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michael watkins

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by michael watkins

  1. hi my name is mike im fairly new to this website and just want to get to know some people to share stories and experiences with! i have my consultation feb.9th and i get my surgery date then also! i cant wait!! CONGRATS on getting ur surgery date! thats exciting for ya!! i hope all goes well and please let me know how everything goes for u! does ur surgeon require a liquid diet at all?

  2. ya the wii fit game would be awsome for u guys to do!! we have a wii and also thaught of getting that since we have 3 children and its hard to all go walking!lol does ur husband have a lap band also? i think thats so cool ur not hungry at all right now! i wonder how long that will last? and that sux bout the burping thing! hopefully it will pass soon for ya:) i thaught the sippy cup was a good idea! im gona try that as well. sounds like ur doing a great job with everything!! do u know when u will get ur first fill? or do u wait and c? congrats once again on doing a great job!!

  3. ya the support does help alot i think! it would suck to have to go through this all by urself! i was just curious about the testing they have to do. i would hate for something to come up and delay the surgery even more!! lol

  4. hey skippy good luck with ur surgery and hope everything goes great for ya!!! my name is mike and im new to this site. i have my consultation feb.9th and get a surgery date then also! im so excited! i would love to keep track of eachothers progress and whatnot. good luck!!!

  5. hey how have u been doing? its getting close to ur surgery date!! i bet ur excited. i have my consultation feb.9th and then il get my surgery date! i cant wait to have an actual date!! hope all is well

  6. i hope the port incision heals fast and stops causing u pain! thank god for pain meds!lol and i agree with the recliner bieng more comfy than the bed,thats where i slept after my back surgery! thank u for explaining the shoulder pain.ya hopefully u can start drinking some more but man thats alot of fluid to drink!! i think il have trouble also! thats awsome that u dont feel hungry right now! how long do u have to be on liquids? im glad that ur doing good except for that damn port site!lol

  7. hi i am also going to dr.mirande for my surgery! i have my consultation feb.9th and get a date also! i finished all the requirements u have to do!!lol so how was ur overall expierience with him and his staff? i hope to hear from u soon! p.s how has it been since ur surgery?

  8. i bet ur excited bout tomorro!! ya im hoping to get banded soon as possible!lol im so ready to start getting healthy and losing weight! i have 3 small children also and im sure it will be lots a work!!LOL thats great u have ;ots of family support! i do as well and helps out alot! i canrt wait to hear how ur surgery went! keep me posted. GOOD LUCK!!!!

  9. hello, sorry i havnt got back with u sooner iv'e been so busy!! i have 3 little ones so it's a full time job!lol ya im gona check the daily plate out. thank you for letting me know about it! so how are you doing now with eating? are you back to reg.food now? i know you said you were gona go to liquids fopr a couple of days then try it again. that is so awesome that people are already noticing the pounds coming off of you!! thats gota be a great feeling!!! how has everything else been going for ya? do you have any pain at all anymore? like around your port? well i hope all is well and hope to hear from you soon! :)

  10. hey there! how are you doing? my surgery went really well the dr.said everything went real smooth just like it should so thats good!:) my stomach is still prety soar and shoulder! but other than that im doing prety good! how long did it take you to not be in pain anymore? what phase of the diet are you in now?are you eating regular solid foods all the time now? i cant wait til im there!lol its been 5days and now im starting to want to eat!! did you get the urge to eat also or not? the first few days were ok but it seems like everyday is geting harder now!lol well i just wanted to let you know that my surgery went really well just like you said it would!:) i hope your doing great and i hope to hear from you soon! have a great day shannie:)

  11. ya i feel you i was so hungry about the 3rd or 4th day after!! but when i started eating soft foods it helped alot!! i get my first fill around the same time as you,maybe a week earlier. i cant wait to get more restriction in my band!! it will be nice to feel full and satisfied when you eat! well keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. have a great night!

  12. im sorry to hear that you had some trouble sunday evening at dinner! do u think u ate to much or went to regular food? that does suck that you have to go back to liquids for a couple days! and i think i will want to weigh myself every day also but im gona try my best to do it just once a week!:) but we will see how it goes!! so even though you havnt lost any more weight your still down 25pounds which is AWESOME!! good job! and like u said im sure once u start eating more protein and start on regular foods,and are totally use to the band u will start shedding the pounds!! ya march 1st isnt far away at all i cant wait to get the band and start this journey!! i don't have to do a pre-op diet which im happy about!lol after surgery i have to be on clear liquids for at least a week then start adding slowly! you said that you use the daily plate to count your cals. what is that? talk to you soon:)

  13. hi tish my name is mike and im prety new to this site also! i havnt been banded yet i have my consultation feb.9th and i should get a surgery date then also!! i cant wait! i just read ur thread about not having much support and im sorry to hear that! but u can find alot of support on this site and talk to alot of people about anything u want! when r u having ur surgery? i think its awfull that ur mom and sister say that kinda crap to u!! just keep telling urself this wont be just another failed diet attempt! this will work for u!! i hope to hear from u soon. i would like to keep in touch and share r success together! :)

  14. hi lola my name is mike and i was just reading ur post about the pre op diet! and congrats that sounds like its hard to do!! i havnt been banded yet i go to my consultation feb.9th and get a surgery date then also! i cant wait to have a set date!!! so when do u get ur surgery?

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