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Blog Entries posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. janetsjourneytoslim
    :wink:Well it seems that my appetite is now getting less. I don't know what happened, maybe I am just use to eating less? But my head hunger was there for ALL the beginning months after my surgery and when I SAW foods that I use to eat or LOVED to cook like brownies, I did not think I could REFUSE to eat them.
    NOW, it seems like a page has turned and I am NO longer so tempted to eat those things anymore because my appetite is so low.
    Today, I was out on the road by myself, money in my pocket, it was lunch time and the restaurants were FULL, the food smelled good coming from the Restaurant, but I just passed them all by and went home for a lunch. Peanuts and Protien Shake! Then tonight it was chicken salad sandwich. I am totally full too! I did have a low cal single fudge pop for late night snack.
    I think this is where I am starting to feel settled with the way I eat now, and not LEFT OUT, because I am not at an ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet with my friends. I went to the Pizza Hut the other day, 1/2 of a salad and one SMALL slice of pizza and I was TOO FULL and almost sick feeling. So I just have to eat at the house most of the time, so I relax and ENJOY my food. Even drinking water too fast makes me feel bad. I think SLOW and steady is the way for me now.
    I like where I am now, it is soon to be 14 months on the 29th of Sept! 94 lbs off and I hope to shed the last 6 by 10-10-10, my daughters wedding date.
    Have a great nite all!:eek:
  2. janetsjourneytoslim
    :smile:It has been a real ride. I have been pretty happy every minute of it. There are of course disappointments along the way, but they seem to go away soon and we move on again.

    I am really laboring over cleaning the silver for my daughters upcoming wedding and getting all the crystal out and unpacked and finding the "special" pieces from those who have passed away, that we will incorporate into Jennifers special day.

    I have the great grandmothers punchbowl the was used at the 65th Wedding Anniversary of Jennifers great grandparents in Iowa, we will use that, it has been used at all of my childrens weddings except the oldest son.

    Jennifer will carry a silver locket with a picture of her dad's mom, (Grandmother Hurst) wrapped around the stems of her bouquet. She is the grandmother who spent a lot of time with Jenny, one of her mentors. Mrs. Hurst NEVER missed a day of school. Even in the hard winters in Iowa! She was well educated for her time. Jennifer finished RN school and is now working for a surgeon, and off every weekend! (Unless there is an emergency)

    She is borrowing my diamond tennis bracelet to wear,(I may never see it again~I will have to borrow it back, LOL) She will wear a blue garter, and a white one to keep. Her colors scheme is black and white. I told her I would not wear BLACK to the wedding. I have worn Black to disquise my weight all my adult life, and even tho I am fond of the color, I need to shine, not fade away! My dress is on the way, should be here next week, can't wait to see if it will fit right! Will post pics.

    I have uncovered Aunt Velma's silver salt cellars, Our 5th Wedding Anniversary Champane Flutes, and a lot of other goodies, so much that I can't see my kitchen table. So I have to go and clean that off before the hubs comes home.

    I am going to try to get to a wine tasting this afternoon and order a couple of cases of private label (With Jennifer and Franz' photos on the label) wine for the wedding.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.:smile:
  3. janetsjourneytoslim
    :drool:Ok so the day I had to appear in court in a case I was ready to have tried, waited over a year for, was finally here! This was a Real Estate Development Case and I was to recieve a settlement that has long been overdue, so I was ready. Traveled to the town, spent the night, and I was right on time.
    Now the last time I had seen the opposing Attorney was on July 28th, 2009, the day before my LapBand Surgery. Since then, 91 lbs are gone, my hair in no longer the same color and not curly anymore and I have contacts instead of glasses. I have progressed with these changes and have gotten use to myself over time. I kinda like it!
    We all were there and everyone was just sorta chatting and saying their niceties to one another. The opposing Attorney told the Judge that we were missing one person and we were waiting on her. I did not know who it was or could be. In a few minutes, the Attorney came over and asked my Attorney where I was, I saw him point to me a couple of times. And I did not know what I had done. I was sorta on the spot. Then they were laughing a little with these strange looks on their faces. THEY had not known I WAS ME!!!! They were waiting on ME to get there! Now that was worth EVERYTHING I have gone through for the past year. Even some of the opposition group did not recognize me!!! I just LOVED it! So funny~~~CHANGE IS GOOD Ya'll! It is good!!!:confused:
  4. janetsjourneytoslim
    If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
    Do good anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Almost every day, I hear a friend, a college, or a news reporter casting suspicion on the motives of someone who is doing good. They imply that others who seem to be doing good are only pretending to do good when in fact they have their own selfish ulterior motives.

    We may be accused of being selfish and have motives that are ulterior to ourselves for gratification by others who are not happy that we are doing good.

    Today I attended a funeral and was met by so many with praise for how I have lost my weight and kept it off. That felt good. But I really wonder where they were when I was heavy and still doing good for others? Oh well it does not matter, for we must do our best to help others and just accept that we can not change some things in life. The one thing we have done is change the way we feel, and look and how we now have more life to give to ourselves and those around us that we love.

    Oh God, Whom I praise,
    do not remain silent,
    for wicked and deceitful men,
    have opened their mouths against me;
    they have spoken against me with lying tounges.
    With words of hatred they surround me;
    they attack me without cause.
    In return for my friendship they accuse me,
    but I am a woman of prayer.
    They repay me evil for good,
    and hatred for my friendship.

    Psalm 109

    Do not let those tear you down for what you have done and accomplished, continue to do good and show them that you were led for this journey. Keep the Faith!:confused:
  5. janetsjourneytoslim
    Well I have six little pounds to go to get to my goal weight for my daughters wedding! Tried to lose 10 lbs. but now I am down four.
    Working on the wedding stuff is keeping me very busy and all these babies (grandbabies) coming. I am on the go a lot.
    We got baby Michael Wesley last night! 8 lbs, l oz, 21 inches long, he is a little doll with a head full of hair!
    Now one more is on the way our little Ava Danielle, my oldest daughter is expecting and ready to go by next weekend.
    I have five weeks left before my youngest daughters wedding and two flower girl dresses left to make, NO PRESSURE!
    Everything to check and re-check. Meeting with the cake lady on Thursday again. That cake is going to be good! Blueberry flavored fondant on one layer, Orange flavored on the rest, will post photos later.
    Have a great day all, God Bless You.:tt2:
  6. janetsjourneytoslim
    :scared2::smile2:There is plenty of time! If we have nothing else, we have time and it is on our side!
    I have said this before, but after reading a little bit about TIME, I am starting to see and feel it differently.
    TIME is both an enemy and a friend. At my age and I will tell you, I am 58. I see time slipping away fast, but there is so much happening in my life right now, it is good but it is on ZOOM AWAY! Tomorrow I will have grandchild number 5! A little boy named Michael Wesley, Michael after his daddy, my firstborn son. He is already over 8 lbs! So a big boy. Then next Monday, my 6th grandchild a little girl by my oldest daughter and her name is Ava Danielle, she is only 6 lbs now. Then on 10-10-10 my youngest daughter will be married. My life and the times of my life are so very blessed. I am thankful, I will look nice in the wedding photos, and my grandchildren will be proud to have me play with them and be active during my life with them. Better memories will be made because time has changed my life.
    You do your best to conquer time, and yet it continually slips through your fingers. You measure your life, your successes, and your productivity in terms of minutes, hours, days and weeks. You often lost your hope in the future and in the fullfillment of your dreams as time passes.
    God isn't subject to our concept of TIME. He is the Master of the Universe. When you place your trust in him, you can know with certainty that you have all the TIME to do what he has created you to to and that you have plenty of time to become just that. YOUR BRIGHTEST HOUR IS ALWAYS AHEAD, NEVER BEHIND!
    PSALMS 31:14-15 NCV
  7. janetsjourneytoslim
    Ok, SO now I have to up my exercise program to push off these added lbs. 9 still to go.
    I so want to see what a size 12 would look like and "feel" like on. That is my goal, not the weight exactly, but that elusive size 12.
    I know some people are thinking, a size 12! That is a Fat Persons size. But not for me. I don't want to be a size 8 anymore, I am a Granny. I need a Granny Lap! LOL
    I am healthy and that is first and foremost important for me. I can live with a 12.
    Have a Blessed DAY!
    Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 NLT:smile:
  8. janetsjourneytoslim
    :frown:Well so much for the beach day, it has been pouring for two days now, so my granddaughter and I have played dolls, dressup and today it will be the "Tea Party" time.
    God has given us this time together and I will not grumble about the rain, we must need it.
    Trying to stay on plan with a three year old in the house is harder than I thought! She wants Chicken Nuggets for lunch! Here we go, Fast Food places are places I try to stay away from now, they tempt me too much! I can't have fries now, they come right back out and no bread, so what will I get a thin piece of hamburger meat? No thanks, I'll save my money. May get a happy meal with Chicken Nuggets???
    Have a great day all, and my God bless your lives today.:thumbup:
  9. janetsjourneytoslim
    Yes I was smitten at the Ag Expo in Moultrie GA last year by these tasy little sandwiches! Now If you just use one slice of bread, it cuts the carbs way back!
    Something about the heat and the butter that I use to toast the bread, what a great supper, my husband is eating vanilla ice cream right now for his dessert, so I get on here to avoid the temptation, and talk about my sweet PB&J Grilled Sandwich. He worked hard today and he has ALWAYS weighed the same since the day we married 32 yrs ago. Sooooo let him eat Ice Cream.
    Trying something different and Out of the Box helps us to avoid the boredom that will come with a diet. HAVING to do something just sets me up for failure, I WANT to do this so I am succeeding!
    I will get my beautiful Granddaughter Bayleigh for two days tomorrow and we are going to have a tea party (with Crystal Light Tea) and PB&J sandwiches! Then we are going to don our swimsuits and go to the BEACH. I have not been to the beach in several years, actually can not remember the last time??? That is sad considering I live only 30 min. from them. I may have some flab, but I am 91 lbs lighter than the last time I went. So here I go!
    Hope all of you are having a wonderful night!
    Check out Sparkpeople.com, you will like it!:mad:
  10. janetsjourneytoslim
    NO AMOUNT OF WORRYING can make things happen, let alone make them happen the way you want. Still, your human nature, bent on trying, rises to the challenge.

    What's the remedy for this all-too-common malady? Oswald Chambers, in his classic MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, wrote," When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don't fill it with busyness, just wait.....If you have the slightest doubt, then he is not guiding."

    I know it is hard on those of you waiting, waiting for the money for the band, waiting for the surgery, waiting for appointments, waiting to lose the weight, waiting for solid foods. Just waiting in period and a lot of time living with the Band Challenge for the first year is spent waiting. Until I got a grip on this fact, I was over anxious, dissapointed and very irritable. So I got into a little prayer time and read the bible a little more, and decided that it was time to let God lead me through this journey. And now I am happy all the time and enjoying this road ahead of me.

    I am working on the next 10 lbs. and so far all is going well. I have 9 lbs to go! I joined the page Sparkpeople.com as suggested by someone on this site. It is helpful so far.

    Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. Psalm 62:1 NKJV

    Slow me down, God, when I am in a hurry and you are not. Help me walk with you, not ahead of you. Teach me to plant the seed and leave the harvest to you. AMEN:smile2:
  11. janetsjourneytoslim
    :mad:Why is it Rainy Days always make me HUNGRY?????
    I am a very active person and I like being busy. I had my two grandsons ages 1 yr and 3 yrs for the weekend, and they were a blast.
    Boy I was hungry! Now I ate on their schedule every two to three hours a little something, which was fine.
    But as I was thinking about what to cook for them, what foods they liked, I got HUNGRY. It has rained here in Florida for two days on and off!
    Keeping two little boys so full of energy inside, whipped me out! We read books, played with toys, threw a ball inside the house!!!??? That went well until it landed on top of the kitchen table! And just slept the rest of the day away. Watched a little TV tonight after they went home.
    Gosh I must be getting old, I felt like I had been to the Gym today. I hope all had a very blessed weekend as I did. God is so good. I am thankful for my time with my grandchildren and being able to give my children some time to be together on "Dates"!
    I think I know why I got too big, when my kids were little, all four of them, I must have cooked ALL the time. And my husband ate a lot back then, so did I. As we got older we slowed down some, but I still could not have gotten to where I am now without the help of the band. My husband still wears a 34 waist, and did the day we married. He is a VERY active residential contractor and he eats a lot more than me, always has. He just burns it off!
    I hope the sun comes out tomorrow!
  12. janetsjourneytoslim
    Everyone persues happiness, but FEW can define it!
    Is happiness the bright red apple dangling from the highest branch of the tree or the immense treasure buried somewhere underground? Is happiness the perfect person with whom to spend your life with?
    Many times you lose hope of finding happiness simply because you may be looking for it in the wrong places.
    True happiness has less to do with outward circumstances that with inward, and more to do with the inward harmony than with outward. True happiness is being anchored to your Creator, who knows you better that you know yourself. True happiness isn't dependant on another person. It isn't dangling out of your reach or hiding deep underground. True happiness can be found in the ordinary activities of your life. You need only look inward and upward.
    Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things.
    Psalm 128:1-2 NCV
    God, as I lay my search at your feet, restore my hope of finding true and lasting happiness.
    Hope your Saturday is a Happy One, I am deep cleaning my house and trying to deep clean my inner self at the same time. So much revelation!
  13. janetsjourneytoslim
    Your journey through life is not often easy, and you may experience times when you awaken to find yourself battered and bruised, lost and forsaken, lying helpless along the side of life's road. Your resources gone and your strength spent, you may wonder if there is hope for you! WILL ANYONE COME ALONG TO HELP?

    This journey through life has been a challenging part of my daily plans. I am learning to "fit in". And I mean that in an emotional way as well as physically. I can now feel somewhat normal in circumstances like flying, sitting in a booth at a restaurant. I even sat on the couch the other day with my feet under me! So I am learning to feel happy and going through life a little easier. I don't feel as depressed any longer, although there are days I am still depressed. I am just bogged down with a lot of past problems that need to go away and they will soon. God knows what he is doing and my help will come from him soon.

    To those of you who are looking for the financial resources for this surgery, don't give up, I waited for three years, LONG YEARS, and then when I did not think I would ever get this surgery, the money came, one month after the seminar and now I am one year out.

    To those of you who don't have patience, you will gain some if you really get determined to do this and stick to it! Have the tenasity of a gator and hold on to you dreams and goals. Stay on track with your life.

    To those of you who feel battered and bruised by the slander that you recieve at work for being obese, pray hard for them. I have been talked about and laughed at, and I know it. It really hurts. But I am over it. And I have learned a new compassion for overweight people that I never knew before.

    I really want to work in a related field to give support to those in need of it.

    God had promised that there is no circumstance from which he can not rescue you. If you call out to him, he will provide comfort and support until your wounds are healed and you are able to continue on your way.

    I have no strength left, God. Lift me up and give me new hope as I place my trust in you, AMEN.

    You will help me, Lord God, and keep me from falling. Psalm 54:4 CEV:thumbup:

    Have a great Weekend all, watch every spoonful of food that goes into your mouth and then the scales will be your friend on Monday!
  14. janetsjourneytoslim
    :mad:Waiting is the hardest thing to do! We are a want what we want, get what we want society and we want it in a hurry too!
    It is work to wait! Takes a lot of effort on our part! There are those of you with the lapband that are waiting to get a fill, waiting to get past the post op phase. Waiting to lose the weight you have gained over a lifetime of not eating right. Some of you are still waiting to be approved for the lapband, anticipating what it will be like when you do get the band, and just can't wait to know! But we all are waiting on something, and we always will be!!!! Waiting is HARD!!
    I am waiting to see the scales drop till:tt1: the last lb is gone, waiting to achieve my goals I have set for myself! This week I am down 2 lbs yeah for me and my efforts.
    "A strong and confident retriever Strains against it's leash, willing itself to be still. Every muscle twitches with expectation as it waits for it's master's command. Like this magnificent animal, you often find waiting to be HARD!!"
    God knows that it is not easy to wait and to obey him you strain against your natural instincts; nevertheless, at times he asks you to wait. He also knows that when you wait on him, you grow in faith and learn to respond with strength and wisdom. Those times give you the opportunities to place your hope in God's faithfulness rather than to focus on your own need for gratification.
    Wait on him for the perfect answer.
    Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.
    Psalm 27:14 NASB
    Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret over those who prosper in their way, over those who carry out evil devices.
    Psalm 37:7 MRSV:sleep:
  15. janetsjourneytoslim
    :confused:Does anyone watch the show "What would you do?" It is a news show, they had a segment last night whereby a "FAT LADY" actress who was really big, and several teenage actress's were blasting her for her Fatness as she was sitting on the beach.
    They did this to her "ALL DAY LONG"! The teenagers had NO SCRIPT~and came up with the ugliest things to say to the FAT LADY actress, that they actually had her in REAL tears. NO ONE except a young girl who is studying obesity for a health care related field tried to intervene on the FAT LADY's behalf!
    There was a phycologist who analyzed the film at the end of the day! So many people walked past this lady and never said a word to try to help her??? What is this world coming to?
    Obesity even in childhood is rampant and the health care industry is not looking at what happens to the individuals like us who were trapped in those obese bodies crying to get out. Lapband surgery is certainly safer than the alternative and was an answer to a prayer for me. Although I was turned down by Blue Cross and Blue Shield for the Surgery and became a self-pay. I think the Insurance companies need to open their eyes and if they won't then this Government needs to open them for them, as they are some of the richest companies in the world! They are not helping by denying this surgery when those in need suffer.:glare: Sorry but it makes me so mad when I see an overweight person, they have to eat too, and others are walling their eyes at them and accusing them of eating themselves into obesity. There are those who are Trapped and want out. Condemming them won't ever be the answer.
  16. janetsjourneytoslim
    :confused:When I question and doubt myself, I have to think about in the utter stillness of a cavern deep underground, a single drop of water falls onto the surface of a small pond and then another and then another and another. With time, the pond swells until the entire chamber is underwater. Doubt enters our lives in the same way~one drop at a time.
    When we experience disappointment, it is natural to have questions and doubts. If I have a rough week with challenges and don't do exactly as I planned and stay to the foods on my list, I get disappointed in myself and let myself down, then comes the blame, the questions about why did I even do this? and why don't I just quit? And I doubt myself on this journey. And if we are all honest I believe we all feel this way at some point or other. But I WILL NOT give in to doubts and fears because I bring my fears, questions and doubts to God. He helps me to resolve them all. It may take longer than I expect to get the answer for my questions, but they always come, in his time. I am so thankful for his abiding love.
    Psalm 94:19NLT
    When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
    God I bring my questions and doubts to you, and I trust that you will sustain me, for my hope is in you.
    Have a very good day!:)
  17. janetsjourneytoslim
    :smile:From a Daily Devotional Book by Joyce Meyer!
    Just thought this was an appropriate quote for all us LapBanders!
    "When I said, My foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, held me up." Psalm 94:18
    Some people seem to start their day on the "wrong foot." They feel all right when they wake up, but as soon as something goes wrong, they lose their footing and walk with a "losers limp" the rest of the day. Once they are off to a bad start, it seems they never catch up.
    If someone offends us early in the morning, our anger can keep us defensive all day. If we start the day rushing, it seems we never slow down. But today our feet can be firmly planted in God's Word. There will be no "bad day" when God's Word supports, strengthens, and directs us.
    I know that my cause was self destructive, the reason I became a "fat lady". I always had bad days, because I brought them on myself. I DO believe that obesity is a disease, and a mental state that is hard to overcome. The LapBand AP is my salvation from obesity, but without the strength from God and God's Word, I could not have done one thing!!!! This is my journey with the band, but my partner God is my true savior! I am soon approaching my one year bandiversary, and when I first started to blog, I read about all the "others" who had been one year or more out, and could only imagine how I would feel, it was like a dream to me as I am sure all of you who have just signed on feel.
    It will come, slow down, enjoy life around you, help others, feel and be blessed by all of this, yet remain humble, and always appreciate the blessings in your life and always give back to others and you will recieve so much more.
    God Bless you all on this wonderful journey to health and happiness!:smile2:
  18. janetsjourneytoslim
    :thumbup: I use to love that little tune! And you know it really sticks in your head! And it should. When we are happy, things in our life just go better.
    Worry and fear are the bane of human existance. Any number of events or circumstances can trigger them to cripple or incapacitate you.
    Worry and fear strike when you feel far from God. They rise up and crash over you when you are not paying attention to what is really important in life. Your relationship to God is so important, more than anything else. When you have that "Right" relationship, you will not worry or fear, but turn everything over to God.
    That is what we need to stay focused on and being happy, when we are happy we tend to stick to our diet plan, lose weight and keep to our goals too. Praying makes me happy and the more I pray, the less I worry and the more I can focus. You can cope with whatever comes along in your life every day, have his presence with you and your worries and fears will dissolve.
    Stop Worrying and fearing what will happen today or tommorrow. Just pray, stay focused and all the other good things will happen to you! You will become a recipient of his bountiful grace and goodness.
    I am reminded of this verse;
    I cry out to God Most High, to the God who does everything for me. He sends help from Heaven and saves me. He punishes those who chase me. God gives me his love and truth. Psalm 57:2-3NCV:wink2:
  19. janetsjourneytoslim
    :confused:THINGS DON'T JUST HAPPEN!!! I know this for sure! Another beautiful Sunday Morning, I am alive and happy. I still have my Mom with me and although she can not remember yesterday, she still knows me today! (Alzheimers)
    My beautiful Daughter is getting married soon and so we are showering her today at 1PM. It is going to be nice. Hope I don't cry! My last one out of the nest! It is hard. But I have a lot to be thankful for! Every day is a gift from God~and all things are good in it! We must position ourselves to be mindful of ALL the many blessings we have.
    Some things we call "Accidents", "surprises" or "discoveries" are actually revelations of God's Love and constant concern for you. If you keep your faith and trust in God, the meaning of these things will become clear. If you greet each day and expect it to reveal the glory, power, and love of God, your hours will be filled with joy and awe. His mystery will turn him toward YOU!
    I need him each and every day~to guide me and show me the right way, I may NOT always take his direction, then I veer off the right path, but always get back on it! Thank you God!
    This life of mine is filled with many more things now than just living to eat, I eat to live and enjoy and focus on others and other interest as well. I love my band and seeing myself in photos with my children and family now! I don't ever want to be vain, but I do not feel bad looking good and feeling good about myself.
    Be proud of how far you have come on this journey! Make the best of what is happening in your life and the things God is bringing your way. You are all intelligent, beautiful people, made in his image! Enjoy each day in your life and the things that happen in it! Embrace them, good or bad!:thumbup:
  20. janetsjourneytoslim
    :tt2: In his poem, "The Road Not Taken," Robert Frost wrote about two paths that diverge in a wood and how he chose the"one less traveled by,". He ended the poem with these words: "and that has made all the difference."
    We may ponder what may have happened if we had veered down another life path. Ultimately, however, it's the path taken that molds you into the person you turned out to be~~~for better or worse. How blessed you are when you choose the path that leads to God.
    I feel he directs my path! Let him lead you too. The path to change my life with the lap band has been wonderful, different, exciting and a path filled with challenges. But I am happier today because even tho I get up and get on the scales and they are not just where I would like them to be yet, I can tell you they are not where I was last year on a path to destruction of my body and mind. I can now serve my God stronger and longer because of this choice and I feel I have taken the Right Path. To those of you having surgery today, or in the near future, it is the path that will help you change your life!:smile::w00t:
  21. janetsjourneytoslim
    :closedeyes:Well, I have to tell you that I don't lie about this band journey! I have started being hungrier at the end of the first year, so you newbies, milk it for all you can get while you are NOT hungry at first.
    It feels like I am hungrier now, and my tummy growls too, it did not do that at first.
    I am debating trying to add a diet pill to help with the last 20-25 lbs of weight I need to get off! I am not in a hurry really, but I get worried when the weight just drags or comes off and then right back on, 2 to 3 lbs rolling over and over again is frustrating too.
    I have heard of some taking a diet pill at the end to encourage the band, should I? Should I not?
    Anyone done this? I heard HCG is good???
    I would love to hear what you did, if you would share.
    Had a great day with my granddaughter and Mom today! God Bless!
  22. janetsjourneytoslim
    :smile:Learning to swim in daunting. You'll probably never forget how it felt to squint across the pool before filling your lungs with that last deep breath. Three strokes later, your hesitant paddling ended in frantic sputtering when water started closing over your head. At the same moment, strong arms caught you from beneath and lifted you back up to the surface. ( I had this happen to me at age 12 in our large round town lake)
    A heart of trust is one of life's sweet but hard-won gifts. The discovery that God is always there, ready to lift you up when you start to sink, replaces fear with courage and timidity with boldness. Along with that courage and boldness comes the strength to face whatever life throws at you~even when it requires a long scary swim to the other side.
    We can equate this long scary swim to the other side, to our decision to have the LAP-BAND®®® as well. We are uncertain, hopeful, scared and wanting. We have to get decisive, use the courage that we can drum up from within and be bold and go forward with our decision, trusting that we are doing the RIGHT thing for us! I know that I could not do a thing or make a decision without first trusting God to guide me. When I decided to do this LAP-BAND®®® thing, I was scared, unsure of how it would affect my life, how it would change me and my family, could I do it? It became a decision I had to Trust! Some days, I am still scared. I will try to eat something and I question myself, can I eat this? Will it get stuck? And I can get on edge about the band. Other days there is no question. I am starting to feel Normal with the band, not apprehensive at all, about getting together with friends attending functions such as weddings, showers, and parties without thinking everyone is watching me eat. I feel like one of the bunch again! I thank God everyday for my decision.:tt2:
    In you O Lord, I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed; Deliver me in Your righteousness. Psalm 31:1 NKIV
    Dear God, I am a child in your arms. Thank you for holding me in your loving embrace. I depend on your provision and protection. Amen
  23. janetsjourneytoslim
    :closedeyes: She looks fabulous at 80! Sure hope I am following in those footsteps. I had the nicest comment today when I logged on from a sweet lady who told me I looked like I was in my 40"s. God Bless You!
    Taking off weight makes us look younger ya'll! And it will give you back years and more years. I had four children and two miscarriages during my child bearing years and that is also rough on the body. But it is all coming back together again! Thanks to the band and a lot of dedication! I am logging my food down again, rough but I am doing it, and today was a good day too. I had sugar free ice cream about two bites and a 1"x1" slice of cake. Just a taste, and I was satisfied.
    We had a lovely day at the Assisted Living Home with our Mom. So happy to still have her in my life! My dad died at age 54 and she was 52 and never remarried, so she was mother and father to me for many years now. She was born in the height of the depression and was so hungry, there were six children and her dad died when she was only three years old. She remembers stealing an egg from the neighbors hen house she was hungry! She had to take it back and apologize, my grandmother was too proud to just take it when the neighbors tried to give it to my mom who was four at the time.
    When we say "We are Starving to death, we really just don't know!" Well my Mom made sure of one thing, that is that we were never hungry! And I am glad for that. I was never really an obese child, but became obese as an adult, I can blame no one but myself for that! So happy I took control of it with the aid of the LAP-BAND®! It is still hard on days of Celebrations, but it is always on my mind! God Bless you.
  24. janetsjourneytoslim
    Yes I am smilin today! One year and I am so happy and definately not dissapointed! A year ago today, I was unsure, unhealthy, unhappy and unattractive!

    The lapband AP surgery has changed all that to me! I am full of confidence, if I can do this, I can do anything! I was unhealthy, on the verge of diabetis, taking Metphormin for it, High Blood pressure and High Cholesterol too were just around the corner. Now I take no meds unless I have a headache, like Normal people do. I was so unhappy with myself, I smiled on the outside, but was dying on the inside. I tried to dress to appear smaller and it worked some until I undressed and really saw myself!

    I felt unattractive, unwanted and just plain miserable. I felt like I HAD to do everything! Had to go to work, Had to have friends over, Had to talk to them and entertain, Had to get up and face the world.

    NOW I WANT to do all these things and more, so my life has turned around and with the help and grace of God it is all for the better!

    I am not through with this Band thingy! OH NOT quite the contrare!! I am ready to start things over just like the first year! Today I start writing down my foods, I start taking time for some exercise in my life! I start with a weight loss goal, written down to work from! I see my doctor in a week, I hope he will be as pleased with my one year results as I am. God Bless you all today with your goals and efforts. If he takes care of the Sparrow, he is watching over us too!
  25. janetsjourneytoslim
    :thumbup:BE GRATEFUL!

    It's easy to forget to be grateful, to let daily worries distract you from the abundance that is yours. Mortgage payments, troublesome children, a looming deadline, a broken waterheater, a headache, even a burned pizza or a fallen cake can interfere with your appreciation for the blessings you have been given.

    Inconveniences will pass, but God's Blessings and love will keep showering down on you.

    I don't plan to preach to you each time I blog on here, but I am so grateful for every day I live now with the band. I am thankful for the compliments I recieve from my true friends when they see me and see how I have improved my life. It reassures me that I made the right decision and I will be ever so grateful for the Band and God in my life.:smile2:

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