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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SarahRN

  1. Hello all, haven't been on for a while but wanted to post my progress because I was once a pre op patient wanting to know how everyone's progress was going, so here is mine:

    I just passed my 3 month mark and I am proud to say I have lost 48 lbs and a whole lot of baggage and bad emotions with it! My self esteem and attitude is better than ever. I never thought I could feel good about myself again or appreciate my body, but I have a new found outlook on myself and life. I remember before deciding to do this surgery, I thought to myself, what if this doesn't work for me, what if I don't get the results, what if I can't handle it, what if, what if, what if....all I say, is do it. My health and energy is better than I can even remember. I thank myself everyday for making this decision and working all those countless hours away from my family to pay for the surgery, and there isn't one ounce of regret in me. I eat pretty much anything I want, although I really never "want" anything. I occasionally think I crave something, but all it takes is a little nibble and I am over it. I never thought I could eat what I wanted but in moderation. Socially I am back to where I was before, I can go out with friends and just be NORMAL. It's strange, but it's a much welcomed change. I went from a tight size 20 to a loose 16. My general appearance is HEALTHY and everyone around me sees it. It is by far one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life...aside from my two precious angels of course :thumbup1:

    I have tried to upload pictures previously but they wouldn't upload. We have vacation next week, after that I will put up pictures of my progress!

    Thanks for everyone's support!

  2. I am one month out today, I will be honest my energy was in the DUMPS for a couple of weeks and then it started to turn around. I of course walked around the house, I am nurse so at work too, but as far as exercising there isn't any way I could have started. in the first 2-3 weeks. I started last week walking, and I will admit I use to jog 2 miles pre op and walking 1.5 miles WIPES me out, I just have to build my tolerance again. My body is also still adjusting to operating on super low calories. But you will know when you can....everyone is different!

  3. I am one month out and as of Monday 23 lbs down. It is shocking that this time has already passed but as everyone said, it gets easier day by day. I have my good days and I have my bad days, I have only felt "hungry" a handful of times. In the beginning it was very difficult to not be able to "eat" dinner with my family, however we have adjusted to what I can eat. The head hunger is the devil!!! Which to my surprise wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I am starting to feel "normal" again, although not all my energy is back. I will admit that I try to watch my carbs and all that jazz but it just doesn't work for me right now. I eat such a small amount that I get the majority of my calories from 100%, no sugar added juice, otherwise I would be under 300 calories a day. I hope that will improve over time. Also, with taking all the vitamins/pills, that ends up being a meal in itself. Overall I am happy with my decision, I have already notice changes not just in my physical appearance but in ME, and I have to say I like it! I do worry about getting too comfortable with my sleeve down the road and I worry about the affects it will have on my body (hair loss, skin issues, ect). Although I do know that my overall health will improve dramatically, these are still things that weigh on my mind. I have days that I wonder if I did the right thing but it's been a while since one of those thoughts have approached. I do increase my antidepressant, I felt I needed it, all the change is a lot to digest....haha! :)

    That is my update! :001_wub:

  4. You should be fine, I just went to the doctor yesterday and asked the same question. I was tired of the Gummy bears and he said I could move to whole pills. I bought prenatal mini's at whole foods, VERY easy on the tummy and has everything we need. It is food based (the prenatal) which means you DON'T have to eat with it, and that was very important, as I can't eat AND take Vitamins, not enough room!

  5. I am two weeks post op today! Overall I am doing pretty good BUT am so darn fatigue. I am tired all the time and struggle during the day. I know it is normal to an extent, but for how long and how bad does it get? I work 12 hour shifts, of course the kids and husband, and school. I've been taking things very easy, and th bulk of work my hunny is stuck with :sad0:

    But I just want to know if anyone else experienced this.

    Yes I am taking in my Protein, drinking my fluids, and get 8-10 hours of sleep a night (I never slept that much before). I am just struggling and need some help, I have got to get better in this department, my life simply doesn't allow for me to be tired all the time :001_tongue:


  6. Well today I am 5 days post op. I am in a whirlwind of emotions!

    First my experience in Mexico was great, I was VERY scared and nervous upon arrival but then I was in and out in no time. The staff, physicians and everyone else were extremely attentive, caring, and compassionate. My first day was down right awful, nothing or no one could have prepared me for that day, but I will say everyone is different, my roommate did awesome the entire time. After receiving several pain meds I was finally in a comfortable zone. The rest of my stay was pretty uneventful, accept that roads are awful there and waiting at the border is no fun post op!

    I got home on Saturday, yesterday was a pretty hard day. I couldn't really take anything in, I wasn't hungry at all and by forcing myself to take in liquids I then was nauseous. I started to cry and asked my husband if I did the right thing, of course I know I did, but it was a pretty rough last couple of days, it finally took its toll on me. I called my coordinator who was the BEST ever and I got in contact with the doctor who told my to consume more warm liquids and take motrin. I will be doing that today, so hopefully a new day is coming my way. All in all I feel okay, yes I am tired and sore, but I know all that will pass. I just want the swelling in my tummy to go down so I can take pills with wanting to vomit. I can definitely see that this tool WILL help me, it forces you to comply, you really do get to "start over" in a sense that you decide what goes in your mouth from here on out. I almost feel like a newborn, having to take such small amounts all the time, needing to burp because of the air and can't lay down right after drinking. I hope my energy starts to turn around, I have school, work, and kids I need to get back to. But I have a few more days off before all that chaos starts. I can't believe this day has come and gone already. I think I am still in shock and disbelief. I will say that the morning of surgery I weighed 245 and this morning I am 237.

    Thanks to everyone for their prayers, help, and guidance!!!

    Y'all ROCK :tongue_smilie:

  7. Big sigh....I haver surgery in TWO days...I almost can't believe it. I have been reading and preparing myself mentally and emotionally to start this journey. I am so excited to finally get a new lease on life BUT I am also so scared. The one thing that I hate, that controls my life, I am scared to give up....what is wrong with me??? The unknown is always such a scary thing, but what I will gain in the end is worth any and all sacrifices to get my health back for ME and MY KIDS. I just hope I have the strength and courage everyday to get through this. I have learned so much from so many people on this site...and with all the knowledge I have gained I can only hope I am a little prepared to face this! Thanks to everyone for starting this journey with me!

  8. Penny, I too am a bit nervous, but excited too. Suppose that is pretty normal. I have been working like a mad woman and finishing up school work to get prepared. Haven't got my Vitamins or anything yet, I am finally of tomorrow and plan to do it then! Time sure has flown by so quickly since I first book this date two months ago! I am due to fly in at 0900. I am not coming in the night before because I originally was going to get the band and decided to get the VSG instead and my tickets were already purchased. So they were kind enough to work with me anyways! My best friend is going with me, my husband will be back at home with the kiddo. I am so ready to get a new lease on LIFE!

  9. My date is in two weeks from today....I am so worried, anxious, scared and excited!

    With that being said I really need some guidance:

    When can/do I start all these vitamins/minerals?

    Which ones do I take?

    What can I do to prevent being so fatigue after surgery (Mom of 2, work and school)

    AND any other advice to help me through these next two weeks, PLEASE! :thumbup1:

  10. Thank you so much Mountain_lover, Midwestgirl, and Bella. Your words were so helpful and words of wisdom...sometimes that's all we need. I am nervous and getting scared as the date approaches closer. I know I am making the right choice, it's just a lot to take in sometimes. My husband isn't as easy to talk to because his response is and always will be "your beautiful the way you are". I know it is silly but I didn't want to be judged by my post, being seen as a fat a** or something (I know that sounds awful). Thanks for the support...I really appreciate it!

    <3 Sarah

  11. I am scheduled for my sleeve on the 18th of Feb, I have since noticed that my determination and rigourious acitvity of watching what I eat has come to a total hault. I don't want anyone to scorn me either, being a nurse I know what's right and wrong. So I am feeling insecure...and of all FAT. I hate the feeling of being fat :)

    Noone can understand how it feels, unless they have walked the path...my clothes are tight and I feel inadequate and unattractive right now, I don't see the sleeve as a simple fix at all. I am just having a rough time right now...maybe I am just stressed out. Is this normal? Will my feelings of being unattractive and insecure resolve once I lose weight and get on track for a normal, healthy life? I can't be the only person who has felt this way!


  12. Hey there thinoneday, I am not having here in SA, I looked into it and I simply couldn't afford it here. I do a lot of research and will be going to Mexico for my surgery (I will not offer where since there is a lot of scrutiny over some physician's there). But being in the medical field I obviously have a particular level of expectation...everyone does! My BMI is 38 so my insurance technically doesn't offer coverage, either I need to have a heart attack or gain 20 lbs...neither sounds appealing to me :(

    How is it going for you? I see you were recently banded, how are you doing? It would be great to stay in touch, especially because we are here together :)

  13. Awww, thanks everyone for your comments! My husband totally supports me, although he doesn't get why, and he won't because he's never walked in MY shoes. I am miserable, tired and not happy. It seems strange and foreign to think that could ALL change in ONE month. Almost seems surreal....I just really can't imagine what a change this will be for me, I see what it has done for so many, and only hope I can join. Only one of my friends supports me in this decision :( and that makes it a bit hard! I am glad I have you all...out there!!!

  14. Hello my name is Sarah and this is my very first post, my very first forum really! I have been exploring WLS for some time now, not believing that could ever really be an option to me, I thought it was normal and a part of life to struggle with weight. I was initially researching the band and became very skepticalbecause of all the drawbacks from it. I then learned of the sleeve and here I am

    I have struggled with my weight ever since my preteens. During nursing school I managed to get down to my smallest, 160 lbs, but shortly after I had my amazing daughter plus 30 extra pounds. I managed to fluctuate like a yo-yo until I had my son. I have been on diets, with success but not without failure, eventually. I am simply tired of this life, it isn't me, and I am certainly not happy. I use to be a frequent jogger and now I am too tired or my joints hurt. My weight issues wear on me physically and emotionally. Before I would have done this for vanity issues, but now it's for ME and MY health, and my family. I refuse to be the fat mom at school! :smile:

    I know there is a better life out there for me, a happier and healthier one. I am scared and reluctant as I should be, but ready. I need support and friends by me on this one! Any words of advice or guidance is much appreciated...I am schedule Feb 18th, the day my whole world will change!



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