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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bklynike

  1. Bklynike

    Vacation over...back to the real world.

    Welcome back and so glad you had a good time. Losing 2lbs on vacation is remarkable - YOU GIRL GIRL!
  2. Bklynike


    Every doctor has their own way of doing things. Since you have faith in your doc - allowing him to perform surgery on you, I would suggest you follow his diet plan to the letter. Walking after surgery will help with the gas you will experience in your upper back and shoulder. Best of luck and welcome to the greatest journey you will ever take.
  3. Bklynike

    Here I am!

    Great to finally see you, too! Your comments and good wishes to everyone is so uplifting. You are a wonderful person and I am glad to call you friend. Have a good one and keep working on your journey. You are doing really well.
  4. No fill yet. I am scheduled, again, for next week but depending on what happens this week...I have past on the last 3 fills. I lost 5 lbs last week, but only 8/10s of a lb this week. But, I've been losing consistently 3-4 lbs a week since my surgery on 6/21. Prior to surger I was up to 268lbs. On surgery date, I was 151.4 and am now 223. I weigh in and chart my losses on Sunday. If I don't have a descent loss this week, it might mean I need my first fill. I haven't been hungry and I don't think I am eating any more than I have been. I'm at the gym 3-4 times a week. I do cardio2 times a week and combine cardio and weight training 2 days a week. I find I really love the gym.

    I am anxious to lose enough to get out of the 220. We'll see how it goes.


    You are doing remarkably well. Keep up the good work. Are you exercising? Are you getting protein from your food or are you doing shakes? I am so happy for you and I know you will hit the ONEderland very soon.

  5. Hey, Marw. I am doing well. My first fill is scheduled for next week and I think I might be getting ready. Last week I lost 5lbs, this past week only 8/10s of a lb. I have been consistently losing 3-4 lbs - last week I lost more and this week much less. So, I'll see how I do between now and my fill date and then I'll decide.


    I've taken my Sept pictures in my green shirt, but my husband and I got a new computer and he hasn't installed Photoshop yet, so I can't upload it yet. But I will very soon. Hopy your journey is going along great. What was the date of your surgery? How much have you lost so far?

  6. Bklynike


    This was the best gift you could give yourself. I was banded on 6/21 and have lost 31lbs since the surgery. I would love to have bread, pasta, potato chips, pizza, etc. but I love losing weight more. This was not a tough decision for me - I was tired of being an overwieght, unhappy person and decided to change things. I can only imagine you are ready for the change, for the journey to make you look and feel better. A healthier you! It is not easy - you will have to work out and watch what you eat. Giving up "garbage" will only help you on your journey. Good luck.
  7. Bklynike

    Officially Banded!!

    Walking is the best thing you can do at this point. You should eat only when you feel hungry. Isopure, 40gram protein drink, is tasty and will help you get your proteins for the day. You can purchase them at any GNC and they come in many different flavors. Welcome to the lap-band community. We all have the same goal here - lose weight, help others here and enjoy our journey.
  8. Bklynike

    First Sliming Experience

    What exactly is sliming?
  9. Bklynike

    bad day

    If the scale says you gained, perhaps it is only fluids. We all have good days and bad, just make the best of it. Tomorrow will be a better day. Don't let your mood swings influence how you eat and take care of yourself. Endorphines make you feel better, so take a walk or a bike ride or go to the gym. Good luck.
  10. Bklynike

    Hey guys!!

    How wonderful - 50lbs is quite an accomplishment. You go girl. You look great. Have a fabulous cruise.
  11. Bklynike

    Motovate Me!

    Perhaps keeping a food journal will help. Next, do you have someone who can be your gym buddy? If not, check to see if your gym has a class you can take - Zumba perhaps. Lots of fun. You can lose the weight you want to lose, you have the time and you know how to do it. Get it done! We all have faith in you.
  12. Bklynike

    two more pounds gone!

    Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Isn't the LB a great tool?
  13. Bklynike

    its been a while!

    Congrats on the foster baby. How wonderful for you to do something like that. That tells me you are a caring human being, so you have to learn to care for yourself. If you are that hungry in the afternoon, you are possibly not drinking enough fluids during the day. Have you tried sugar free ice pops or sugar free jello/pudding? How about string cheese? I wish you and your extended family a lot of luck. Make time for yourself - let the hubs stay with the children and get back to the gym. Keep making yourself healthier - if not for you, for the 3 little ones. Good luck.
  14. Bklynike


    Wow, you have lost a lot of weight. Did you ever think you would be asked to teach a class at the gym? That should be enough to get you motivated. It would be too easy to fall back into old habits, but I trust you will never quit! Stay strong and you will make your goal. Enjoy the rest of your journey.
  15. Bklynike

    1st Visit

    I take a small One A Day in the morning with a liquid Calcium/Vitimin D3. I also take an additional D 400 IU because I am a cancer survivor and I need the D. Not a vitimin, but I have stated taking Dulcolax 2 times a day, which has helped somewhat to "soften" things up, without gettin gtoo graphic. Good luck.
  16. Bklynike

    Somethings never change...

    You are doing so well already. She was stupid and heartless to say such a thing to you. Perhaps she is jealous - I am sure you loss is already showing and there are people out there that do not like to see other people do well. You keep doing what you are doing becuase you are doing great. YOU WILL SUCCEED!
  17. Bklynike

    Monthly Update

    Every loss is just that, a loss. And 11.25" holy cow! How did you do that????? When I started this journey I read that people measured themselves and I said I was going to do it, but I forgot to do it. Now I am going to march into the other room and have my husband measure me. Keep up the good work. I am very proud of you. You go girl!
  18. OMG, only 12 lbs to go? How wonderful for you. What amazing journey you must have had. You should write a blog and tell us all how you got to where you are now. I am so excited for you. And yes, pictures would be great. You are an inspiration. Thanks for all of your kind words. Get a blog going, I want to hear everything about your journey.

  19. Bklynike

    New Photo

    I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. Next weekend I will be posting my new Sept. 2010 photos in my good old green shirt. Be on the look-out for that. This month is full of doctor's appointments for me. I am again cancelling the appointment for my first fill this Thurs. Still don't think I need it. I have an appointment for a colonoskopy consultation:eek:. Yes, I have put it off as long as I can, now my doctor's are yelling that it has to be done. So, in order to schedule the test for the week of October 11th I have to go meet the doctors and give them my medical history. How fun is that? Then I have to get my mammogram and ultrasound:mad:. It will take have the time it usually does since I had a mastectomy on January 5th of this year...I know, sick humor. I am a little nervous about it, but I will keep good thoughts. Then I get to see my oncologist. I love this woman more than I can say:tt1:. She is absolutely the best. I hope she tells me the mammogram and ultrasound tests went well and all is good for another year. Once you have been told you have breast cancer, every mammogram is a scary proposition. OK, so I have been doing really well with the lap-band so far. I am down to 223.4 and feeling really well, except I have some kind of lump on the bottom of my left foot and 2 corns on my right foot, so when I'm on the treadmill, my feet start to bother me. My sneakers are New Balance shoes and I have been wearing them for a couple of months, so I know they fit well. I guess I now have to make an appointmtnet with a podiatrist:cursing:. When it rains it pours, but I am losing weight, not hungry between meals so I am still a happy puppy. :tt2:
  20. Bklynike


    I went today for a visit with my new nutritionist and I love her. She is very friendly and truly listened to me. She gave me some great recipe ideas and once we have tried one or two and like them, I will post them here so we can all share. I was concerned that I wasn't doing what I should be doing, but she said I am doing great! I am excited that I don't have to do the protein shakes anymore. I truly don't like them. I have been eating enough proteins and I am still losing. I told her I was concerned that if and when I get a fill, I won't be able to get in enough food in. She said I would probably end up cutting back on the veggies or fruit, but that as long as I continue eating my protein first, I won't need the shakes or protein bars. I know a lot of you here at this site still eat bread or carbs, but I don't, My doctor does not want me, or his other patients, to eat them because according to him, if you don't eat carbs, your body fuels on your fat. If you eat carbs, the body fuels on the carbs and leaves the fat. So even though I love the bread and pasta, I am doing without. In a year when he says I can have them in small portions, I'll see if I want them then. I weighed in at her office and then again tonight at the gym. I am down to 224.6. I feel so good. I wish everyone reading my blog feels as good as I do.:scared2: Have a great weekend everyone.
  21. Bklynike

    Just some thoughts...

    Since thousands of working people have the lap-band, all industry would stop if they couldn't fly after they have fluid in their band. Perhaps the person you spoke with didn't understand what you were saying? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I am so glad you have found another doctor. I am so glad you are enjoying your new home in Minnesota. I wish you the best of luck and enjoy your vacation down here in sunny Florida. It is so hot right now, in the 90s every day with a heat index of over 100. I can't wait until winter!
  22. Bklynike


    You have a great weekend too. thanks for all of your wonderful comments.
  23. thanks for the friend's request. I am honored to welcome you. I am originally from Brooklyn, NY and have lived in FL for 30 years. I had been banded on 6/21 and I have never been so happy. This is a great site. You will make some good friends, learn a lot and get to dish. Welcome to the greatest journey you will ever take and we are all along for the same ride. Isn't that greeat. A website dedicated to us. You go girl!

  24. Bklynike

    Great Support

    Thank you all for your responses to my blogs. I truly get inspired by all of you. I made a promise to myself 3 years ago when I decided to look into weight loss surgery that if I was fortunate to have it, I would do ANYTHING I had to do to keep on track. I know too many people who have had gastric bypass or lapband surgery and didn't keep up their end of the bargain by keeping on track and doing what they needed to do, so they gained all their weight back. They thought I'll have the surgery and the rest will take care of itself. Well, that isn't the case. You have to take care of the rest. Tomorrow I have a 9:00am appointment with a new dietician. My last one was a very nice young lady, but she didn't "get me" and was not giving me the information I needed. She would ask if I liked something like Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and I said no. So when she wrote out a suggested diet plan, she put both cottage cheese and Greek yogurt on it. That got me a little bit upset, so I told my doctor I wanted to switch and they gave me an appointment with a new person. I am curiousn to know if I am doing the right thing eating the way I do. Yes, I am consistently losing weight and the scale is going in the right direction, but I want to make sure my intake is right. Could I lose more faster? I don't know, but I feel great, so I hope I am doing what I am suppose to do. As you all know, I don't want to do protein shakes - but I will if I have to. I can't believe I am in my 9th week since surgery. The time has gone by so quickly. My first fill is scheduled for 9/1, so we will see how it goes. Well, I hope you all have a great evening.
  25. Bklynike

    A little cranky.. day 6 of pre-op

    We have all been there and done that. It is a pain, but it helps you get on the right road. It won't last forever, and pretty soon you will get to the pureed/mushy food. Good luck to you on your journey. Check back and let us know how you are doing.

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