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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bklynike

  1. Bklynike


    Seriously, the best thing for the gas is walking. When I was banded back in June, during every commercial break I got up and walked around my condo - back and forth, back and forth. My father-in-law was taken to the hospital 2 days after my surgery, so while visiting him at the hospital, I walked the halls while my husband stayed with his dad. I truly believe that was what helped me get rid of the gas so quickly. I didn't use GasX. Best of luck. Get out there and walk!
  2. Bklynike

    Banded for One Week and Three Days

    Congrats on being banded and I'm sorry you have a bad experience. I never heard of a puffy pancake. Best of luck, 16 lbs is a great loss in such a short time. Things will slow down a little, but don't get discouraged. You will achieve your goal.
  3. Thanks for the comments on my blog. I think you are an inspiration and I know you will reach your goa. Keep blogging!

  4. Bklynike


    I just received a message from a soon-to-be bandster and she mentioned she was scared of the surgery. I thought it was important to mention that even if you are scared of the surgery, it is scarier to go through life without it. I never mentioned, but I was not heavy all of my life. 22 years ago, just before marrying the man of my dreams, I had an accident at work. I was a Code Enforcement Officer and was removing an illegal sign that was nailed to a tree. The sign was very high up and I lifted my arms, pulling the sign side-to-side until the nails came out and the sign came down. The sign was extremely heavy and when it came down, it bent me in half. I rolled the sign over, end over end, and put it into my car. When I started to get out of the car, I could barely move. It turns out I hurniated 2 disks - one in my neck and one in my lower back. I also caused some nerve damage in my neck. The pain was and still is remarkable. I went to several doctors who said I should stop going to the gym and not lift anything heavier than a loaf of bread. That surgery would be my best option, which I opted not to have. Believe it or not, but I wore a size 3/4 to my wedding, that needed to be taken in. Sitting around, doing absolutely nothing caused me to start gaining weight. Then I quit smoking, which added about 45 lbs to my already growing mass. I became very depressed and ate myself into oblivion. I was not allowed to exercise, which did me a huge disservice. So even back then I knew exercise would help me, but I listened to the doctors and kept growing and growing to a size 26. And of course all of the co-morbidities jumped on board for the ride and it became difficult to walk. Well, I am on my way to a healthier, better life. I still have neck and back pain, but I push through them. I work out like an animal at the gym becuase I see how much better I am doing with this small weight loss and I can't wait until I lose all I need to lose. 35 lbs since my surgery, 14 prior to surgery and about 70 lbs to go. So trust me when I tell you I will get there. I am down to a size 18 pant and an XL top. People are really taking notice of my loss and telling me how good I look. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. I am already looking forward to my October picture in my green shirt! Have a great night everyone.
  5. Bklynike


    I just received a message from a soon-to-be bandster and she mentioned she was scared of the surgery. I thought it was important to mention that even if you are scared of the surgery, it is scarier to go through life without it. I never mentioned, but I was not heavy all of my life. 22 years ago, just before marrying the man of my dreams, I had an accident at work. I was a Code Enforcement Officer and was removing an illegal sign that was nailed to a tree. The sign was very high up and I lifted my arms, pulling the sign side-to-side until the nails came out and the sign came down. The sign was extremely heavy and when it came down, it bent me in half. I rolled the sign over, end over end, and put it into my car. When I started to get out of the car, I could barely move. It turns out I hurniated 2 disks - one in my neck and one in my lower back. I also caused some nerve damage in my neck. The pain was and still is remarkable. I went to several doctors who said I should stop going to the gym and not lift anything heavier than a loaf of bread. That surgery would be my best option, which I opted not to have. Believe it or not, but I wore a size 3/4 to my wedding, that needed to be taken in. Sitting around, doing absolutely nothing caused me to start gaining weight. Then I quit smoking, which added about 45 lbs to my already growing mass. I became very depressed and ate myself into oblivion. I was not allowed to exercise, which did me a huge disservice. So even back then I knew exercise would help me, but I listened to the doctors and kept growing and growing to a size 26. And of course all of the co-morbidities jumped on board for the ride and it became difficult to walk. Well, I am on my way to a healthier, better life. I still have neck and back pain, but I push through them. I work out like an animal at the gym becuase I see how much better I am doing with this small weight loss and I can't wait until I lose all I need to lose. 35 lbs since my surgery, 14 prior to surgery and about 70 lbs to go. So trust me when I tell you I will get there. I am down to a size 18 pant and an XL top. People are really taking notice of my loss and telling me how good I look. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. I am already looking forward to my October picture in my green shirt! Have a great night everyone.
  6. I understand you are nervous about the surgery, but in all honesty, you should be more nervous about what can happen without it.


    I had so many co-morbidities that I was afraid of having a heart attack and dropping dead. I am diabetic (Type 2), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, my thyroid wasn't working well, sleep apnea and I just felt old, fat and uncomfortable all of the time.


    Since my surgery my meds have been cut in half and I am warding off another bout with cancer. Yes, I am a breast cancer survivor. Had a mastectomy on January 5th, 2010. I had emergency gallbladder removed on July 19, 2009.


    I wish you the best of luck and will be here if you need a shoulder to lean on or have questions to be answered.

  7. Bklynike

    i'm not loosing any more weight

    There is really nothing nire I can add to Sandra and Debra's responses. Exercise is the key. Perhaps you should keep a food log - perhaps you are eating more than you think you are and maybe not the best foods? You are doing really well. Don't give up, the weight will come off.
  8. Bklynike

    Day 35 Banded

    wow, you are doing great and must be feeling so much better. The pasta, bread and potatoe thing does hang around, but as the weight keeps coming off, you will convince yourself to forget about them. Best of luck to you.
  9. Bklynike

    WHAT did I just do?

    It will get much easier. Since you are not able to eat a lot without getting full, try some Isopure water. There are 40grams of protein in a bottle. You can buy them at any GNC. Good luck and trust me, it is worth anything you have to go through now to feel and look so much better later.
  10. Hey, Blondi:


    Where are you? Haven't heard from you in a while. Please check in and let us know what is happening with you.

  11. Hey, Maggs:


    It has been a while since we heard from you. I hope your move has been a success, your new job is going well and your weight loss is going in the right direction.


    I hope you check in and let us know what is going on with you.

  12. So, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you and I am getting worried.

  13. Good to hear from you; it has beena while. I am hoping for a 10-15 lb loss for my trip at Thanksgiving. As of yesterday I am down almost 35 lbs since the surgery and I lost about 14 lbs prior to surgery, so our friends and family will be kind of surprised when they see me. Glad you are doing well.

  14. Hi, Rose:


    Yes, I got my fill this past Thurs. It was only 1cc, and I can feel the difference. The fill was a piece of cake - perhaps I shouldn't use that terminology (lol). I barely felt the needle. It took a couple of seconds and that was it. I am scheduled to return in 1 month, but if I feel hungry between meals, I will call to make an appointment for a sooner date. As of yesterday, I am down since my surgery 34-35 lbs.


    Hope you were out of town on vacation or for a fun reason. Glad you are back. Eileen

  15. Bklynike

    keeps getting better

    Happy Sunday Everyone. If any of you have read my blogs before, you know that I love reporting good news. It makes me feel good to tell people how much I love my lap-band because it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I want to make sure that anyone who was a yo-yo dieter like I was knows there is help out there. For anyone who would lose 25 or 30 lbs and hit that wall - no matter how much you tried to lose more and couldn't like I did - it is possible to get help. I would hit that plateau and that would be it. After weeks of trying, I would get frustrated and return to my old friends - french fries, pasta, potatoes, bread, etc. So not only did I gain back the original loss, I would add a few more lbs to the mix. Which I have to say made me feel so much better about myself - NOT! And lets remember all of the co-morbidities that came along with getter bigger, fatter and less healthy.:thumbup: I know the lap band is just a tool. I knew that going in. My surgeon was very clear about that. It is not a magic pill that you take and wake up in the morning 100 lbs lighter than when you went to sleep. I knew my fairy godmother/father wasn't going to swoop down and remove the fat from my body with a mystical wand. It is work, hard work. But if you really want to get thinner, healthier and feel better about yourself and you are thinking about having the lap-band stop thinking and do it. The band has helped with my food in take. The gym and 3 wonderful trainers have helped with my exercise program - cardio and weight lifting. When you put these together with my will to succeed and the encouragement from friends, family and especally my wonderful husband, you get success. On June 21st of this year, my re-birth, I weighed 253.6. I was up to 268 at my heaviest. I know there are people out there reading this who have lost more weight than I have and some who have lost less weight than I have. But I know I am doing it the right way for me. Slowly and steadily and I am loving the new me. I just returned from the gym and wanted to report that I am now down to 217.4 lbs.:thumbup: I am looking forward to losing the next 10 lbs and then reaching the Onederland! I have no doubt I will do it. I am on track. I know what I have to do and I am doing it will all of the vim and vigor I can muster. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone - I wish each and every one of you are as happy as I am with the choice we made to have this wonderful surgery.
  16. Bklynike

    Day 3 Pre-Op Diet

    Congrats to your continued success. I was not able to have solids on my pre-op diet. I was only able to have liquids for the week. I am not able to have bread for a minimum of 1 year. The surgery will be a piece of cake. Best of luck.
  17. I wish you the best of luck. When I first got banded, I measured my food, but I don't anymore. Believe me, if you take small bites and chew them really well, it will cause you to slow down. By slowing down, you will be able to tell more easily when you should stop. It is something you will learn. Those of us over weight never learned how to feel full, but the lap-band will teach you. Welcome to our little club. This is the best thing you will ever do for yourself.


    Word of advice - the surgery will cause you to have gas pains in the upper shoulder and neck. Walking will help. Some others used GasX. Have some on hand. I had it one hand, but I didn't need it, but you might.

  18. Bklynike

    Out of control

    I am terribly sorry for the loss of your daughter and the iminent loss of your mom. I lost my mom last year. Hospice was a Godsend, so allow them to help in any way they can. They will take some of the pressure off. As for you, if you don't start taking care of yourself you will end up sick and in the hospital. If you don't have friends or family to speak with, you need to seek out a therapist. I know it isn't easy, but you need to find the strength within yourself to pull yourself up and get back on track. Good luck to you.
  19. Bklynike

    APPROVED!!! Surgery date!!!!

    HIP HIP HORRAY!!!!!! What wonderful news. We are all going to be thinking about you on the 8th. Welcome to our little LB world. I have never been happier and I know you will be thrilled as well. Stock up on some Isopur, which will give you 40 grams of protein and it is like water, so you will be able to get it down and keep it down. Also, GasX strips will help the gas, although I didn't use them many people did. I just walked, a lot, around my condo. Rest the day you get home, but the next day walk around every commercial break. You will do great.
  20. Bklynike


    This will be the best thing you ever did for yourself. Please remember, Lap-Band is only a tool. You must work really hard to lose the weight. The LB will help you curbe your appetite, but you will have to get the exercise done by yourself. After the surgery, you will probably feel from gas in your shoulder and neck. the only things that really help is GasX and walking. Relax on day one then get up and move. Best of luck and welcome to our little club. The best thing I ever did.
  21. Bklynike

    C25K -- The New Adventure

    Wow, you are remarkable. I have never given it any thought because I never thought I could do it, but perhaps one day...Keep up the good work.
  22. Bklynike

    A year in review

    Each of us has gone through something in our lives that has allowed us to gain so much weight that we are all lucky to still be here. A heartattack will certainly open one's eyes. But you were thinking about the surgery before the attack, so you knew you were on the way to death. You had done a great job of losing prior to your surgery and now losing 153 lbs is an amazing accomplishment. I wish you the best of luck and I know you are going to accomplish whatever goal you have set for yourself. Just a side note, my doctor says no rice, pasta, bread or booze for at least a year. I know they would not be good for me right now, so giving them up has not been difficult.
  23. Bklynike

    Day 5

    I hope you have a very quick recovery and you can get on with the business at hand - losing weight and feeling great. Good luck.
  24. Bklynike

    Feeling good!

    You go girl! I hope you accomplish everything you wish to. We are all in this together and understand exactly what you are going through. I am glad you changed doctors. If your doctor and his staff was not able to give you the encouragement and desire needed to succeed, what good are they? Do you attend support meetings? You will probably get some good ideas and encouragement from those. Best of luck.
  25. Bklynike

    Great Day!

    Today was a terrific day. :cool2: I called in sick, so I didn't go to work today. That in itself made my day wonderful. I got to spend it with my husband and did some "me" things - I went shopping. People have been telling me it is time to get some smaller clothes, so I purchased some 2X tops a few weeks ago, that are too big on me now. I tried both Lane Bryant and The Avenue for pants with no success.:bored: I was between sizes and nothing fit right. I was kind of dissapointed, but did not allow it to make me get upset. I knew that in a week or two, I would fit into something. Well, today I purchased 2 pairs of pants at JC Penney - a pair of jeans and a dress pair of pants. Both were a size 18.:laugh: I haven't been in a size 18 in many, many years. I was so excited. They are a trouser fit because the regular fit jeans or skinny jeans are still too tight in my thighs. Also, I bought a few size AXL tops. Wow, what a great feeling to not only get into things, but they actually fit. I don't look like a sausage. Then this afternoon I went for my first fill. I can't believe how well that went. There was absolutely NO PAIN involved. Yes, you feel the needle but no more painful than getting a blood test and I would say actually less uncomfortable than that. I got 1cc and was told to come back in a month, but if I needed more to go in whenever I needed to. I asked why only 1cc and I was told that since I have been doing so well since my surgery and not really feeling hunger or over eating, although I can eat more than I was eating a couple of weeks ago, she wanted to start small. I drank some water after the fill, no problems, and I went on my merry way. Everyone in the office was very complimentary on how I am looking, so that made me feel really good too. And to make things even better, my husband, who is a writer, was asked to write a column in a magazine he has been reading and collecting since he was a young man. He is also on cloud 9 today. I hope you are all having a great day, too.:thumbup:

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