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Status Updates posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. Thanks Debra, love to see you on here and your recipes and blog!

  2. Thanks Dec Diva! I seem to have gotten to my sweet spot. But I have been off track a little eating out way to many times a week. The wrong things, but very little of them, but I am going down slower now, but still moving in the right direction. I enjoy hearing from you, you keep me believing in myself, I need your support, you are so sweet.

  3. Thanks for my birthday wishes! I had a great time, spent a lazy morning at home, and on the computer then I went out to eat with a Skinny friends she weighs 122 and thinks she needs to lose down to 117!! She is awesome and so beautiful! Went shopping and found a top to wear to the rehearsal dinner for my daughters wedding, size 14! I am lovin it! I still have large boobs, did not lose but a couple of inches in that dept! Ate out and then the movies! Lots of fun! Thanks Again, keep up the good work, love your blogs too.

  4. Thanks for my birthday wishes! It was a great one! Had a little biscuit instead of cake last night at Red Lobster, I just LOVE those tasty things, but I ate at it slow so it would not get stuck! I was happy on my birthday! NOW Back to the losing game! Low Carbs, High Protein!

  5. Thanks for responding! I know what you mean, I think by changing for the better, we can set good strong values for healthy lifestyles for our children and grandchildren. Someone has to do something. But have you ever looked at the schools menus? They are so carb ladened and too many carbs increase the desire for sweets and MORE carbs. We need to get more protein in our kids and more exercise in fun games for them and they would lose the desire for sweets and fries. (Oven Fries are good tho and I have them sometimes too) Keep up with me and we will get this thing kicked into gear, for a great losing year!

  6. Thanks for starting the group Dogs Love Bandsters~Cute Idea! I love my babies too. Congratulations on your band! You will love it, the results are amazing. Life is different with the band but I adjusted well over time you will too and the time will pass and one day you will wake up a new person. Again Congrats!

  7. Thanks for the Encouraging words about the Brownie I snitched! It was a big one too! Like a cake! LOL I am over it, but dawg gonnit why do people tempt us like that? And where was my willpower? Out the Window, like the Brownie should have been~oh well and Scarlet O'Harah said, Tomorrow is another Day! I did well today, managed to eat healthy, got my protein shake in early this morning and felt full all through Church, then took my Mom to a Fast Food Rest and only ate a small piece of a sandwich, Fish like two bites and three small fries, that was good and that was Lunch, then I had a small dish of grits with cheese and a sausage pattie for dinner! Very Full and Satisfied all day, drank Crystal Lite! And of course the water! Busy day, did not dwell on foo, but on life! Thanks for the kind and encouraging response to my post!

  8. Thanks for the good comments! How are you doing? Hope all is going well for you in this New YOU Year!

  9. Thanks for the nice words Minnie~ Going to leave in about an hour for the plane, super excited!!! Hope all is going well for you and you are losing lots of lbs.!

  10. Thanks for the Photo Comment, I got my hair cut shorter yesterday, feels so good. Hey I know about the scales, I have been playing with 3 lbs for about two weeks now, just waiting for the day I wake up and I am down 5 lbs. then I know it will be gone (the three lbs). I think we do jog 2-3 lbs as a normal thing staying in maintenance which I AM NOT ready for yet, I want my 18 lbs and the total 100 lbs. I have 4 months left, but I am heading to Alaska this weekend! For a 10 day cruise! Gonna have me some fun! Will post pics when I get back!

  11. Thanks for your great encouraging comments on my post. I felt so much better after reading. Are you in Florida?

  12. Thanks for your sweet Bandiversary wishes, you all inspire me too, this is a great site! God Bless whoever started it! Hope all is going well with you have a great weekend.

  13. Thanks for your sweet comments for my Bandiversary! I think blogging is a way for us to look back and see where we have come from. I was definately afraid to post photos, but now glad I did. Looking back, it is getting harder and harder to remember that person I used to be. Thankful for that! LOL

  14. Thanks Girl, I feel better today still not eating as much but that can be a good thing, ha! Just showered and washed my hair and that always gets me back to feeling better. I am going to wash my poor dog, he keeps looking at me like he is thrown away. Heading to Disney on Friday and I will be leaving like a pack mule with all my food and stuff I can eat and my meds. Yes ask your Dr. about the "Quick Acting" meds that melt on your tounge like Zofran. It is so good to keep something cause nothing can stop that wave. I literally HATE to throw up, that is one reason I never had the By-Pass surgery, hey you are looking great!

  15. Thanks I always loved dancing and find it so much fun, it is a good workout too.

  16. Thanks Sandra, got home finally got unpacked! Had a blast and I am ready to go again, heading to our home in Eufaula and then on to Columbus GA today with my oldest daughter and youngest granddaughter 7 week old Ava. Having a great Golden Year time of my life.

  17. Thanks Sandra~I feel led down this path, but not alone!

  18. Thanks Shonette for your kind words as always, I know we are in the forefront of Gods Plan for our lives. He is my constant is such a changing world. I am praying for a good answer to your insurance challenge. I needed the help, and saw this as my answer to be healthy so I could serve my Lord the rest of my life, not only do I not eat so much, I am directed because of the band to eat healthier, so it really is a Good thing in our lives, I know the right answer will come for you too.

  19. Thanks Shonette, I am doing great, getting ready for my daughters wedding, it could be stressful, but I want to keep it Beautiful! Whatever she wants is what she will get, My husband is getting a little anxious, she is the last one to leave our nest out of four, but she has dated this young man for eight years during which time she finished college and is an RN, she helps me a lot on advise with my LapBand, she even recommended the Dr. that I used. She is my baby girl! I so thank God for all the blessings in my life and my wonderful LapBand friends as well. Hope all is coming along well for you.

  20. Thanks Shonette, So nice as always to hear from you and see your posts! I am praying for a good answer for you! Sometimes these things take longer, but just hold on, good days are coming.

  21. Thanks so much for my birthday wishes. I had a great day, went shopping with a friend out to dinner and to a movie. Saw Knight and Day, it was a cute movie! Gained a lb this morning, but ate at Red Lobster! It was so good, no cake, but I did sneak one of those little biscuits! Hey, it was my Birthday, right?

  22. Thanks so much for your always sweet and encouraging words. I too was so scared, but now with the weight off, I am very excited and super hyped about trying NEW and scary things. I am a risk taker when I NEVER would have been before. Will post lots of pics when I return! God Bless You!

  23. Thanks so much for your Birthday well wishes. I did have some cake, not too much the day before my birthday, but last night at Red Lobster, I went for a biscuit instead, I LOVE those little things. They are so darn tasty! LOL I ate it slow as to not clog up anything. I had shrimp scampi and crab legs, very good! I too do not feel shame, real life will always happen and we will fit into it nicely! God Bless you!

  24. Thanks so much for your comments. I am wanting that weight loss and I have made up my mind to join a Gym. I want to tone and keep my skin from wrinkling so much. I am older and that is one of my concerns. But I had rather be a little wrinkled than FAT all of my life! LOL I am going on a cruise on Thanksgiving Day and I will give them a copy of my Daily Eating Plan so I can stay on track. I have taken this seriously as I self paid and I need it to prevent a lot of health issues. Thank you again so much.

  25. Thanks so much for your feedback on my post today! We are all walking a path, may it be right and good and blessed.

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