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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bklynike

  1. Bklynike

    July 23 (tomorrow) is the Big Day

    No, you will be on the way to the new and better you! I hope the surgery goes smoothly, and it will. Take it easy when you get home, but the next day make yourself get up and walk, walk, walk. The gas will not go away unless you do. Also, it will help you not get stiff. It will be uncomfortable, but only for a day or two. You will do great. Welcome bandster newbie - you have family here so let us know how you are doing when you are up to writing.
  2. Bklynike

    Day 2 Preop diet

    The preop stage really stinks. I hated it, too. But think of the entire journey and where you will be at this time next year. Best of luck - it is the best thing you will ever do.
  3. Bklynike

    Tomorrow is the Day

    Horray! Tomorrow is the day. You should be jumping up and down and as excited as you could be. This is the greatest thing you could do for yourself. Remember to take your pain medication when you get home and rest up. The next day, walk, walk, walk. It is the only way to get rid of the gas and to make you feel more human. Don't forget to report on how you are doing. New life, here you come!!!!!
  4. Bklynike

    Day Four - back home from 2nd hospital trip

    It sounds so awful. I am so sorry you are having such trouble. I hope you heal quickly and can start living a better life. Good luck to you.
  5. Bklynike

    One week--countdown

    A few days after you stop the soda, you won't even think about it. Once the weight starts coming off, you will be so happy that you won't want to eat or drink anything that will make you feel bloated. Best of luck.
  6. I would love the jello-whipped cream recipe. My husband loves deserts and we do have people in for dinner now and again. My email is bklynike@aol.com. Thanks.

  7. Bklynike


    I was at my first post-surgery support group last night. There were a lot of people there. I must say I was a little suprised by the turn out. My husband came with me, and was the only husband, the only supportive family member, the only man in the meeting. I was so happy he came with me, although he felt a little out of place. But the meeting was very informative and everyone seemed very nice, although some of them were a little nuts. Read on and you'll see what I mean. Some of us were "newbies" under 6 months, but there was also a woman 4 years out. Many of the women around a year, and 1 woman who is not scheduled until next month to have her surgery. I learned that I was probably not really ready for my first fill. I am still content between meals and not overeating. Still losing weight and feeling great. I postponed my first fill until next Thurs. There was actually a woman there who found out her band had twisted so she needs to have it replaced. She was so angry about it that she started eating anything and everything just to see what would make her sick. Throwing up and feeling horrible, she did this for over a week. Crazy? You bet. She is having the band replaced next month. Others were talking about how they have found ways to cheat. What? R U kidding me? How do you think you became the size of a house???? One woman said she had taken "time off for herself" and gained back over 30lbs. Maybe it is because I paid for the surgery myself, or maybe it is because I am just so excited and jubliant about how I am feeling, but the thought of cheating or eating something I know will make me sick is not going to happen. I go out to eat with my husband a couple times a week. I always try to make the best choice for me, and have been successful. I have waited 3 long years for this surgery; my health and happiness is more important to me than a bowl of spaghetti or a slice of cake.
  8. Bklynike

    1st FILL COMPLETE!!!!!!!

    You go girl. I am so happy to hear it went so well. As I told you, I was supposed to go this Thurs, but I postponed until next Thurs. I am not hungry between meals, losing my weight and feeling great. So the doc said to wait another week. Reading your story I know I don't have anything to worry about. When I was at my heavest, I was 268lbs. Right before the surgery I was down to 254lbs. Yesterday was 4 weeks and I'm down to 235.8lbs. Thank goodness for the band. Just keep doing what you are doing because you are doing great!!!!!!!
  9. Bklynike

    Liquid Purees...HELP!

    If you are on pureed foods, tuna fish with lite mayo - put it into your food processor or blender and it is delicious. I also ate light-dark chicken in a can, shrimp in a can and salmon in a can. Puree them with lite mayo and you'll get a lot of protein and feel full longer. I am actually able to eat full foods now, but I still puree my tuna fish. I actually found I prefer it that way. Good luck.
  10. Bklynike


    My trip to the gym last night was so much fun. I started off doing my usual cardio workout - I walked a mile in 19 minutes, 3.1 mph at the random mode, meaining the floor of the treadmill goes up and down randomly. It starts at 0 and goes all the way up to 1.5. Then I experimented and put the incline up to 5. That was hard, but I enjoyed it. After about 30 minutes, I met with my trainer and got my first lesson in weight lifting. I did 5 different machines, 3 sets of 12. I was so excited that I was able to do everything he asked me to do and today I am actually able to lift my arms! I know that by adding new machines and keeping the workout new and exciting, I will not lose the "eye of the tiger". I have lost about 19 lbs so far and am due to get my first fill on Thurs. I am just not sure I need one yet. As long as I drink my water, I really don't get hungry between meals.I am afraid if I get a fill, I will be too restricted. The doctor said I could postpone another week or two if I needed to, but I'm not sure yet. I'll decide by Tues. Meeting friends today for an early dinner. they are visiting from Orlando, I'm in North Miami. They have to drive home, which is about 4 hours away hence the early dinner. I am always worried about eating out because you never know how the food is prepared, even though I always ask. Have a great weekend everyone. :thumbup:
  11. You probably are not on line yet, but I wanted to see how you were doing, just in case you were checking in. Welcome to our little family of people who have chosen to get healthier, thinner and happier. We bandsters must stick together, so let us know how you are doing. There is a wealth of knowledge on this site, so just ask questions if you have them and someone will respond to you. Best of luck, again.

  12. Bklynike

    Its that time...My 1st Fill

    My surger was also on 6/21 and I am scheduled for my first fill on Thurs. I am not sure if I am going to have it though. I think I might wait a week. I am not over eating, I am not hungry in between meals and I'm consistently losing. Please let us know how it went. Don't be afraid of the needle, my friend had been banded a year ago and she said it feels as if you were giving blood - nothing more. And, don't skip meals. You don't want to become anemic.
  13. Bklynike

    Why not sooner?

    Have I mentioned to anyone that I am one happy puppy? I don't think I have been this motivated and excited in years! I am seeing some changes, and it has only been 1 month tomorrow. My starting weight right before the lap-band was 254lbs. As of today, I am 235.8. I was as heavy as 268, but lost some weight before the sugery, as everyone does. It is funny to say, but I never felt that "fat" until I saw pictures of myself. Then, I wanted to run and hide. Keep in mind, I am only 5'3" tall. Most of my height is in my legs, and most of my weight is in my upper body so I was up there. Today was my second day lifting weights at the gym. I did a half hour of cardio and then the 5 machines that are part of my rotation. It feels so good to be participating in life again. I am giving myself permission to sit on the couch and watch TV as long as I keep up my exercise program. On days I am not in the gym, I do lift 3lb dumb bells and use a tension band. So far eating has not been a problem for me. I may postpone my fill from Thursday to next week sometime. I don't think I need it yet. I'll decide by Tues. I posted some photos to my "album" showing the start of my journey through today and I will continue to add pics monthly. Now instead of running from the camera, I am looking forward to a monthly record of my progress. I am so proud of myself and anyone who is on this journey too. It is a lot of work, sweaty - hard work, but it will be worth it in the end. This is a new lifestyle for us and I for one am so up to the challenge. I can't wait to see where I am a year from now. Once I have lost all of the weight I have to lose, I am going to have my breast reconstruction (mastectomy Jan 5th of this year), and tummy tuck. GO ME - GO US! Have a great Sunday and keep on trucking. We are all in this together.:rolleyes2:
  14. Bklynike

    Is this me?

    As promised, I have attached a new avatar photo my husband took today. I am so shocked at how different I look already. We had a late lunch with friends today and they were very complimentary about my weight loss. Everyone says I look like I am losing, but I couldn't really see it until we compared some photos today. Yahoo! I will have a new photo taken every month to track my journey. I am so excited and happy about the small changes I am already experiencing. The top I am wearing in this photo is a 2X - I have been wearing 3X and 4X tops for the longest time. I can't wait to report that I am in an AL and able to shop in a regular store. As much as I always liked The Avenue and Lane Bryant, I don't ever want to have to shop there again. I want to wear some cute clothes for a change. I am so tired of old lady over-size garments. Aren't you? Why can't someone make some cute things for larger women? Just because we are larger, doesn't mean we don't want to wear the same clothing normal-sized women wear. I am not talking about mini-skirts, short-shorts or crop tops. But everyday tops and jeans would be nice.:rolleyes2: Hope you like my new photo. Have a great weekend.
  15. Thank you so much for your kind words. We all have our separate journey, but we all want the same things - better health, longer life and a knowledge that we did everything we could to be a better us.

  16. Thanks for responding to my blog. I wish you the best of luck tomorrow. This is the greatest gift you could possibly give yourself.


    Just a few things to remember - when you get home you will be sore. Take your pain medication and relax. But Tues, if you are watching TV get up each commercial and walk, even if it hurts. If you don't walk, you will not get rid of the gas. If you don't walk you will be more sore. So start moving on Tues.


    Best of luck, again. Please keep us informed of your progress. Blogging or journaling will help your journey. You have friends here.

  17. I read your response to a woman who is having trouble with her band and her doctor is of no help. You said your doctor talked you out of the lap-band, which is a shame. I had my band 4 weeks ago and I have never felt so good. No one can make the decision for you, but you should reconsider doing this for your good health and longer life.

  18. Bklynike

    Motivation has Left the Building

    I am so sorry that you are having such trouble. It is not fair, but life is not fair. OK, first I would run to another doctor. Your surgeon sounds like an ass. How dare he not be jumping through hoops to find a solution. Writing down everything you put into your mouth is a great suggestion from blossoming. Perhpas you are eating something that you have a food alergy to or too greasy? I would suggest you go back to liquids or pureed food until you get another doctor to check you out. Please do not give up - there are answers out there and with the right doctor, you will find an answer. Good luck to you.
  19. Bklynike

    Wish me Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday, my Friend. I am so proud and excited for you. You are my idol! Keep up the good work, and as you said, it is not easy but look how far you have gotten. Enjoy your birthday and many, many more healthy ones. May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.
  20. Bklynike

    Weird Circumstances

    You did the right thing - had a taste, made a mess and got rid of it - now go plug in your Wii and work it off! lol
  21. Bklynike

    Strawberry Shortcake Bandit!

    Sometimes you just have a taste of something that is calling your name. Getting right back on track is the important thing and you did that. You Go Girl!
  22. Bklynike

    canadian insurance companies make no sense

    Welcome and thanks for posting. It is not only in Canada. I had to pay for my surgery as well. I live in Florida. While a lot of insurance companies will pay for the surgery, a lot of them have a exclusion to the benefits offered their clients. A lot of it has to do with what your employer is willing to pay for and if there are only 1 or 2 people that might beneift from the surgery, it costs the employer a lot because they have to cover every single employee to get the waiver. I am hoping one day the insurance companies will realize this is not a choice, it is a desease and covering the co-morbidities monthly instead of the surgery is ridiculous.
  23. Bklynike

    1st Avatar

    From the album: Pics

  24. Bklynike

    Today is Better!

    So glad you are feeling better. Everyone heals differently and from reading these blogs, everyone's surgery was done differently. Some of us had 3 incisions, others had 1 to 7! I know you are sore, but while watching TV, get up during commercials and walk as much as you can. You must get up and move - it will make the healing easier. Welcome to the rest of your world and the greatest journey you will ever be on.
  25. Bklynike

    I want to cry sometimes....

    It is so hard for us to notice changes in ourselves. Listen to your friends who saw the difference. Take photos monthly because I believe that is the only way you will notice the difference is to see it in picture form. You did great on your trip, so keep it up.

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