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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by imaluckydog

  1. Hi, I saw you might go to a June 30 meeting at Lahey do you know time and floor? I may be able to attend. Do I need to let someone know like make a reservation? Will you be speaking? Sorry for all the questions. I am one month away from being banded and I am getting more excited everyday. I am almost finished with my psych classes they are OK. I seem to have something every week until band date at Lahey.

    I will be doing alot of driving. Congrats and look forward to hearing from you. imaluckydog Kathy

  2. Hi Band Groupie, I too want to thank you for the SUPPORT you have given me!!!

    You are the BEST!!!! I love the links to the recipes thanks. I made some soup broth and have frozen small amounts in containers. I am only one month away. I know the time will fly by. Have a GREAT DAY and again thanks for the help. I am a Lucky dog for sure. Kathy

  3. Hi Bobbie045, I start my pre op liquid in a week. They only want me to loose 10 before surgery. I would love to loose more it would be better for me. I am doing OK. I am finishing up at work and I am going to take the summer off. I want to travel with my daughter and then when I get back I will go in for LB on July 20. I am very excited. So ready to have it done!! What Pre Op liquid are you doing? I have not picked one yet? I think it is like 5 shakes a day? Is that what you are doing? Thanks for the mail I hope to talk to you again soon. Best wishes and keep up the good work. imaluckydog that's for sure.

  4. Hi xavier, I have had three fills the first one was five weeks after my surgery. I kept eating the way we do slow any steady and on the fourth day after my first fill I was so tight I only ate about 2 tablespoons full of food at each meal. Then I could not eat any more. I always ate the protein first and sometimes that is all I could eat. I eat a lot of greek yogurt and eggplant with meat sauce. If you want I can give you the recipe for the Wendy's Chili. I eat that all the time. I usually put grated cheese and or sour cream on it as well. Tastes great and is easy on my band.

  5. Hi again, I had my second fill four weeks after my first. That is just the way my Dr. scheduled it. It took four days again for my body to feel that I had been tightened. I could only eat about 2 tablespoons of food and I was done for each meal. I did have a problem with scrambled eggs for the first time this morning. I had my third fill this past Monday and Friday was the fourth day after my fill and I again had to eat very little and slow. I guess that is what I mean when my band has check in or kicked in. I also get the hick ups and I know for sure to stop eating or I will end up in the bathroom not feeling well. I have enjoyed playing with my band. imaluckydog Kathy I hope I have helped

  6. Hi Barbara, I had my surgery early! I was suppose to go on July 20. I had my surgery on June 29 so I am four full days from my surgery. I feel OK. Yes I am sore in the belly and on my side is sore. I have NOT had any gas pains that I have heard so much about. I am still drinking fluids and protein in liquid form. I am NOT hungry at all. My stomach has made a few groweling sounds and the medicine is making feel fluffy in the head. I am just not doing much of anything this week end just taking a much need rest. I have been walking a lot and that is so good the fresh air and all. Have you had surgery yet? I hope all is well with you? Let me know I live north of Boston and we have had so much rain in the past 4 weeks it is really getting to everyone. Lets keep in touch. Ok imaluckydog Kathy

  7. Hi Birthday Buddy, I have head hunger today. Sounds like you had a successful banding. Congrat's!! I am into my journey now since June 29, 2009. I am doing very well and have lost 110 pounds and have kept it off. I got my full body "Nip and Tuck" this past June and I am still in recovery. It is way slower and a lot more painfull than I thought. I am in Pa visting my son. Best wishes imaluckydog

  8. Thank you so much for making me smile ;-). As you can tell it was a rough day. Yup, Jail it was (the bathroom stall) you read my mind. I have really tried to be as positive as I can. This part of my journey has been a kicker, I'm sure it will get better as I learn. Thanks for the friendship. I love this site so much. Kathy imaluckydog

  9. I loved reading your blog thank you. I just love this time of year and baking gingerbread has been a family favorite for years. I would love it if you would share with me the Pecan Butter Ball recipe. My mother would love them we make cookies all the time together. Happy Holiday and best wishes. imaluckydog Kathy

  10. Hi How are you???? I had my second fill yesterday. It went better than the first one. I am on a liquid / soft food stage for 48 hours. I feel full so I am having to really try to drink and eat. Hope all is well with you. Thinking about you. imaluckydog Kathy

  11. Hi, Thank you for leaving me a message. When is your day? Have you waited long? Well you know my story and it really is the most amazing thing I have ever done for myself. thanks imaluckydog

  12. Hi I see you have a band date of July 20. Me too!! I was hoping we could keep in touch this summer. I am 52 and looking forward to the chance for a healthier life. I had a psych / nutrition appointment today. Where are you in the progress of LB. How do I make you a friend. I am not very good with computers. Thanks Kathy

  13. Hi You are so sweet! Yes, I was starting to tear up in a dressing room. My size Not on this side. I just choked. My daughter was shopping next door the other direction at

    J. Crew and when I went over to tell her what had happened she was so pleased she is so proud of me as I am of myself. I really love the smaller me and the smaller size is such a bonus too. I have gone from a size 24 to a size 16 and it is so hard for my head to catch up. I can not eat enough so I know I will not be getting another fill anytime soon. It is so slow going eating the food. Hope you are feeling better. Best wishes, Kathy imaluckydog

  14. BG, I just LOVE U!!! Yes, I am doing laundry as I blog LOL. I had exciting summer vacation travels. I just need some time to write about it. Thanks so much for thinking of me. I need friends like you. You really need to put in your BOOK how important blogging is!! I know I would not have been as successful if I did not have blogging BUDDIES. I have kept my loss at 110 and I am at my body set point for now. I like you do not like exercise that much. It is over rated. I could lose more if I tried but I am happy where I am. Now am a size 10 with a little flabby areas. I will try to tighten it up this year as my goal. Having that looked at in the fall but not rushing into anything yet. Maybe next summer?

    Thanks for thinking of me love Kathy imaluckydog

  15. Hi, I love your sense of humor. Thanks, I have been reading all I can and your blog is the best. I am 50 and have been approved for lap band. No date yet. I am very nervous. My family is supportive. I do not want to tell anyone as I have been a failure at every diet I have ever tried. I work with food so I am around it all the time. I can not change careers at this point in my life. I just want to live long enough to enjoy my children. This is my first message to anyone. imaluckydog

  16. Hey, This is a life changing journey you are thinking about. I have also met so many friends that have helped me along the way. The support is truly amazing. We all have different bodies and react to this differently. I have had nothing but great experiences on this page and with my Lap Band. I would do it over again if I had to. I am a new healthy HAPPY person today. I love to buy clothes and shop something I never liked before. Went from size 24 Plus to 14 and holding for now. It can be a time consuming journey but just keep plugging away at all the details and DREAMS do come true. Best wishes love to hear from you again. If you have any questions maybe I can help. imaluckydog Kathy


    PS you have a great attitude ;-)

  17. Hi Nancy, It has been a great day Thank you ;-) I am doing Ok. Yes, I am so tight. I have had my share of PB's if I eat too fast. I do not like this part of my journey. I need to eat about 4 to five times a day to get all the nutrients in otherwise I am toast and have no energy. I see my NP on Monday the 21 and I am just going to discuss this feeling with her. I know I am at my limit and feel I do not want any more fills for a while. I feel down and not so happy all the time. I try to pick myself up by blogging. It really does help to read about others and stop thinking about my woes for a while. The fact I miss eating and I used to love to eat with a passion. As we all know what that was like. I am better off today than back in the day. Thank you so much for caring. It means so much to me. You made my day again GF! Off to do some Christmas shopping. imaluckydog to have such a wonderful caring friend!

  18. Hi I just love what this band has done for me. I read your blog all the time. I makes me happy. I have had some very GOOD days and they are only getting better every day. You will have to let me know when your restriction kicks in. I had lobster bisque. I went real slow. I probably will not feel it for a few days. I am trying raspberries tomorrow! Thanks for sharing. imaluckydog Kathy

  19. Hi I was banded on June 29, 2009. I got interested in the band about the same time as you did. I have had one fill so far and have felt full since I was banded. How have you been? Kathy imaluckydog

  20. Hi Laura, When I stopped drinking with my meals I felt fuller longer. It was the hardest thing I have ever done NOT to drink with a meal. Almost as hard as when I quilt smoking so that says a lot!!! We grow up thinking we have to wash our food down with something. The Lapband works when you do not drink with meals it took me a while to figure this out. I do not own a scale so the only time I get weighed is at a fill. I am very pleased with my down ward progress, I am also working hard at making Good Food Choices that helps too. I think about you often. Glad to hear things are OK. Keep me posted Love imaluckydog Kathy hey I am not under 200 yet it will be a while but I know it will happen. Best wishes and BE HAPPY

  21. Hi Pati,


    When did you say you were speaking at speaking at Lahey in Burlington Mass? I think it was May 26 is that correct?

    I would love to hear you. I have found people on this site so honest and that is me today. yap shut and HONEST.

    I have been collecting information all day.

    I am not sure just how to use this site so I seem to have lost your post to me. I think I made you a friend.

    I hope you had a nice day. It flew by for me.

    Thanks for listening.

    Kathy aka imaluckydog

  22. Hi, I will be having mine done at Lahey. I just want to talk to someone who has been there and done this before. I am 52 and have put this off for so long. Thanks for listening.

  23. Hi your journey sounds a lot like mine did. I have been banded 8 months now. June 29 was my day. If you have any questions I may be able to help. I have found that blogging is helpful. I have two college kids and 1 black lab. Best wishes imaluckydog Kathy

  24. Hi I read your blog about having to have some removed. It has also happened to me. I do not understand why after 5 months the band just gets tighter? I also had to have some taken out due to acid reflux at night. I noticed you are a chef. I am so interested in cooking now for myself as I am on this journey to healthy eating I was wondering if you have any good recipes that you use that you may be able to share with me? I was banded June 29, 2009 Best wishes on your journey. I may need to get more taken out I am just waiting to see if going slower will help. I asked to be a friend. Thanks again. imaluckydog Kathy

  25. Just to let you know your story is so so so important. WE all learn from the sharing what goes on in these pages. I am so glad to be a friend. It means the world to me too;-) I have NOT told any of my friends. Only my family know about it (LB). It is my personal journey and I feel ok sharing with others like me on the same journey. It is so helpful reading the blogs. I will have a great week You Too. Talk soon. Kathy imaluckydog

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