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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LittleBird

  1. LittleBird

    Regret, shame

    Damn, damn, damn. I completely overate last night. I had a bunch of food I shouldn't have eaten - I'm talking Doritos with salsa and sourcream. I tell my husband not to buy those kind of snacks - we usually NEVER have junk-snacky-food in the house - THIS is exactly why. I sometimes lose control and am just like "I WANT THAT" and I eat, eat, eat. I feel shame, guilt. I want my fill to be successful - not to say "the fill will fix me" but just to give me that greater restriction and keep me full longer. Lately I've been ravenous - even after eating. An hour or two later, I'm very hungry.
  2. LittleBird

    Regret, shame

    Damn, damn, damn. I completely overate last night. I had a bunch of food I shouldn't have eaten - I'm talking Doritos with salsa and sourcream. I tell my husband not to buy those kind of snacks - we usually NEVER have junk-snacky-food in the house - THIS is exactly why. I sometimes lose control and am just like "I WANT THAT" and I eat, eat, eat. I feel shame, guilt. I want my fill to be successful - not to say "the fill will fix me" but just to give me that greater restriction and keep me full longer. Lately I've been ravenous - even after eating. An hour or two later, I'm very hungry.
  3. LittleBird

    Any one in NW WA

    The fill center I go to just published an information site. www.northwestfills.com. You'll see my own glowing testimonial on there! If anyone needs more info about getting fills locally without paying a fortune or driving 3 hours, check it out.
  4. LittleBird

    Going for try #2

    Since my last fill was unsucessful I have another scheduled for the 18th. I'm toning up good with all the walking I've been doing - rushing for public transportation - I'm hoping that is enough to make this fill sucessful. My fellow bandster (banded on the same day) has already had two fills! I feel good about my progress, but knowing the holidays are coming, I'd rather have better restriction! This may be my first holiday in a very long time where I LOSE rather than gain the weight! Also, just an FYI for anyone needing fills in NW Washington area....My fill center just launched an information site. www.northwestfills.com
  5. LittleBird

    Going for try #2

    Since my last fill was unsucessful I have another scheduled for the 18th. I'm toning up good with all the walking I've been doing - rushing for public transportation - I'm hoping that is enough to make this fill sucessful. My fellow bandster (banded on the same day) has already had two fills! I feel good about my progress, but knowing the holidays are coming, I'd rather have better restriction! This may be my first holiday in a very long time where I LOSE rather than gain the weight! Also, just an FYI for anyone needing fills in NW Washington area....My fill center just launched an information site. www.northwestfills.com
  6. LittleBird

    Pictures of 25lbs less of me

    I have photos of the other angles, but only did this one...I'll get the others up there if more would like to see.
  7. LittleBird

    Pictures of 25lbs less of me

  8. LittleBird

    No fill but losing again

    I went in for a fill a week ago but it wasn't successful. The needle was too short, they could feel it and touch it with the tip of the needle, but not fill it. Something clicked though - cause I'm losing again. The total loss is 25 lbs now - still doesn't sound like much to me, but I was completely stalled for several weeks so I'm glad the scale is moving again! I started my new job - and I'm moving more - walking to the train - walking up and down stairs instead of taking the elevator - walking to the bank - even working out in the on site gym. (I haven't hit the gym regularly yet, but I've been there a few times to use the treadmill) Honestly - I looked at my a$$ in the mirror 2 days ago - and all-be-darned - its a shape I haven't seen in years!! I'm loosing that flap of belly roll down by my hoochie too! I still have a long way to go - but the visual changes are SO encouraging. I'm going to go back in for a fill after I lose about 5 more pounds. I've had a hard time lately with certain foods - breads especially - and some meat - like sausage - so I've cut back in those areas and been reminded to eat slowly, chew carefully. It's easy to forget otherwise!!
  9. LittleBird

    No fill but losing again

    I went in for a fill a week ago but it wasn't successful. The needle was too short, they could feel it and touch it with the tip of the needle, but not fill it. Something clicked though - cause I'm losing again. The total loss is 25 lbs now - still doesn't sound like much to me, but I was completely stalled for several weeks so I'm glad the scale is moving again! I started my new job - and I'm moving more - walking to the train - walking up and down stairs instead of taking the elevator - walking to the bank - even working out in the on site gym. (I haven't hit the gym regularly yet, but I've been there a few times to use the treadmill) Honestly - I looked at my a$$ in the mirror 2 days ago - and all-be-darned - its a shape I haven't seen in years!! I'm loosing that flap of belly roll down by my hoochie too! I still have a long way to go - but the visual changes are SO encouraging. I'm going to go back in for a fill after I lose about 5 more pounds. I've had a hard time lately with certain foods - breads especially - and some meat - like sausage - so I've cut back in those areas and been reminded to eat slowly, chew carefully. It's easy to forget otherwise!!
  10. LittleBird

    My 1st. fill

    hey - thanks for sharing! I love your descriptions.
  11. LittleBird

    Glad to Have a Journal

    I hear you! I was thrilled to have my journal back....
  12. LittleBird

    My progress

    My weight loss has stopped - I haven't measured yet - in a few days I will, but since I'm all healed and I've been consuming more calories I've just been bouncing back and forth on a few pounds 233-236 (still better than 255!~). I have been a little irresponsible with my food choices - not keeping as low carb as I should - not too bad, but obviously it's affecting my weight loss. My portions are larger than right after surgery (duh) but not nearly where they were pre-op. I think I'm just not going to be able to postpone a fill - I'll get it done in a week or so and start fresh from that point. I've heard it said that the first 6 weeks is for healing and not to worry about weight loss during that time (rrriiiiiiiight!) so I am not beating myself up too bad. I landed my dream job - and start on Monday - the place I'll be working has an on site gym. My plan is to work out at my lunch break. Whoohoo. I'm moving out of sales into account management - for auto dealerships with search engine marketing accounts. Great pay and benefits - my first "corporate-type" job. No weekends.
  13. LittleBird

    My progress

    My weight loss has stopped - I haven't measured yet - in a few days I will, but since I'm all healed and I've been consuming more calories I've just been bouncing back and forth on a few pounds 233-236 (still better than 255!~). I have been a little irresponsible with my food choices - not keeping as low carb as I should - not too bad, but obviously it's affecting my weight loss. My portions are larger than right after surgery (duh) but not nearly where they were pre-op. I think I'm just not going to be able to postpone a fill - I'll get it done in a week or so and start fresh from that point. I've heard it said that the first 6 weeks is for healing and not to worry about weight loss during that time (rrriiiiiiiight!) so I am not beating myself up too bad. I landed my dream job - and start on Monday - the place I'll be working has an on site gym. My plan is to work out at my lunch break. Whoohoo. I'm moving out of sales into account management - for auto dealerships with search engine marketing accounts. Great pay and benefits - my first "corporate-type" job. No weekends.
  14. Another bit of info - if you can't do a home equity line of credit or put your surgery on a credit card, there are financing options - Capital One has a medical loan program and www.surgeryloans.com also has options.
  15. LittleBird


    Thank goodness the journals are back....I can rest better at night now. I'll write more later, just wanted to check in with the LBT world again.
  16. LittleBird


    Thank goodness the journals are back....I can rest better at night now. I'll write more later, just wanted to check in with the LBT world again.
  17. Is it just me?? My journal link is not working - anyone else having the same problem??
  18. I just got off the phone with Robin of NorthWest Fills in Arlington, Wa and she told me there is a support group meeting at the "Little Italy" rest. on Olympic tonight. She said they meet every 3rd Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m. I'll be there and wanted to share incase other locals are interested.
  19. LittleBird

    Support Group Meeting Arlington

    The support group meeting last night was fantastic. I think there were about 10 of us there all together. Some pre-band and others just out of surgery. Its so good to be able to share experiences, ask questions, and see results that others have already acheived. I'm looking forward to next month's meeting!
  20. LittleBird

    Journals will be back

    Alex - does that mean the content of the other journals will still be there?
  21. LittleBird

    I'm lost! Journal not working?

    If there are any moderators who know what is going on - a message about it to communicate with us wandering lost journal-ees would be great. Communication is key - right?
  22. LittleBird

    I'm lost! Journal not working?

    The error message is gone and now it says the journal module was deleted! Holy crap - I hope not! That would mean I lost all that information. Dang. I don't mean to incite a riot or panic - but just sharing my panic in hopes to find out the answer.....
  23. LittleBird

    Who waited longer to get their first fill?

    Kirsten - I think most dr.s say to wait - as long as you are following the rules and losing - I feel the same as you. (banded on th 16th as well - as you know) I can eat - much less than pre-band - though sometimes I think "OMG I'm eating so much more" but its just "more" than that first 2 weeks -not like I used to eat!! My weight loss has slowed, but I also haven't had time to excercise more than 2 times a week for the last week and a half. I'm going to make the decision after I measure at the end of the month - inches tell a bigger story than the scale.

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