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    me-again reacted to badabing40 in Warning to my fellow Diabetic Sleevers   
    I just wanted to warn people and hopefully save some one from going through what I went through. I have been a diabetic for 20 yrs insulin dep on an insulin pump. I was sleeved on 3/10/14. I was d/c from hospital with out any insulin or medications for diabetes feeling great, like I never has surgery . My blood sugars were good for a week or so, but shortly after they started to rise into the 300 as I suspected it would. My endocrinologist wanted to treat this with oral meds rather than resort back to insulin. She tried to prescribe me metformin, I refused to take it as its #1 side affect is diarrhea and non of us need extra help in that area! So next she wanted to prescribe Juanovia which should not be taken by anyone who has or has a history or gallstones {which I do} so that was out. Next up she prescribed me a new medication called INVOKANA. I started to take it on Tuesday by Wed I was urinating like crazy , like every hour kind of crazy and diarrhea . Thursday still urinating feeling very tired and began with a funny feeling in my stomach. Thursday night I was feeling short of breath. Friday morning I barely woke up, feeling very lethargic , still peeing like a race horse, short of breath, vomiting. I was taken to the ER and was admitted .After spending 7 days in the hospital and umpteen blood, urine and any other tests they could think of later I was diagnosed with DKA = Diabetic ketone acidosis, Doctor said had I not come in when I did I probably would not have woken up the next morning. Cause of the DKA = INVOKANA. Apparently #1 side affect is sever dehydration, frequent urination and pretty much shuts down your kidneys and makes you spill sugar into your blood causing your body to produce extreme amounts of toxic poison's and acids causing your organs to shut down. DKA when not treated immediately can cause coma, brain swelling, damage and worst death. I was lucky... So please be hyper vigilant when your doctor orders something , look into it first. Don't just trust that she's a doctor and she knows everything and don't worry about looking stupid ask questions. Doctors are human they make mistakes, but because of her mistake my 3 yr old son was almost left motherless. I hope this helps , even if only 1 person. Good luck on your new journey everyone. Rose
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    me-again reacted to ProudGrammy in Put my weight loss on the back burner and the burner was OFF...18 months out and 20 lb regain   
    "weight loss on the back burner and the burner was OFF...18 months out and 20 lb regain"
    soooooo sorry about all the personal problems you have been dealing with recently
    what Carlotta1 said above is correct
    "what has been done in the past is over. Don't dwell on it."
    gotta move forward
    i liked your statement concerning the stove top
    take yourself OFF that back burner
    put yourself right up FRONT - thats where you belong!!!
    Remember that, you are the important one!!!!!
    good news, bad news
    YES people can/and do lose their regain
    but "easily"????
    are you kidding me
    taking the weight off to begin with is no piece of "cake"
    be diligent, stick to everything you've done in the past
    it might be hard to get back with the program initially.......
    but if anyone can do it, its you!!!!
    i have heard the 5:2 plan can/is very successful
    hopefully you'll hear from others who have/are doing that
    but...........going back to the basic rules, starting again - sure the weight will eventually come off
    maybe give yourself a jump start by going on a liquid diet, Protein shakes (yeach!!! ) for a week or two
    do what you did before
    protein, carbs
    small portions, calories
    chewing thoroughly
    eating very slowly
    no drinking for 15-30 minutes before you eat
    don't drink with your meals (people have been shot for less)
    don't don't don't drink for 45-60 minutes after you eat
    and drink at least 64 oz of Water daily
    whats worse than gaining 20 lbs???
    gaining 21, and 22, and, and, and!!!
    don't go their!!!!!
    you CAN and will do this
    please come back to the board more often
    you'll get help and support from all
    I/we love to see your smiling face!!!!
    hopefully your personal issues with the house et al will be resolved sooner than later
    but.............we/many/most of us will have personal issues in our lives, and we must TRY not to have those issues effect our weight (easier said than done)
    good luck
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    me-again reacted to Teachamy in Really off track...   
    Thanks so much for sharing your story. It is a good reminder for all of us that the sleeve doesn't perform acts of magic or miracles. We are human, we are food addicts, and this can happen!
    I'm an all-or-nothing type of person too. I am the type that can talk the talk, but the follow-through of walking the walk is a lot harder, especially if I am feeling overwhelmed. (As I do with housework, work in my profession, exercise, etc.) My advice to you is to start small. First, congratulate yourself for keeping your doctor appointments--it's not always easy, especially if you suspect a lecture is on the way. Secondly, you are taking your Vitamins (deficiencies happen--not your fault!) Third, you are AWARE of what is going on and your therapist is helping you to see why it's happening.
    Start small. You are doing some things well. Keep up those habits. Now add in something small. Start by drinking your 64 oz. of Water daily, for example. That's it. Do it until it becomes routine. Don't sweat the other stuff, just Water, deal with water. When that becomes second nature, try some other small step, maybe starting your day with a Protein shake, or making sure you eat an appropriate snack 3 times a day so you don't ever get overly hungry. Again, a small step, not everything, just a step. Stay off the scale. If they weigh you at the doctor, turn away. Don't look. Small steps won't get you where you want to be right away but remember to focus on what is manageable as you look at the underlying causes of your eating habits. It's easy to become impatient, but I really think this is a good place to start. You are feeling overwhelmed and lost, so take a step.
    I hope this helps. Again, thanks for sharing.

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