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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to Susysleever in Thinking Of Having The Sleeve Done , But Im Scared Any Words Of Wisdom ?   
    Looking forward to ex husband seeing what he doesnt have any more.
  2. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to kvlasy in Thinking Of Having The Sleeve Done , But Im Scared Any Words Of Wisdom ?   
    It is! I laid on my right side and kind of slid off my side of the bed. Much less painful that way, even if it looked awkward.
  3. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to KimberlyHeck in How Long Is Surgery For A Revision From Band To Sleeve?   
    I feel so much better without the band! No more heartburn for me!
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    slikchik10 reacted to SoniaRenota in How Do You Know When To Stop Eating?   
    Just measure out your food and eat no more til the next meal
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    slikchik10 reacted to CowgirlJane in How Do You Know When To Stop Eating?   
    I think some of the symptoms described are actually overfull. One of the main keys to long term success is keeping a restricted feeling and the best way to do that is to not"fill" the tummy to capacity but rather eat to absence of hunger. That becomes clearer once you are on solids.
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    slikchik10 reacted to Fluffnomore in Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...   
    Okay, sounds like we all need to learn a very important lesson here. When someone says something nice to us, we need to learn what to say in response. It takes almost no preparation, no explanation…and it works better than any half-assed thing we can pull out of our fat brains.
    It is...
    Wait for it…..
    "Thank you."
    And then you stop talking. No excuses, no "Oh no I don't," no "But I'm not where I should be."
    Just "Thank you."
    (I've had to learn this from being a singer. Something almost always goes just a little bit wrong, in my opinion anyway. People don't notice and generally don't care. The best defense is NO defense and no defensiveness.)
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    slikchik10 reacted to Madam Reverie in Call me <evil> but...   
    But the important thing here, is do you really give a fiddlers fart? ! You're tiny and she's twisted and bitter and... has a much larger bum than you now.
    Lalalalalalalala... You win, you win, you win! Yay!
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    slikchik10 reacted to LipstickLady in Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...   
    Girl...do you live in Virginia? I would haul your ass out to the mall so fast...
    You need to toss the big clothes and move into smaller things. STAT.
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    slikchik10 reacted to LipstickLady in Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...   
    To date, I've lost 91 pounds. At a smidge under 5'3", I've gone from a tight size 20 to a comfy size 12 pants, from a 2x (42DDD) top to a L (36D). I weighed 263.4 at my highest, I am 172.2 as of this morning. I still have 23.2 pounds to go to my personal goal but that's a number I just picked out of my ass, with absolutely no idea what that's going to look like or where I really want to end up.

    I'm just realizing what a delusional fat person I was before. I could look at myself in my bathroom mirror thinking I looked good. I had my "skinny" days quite often where I went out with my head held high thinking no one could possibly see how morbidly obese I was. At the same time, I always tucked myself in the back of pictures if I wasn't offering to take them. As one of the shorter people, that was no easy task as everyone tried to shove me up front. (As if they could move THIS mountain! HA!) The result from this is that I have very few pictures to compare my current body size to.
    Now, my head is telling me that I am "normal" sized. I am no longer the largest size in the store. I am no longer the largest person in the room anywhere I go. When I go shopping with friends who I've always considered average in stature, I am in their size or one smaller. I can pick up clothes and think that there is no fuckeding way that my assed will fit in that and it does. I am not skinny by any stretch of the imagination but I do think that I am fit. I am no longer afraid of a fitness class. I am no longer afraid of a day of hiking in the apple orchards. I am no longer afraid of a marathon day in hot weather at the park with the kids and the dog. I can easily jog in place for 45 minutes while I teach a kickboxing class joining in seamlessly whenever I care to without losing my breath. I am willing to try new exercises not caring what I look like and no longer making the excuse that I am uncoordinated so I can't possible try. All that said...

    I CAN'T SEE IT. I JUST CAN'T SEE IT!!! I am in constant doubt that I really am normal sized. I am in constant doubt that I am not still the big girl. I look at pictures of myself and while I know in my head I look better, all I can actually see is my fat thighs and the roll that's still apparent around my belly. I used to be able to pick up an article of clothing and know if it would fit and now I am terrified of being disappointed because it's too small because I am so unaware of my body size.I am constantly trying to compare myself to everyone around me, not because I want to tear them down and make myself feel better but because I want to see what everyone else sees. I am dying to ask everyone around me what size they wear, how much they weigh, if I can take a picture next to them so I can compare. I restrain myself, but it's hard. It's really really hard. You know how when you hear yourself on a recording, it's bizarre because that's not what you sound like in your head? You know how you can't hear your own accent? That's how I feel about my appearance. I can't see it.
    I am not fishing for compliments. I am not asking for reassurance because intellectually I know I am getting there. I just want to know when my self awareness will catch up with my actual being.
    ARGH!!!!! HELP ME!
  10. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to Sheddie in May sleevers results so far!   
    Sleeved May 29, 2013
    HW: 225
    SW: 213
    CW: 157
    Total Loss: 68 pounds
    Feeling better than I have in years!!! So, even though it is going little slower than I would like, I am grateful and working my program. Slow n steady , I keep reminding myself.
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    slikchik10 reacted to No game in Did Any Of You Shrink?   
    Oh shit! I hadn't thought about that!!
    I will not re measure my height I WILL NOT!!
    La la la I don't hear you!!
  12. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from steveelea in Band food compared to sleeve food   
    Ok, I'm jumping in with a few thoughts. First, I'm a revision from band to sleeve 5/20/13. I had my band for 6 yrs, suffering from band complications for 4 yrs. until I was able to get this revision (reason is a long story). Anyhoo, for me....the outcome I am having with my sleeve is what I had expected the band to do for me but did not. I have healed well, weight coming off slowly, but surely and eating items that used to stick in my band aren't a problem.
    Now, all that said...I do look at this as a 2nd chance for me to be totally committed to a lifestyle change. I think that having the band prior to this allowed me to skip through the "food grieving" stage that happens after WLS. I have only experienced dumping as stomach cramping (and it has only happened 2x) and my sleeve helps me feel "full," which never truly happened w/ the band. And that feeling is difficult to explain, but seriously....full is full and lasts for a mighty long time. I am determined to make better eating choices but I am not giving up everything...just working on moderation. For example, I have love for dark chocolate and have been able to do a square about once a week. Well...recently a friend gave me a bag of dark chocolate salted caramels. I figured I would do a ball once in a while. WRONG! Those things are KRYPTONITE!!!! So, no caramels for me...no will power in relation to those. Making those type of decisions have been vital to my success.
    So, the revision question....that's really up to you and how you want to live life. For me, as many say..."I'd do it all again." I love all the blessings it has brought to my life at this moment. I have not been this size/weight in 20+ yrs. My goal is to live a long, happy, healthy life.
    Best of Luck
  13. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to southernsoul in Adventures in shapers   
    BAHAHAHA!!!!! The first time my husband attempted to take off my bra for our "first time" was like some kind of pre-pubescent boy's nightmare of elbows and grunting and knocking me in head....and he was 40 years old at the time!! I'm still somewhat stunned I actually had sex with him after that. I adore my guy, but he is not the smoothest operator around. If he tried to take a shaper off my body, he might choke me to death.
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    slikchik10 reacted to gamergirl in Omg! Omg! I just fit into a size 14 dress!   
    My husband can't stop shopping online for me. I have no idea why but clothes keep appearing at the house. So he bought me two tiny looking size 14 dresses. I wanted to let him see how they were still waaaay too small for me. I love dresses but they didn't look good with the excess weight so I was very nervous.

    But they fit!

    And even though I say it myself, dang I look good in them! I have to admit, I didn't recognize myself in them. I didn't realize I am "small" enough to fit into them.

    I used to read about others who said they didn't realize they were in a smaller size and it made no sense to me. Today I understood that.

    I'm exactly three months out today (sx aug 2nd), 39 lbs down and in another pound I'll be half-way to goal. I've gone from an 18w or 20 to a misses 14.

    For those of you who stress about stalls(I.e., me too)? Just know that in 3 months I've had 3 stalls that lasted 12 days, 12 days, and 15 days respectively. So out of 90 days, I spent 39 days stalled. And still got these results overall.

    So grateful for the sleeve today. I have a thankful heart. Thanks for listening to me dance about with happiness
  15. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from throckmorton in Sleeved May 13, 2013   
    I was sleeved 5/20 and when I hit the stall moments I take a look at what's happening to my body. Are my clothes fitting better, etc.? Also, I check my totals via MFP. Then I ask "am I as careful as I can be with my food?" I know for me I have to be brutally honest about this and adjust accordingly. Also...am I moving enough? To me the food & movement are like a delicate balance that helps me be successful.
    I hope this helps...good luck,
  16. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from steveelea in Band food compared to sleeve food   
    Ok, I'm jumping in with a few thoughts. First, I'm a revision from band to sleeve 5/20/13. I had my band for 6 yrs, suffering from band complications for 4 yrs. until I was able to get this revision (reason is a long story). Anyhoo, for me....the outcome I am having with my sleeve is what I had expected the band to do for me but did not. I have healed well, weight coming off slowly, but surely and eating items that used to stick in my band aren't a problem.
    Now, all that said...I do look at this as a 2nd chance for me to be totally committed to a lifestyle change. I think that having the band prior to this allowed me to skip through the "food grieving" stage that happens after WLS. I have only experienced dumping as stomach cramping (and it has only happened 2x) and my sleeve helps me feel "full," which never truly happened w/ the band. And that feeling is difficult to explain, but seriously....full is full and lasts for a mighty long time. I am determined to make better eating choices but I am not giving up everything...just working on moderation. For example, I have love for dark chocolate and have been able to do a square about once a week. Well...recently a friend gave me a bag of dark chocolate salted caramels. I figured I would do a ball once in a while. WRONG! Those things are KRYPTONITE!!!! So, no caramels for me...no will power in relation to those. Making those type of decisions have been vital to my success.
    So, the revision question....that's really up to you and how you want to live life. For me, as many say..."I'd do it all again." I love all the blessings it has brought to my life at this moment. I have not been this size/weight in 20+ yrs. My goal is to live a long, happy, healthy life.
    Best of Luck
  17. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to No game in Finally Something That Works On The New App.   
    Would like to propose a moment of silence in remembrance of an old friend.

    Our long meandering threads seem to have turned into a dimly lit road to nowhere...
    Our ability to easily help each other navigate our unique waters have been washed away with a tsunami of confusion. I will light a candle in hopes of your return my friend.
    In other words?
    Bring back our flipping VST!!!
  18. Like
    slikchik10 got a reaction from steveelea in Band food compared to sleeve food   
    Ok, I'm jumping in with a few thoughts. First, I'm a revision from band to sleeve 5/20/13. I had my band for 6 yrs, suffering from band complications for 4 yrs. until I was able to get this revision (reason is a long story). Anyhoo, for me....the outcome I am having with my sleeve is what I had expected the band to do for me but did not. I have healed well, weight coming off slowly, but surely and eating items that used to stick in my band aren't a problem.
    Now, all that said...I do look at this as a 2nd chance for me to be totally committed to a lifestyle change. I think that having the band prior to this allowed me to skip through the "food grieving" stage that happens after WLS. I have only experienced dumping as stomach cramping (and it has only happened 2x) and my sleeve helps me feel "full," which never truly happened w/ the band. And that feeling is difficult to explain, but seriously....full is full and lasts for a mighty long time. I am determined to make better eating choices but I am not giving up everything...just working on moderation. For example, I have love for dark chocolate and have been able to do a square about once a week. Well...recently a friend gave me a bag of dark chocolate salted caramels. I figured I would do a ball once in a while. WRONG! Those things are KRYPTONITE!!!! So, no caramels for me...no will power in relation to those. Making those type of decisions have been vital to my success.
    So, the revision question....that's really up to you and how you want to live life. For me, as many say..."I'd do it all again." I love all the blessings it has brought to my life at this moment. I have not been this size/weight in 20+ yrs. My goal is to live a long, happy, healthy life.
    Best of Luck
  19. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to CowgirlJane in Anyone do great with the band and not the sleeve ?   
    I am telling you - and I know I am not a doc - but i am SO sure about this. You need to be on a PPI this early out from your revision. It may not FEEL like heartburn but I assure you that gnawing hunger is in fact acid.
  20. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to fluffynomore11_13 in Pants on Fire!   
    I guess I'm different.... I tell everybody ..... my husband tells everybody .... I see no reason for me to not tell.... we've not met any negativity yet but I'm sure I will at some point .... I could careless what they have to say.... its not their health and their lives and needed to be saved.... it was mine....
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    slikchik10 reacted to Georgia in Dear God... I'm Always Freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!   
    I got y'all all beat! I'm three and 1/2 years out and STILL FREEZING! LOL.
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    slikchik10 reacted to ElginChris in How Do You Explain Your Weight Loss?   
    I have no problem talking about my surgery but understand why others do. I know people judge me by my weight, HW was almost 500, why do I care if they judge me about how I am trying to lose it? I dont...
    What I do care about is my health. If you are supportive of my decision, thanks!! If you have negative comments, oh well.
  23. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to cindymg in How Do You Explain Your Weight Loss?   
    When someone asks me how I have lost so much weight, I look them in the eye and casually say, "I had weight loss surgery. Specifically, I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy." Then I wait to see the pained look on their face as they try to think of something to say. It's really pretty funny.
    Also I think the more people who learn about VSG surgery, the faster we can remove the stigma around WLS. And, as I want to be a poster child for successful VSG surgery, it's important to me that I tell everyone. Maybe it will help someone who is thinking about WLS if they see more success stories.
    Come on people!! Who's with me?
  24. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to BKLYNgal87 in What are the best low sugar, high protein bars that actually taste good?   
    Everyone seems to like Quest bars. I am particular to Think Thin creamy Peanut Butter bars. Almost like a Reeses!
  25. Like
    slikchik10 reacted to indecision in Hair Loss Poll - Please post your experience to help others   
    <----- Almost seven months out does it look like I lost any? I cant tell.......

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