), as I've said - huge fear of mine. And someone mentioned on here to keep my hands moving, so they're sure I'm not yet under anesthesia.

    Then i looked at all the scars. Scars don't scare me, stitches, none of that. What I keep wondering, and I'm not even sure I want to know the answer; how do they get the tools 'down in the belly'? Somehow, I imagine getting poked like a turkey with a heat thermometer before it goes in the over. Poke, Poke, Poke! UGHHHHHHHHH, I gross myself out thinking about it.

    As for Monday, the day before where I can't eat anything, I've filled my day with tasks;shopping for new slippers, mani/pedi, color my mom's hair, etc.

    THREE days to a new beginning.:clap2:

    Congratulations on getting banded!

    It's normal to have all those fears and questions. All you can do is try to get through it until you are done with the surgery and on the mend. It's probably best to keep yourself busy as you are doing, but other than that you just have to go through it.

    After the surgery, even though there may be some pain for a few days, there is also a great feeling of relief that all those bad things you were worried about never happened. I remember a really strong feeling of relief right after surgery.

    The truth is, the surgery is very low risk and it is very, very likely that everything will be fine. Whatever they do to you, call it poking around like a turkey or whatever, you'll be totally out and will not know it is happening. And you should not worry at all about waking up on the operating table. The anesthesiologist is there for the operation for the single purpose of making sure that does not happen. They know what they are doing and I would not worry about that particular point at all.

    It will all be over soon.

  8. I think I may switch to her after this next fill just b/c like you said, it is not exactly convenient to keep going back and forth to CO all the time, (even though it is nice to see my sister so much)....!

    Kirsten, I forgot you have another reason for going to Colorado - to see your sister. That does tip the scales a bit. I think with that in mind I'd probably do what you are doing, going twice to Dr. K and then reconsidering after that.

  9. It's been a while since I posted, but I've been reading the thread for the June Bandsters. It's been 7 months since I was banded. Had I known what this was really like, I wouldn't have done it. Granted, I'm not the perfect bandster, and have had some real ups and downs in the last 6 months - including having all my teeth pulled and getting dentures... meanwhile, at 38 pounds lost, I have NO energy, my hair is falling out, and I am SO TIRED of sliming, of burping, of farting, and of having to run to throw up. I eat tiny bites, I don't drink Water with meals, I do Protein first, and I throw up at least once a day. Eating in the morning is impossible. I was told to continue Protein Shakes - just to get some protein in. I have had 2 fills. The first one was 4cc, and then 2 weeks ago he added 1.25 - in a 10 size band. I, like many of you, can't even get water down without the gurgling. It's hard to talk about this with anyone. It was all just supposed to work out. I was supposed to continue to lose weight, and have the joy that comes with changing my life for the better.

    Instead, I went out with my family to Celebrate an occasion - and ended up in the bathroom 3 times, running to slime/hurl in to the trash cans. They all give me "that look" and I end up feeling humiliated, and will refuse to go out anymore.

    Today, anything I have tried to get down has come back up. I feel achey, tired, old, and hopeless. You can all tell me you're here to support me, and each other - and I honestly appreciate having a safe place to come and discuss what's going on, but all the good wishes don't help when I'm

    looking in the mirror, seeing no change - other than thinning hair.

    Feels just like all my other failures have.

    Randi, what you are describing is a very serious situation. The state of affairs with your band as it exists right now is damaging to your physical health, mental health, and your family relationships. Something needs to be done about it. Don't accept it for another day.

    In your situation the band is clearly not working as it is supposed to. I'm no doctor and I don't know the reason why. It may be that your body is just not accepting the band. In that case, have the damn thing removed. Being overweight is better than what you are describing.

    But on the other hand, your body is probably not simply rejecting the band. From reading this forum it sounds to me like you are dangerously overfilled. It sounds to me like you need a complete unfill and then a substantial period of recuperation before you even think of weight loss.

    But again, I'm not a doctor and the explanation for your woes could be something else. If you are not getting the answers you need from you current doctor, find another one. If the band simply does not work for you, have it removed.

    The main point here is, you need to get much more aggressive about fixing this problem. Forgive me for saying this, but I think you need to get off your ass and quit feeling sorry for yourself and do something to fix this situation.

    This is not happening because you are a "failure." This is happening because the band is improperly adjusted, or otherwise not working for you. The band is just a tool. If you use it improperly it's not going to work. If you put deisel gasoline in your car and the car takes unleaded, the car is not going to work. This is not because the car or anyone else is a "failure." It's because the car is a tool that is being improperly used.

    It's not that I don't sympathize. What you are describing would be enough to make anyone angry, depressed, and disappointed. But you can't just sit there and accept it. You can do something about this, and you must.

  10. I decided that I would handle it this way: When I lose weight and people start to notice and ask about it, I'll be honest and say exactly what it is. I would not feel comfortable hiding things at that point and having to worry about people finding out about it in other ways and wondering why I lied.

    But I'm telling the fewest people possible until then. I told only family before the surgery. And I had a lot of resistance even from them which was not helpful at all. People mean well but it is just not helpful to hear everyone tell you about the latest diet you should try before getting surgery, etc.

    So, that's my plan. Everyone's different. But I agree that it is something to think about in advance, while you still have the option to decide who you tell, and to make your own decision by choice instead of by default.

  11. I decided that I would have the fills done locally with Dr. Susan Brinkley in Frederick. I'll have my first fill with her on Feb. 21. She charges $200 on an as-needed basis with no program fee, and people seem to like her a lot.

    Kirsten, I can understand why you want to stick with Dr. K, but it seems like a lot of effort to go back to Colorado for fills. And even if the plane fare is not more than $200, there's the time and stress of all that travel. And, as I understand it, with the 10 cc band in particular it can take time and several fills to get to the sweet spot.

    I know you are motivated to move forward with the weight loss as soon as possible, but you're doing so great already and you've only had the band for five weeks now. It seems like it could be a good way to go to settle in locally with the fills and move ahead with a slightly more gradual approach.

    I know it's hard. I also can't wait to get to that sweet spot.

  12. I had my first fill on 1/24. I've lost 35 pounds and I'm feeling great!!!!!:D

    Congratulations on your progress!

    I do have a question for you. Many people say that they have trouble losing weight before they start to get fills because, once they heal from the surgery, they are hungry again and have no significant restriction. Did you find that you did have restriction before the first fill? Or, if you had no restriction, were you able to lose weight just by "dieting"?

    Any info on this would be appreciated.


  13. Below is a quote from a thread from March 2006. It seems to make sense. Yet many bandsters discuss soy Protein preferences and use it all the time. So, I'm "corn"-fused.

    Are people using soy Protein because they don't know the true facts and would switch to whey if only they became Enlightened?


    Are people using soy protein because they know the true facts and disagree that soy protein is bad?


    Some other reason?

    If anyone has any definitive information or informed opinions on this topic I would appreciate hearing about it.



    Soy Proteins are vegetable Proteins. The body only absorbs about 30% of the ingested amount. whey proteins are animal proteins and the body absorbs about 80-90% of them.

    Quoting the following article on isolates: http://www.bodybuildingforyou.com/he...n-powder-1.htm

    "Due to the nature of the ion exchange process, the most valuable and health-promoting components are selectively depeleted. Though the protein content is increased, many of the most important subractions are lost or greatly reduced."

    So, you can see why soy isolates would have even fewer benefits. You are basically paying a lot for a whole lot of nothing.. except gas pains.

    This is an excerpt from a NESTA certified training manual for personal trainer certification:

    "Although considered complete proteins, the human body does not possess the necessary enzymes to break down vegetable proteins and most of it ends up in the colon where bacteria gain access to it. Research has shown that most of the gas once thought to come from the Fiber found in vegetarian sources of protein such as Beans, is now known to be caused by the undigested vegetable protein instead."

    If you are interested in reading more on this subject, check out my post on this thread:



  14. I am about 8 days post op and I feel like I could go back to work tomorrow but I'm going to wait until Monday. I'm glad I took this time and did not rush back to work, and I recommend taking a little time if you can.

    I know a lot of people went bowling and horseback riding the day after surgery (exaggerating, but not much). But for me I felt a little weak for a few days. I also felt some concern because the port incision was draining for a few days. You need to be careful with the port incision because an infection there can get into the band and it can cause you to lose the band.

    The point is, you just never know what may come up. I did not have much gas or other pain. I had virtually no pain. But I had other things that I did not predict. I just think it is good to schedule a little break right after surgery if you can. If you are feeling great and don't want to lay around then do something fun. Of course, if you must get back to work then that is another story.

  15. Hello Band of Brothers/Brothers of Band

    I was sliced and diced about a week ago. All's well so far. I'm pretty committed to making this work, and also optimistic that it will. I've gained about 100 pounds in the last 5 years. It's been a rough time, just feeling out of control and increasingly depressed about it. My cardiologist said the magic words "lap band" about 3 months ago. I went on the internet, found this site, and moved on it with true intent. Ready for a new life (the wife is also ready for me to have a new life, to say the least).

    It is true that this forum is about 98% women, at least in terms of the number of posts. I wonder why that is. Could it be that more women get the lap band compared to men? If so, I wonder why. I also wonder if there are a lot of men lurking here but not posting. We'll probably never know the answer scientifically. Most of the time I don't mind posting on the estrogen-encumbered threads, but it is good to have this thread as well.

    Talk to you later.

  16. I'm 53 and have a variety of things that are "starting" to go wrong that are obesity-related: high blood pressure, pre-diabetic, joint pain, etc. So, even though I'm a bit older than many bandsters I decided to go for it. I was banded about a week ago, so far so good.

    I think the question is, would your health benefit substantially from losing weight? If the answer is yes, then you should seriously consider the band. The risks associated with the band are minimal for most people, and it is a tool that most people find very helpful in losing weight.

    Another way to look at it is this: In five years you are going to be 65. Do you want to be 65 burdened with obesity, significant health problems, substantial medical expenses, and a limited life expectancy? Or, do you want to be 65, normal weight, relatively healthy and feeling great, and looking forward to additional years of active life?

    Obviously you need to consult with a doctor in all of this, but from my point of view 60 is not too old, and it makes sense to proceed as soon as possible.

    Best wishes on your journey.

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