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Status Updates posted by pupichupi

  1. Tomorrow is 3 weeks Post op and I am a little discouraged at how slow the weight is coming off as I had a horrible start to all this?

    1. pupichupi


      Thanks Odesa, I always have wanted things now instead of being patient and letting things happen they way they are supposed to happen? I need to learn some patience?

    2. odesa


      Hehe, we all need to learn it. I have to keep reminding myself that it took me 23 years to get to where I was so I'll need more than a few weeks to get back to where I should be. Pretty common sense stuff but I too can be impatient so just say to yourself "Marathon" and not "Sprint" :D

    3. pupichupi


      I will do that!!! Thanks :)

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. Tomorrow is 4 months post op and I am down 63 lbs, I love that I did this for me!!!

    1. pupichupi


      you know what I did, I created a document on my computer that not only shows me how much weight I have lost but also shows the inches I have lost every month, I measure my chest, waste, hips, thigh, arm & neck, and I put it in each month and that is amazing too!!! You don't have to put it on the computer, I do because it's easier, but you could do a book on it too, and I am just so happy with my progress!!!

    2. BladeFox
    3. sotabee


      Congrats thats awesome. I made spread sheet with starting weight and measurments of certan body areas.


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  3. Tomorrows my big day, all prepaired to go, already packed up some cloths, and got my book ready and my phone, got a juice box for that, and I am ready to go, now I just hope I can get some sleep tonight? If not I will get some tomorrow for sure!!! lol

    1. gmanbat


      My best wishes and prayers with you. Yes,the anesthesia is most definitely a deep sleep! Do well!

    2. pupichupi


      thanks gman, I am super excited!!!

    3. BladeFox


      It's time for us Pupi. You and I are on the same wave length with the sleep (hee, hee). I'm going to pack my roller bag for my family with all my technology and clothing/supplies that I will need, plus, my pillow. It's on for us and let's try and holla at eachother tomorrow. I pray that we both have an easy surgery and great recovery days!!!!

  4. Totally bummed today???? Need to kick myself into moving more!!!

    1. pupichupi


      Thanks blade!!! I appreciate it very much!!! I am not quitting now, as I really can't anyway? I have a new tummy and I am not going to risk stretching it out!!! I am just going back to basics and trying to cut out the salt?

    2. 4me4them


      Yeah, we are due for storms as well...I guess I slug it out on the treadmill...sigh.

    3. pupichupi


      @4me4them yeah I wish I had a treadmill to use, but I don't, I am planning on joining the Local YMCA soon, so when I can do that I will be very much using all that I can there!!!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  5. Tracking my steps today!!! Finally dug out my pedometer.

    1. Kitt3000


      Ahhh thanks for the reminder! Off I go...

  6. Trying to hit that 50 lbs loss this week, only 3 lbs to get there!!! Really want to get it this week!!!

    1. pupichupi


      I know me too!!! I figure my goal was to loose 150 lbs, and so I wanted to loose atleast 1/2 that by the 6 months cause I know the first 6 months is when you loose it quicker and then after that is when your body starts to slow down so I wanted atleast half of it gone by then????

    2. pupichupi


      we are only 3 months next week so we still have 3 more months to kill it!!!

    3. BladeFox


      I know. I hope to kill it Pup, I hope to kill it...lmao!

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  7. Ugh so disgusted with myself, I gained 2 lbs for the first time in 7 months and I am so upset. Looks like it's time to re-evaluate what I am doing and eating!!!

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Instead of being "disgusted with myself " over a tiny , normal fluctuation of 2 lbs, how about giving yourself a pat on the back for your progress so far ?

    2. BladeFox


      Pup, it happens to the best of us. This is what happens when you realize that you can eat a certain food that you hadn't been able to eat..or it could be hormonal or salt. You have been doing so great and I am proud of you, so you better not beat yourself up about this!!!

    3. pupichupi


      @Miss Mac good luck with your appt., @BladeFox thanks girl, I am really trying not to beat myself up, just chocking it up as a learning lesson, I havent found anything new I can eat, so I don't know how this happen, but I wasn't feeling good at all yesterday sharp pains in my stomach so I am wondering if that had a part in all of this? So I will just keep plugging along with this and see if next week is better? I was only 4 lbs from 200 and that is what discourages me, cause I am so close to onderland? lol

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  8. Ugh, allergies starting to kick in, eyes burning, nose is stuffy, and throat is flemmy??? I hate this crap!!!

    1. Zoey716


      I am right there with ya!! It's been brutal all weekend!! The only thing working for me right now is Tylenol Severe Sinus (daytime of course.) Hope you feel better soon!!

    2. pupichupi


      Thanks you too Zoey!!!

  9. UGH, What a day, woke up to a flat tire??? This is not going to be a good day!!!

    1. MrsGloMartin


      You're welcome!!! You're a "Bariatric Warrior" now you have strength that you never realized you had before so go on and enjoy your day and shrug this off as one mission accomplished, lol!!!

    2. Domika03


      Just means you're day WILL only get better! Remember, 10% is what happens to us, 90% is the way we react to it! have a great one!


    3. pupichupi


      Thanks Dom I never thought of it that way????

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  10. Very sore, but I'm home and very happy to be!!!

    1. MissME


      Glad you are home!

    2. MrsGloMartin


      Congratulations, I'm praying that your recovery and healing will go smoothly and that your pain will be minimal!!!


    3. pupichupi


      Thanks everyone!!!

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  11. Very TIRED today, didn't sleep good at all last night, mind racing.

    1. BigGirlPanties


      foot race, 5K, Indy 500... what kind of race are you in, besides the human race...? Hope all is well

    2. pupichupi


      LOL, I think i would have considered my race from last night a Indy 500 cause it was racing all over the place and fast through everything going on. Everything will be better, just gotta stop letting everything get to me so much!!!

  12. Walked the Big E last night, and man it felt good to be able to be on my feet for 6 hours and not feel it in my feet the way I used to, but man my knees and hips are so sore today, Bone on bone never feels good after 6 hours?

    1. pupichupi


      Your best bet is to go during the week, I work right near it and that is the best time to go? I know saturdays are the worst.

    2. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      So funny... just finished up a walk with a couple of friends here at work and one of them is going to the Big E this weekend! She was telling me how much fun it is.


      Aren't you glad you were able to walk as much as you wanted???

    3. RJ'S/beginning



      congrats girl..you are rockin it! :)

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  13. Week 1 Post op down 5 lbs. Super excited

    1. MissME


      Sorry you are in the ER!! I hope it is nothing serious. I couldn't believe it when you said you were going back to work so soon. I just returned to work 12 days post opt and it is exhausting and painful to the muscles on the incision site. I know it gets better every day but when you have to work it is still not fast enough.

    2. pupichupi


      Thanks missme, I am still leaking a little but according to my doc he said its fine and as for the fever I must of come down with something??? I am ok, be even better when this fever breaks!!! Lol

    3. Mikee57
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  14. Well friends, I am back to work after 2 fast weeks of healing. I thought these past 2 weeks would drag but just the opposite they went like 2 days? I am happy to be back moving around but I am not even close to 100% yet from the hernia repair surgery (just so you all know, this was a post WLS hernia), and I am still very sore and in some pain. but had to get back to work even if I just stay 1/2 days for this week. I haven't weighed myself since before my surgery cause I know I have swelling so I am waiting till the 19th which is my 9 month mark to weigh in again.

  15. Well Guys today is my 3 month postop, and I am down 54 lbs, and down 2-3/4 inches on the hips and 2 inches in the waste, and 2-1/2" in the chest, oh and down 2 dress sizes!!!! What I am so happy with myself!!!

    1. pupichupi


      Thanks girls. @BladeFox I know right, I went down to my basement and pulled up a tote of cloths that I can now fit into and I was super excited cause I found a pair of shorts that fit so perfectly, and they looked good too, my hubbyman was just like holy how, he was so funny!!!

    2. MissME


      That is so cool! Congrats!!

    3. SherB


      Hey Pupichupi, I have not had my surgery. Can you tell me what type of exercise you have been doing? Your start weight is close to mine now. Also great job!!!

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  16. well I had my hernia repair surgery yesterday and surgery went good but I'm in a lot of pain!!! good thing I have 2 weeks off from work, cause I can't even stand for too long? hope to feel better soon!!!!

    1. pupichupi


      I didn't have it before WKS, it was post surgery hernia!!!

    2. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      Wishing you fast healing and no pain! Get better!


    3. BladeFox


      I'm still surprised about this, but glad you made it through! Get well soon!

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  17. Well I lost 1 of the 2 lbs I gained last week, so I am happy about that, but we had my sons last football game saturday and so my life is now going to become less hectic running around so I can really start to concentrate on me and what I have to do to get the rest of this weight off.

    1. pupichupi


      Yes they do but I wouldn't give it up for the world, my son and watching him play football he is so dedicated and works so hard at what he does on that field, I love it!!! I just need to get off my rear end and stop slacking when it comes to me!!! That's my biggest problem is I just slack off cause I am tired by the time I get out of work, but need to really just get up and go.

    2. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      I certainly understand... both of my boys were always active in sports and I KNOW how it takes so much of your time and energy. My "baby" is 15 now and my older son is 20 (daughter is 23 but she lives across the country), and I definitely have SO much more free time now that they are pretty self-sufficient. When they were younger and we had endless sports events going on, I would try to walk laps around the fields during practices (if they were too young just to drop off). I even did step ups on the bleachers sometimes mostly just to get the blood pumping when my butt was falling asleep on those bleachers!


      It's a hard balance to find and I hope you find yours soon. Maybe since your son is active, you could get him to take fast walks with you or do some kind of physical challenges with him. My youngest plays lacrosse and even standing out in the yard with him tossing the ball is at least MOVING some! And I'd highly recommend trying to get up early and exercise at the beginning of the day. I was always SO much more successful doing that than if I waited until later in the day because like you said, after work you can really lack the energy. I KNOW nobody wants to get up early to exercise but it really does give you a great start to the day and usually nobody's needing mom's attention at 5 in the morning! ;)

    3. pupichupi


      True, I wish there were bleachers at the field where my son practiced? I would have done step ups!!! I walked the track some, but didn't do it as much as I should have. I totally agree with you about getting my son out walking with me, he needs to keep up the exercise to keep in shape cause he is a lazy one and will sit around and eat junk and get big, he is already a big boy, 9 years old and weighs 135 and that's only cause for the last 3 months he has been working out every day with football? He started football over 140? So he is the one that I need to get on the right track now before he ends up like i was? My daughter is a little skinny mini? She takes after her fathers family, and so I talk to her about working out and staying strong, but my son is the one I worry most about with obesity?

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  18. well im here im at the hospital all checked in just waiting to get called in!!! im ready!!!!

    1. PinkPolkadot619


      oh wow!! What a special and exciting day! I look forward to hearing how every thing goes.

    2. SkinnyMinnyIwillBe


      Can't wait to see you on the other side.

    3. Losing in PA

      Losing in PA

      Wish you the BEST of LUCK. Go get em!

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  19. well its looking like im going back to square one again? i ate something that didnt do well with my stomache and i been puking for the last hour??? not been having a good time with eating lately???

    1. BladeFox


      Gracious! I am so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time pupi. Sometimes it is hard to find the culprit of our challenges, but it only takes one time to swear that you will never do it again. The pain can be devastatingly crippling and debilitating - however, the puking concerns me. I would put in a call to the doctors office or your personal doctor to rule out something more. I read somewhere that long phases of throwing up is not good and could be another sign of something more. Wishing you all the best my friend.

    2. pupichupi


      Thanks blade I really think it was just something I ate cause the rest of yesterday and today I have been fine???

  20. Well now I have a goal to work towards!!! My hubbyman and I decided to make it official we are getting married June 20th of 2015!!! So I have a year to prepare!!!

    1. StayingStrong


      What an amazing goal to have!! Congrats.

    2. Gettinfit



    3. pupichupi


      Thanks guys!!! I think it will motivate me more!!!

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  21. Well that was a great birthday presant now wasn't it!!! lol well that is fantastic!!! Oh I l know didn't it taste so good to beable to chew something!!! I love eggs, I use the egg white egg beaters!!! They are so much better for you, and I throw in some cheese, very yummy!!!

  22. Well today is my birthday and this is the first time I won't be having a face load of cake and ice cream for my birthday, I am more than happy to say I am VERY Happy about that and that I feel so good this year on my birthday!!!!

    1. Cupcake


      Happy Birthday and enjoy your day you enjoy it.

    2. PinkPolkadot619


      Happy Birthday!! I was just thinking about that today. I am considering if I should enjoy this last birthday cake? Or be good....

    3. pupichupi


      I will tell you what, I didn't miss the cake at all. I am so much more happier that I don't have to eat that stuff. If I hadn't had the surgery, I would eat more than one piece and I would pick at it all the while it just sits there? I don't like that, I like how I can be now.

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  23. Went for my blood work for my first yearly physical with my primary since my surgery, so it will be interested to see what all that comes back as, and for them to see how much I have done since my surgery.

    1. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      Hoping everything comes out great! My 3 month's were good except I need to up the protein and drop the B12 to every other day. So exciting to see all those numbers in the normal range!

    2. pupichupi


      Yeah I am excited to see my glucose and cholesterol #'s down!!! I haven't had any of my vitamins checked since my surgery and I am 6-1/2 months out? So it will be good to know whats up? I am sure I need to up my protein too!!!

    3. BladeFox


      I know, I can't wait either. Everything at my surgeons office went well. All levels passed, so I can't wait to get it checked at my regular docs office too!

  24. What a day, tomorrow makes 1 month post op!!! Wow, can't believe it's been a month already!!!

    1. BladeFox


      Ok pupi, I got sick eating about 2 tsp of my lunch today. It lasted almost 4 hours!!! Called the nurse and she said it was probably reheating the meat and the quinoa, so don't do what I did. I never will again.

    2. pupichupi


      Thanks Kendra, I can have that now, just in small portions.


    3. pupichupi


      Blade, Sorry to hear that, you know what I cooked up a big pot of chili, and I can reheat that, but i don't know about reheating other things cause it dries out so much from the microwave?

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  25. why? Does your insurance not cover it? My health insurance fully covered mine, and I didn't have to go anywhere!!! Well I think its the best thing they have come up with for people who have a hard time loosing weight on their own besides that Gastric Bypass, I didn't want to do a full surgury like that!!! I am very happy with my choice!!!

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