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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LittleBird

  1. LittleBird

    Love This "Quote"

    thats great! Thanks for sharing.
  2. LittleBird

    8-9-06 An eventful day

    You'll do great! Keep us posted.
  3. Since I faithfully gave up smoking (I'm doing GREAT with it now!) I've been eating at night. It's like I'm asleep, but not all the way - I get up, I eat - and not stuff I'm supposed to be eating!! Crap, like the leftover pizza last night (one piece of that last night) - or the chips (which I HATE having in the house anyway) left over from our BBQ, or a handful of chocolate chips - just the chips, no cookie...It's like an obsession. I do great all day - then at night it all goes out the window.... It's gotten worse these last few days and I feel horrible about it. WHAT DO I DO? I'm afraid its fucked up my (sorry about the language, but hey its my journal!) weight loss before surgery. I might be over reacting but I still feel bad. Quit drinking, quit eating, quit smoking - all my vices are gone and I feel like I'm trying to hold on to one of those slippery Water toys - the water worm? I try to hold on, but it slips out of my hand - *sigh* Can I do this? How do I REPLACE my vices with something good for me??
  4. LittleBird

    Eating at night - Preop

    Thanks for that...I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who has gone through this. Your surgery is tomorrow?? How exciting!!
  5. LittleBird

    One Week - Late Night Eating

    I walked 1 mile in 20 mins (3 mph average, but with some bursts of speed up to 5 mph!!) last night. Then added 6 more minutes...That's the good news. Only one more week till surgery! The bad news is since I faithfully gave up smoking (I'm doing GREAT with it now!) I've been eating at night. It's like I'm asleep, but not all the way - I get up, I eat - and not stuff I'm supposed to be eating!! Crap, like the leftover pizza last night (one piece of that last night) - or the chips (which I HATE having in the house anyway) left over from our BBQ, or a handful of chocolate chips - just the chips, no cookie...It's like an obsession. I do great all day - then at night it all goes out the window.... It's gotten worse these last few days and I feel horrible about it. WHAT DO I DO? I'm afraid its fucked up my (sorry about the language, but hey its my journal!) weight loss before surgery. I might be over reacting but I still feel bad. Quit drinking, quit eating, quit smoking - all my vices are gone and I feel like I'm trying to hold on to one of those slippery water toys - the water worm? I try to hold on, but it slips out of my hand - *sigh* Can I do this? How do I REPLACE my vices with something good for me??
  6. LittleBird

    Liquid Vitamins?

    Well I like this one so far - I had already ordered it - but it makes me queasy. I talked to the "supplier" today and she said take it with food. Tastes like vitaminy fruit juice. I'll try "food" and see what I feel like then. I don't like the fact that it DOES have carbs so I'll look at some of your suggestions.... Also - at 98% absorption I would think it doesn't need as much as the pills that only absorb 10%...so less potent would make sense to me....
  7. LittleBird

    My lawn...help!

    I do have a septic tank and its out there somewhere - what I wonder is if its the tank - does that mean there is a problem with the tank or just the grass reacting to it?? I know you guys probably aren't lawn experts, but just bouncing things off you....
  8. LittleBird

    My lawn...help!

    My thought was the tank - but do you think that means there is something wrong with it? I googled "brown circle in my lawn" and got a few grub stories...I'll have to check that out when I get home. I don't think its from a spill....nothing that I know of anyway. Aliens are a distinct possiblity....
  9. Even though I already decided on the band, I checked out "weight loss for dummies" and I have to say, that is a great book. I suggest it to anyone pre-band who wants a good, easy to understand overview - including what to expect after from food to head games we play with ourselves. Just wanted to pass it on.
  10. LittleBird

    Laser hair removal

    I'm so glad someone brought this up. My "shaving" is one of my deep dark secrets I don't talk to anyone about. I don't know if its PCOS or what, but a few years ago I'd had enough of the upper lip and chin hair and I shaved it off. Of course I've had to continue now....and I can't talk about it to anyone becuase I'm embarrased. My dream is to get laser hair removal... I once heard about a product that lessened the hair, some cream, but who knows if it works. I wonder if I lose weight if it will go away?...why the hell is the hair there anyway? ....Does every woman have this issue?
  11. LittleBird

    Day 18 - AWOL

    I went AWOL for a couple of days! Actually I wasn't good - I broke my smoking rule and smoked a couple of cigarettes but I'm back on the wagon today. That's all I can do. I've spend the last 2 days playing in the pool and relaxing with my kids and my friend. I am burnt!! I walked today with the kids on the Centennial Trail for just over 50 minutes. It wasn't fast (probably 2 - 2.5 MPH), but we did stray off the path and walk up a few steep slopes. I'm getting nervous. DH is scared, and angry and worried I think. He thinks I'm going to end up running off with some younger guy when I get healthy. I'm struggling with his fears right now. Don't know what to do or say that will help him feel better. I'm doing this for my health and even if he is scared and insecure about it, I'm not changing my mind. He says he supports me, but I can't see how - if he thinks this will lead to divorce.... UPDATE: 10 p.m. Walked half a mile at 3.5 for good measure since todays walk was slower with the kids. Feels good to have some energy back. Haven't smoked ALL day....
  12. LittleBird

    Pre-band weight loss

    Crap - that time of the month too! Jeeze....Water, lots and lots of Water. Have you tried Metamucil? It comes in a caplet and really, really helps me feel full, plus I'm sure its good for you in tons of other ways too. Check with Dr. Miranda, but I bet you'd find it helpful. That's not a lot of time, but at least you won't have the problem I have - I keep thinking I have wiggle room....NOT a good idea!
  13. LittleBird

    Day 18 - AWOL

    I went AWOL for a couple of days! Actually I wasn't good - I broke my smoking rule and smoked a couple of cigarettes but I'm back on the wagon today. That's all I can do. I've spend the last 2 days playing in the pool and relaxing with my kids and my friend. I am burnt!! I walked today with the kids on the Centennial Trail for just over 50 minutes. It wasn't fast (probably 2 - 2.5 MPH), but we did stray off the path and walk up a few steep slopes. I'm getting nervous. DH is scared, and angry and worried I think. He thinks I'm going to end up running off with some younger guy when I get healthy. I'm struggling with his fears right now. Don't know what to do or say that will help him feel better. I'm doing this for my health and even if he is scared and insecure about it, I'm not changing my mind. He says he supports me, but I can't see how - if he thinks this will lead to divorce.... UPDATE: 10 p.m. Walked half a mile at 3.5 for good measure since todays walk was slower with the kids. Feels good to have some energy back. Haven't smoked ALL day....
  14. LittleBird

    LBT Chat Room

    Every time I log in to the chat room, whoever was in there before suddenly leaves. Should I take that personal or is this some sort of glitch? Has anyone successfully used the Chat room in the last week or so?
  15. LittleBird

    Quit smoking for before WLS?

    Good job. I'm sorry for your loss, but sometimes it takes that kind of a shake up to give us the motiviation to succeed. I'm sure he'd be proud of you quitting!! Keep it up.
  16. LittleBird

    Taken for granted.

    1. The human mind. 2. Electricity. 3. Free will. 4. Loved ones - including my family (mostly) 5. A planet that supports all 6 billion of us.
  17. LittleBird

    bad breath

    Gum - I chew lots of gum to cover it up! I'm pre-op still - that makes me wonder - is Gum allowed post op?? Anyone know?
  18. LittleBird

    I can....

    At my goal weight these are the things I know I'll be able to accomplish, feel, and enjoy. Next year at this time: I can run. I can hike down and back up the high bank at my house that leads to the river bank. I can cross my legs. I hold my head high when I walk in a room. I enjoy shopping for clothes. I can play with my kids regardless of the activity. I can go skydiving. I can buy that sex toy DH and I want because I'll be well under the weight restriction! I can wear leather pants and look GREAT in them. I can choose any type of lingerie I want. I feel sexy when I'm naked with my man. I am at my optimal health. I have healthy cholesterol levels. I have energy. I am no longer a high risk for stroke, cancer, heart attack. I can ride my bike tirelessly. I can fit on the back of the motorcycle with DH. I can wear a wet suit and learn to snorkel. I can swim and enjoy it. My skin is fresh and clear. I can buy SEXY panties. I can buy SEXY bras. I can wear stockings with garters. I will enjoy traveling by plane. I enjoy my summer in tanks and shorts. My knees don't hurt. I smile more. I laugh often. I don't feel depressed. I'll probably add to this. Might even start a thread. These are the things that motivate me, its what my "goal weight" really means.
  19. LittleBird

    Scared to WASH MY HAIR!

    I've been losing hair myself and researched hair loss in women on the internet. Don't worry - It'll come back. Read up on the growth process you'll understand more about how it works. I hear you though - it's stressful. I told my husband about my concerns and he pointed to his bald spot - he has no hair on top! Gee thanks hon! I don't think you'll stop anything from falling out just by not showering -if its gonna come out, its gonna come out no matter what. *How's that for making you feel better* I just know I felt better after I read up on it....Its not permanant!
  20. LittleBird

    Day 15- goals

    I wrote my LapBand related goals down last night. 1. Quit smoking permanantly. Start date 8/3 2. Goal weight of 240 by 8/16 for surgery. :clap2: Reached 240 8/4/2006 3. Maintain 8-10 lbs weight loss per month after surgery until goal weight is reached. 4. Consume proper balance of protien, fat, carbs and calories as recomended by nutritionist 5. Jan 1, 2007 goal weight 200 lbs 6. Perform cardio workout 30 mins every other day. 7. Learn weight training skills by Sept. 2006 8. Get weights for training by October 1, 2006 and begin weight training at least 2 times per week 20-30 mins. 9. Reach 150 lbs by August 2007 by maintaining discipline with excercise and healthy eating. 10. Compliment at least 3 people every day!
  21. LittleBird

    Day 15- goals

    Way to go ME! By my dr. appt yesterday I've already reached goal #2! That is as long as I don't GAIN - I expect to continue to lose weight before my surgery.
  22. LittleBird

    ramblin' ramblin' rambin'

    I just got off the phone with my DH and told him we should go to SeaFair tommorrow. I've never been. Is that wear the pirates land?
  23. LittleBird

    Hot, Hot Hot......

    Good to hear from you. You have my sympathies about the heat - thats why I live in Washington! I'd melt! I'm not banded yet - but will be on the 16th. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you!
  24. LittleBird

    Day 16 - High Blood Pressure

    I thought the water pill was strange too - but I just read up on it at WebMD and it looks like a very common and effective treatment. by removing the sodium and excess water the heart and blood vessles can "relax" - that's what I gathered. I'm making sure I drink lots of water - I don't want to pee away my hydration!!
  25. LittleBird

    Day 16 - High Blood Pressure

    The Dr. I've been seeing for 3 years couldn't figure out that my high blood pressure readings are something that should be treated - I've seen her over 4 times in the last 6 months - 3 of those times her nurse said "oh, your BP is high" and the DR. never said word one about it. I go see this new PCP to make sure I'm ready for surgery - and the first thing she says is "you need to treat this high BP" and gave me a prescription. Jeeze. I'm really going to write a letter about my Dr. send it to her and to her "boss". So I'm on a "water pill" - I don't like the feeling it gives me this morning....Yuk. But I'm glad she picked up on this before surgery. I walked 1.25 miles in just 24 mins last night. Even did a SMALL like 1 min burst of JOGGING. I thought "It won't be long and this won't kill me!!" The other GREAT news is I'm down to 240 - for a total loss so far of 15lbs pre-op! All in all, with the great news I got yesterday, my new weight loss, knowing my BP won't be an issue cause I'm getting it treated...today is off to a good start! Still 100% smoke free. This is day 3 with no cheating.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
