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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday


    charchar, in the beginning I so totally hated this surgery. . was really upset that i had done it. I couldn't eat what i wanted, couldn't drink what i wanted. . . man, i couldn't eat like a gorilla at holiday time anymore. . ugh why did i do it!!! Why? because i looked like a gorilla and was fed up with it. . . then reality set in, i couldn't undo what i had done, so the next best thing to do was to except what i had done. . .3 plus years later I am so happy I did this surgery, I can eat whatever I want and the best thing is over the years i have learned what is a "normal" portion and what doesn't agree with me and what does. I've learned to eat, sip, and enjoy life like a lady and am loving myself for once in my life. I don't look like model material, but then that wasn't the goal. . I am HEALTHY and look the part. My labs are perfect for once in my life and for once in my life I like who looks back at me in the mirror. Don't worry, it gets better and girl once it does WHOA NELLY life gets good!
  2. thinoneday

    Will I Ever Lose This Weight?

    tabbymonroe, when i first had my surgery 3 years ago, I hit a stall that drove me crazy! I had been losing so great, then boom at exactly one year i stalled for 7 MONTHS. . . it was crazy! no weight loss, no weight gain. . .I had really thought this was it! then one day it just moved, I lost another 10 - 15 lbs and that was it, BUT i did reach my goal the doctor had put out for me plus 12 lbs more, so that is what I call success. . . now at 3+ years out I'm still the same weight and am maintaining beautifully. . .I don't worry about anything anymore. . .I finally love myself and accept myself for who I am. . . good luck, it'll happen for you too. .
  3. thinoneday

    Bottomless Pit

    I'm going to try these seeds. . one question though, do they taste funky?
  4. thinoneday

    Is It Bad...

    Wunderlust76. . . it would be a really good idea to keep it because it's a constant reminder of where you came from. Plus the comments are cool too. I never changed mine and am glad i didn't. . . love to hear the comments and the reminder of how i DONT ever want to look like again!
  5. thinoneday


    Yashi, if you saw your post being posted by another person, what would you tell them?
  6. thinoneday

    Help! :(

    Well, if you saw another poster post this same question, what would you tell them? Good luck
  7. Sleeve of Steel! You go girl! I am out 3+years and love myself just as I am. . I met my doctors' goal for me and even surpassed it by 12 LBS. I am a complete and total success. Do I resemble those runway thin magazine models? NOOOOO, do I want to? NOOOOO. . . I, like you, am very proud of me. . . for once in my life I love me! I hold my head up high (not too high, I'd give myself a nosebleed) and am so thankful for having had this surgery. Pre-op I wore a womens size 32 (4X) now I wear a 16/18 (Med/Large), depending on the maker. I can do everything a "normal" person does and no, I do NOT eat 500 calories or even count a stupid calorie anymore. . .I know my limit, I've learned that in this past 3 years. I haven't gained and am maintaining beautifully. . Good luck to all of you out there! It's great to be alive!
  8. thinoneday

    Watch What You Say....your Ignorance Is Showing...

    hahaha. . . the kind of person I am, I WOULD have said "i know it sucks to be the fat ass in the room now" hahaha. . your a better person then me!
  9. thinoneday

    Hungry And Eating A Lot

    I'm so sorry to hear that your having this problem going on. Maybe you should talk to your doctor and find out exactly how much he did take, or what he did. I had my physician read me the entire surgery, then requested a copy of it. After all it is YOUR record. It stated how much anesthestia he used to the bougie size 28F. It told me everything from start to end. Maybe this would be good for you to request as well. It'll give you a good idea about your surgery and what went on. I'm out now 3+ years and still have really good tight restriction. I can eat whatever however, sometimes it's not a good thing, but at least it's not huge amounts like it used to be. I hope you find out what happened. Good luck!
  10. thinoneday


    So heres my problem. . . I'm out 3 + years, have surpassed my doctors goal weight for me at 212, lost 150 lbs, went from a size 32 W to a 16 R and 6 feet tall with a large frame and at 200 lbs look great, but feel like sh*t. . . I'm back to feeling like the fat girl all over again. . . I can't eat more then 6 oz at a time and do indulge treats sometimes, but not overly. . . I haven't gained any weight but haven't lost any either. . . amazing how when you get used to seeing yourself after a while, how the old thinking comes back . . . guess the "honeymoon" is over for this old gal. . .ugh life is what it is huh?
  11. thinoneday

    Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?

    I understand what you mean. . . when I suggest lets go horseback riding, they are "you must be kidding" Why do you want to do that? Lets go eat instead. . . "NO, I DONT WANT TO DO THAT!" So i go horseback riding and they go eat. . . I wonder who feels better? I have never had really good friends, only associates. . . so for me it really doesn't matter. .
  12. thinoneday

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. ...Mathew 25:14-30. We were given a brain to use as a talent to make decisions, WLS is a decision, it allows us to get control of our "Gluttony" (one of the 7 deadly sins) and it allows us to get control of our health issues as well. . . good luck and bless your friend!
  13. I don't know if I count since i've been out now for 3 years. . .before surgery i weighed 360 lbs and the day of surgery i was 332 lb. . since then I've lost 150 lbs and feel really good. . . I'm very proud of my success. Chicago, you have done extremely well. . . i love your goals you set for yourself. . . those a fantastic! Keep up the great work. . . this is definately something others can emulate from you! Absolutely brillant!
  14. Yup, this is the part they NEVER tell you about before surgery. . this is the part no one is mentally ready for. . . mine hate for the sleeve lasted 3 - 4 months after surgery. . .I'm out 3 years now and let me tell you, what these folks say is true, it does get better. . . good luck!
  15. thinoneday

    I Hate It When People Misuse "literally"!

    My biggest irk must be from the patients I help at "the clinic" . . . most are under insured or from very low socioeconomic backgrounds. . many of them have been arrested or come to the clinic in shankles accompanied by their guards who carry guns, billyclubs, etc. . . when these patients come in, they don't see me as their caregiver, they see me as "Miss" . . . it's "Miss" this and "Miss" that. . . don't they see I'm a older woman with a ring on my left hand? Being from the deep south (SA TX) the word Ma'am is much more respectable then the dreaded "Miss". . . . . I understand they probably don't know better, but it's just a irk on my part. . . thanks for listening. . .
  16. thinoneday

    I Wish

    Those are easy? They look really hard to do, well not to stick them on a stick, but to cook them right. . . that would be the tough part. . .
  17. thinoneday

    Super Yummy Fast Breakfast

    these look great! i guess you could do the same with poaching the eggs in the poacher. Thanks for the great idea!
  18. thinoneday

    What's On The Menu? Let's Share...

    Reminder that i am 3 + years out . . . . . B = 1 small bean and cheese taco L = 3/4 c dahl (split peas and curry) with 1 small flour roti (like tortilla) D = probably lean cusine Snacks = small apple, fruit roll up Will probably have a alcoholic drink after dinner as well.
  19. nursgirl, those are fantastic pictures! Thanks for sharing those
  20. Favorite thing about WLS = weight loss Least favorite thing = that it comes to an end and you have to really work at it to keep it off.
  21. thinoneday

    Confused Dr In Mexico

    do a review search on each doctor and make a decision from that. weigh the pros and cons. research is everything.
  22. thinoneday

    So Many Views. So Few Comments?

    I've been really depressed lately, (please no comments about therapist ok? Been there 100 times so I know the routine) but all my life have learned don't trust people, they blabber everything everywhere and I end up in more pain then i need to be in. 50 years of trust issues, even the shrinks are aware of this. . . can't teach an old dog new tricks i guess. . . ugh. . . thanks for listening
  23. thinoneday

    Austin, Tx Sleevers!

    FaganBerry, wow, didn't realize I hadn't answered. I'm sorry. Maintaning isn't too bad. . .Been up a down within 10 - 15 lbs of my weight. It's not too hard to get it down once you get back in the swing of things, but it's getting into the swing of things which is tough. . .but at least I'm not 360 lbs ! I eat basically anything I want, and thank God for the restriction, it prevents me from overeating. Every now and then I do go overboard, but man do I pay the consequences of that. . . lol . . .Good for me. . .
  24. thinoneday

    Had A Bad Week... Can't Stop Eating... :(

    Life happens. . . for me it's really tough too. . .I'm out now 3 years and am now struggling with depression, booze problems, carb problems and candy. . . I do know it's a problem and i do know that for some odd reason this surgery can make you do weird stuff like that, but nevertheless, i try to remain at my constant weight. I had gained about 8 lbs while on vacation, but didn't take my diuretics, so the majority of it was water weight. . . i really try hard not to go crazy on carbs and candy. . . the booze is a once a week thing and then only 1 drink (in my category, doctors category it equals 6 in one) . . . but at least i'm trying not to go overboard. Lots of people are going to say "UUUMMMMM that is not good" but like one person said, it is choices and it's me who make those choices. I spent a lot of money on this surgery (was self pay) and never want to see 360lbs again, and again that is a choice i have to make. Good luck and I love the idea of those shirtake noodles! How brillant is that! Thanks for sharing
  25. thinoneday

    Got Denied By Ins...need Loan Advise..

    I went through my credit union and got the loan for 2.5% (which is pretty near 0%) lol. . . good luck, but i don't think there is a place which gives 0% interest. . they have to make money somehow??

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