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Everything posted by shonette

  1. shonette

    It's not about you....

    Well, for whatever it was worth I was just adding my 2 cents in! However, you are correct about this being a personal journey!
  2. P.S. I love your new profile pic. That green looks great on you! Cute.

  3. Your day is coming with having the righ restriction. Honey, believe me that head hunger is not any easy thing for me. I do appreciate all the support and encouragment that you give to me. You are looking great. Keep up the hard work.

  4. Oh, you are so welcome! I can remember when I was just starting on this LB road and I needed and looked for insight and direction on things to come. There were some really great people who encouraged and motived me when I needed it the most. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know. This road you are taking has a lot of bumps and hills but it's so worth the ride. Good luck

  5. shonette

    The sweet spot (not so sweet)!

    For some bandsters this may sound like the silliest thing you have ever heard, but this is my story. I had a fill about 31/2 weeks ago, and I am finally at 5cc's in my band. I think I am very sensitive to fills because I have experienced 2 overfills in the past. This last time I was very careful to follow the post fill diet and eat small bites and chew very well. Ooooh okay, I could really tell my restriction was there but on a good day I could eat a decent meal. Well around the second week I could only eat maybe 4oz at a time. Don't get me wrong because I can hear someone saying- What's your problem? I really don't have a problem but the fat girl inside of me is unable to eat a third of my small meals. I find myself trying to constantly over eat. Honestly, I have prayed for this day and its here! I thought about asking my Doctor to take just a little out, but that is a crazy thing to do. There are some days, I am only able to eat once per day and mentally I am having a hard time handling that! I have to be so careful about the first couple of food choices I eat because I may not be able to eat anything after that. Lately, my energy level is very low because of my low calorie intake. Yes, I do my vitamins but it's also hard for me to do my protein shakes due to feeling full so quickly. I do know some people will kill to be in my situation and Lord it's an experience like none I have ever gone through! From my last fill until now my fat mass has gone from 106 to 79 is that crazy or what. My whole life my mother have always taught me to be careful for what I ask God for, because he just may give it too me! I am going to have to learn to have more self control and remember why I am doing all of this! Physically, I can eat one okay meal a day and not have a need for food for the rest of the day. However, my mind continues to tell me I need food when there is no actually hungry present. I feel like I am missing something but I know I everything is fine. The FAT girl in me is trying so hard to wreck my success! I have faith and will power to put her in check and keep this train moving.
  6. shonette

    It's not about you....

    I read your FAT GIRL MOMENT blog and I do understand why you would write this blog, but venting your feeling to the world opens your situation up to be viewed and judged by others- always! I do love reading your blogs and I think you have done and excellent job.
  7. shonette

    It's not about you....

    I think when people on this site or anywhere else write blogs/post they open themselves up to be judged, encouraged, and for others to find a common thread in what you have said! Therefore, I do think it's very important for everyone to be opened to the various remarks that may come your way. When it becomes public knowledge others feel free to say as they wish. <BR><BR>Personally, I enjoy the different remarks or out of the box remarks from others, because it keeps me open to viewing my situation in a different perspective. Just remember- when something is shared it's no longer your own, but it's opened up for everyone to judge!<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif">
  8. shonette

    Trouble in paradise

    I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through, but I do know just how you are feeling. I have been there before and it's not a good place to be with your band. It sounds like you are over filled and being to tight is worst than being too loose. I hope you find the right restrict to get into the green zone.
  9. shonette


    Good for you.
  10. shonette

    My personal testimony with Obesity

    Girl you look great and you are well on your way to wearing that size 14 jeans.
  11. shonette

    First Day Back At Work Since My Sugery

    Girl you look hot. I left the gym last night, and I stopped for gas and this younger guy behind me was coming on to me! Yes, it felt good. It make me feel really go about all the hard work and dedication it takes to make the band work and the fat to drop.
  12. How are you doing. I took your advice and I am kicking butt at the YMCA. I so look forward to go work out after work. Thanks for caring.

  13. shonette


    You have a beautiful family.
  14. shonette

    Trying to work off a few more pounds before the gala

    You look nice. I love the dress.
  15. shonette

    Me & My Hubby !!

    Very nice pic!
  16. shonette

    30 lbs - Feb 2011

    cute pic!
  17. Good luck with your procedure on March 31st. My prayers will be with you on that date. The first couple of weeks are the hardest, but once you master the gas, pains, and diet everything else will be uphill! Congrats on your band.

  18. shonette

    Chew Bags????

    A week after my surgery, I would chew sugar free gum to give me that chewing pleasure. That was my fix!
  19. shonette

    Give and Take

    I was saying the same thing about my body today. I really hate the way I look without clothes. My husband can't understand why I am always covering up when he comes into the bathroom. I do get many, many compliments throughout my day, but boy things don't look so good when I undress. I was thinking that I really needed to do a lot of toning workouts. I have lost a total of 61 pounds, and I have never lost this much weight before in my entire life, but I would love to have a tight body! Honestly, I can not afford to have any type of surgery to correct my body at this point.
  20. How are you doing? I have not chated with you in a while. I pray all is well with you.

  21. How are you doing. Just checking up on you.

  22. For some reason, my comments would not load to your blog.

  23. my life to the highest quality as possible. Victory is already in the reach of your hands, but you must see every opportunity that way.

    May God bless and keep you in every single thing you do. Always know - you are never al

  24. we can humanly handle.

    I can just tell -you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. Learn every single day to look for all of the good and positive things you are blessed with in your life. I read about people every single day that would give or just about anything to be in our shoes "banded"! I look at this band as a blessing and a tool to restore my l...

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