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Blog Comments posted by SoccerMomma73

  1. Restriction can sort of sneak up on you, I went from fills that gave me a little restriction for a week or two to my third which has kicked my behind for about 5 weeks now. I figured I had a couple more before I got to this point but, SURPRISE! My doc said to expect 4-6 fills before I really had good restriction and his nurse has told me the last 2-3 cc before the band is maxed are a good place for many people....don't fret too much, you're getting closer!

  2. Don't worry about the vitamin D deficiency, pick up your Rx and put it at the back of your mind. A LOT of us on here are Vit. D. Def and I'm unaware of anyone that it was a problem for with surgery. It's a holiday, you're stressed out, dealing with your mother's death, etc. Don't be so hard on yourself. Tomorrow is another day, get up, dust yourself off, and get back on track, you'll be fine :tongue:

  3. You'll do great and can't wait to hear how you're doing tomorrow. The naked thing...I understand completely. The first thing I asked when they finally got me to a room (my doc requires an overnight stay) was if I could PLEASE put on my underwear.... Not can I have pain meds or can I have a drink but Please of please give me my drawers!!!

    Good luck!

  4. Awww...good for you! Ain't life not being selfish, miserable, negative, argumentative, pessimistic jerk with a huge chip on my shoulder feeding on others' misery grand? Life is good but short, might as well enjoy it while you're here for the ride!

  5. You're pre-op right? It sucked and I whined a lot...but eventually it DOES get easier (around day 4 or 5) HOWEVER...if you cheat, the suckiness starts back over...similar to being a heroine addicted..coming down sucks but if you start doing it again then you have to go through the suckiness all over again. Good luck, you can do it. It sucks, but you can do it! (SF jello, popsicles, jello, popsicles...all day long, got so tired of them I got tired of eating in general after a while)

  6. Fill #3 today, no problems at all. I'm now at 8.2 in a 14 cc band, much to my surprise. (She pulled out everything and I had an extra 0.5 cc no one has mentioned yet). But whatever, as long as it keeps working!

    I love my band, I love my band, I love my band!!!!

  7. A couple months is nothing if you look at how long it took you to get here...take your time, consider ALL your options and do what's right for you. I'm glad you questioned what your doc said and sought out advice. I can't IMAGINE anyone having surgery with this guy and thinking they can live (happily) like that after...

    Good luck! We're here to help!

  8. I'm perplexed about almost everything you said...my doc too pulls the stomach up and sutures it to itself to hold the band in place, helps decreased slippage and I THINK most docs do it this way now...however, it can still be reversed. I think anyone who tells you to live off of shakes and vitamins for all of eternity is not in touch with reality and would not be the doc for me. Or an ounce a meal...that's just not realistic. And I can't imagine healthy either..... I would ask for clarification and if that's what they are really expecting I would go elsewhere, convenient or not. We joke about my doc being a food nazi be even he permits 4 ounces at a time!

    Good luck with everything!

  9. I've wondered too...who will I be (or maybe who I am really)? I've been fat since I was a little kid. I've avoided planes, men, changing jobs...a million thing for fear of not fitting in (into the seats) or rejection because of what people see on the outside..... On the outside I'm happy and outgoing but if you look deeply I'm actually always trying to make everyone happy. Is that the real me? Or is that just the me I created to try to get people to like me? Oh well, I guess we'll see!

    And yes, you are cute, sexy, and fabulous, keep bringing it on!

  10. I lived off homemade chicken broth (canned stuff is NASTY)...there are variations but I basically stuck a whole chicken (cleaned of course) in a large pot, covered with water, then chunked up carrots, celery, and an onion and threw them in, added a couple garlic cloves, then a bay leaf and salf and pepper to taste....boiled the beast for a couple hours then strained everything off (kept the chicken in the freezer for chicken salad when I hit mushies), it's good, easy, and puts the canned broth the shame.

    Good luck!!!!

  11. I'm ready for Friday. Very ready for Friday. My clinic "went live" with a new computer system yesterday and holy smokes batman, it sucks! So much for efficiency! The crankiness is making us all more cranky. I tossed and turned all night with dreams of the person in charge of the big switch last night (and no, not THOSE kind of dreams, she's not my type). Forget a cookie, I want a margarita!

    One of my least favorite things about Arkansas is that I've yet to find a good margarita up here, Texas spoiled me I suppose.

    On a lighter note, my recently retired parents fly off to Costa Rica tomorrow. I am very excited for them and so very glad that they've planned for their retirement and can afford to go do things like this. I am, however, REALLY FREAKING JEALOUS, but my turn will come some day too (I hope!). I have inherited their adorable and really spoiled rotten dogs for the next 2 weeks so keep your fingers crossed the weather holds and we can all get out in the evenings for a walk. Now it's time to go snuggle under the covers with the 2 really spoiled dogs who also think they belong under the covers...at least I can keep the heat turned way down while they're here!

    Hope you are all having a great week!

  12. I have been travelling to the ends of the earth this weekend (or at least the back roads of rural Kansas) for my grandmother's 80th birthday party. It was my first real public outing with family since band day. I should insert here that I come from a family of feeders (and eaters) when we get together we eat. If we're happy, sad, whatever, we eat. Our vacations revolve around eating. So I was curious how things would go.

    Things went fine. I ate like a normal person (normal as in not related to my family) I essentially ate small portions of whatever I wanted. I stole 2-3 bites of birthday cake from my son so I didn't feel deprived. I ate a small meal, stayed satisfied until the next meal and didn't feel the need to snack at all (except driving...driving long distances are a snack hell for me but the answer to that is just don't have anything to eat in the car!). So, all in all a successful weekend. I didn't feel like a circus freak because I couldn't eat what everyone else did (the exception to that being a breakfast burrito that didn't like me so much, I ended up picking out the eggs and cheese and tossing the evil, vile shell in the trash). I feel good! Now, curious to see what the scales have to say in the a.m. While I ate fairly well, I'm sure I was protein low for 2 days and positive I didn't get enough water in (well water, bleh, and sodas...plus we were 30 minutes from civilization so once the bottled water was gone I resorted to sipping nasty well water in tiny amounts).

    Hope you all had a great weekend!!

  13. I've got a cold.

    I've got a cold and a fairly tight band.

    Food is not my friend (well, unless it's junk food, which is just not fair, junk food should stick, not real food!!!).

    So I'm sitting her nursing my hot tea and whining to anyone who will listen (or read), just had to share my misery.

    Done whining now.

  14. Food Network and I...we got each other through the long and lonely nights of bandster hell....but now that I can eat again I'm cheating on him and flipping to other channels. I'm so sorry to hear about the 95 pound weight loss though...that's just horrible. You should have put a little effort into it and maybe you would actually have lost some real numbers!!

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