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Posts posted by marjon9

  1. Ok, I have got into a really bad habit. Especially when I am just on liquid or mushies (after a fill - just had my second). I have started to chew on food when I have cravings and then spit it out. Im worried Im doing myself some damage but I cant stop. Im also not sure if it even does anything - does anyone know if you your body still absorbs the calories?

    Am I alone? or have other people done this? How do I stop? Do I even need to stop?

    If you would rather not reply to this thread, please pm me, it will be kept private ...

    Thank you

    Lily x

    I've done it, I'm sure many people have. I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all. I once even heard Julia Child recommend it as an option for people on a diet so they could still taste great food. It can help you get through the mushies phase.

    Concerning whether you still absorb calories, I'm sure you do to some extent. But this is not that big a concern on liquids and mushies. When you are in those phases it's usually about healing more than losing weight. And whether you absorb calories also depends on what you are eating, how long you chew it, and whether you really spit it "all" out. If you chew a chocolate chip cookie for 15 minutes, there is probably not going to be that much to spit out. On the other hand, if you chew a piece of steak for a couple minutes and spit it out, then you probably get rid of most of it.

    You stated in your post that you have a really "bad" habit and that you are worried that you are doing yourself some "damage." I would stop thinking of it like that. I don't see what damage you could be causing, except perhaps a small dent in your food bill. It's not like you are eating and then vomiting. That can hurt your band and cause other problems. Chewing and then spitting it out is actually a pretty "good" habit in a lot of ways.

  2. Three days away! I'm still nervous about the whole post-weight loss thing, but now getting nervous about the surgery itself. I've had a few procedures done under "twilight" sedation, but never anything surgical and nothing under general anesthesia. I know I have very little to be concerned about, but it's the fear of the (personally experienced) unknown. I'll glady accept any advice and/or virtual hugs from anyone who offers...

    Hi Eddie. I certainly remember my days just before surgery. Like you I knew there was little to be concerned about in fact, but was still nervous anyway. I just think it goes with the territory. All you can do at this point is hold your breath and jump in. Besides that, remind yourself of why you are doing this and how your health could be seriously affected in the future if you don't do it. Feel good about yourself for taking a courageous step to be healthier and have a better life. You deserve to feel proud of yourself for taking that step. In a very short time, it will all be over. There may be some pain after surgery but for most people it only lasts a few days. In a short time, you'll be back to normal and on the Bandster Path. Let us know how it goes!

  3. Maybe because I'm a mod I don't have the option. Oh well. ;) (I wouldn't use it, anyway.)

    It's probably not technically feasible on a thread level, or I'm sure Alex would have done it that way. But this is a great measure that people can use temporarily if a forum is getting on their nerves. Thanks, Alex!!!

    Yeah, this type of thing would be a headache for the tech person. Thanks Alex for trying to figure it out.

  4. Wow,

    Lots of good CPAP info. I hate mine. It was good at first. And once in awhile I sleep well with it. I liked it before my surgery when the mask fit right. Now the mask covers the upper part of my nose and I can't breath. And I can't keep it up high enough. I'm tugging and pulling on it all night long. I pulled the front off of it awhile back. I put it back together now it's messed up. I need to take it in to be fixed. But, I also think I need a different mask. I know if I could get the mask right I would sleep better with it. It just drives me crazy at the moment.

    I don't mean to act like a scolding school teacher, but the mask thing is really important. The CPAP will never work without a mask that works for you. And this is a problem with a lot of potential solutions. Now, put on this pointy hat on and go stand in the corner.

  5. That sounds like it will be perfect, but as of right now I can't see that option in my User CP. ;)

    I found it on mine. It lets you exclude whole forums. My understanding was that people wanted to exclude specific threads, as opposed to whole forums such as "Rants and Raves." But either way is fine with me. For myself I'm not inclined to exclude anything.

  6. Oh boy I have had sooo many masks..and had to pay for them all myself because once I used it the medical place would not take them back and then the insurance would not cover anymore for 3 to 6 months...I have had everyone but the FULL face mask...covering the whole face and dont think I could handle that...nose pillows, outside the nose resting up against the nose..nose and mouth, just over the nose...I am not sure which one I have right now..but I like it...It is not gel I know that...it has been the best one so far and I have gotten three of them in a row. I tried using the ramp button last night since I cant get into doc until the 22nd, and that was awesome...my pressure is set at 14 and the ramp starts out at 4...when it hit around 8 it was perfect!!!! I slept like crap last night the pressure kept blowing my mouth open...I sure wish there was a way to adjust this machine ourselves...I think we know if we need more or less...Deanna

    The last time I had a technician come out I said to him "I sure wish there was a way to adjust the machine ourselves." He got a slightly guilty twinkle in his eye, looked both ways, and then told me "You can find the procedure for adjusting most CPAPs on the internet." I found mine posted by someone on the CPAP Talk forum. And I used it right away. The last person who tested me on the sleep study somehow concluded that I needed a setting of 16. WRONG!! At 16 I felt like a balloon with the air coming out flying around the room. I am much more comfortable at 10. So, if you can live with the guilt, wink wink, you can probably find out how to adjust your machine on the net. If all else fails, post a question on CPAP Talk forum: "Can someone please tell me how to adjust a xxxxxxxx model machine."

  7. When I got my CPAP machine, the clinic where I got it had a large number of machines as well as masks to choose from. I spent almost 2 hours there comparing machine features and trying on masks. I guess I am assuming that everyone does the same thing rather than pick a mask at random. But if anyone hasn't had an opportunity to select the mask best suited to them, I can certainly see the wisdom of going back to step one - mask selection - before looking for another solution.

    Did you ever see the movie "The Man In The Iron Mask" with Leonardo DiCaprio? When I had my sleep study, that was the only mask available. It weighed about 80 pounds and made me into a pathological claustrophobic with a severe twitch in left eyelid.

    At least I can say that I did not pick my mask at random. I picked exactly that specific mask - because it was the only one!

    The moral of my story is - the selection of sleep hardware you had is not always available. I started looking into masks when I received my equipment and realized immediately that there had to be a better way.

    I was not lucky

  8. I have mild sleep apnea and I have the CPAP machine, I hate it, I can only sleep on my back as when I turn it is so uncomfortable. In the middle of the night, I find myself pulling it off and returning to sleep. I don't know if I will ever get used to it. I have been using it 2 weeks now. How long does it take to get acclimated?

    I just want to mention again something that makes a big difference for me, and that is the mask. If you have a mask that covers all or part of your face, I think it is pretty tough to sleep except on your back. There are quite a few lighter masks now. I use the Mirage Swift. Check it out on the internet. It's only one exampe. There are quite a few others. Respironics has a new one called "Opti-life." I have not tried it but it is another example of the lighter mask.

    Also, on the small chance you have time for additional forums, you might want to check out CPAP talk forum. This mask issue has been discussed so much on CPAP talk, it's starting to put people to sleep, which is actually a good thing in this situation. Har de har har.

  9. To be honest, I have very little sympathy for people who should have known better. I have always been taught that, in cases like birth control, you don't trust the other person. If you want to protect yourself, you protect yourself. You can't expect other people to look out for your own best interests. Personal responsibility is a wonderful thing. If you don't want to risk getting a woman pregnant, wear a condom or get a vasectomy.

    I agree with Laurend (as I often do). And I would like to add something else. I also don't feel sorry for this guy for another reason. That is, there is nothing to feel sorry for. Being on the "hook" to take care of a child for many years - especially your child - is more of a blessing than a curse, even if you never see the child. Successfully meeting this responsibility is probably one of the best things in this guy's life. I think people should be grateful when they are given the opportunity to do the right thing in challenging circumstances. Meeting those challenges with honor and integrity is what makes us respect ourselves. It's what makes life thrilling, and it is what allows "fun" times to be fun. Without integrity and self respect, life is pretty much flat, boring, and not worth very much. These rich kids who party all day and night, with nothing to do and no responsibility, don't seem very happy to me.

  10. I started a thred early on regarding sleep apnea. I never had a clue I had it till the pulm. dr had me take a sleep study. Imagine my surprise when they said I had moderate apnea. Although I couldn't believe it, when I started ready up on it it actually made sense. I do not have a CPAP machine yet. I actually go tonight for my 2nd sleep study where I get to wear the dreaded mask. I'm anxious to see what difference it makes. Just one question, when you sleep with the mask, do you have to sleep on your back or is there no problem with side sleeping? I'm a side and stomach sleeper.

    Some masks are better than others for this. Have a look on the internet at the "Mirage Swift" mask. There are a few of this type that are light and just bring the air to your nose without covering your face. With this type of mask it is easier to sleep in positions besides on your back. The will probably not have one of these for your sleep study, but I'm not sure. Just keep in mind that there are better options if you find the mask intolerable at the sleep study.

  11. It might be running right down the middle but 2/3rds are saying they would like it changed.

    While 2/3 of the people may want some type of "change," I don't think it is totally accurate to say that 2/3 would like "it" changed. People can vote for more than one category in this poll. I think many of the people who voted to "keep it the same" also voted to allow people the option of blocking unwanted threads. Reading what people have written in their posts, I think most people would like to have the system we now have stay in place with the added feature that allows people to block unwanted threads.

  12. I see nothing wrong with having a feature that allows people to ignore and hide things they are not interested in if they choose to do so. The thing I don't like is having those decisions made for "newbies" or others in order to protect them. To me that seems paternalistic and condescending. But hey, that's just me. But on the other hand, having extra options to hide and ignore things by choice. Now that sounds like a great idea.

    Unless, of course, people would rather reconsider my Clockwork Orange option.

  13. Just wondering who else has sleep apnea. I am pre-band, and have been trying to using a bipafor 2 years with no success.


    I have sleep apnea. I don't know what a bipafor is. I use a CPAP. For me the hard thing to get used to was the mask. I now use the "swift" mask that just brings the air to your nose but does not cover up your face and give that claustrophobic feeling. If your problem is getting used to the mask, you might want to try some of the lighter masks that are out there now that don't cover your face.

    I will say that now that I am used to it I would not want to sleep without it. I had no idea how much the sleep apnea was harming me until I started using the CPAP. I would stop breathing at night for long periods of time, and wake up constantly. It was really hard on my heart. If there is any way you can get yourself to use that machine, you may find that you really start to feel better. I really do feel better from using it.

    Good luck

  14. Neal, I have no doubt that your intent was to help. But I do think that the problem of Newbies landing in some place that causes a big problem is really a teeny teeny problem. And it is usually fixed by people saying that, hey, we have a rants and raves section. It does seem to me that changing the structure of the forum for this very small problem is overkill, and I think there is a risk that people won't even find out about the rants and raves section for a while because it is being blocked in some way to "help" and "protect" the Newbies. I really think we are all grownups here, and don't need all this protection. But if everyone else wants it, then I guess we'll have it.

  15. Neal, I'm disappointed that you did not offer the "Clockwork Orange" option in the poll. Did anyone see that movie? Do you remember at the end where they strapped the guy down in the chair and used these devices to hold open his eyelids so he was forced to view the presentation? I believe that each person on the forum should be required to use this device to view threads in the rants and raves section. Is it too late to add the "Clockwork Orange" option to the poll?

  16. Well, as seeing as I can no longer post anything more that I dislike about this bill and it has nothing to do with Gays, and the non Christians keep throwing that in my face, I suppose we have nothing left to debate.

    Why don't you try saying what's on your mind and see what happens. I'm not interested in throwing anything in your face. I just think that in most cases, people who state "non-religious" reasons for disliking this bill are mainly uncomfortable with how the bill may be seen to "endorse" the "gay lifestyle." If that is not true with you, then I would welcome hearing what is on your mind.

  17. To be perfectly correct, Ousooner, and I will say right now that I very much respect you yourself and the peaceable and dignified fashion in which you always express your views, Mark has been asking questions, pointed ones to be sure. He has not been telling other folks how they should manage their lives or what their personal ethical standards should be on this particular question. I still believe that women must have the final word in the abortion debate; they are, afterall, the ones left paying the price.

    The one who is pregnant absolutely must have the final word. With that I agree completely.

  18. Sorry, Mark. According to the others, mine and your opinions are not wanted or needed because we are men.

    I, too, was a little surprised at that unfortunate turn of reasoning in this thread. Sad to see closed-mindedness in whatever form. I certainly understand and agree that men can never fully understand the woman's perspective on abortion. But ultimately I believe that no one can fully understand anyone else's position on abortion, because it is so personal. And ultimately, I believe that no one has the right to decide such issues for anyone else, man or woman. We just don't have the right to force others to live by a moral code they don't choose or agree with.

    But as for men having no valid opinions here, obviously I don't agree.

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